Lodha Developers (Bom HC)
Lodha Developers (Bom HC)
Lodha Developers (Bom HC)
Lodha Developers Ltd v Krishnaraj Rao & Ors (defamation motion)
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fashion of this builder, using vaguely Italian names for all its
buildings. This choice of names is neither irrelevant nor accidental.
With other glossy material of a promised lifestyle, it lies at the core
of the dispute: this is a case about a promise the Plaintiff is said to
have made, one the Defendants say it has not kept, and now cannot
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6. Lodha filed suit on 17th January 2019. It said that Rao, Thard
and Jaisingh had defamed it. Lodha described the online posts,
videos and photos as ‘the Offending Material’. From paragraph
13.20 of the plaint onwards there is a description of this material.
The plaint notes at least as many 20 videos and several distinct blog
posts. Lodha attempts to describe Thard as a blackmailer and an
extortionist. There is some vague mention of ‘goodwill
compensation’. Lodha says it was ‘not a pittance’. It was apparently
‘without prejudice’. Lodha says it was for something it calls
‘inconvenience caused due to the work of removal of upper floors due to
reduction in height of the building approved by Airports Authority of
India and other such factors’. This deliberate woolliness is less than
helpful. It may contain some form of admission, but that is left to a
later date. Several hundred flat purchasers, Lodha says, accepted
this ‘goodwill gesture’. But not Thard. She went about ‘bad-
mouthing’ Lodha. She ‘created a ruckus’. She sent threatening
emails. She said she would take steps that would potentially harm
the Lodha sales and brand.
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material. In paragraph 16, Lodha says the videos were shot in August
2018 but published later. There is an allegation of malice. Lodha
says ‘rectification work’ was still ongoing in August 2018. In
paragraph 17, Lodha says Rao is a busybody who habitually publishes
negative articles and videos against select developers and then hints
at blackmail. Against Thard, in paragraph 18, Lodha clearly accuses
her of being an extortionist. It says the contents of the published
material are defamatory, false and untrue. This is repeated in
paragraphs 20 and 21. Lodha maintains there is nothing very wrong
with ‘Dioro’. The attempt is to portray full compliance, and to say
that rectification works are minor, not unusual, being done in any
case, and therefore the published material is the handiwork of
extortionists whose demands have not been met. Lodha maintains it
is the aggrieved innocent victim of a smear campaign.
10. The reply affidavits from Thard and Rao say differently. In
paragraph 20 of her reply, Thard lists the very many individual
defects she found on actual inspection. There was shortfall in the
carpet area. The construction was substandard. The internal walls
were flimsy. There was wet sand under floor tiles. There were
mineral blooms in tiling joints. Interior walls were damaged by
moisture. The basements are unsafe and not properly ventilated.
There was a significant fire risk. In his affidavit, Rao expands on
these defects in greater detail. He also confirms that he visited the
site at Thard’s instance in September and October 2018. He also
confirms what Thard said, viz., that he sent an advance copy to
Lodha on 8th November 2018 and a reminder on 12th November
2018, but got nothing but an auto-responder reply.
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have a more detailed report prepared, to engage his own experts and
to lead those reports in evidence. But all this must necessarily await
the further progress in the suit. Rao’s Notice of Motion No. 760 of
2019 will thus stand dismissed, but with this express liberty reserved
to him to adduce further material in support of his contentions or to
seek in this suit or other proceedings a fresh or more detailed
enquiry. What I am rejecting is his prayer that the report by M/s
Kishore Karamsey and Co be rejected.
16. I will set out each of these five statements, note what Rao has
to say on each where necessary, and then return my finding. Given
this narrowing, I have not found it necessary to view the videos
included in the blog posts that Rao made available online including
those related to Thard’s and Jaisingh’s flats.
17. RE : STATEMENT 1 OF 5:
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Contained in:
17.1 This is part of Rao’s blog post of 9th January 2019. The
statement that Mr Jagtiani says is offending is in the last paragraph.
Rao is emphatic that he stands by this statement. This means that in
law it is incumbent on Lodha to demonstrate that this statement is
per se defamatory. I will turn to a discussion of a law presently, but it
seems to me clear that this statement does not fall within that
definition. It is undoubtedly comment. Some may say it is
aggressively worded, but that is possibly the worst that can be said
about it. It is not without factual context. To claim that it should be
read in isolation without its preceding paragraphs is as unfair as it is
untenable. The preceding four paragraphs make it clear that
according to Rao, and he claims he is in the position to justify and
demonstrate this, a local or special planning authority has granted
permission for occupation of a structure that is nowhere near ready
or fit for occupation. It is, he says, risky. The allegation of
connivance in the last paragraph is a conclusion that he believes that
he can legitimately draw for he questions how any authority could
lawfully have granted any such occupancy certificate, complete or
partial, for a project so far from readiness.
18. I will not therefore grant the injunction that Mr Jagtiani seeks
in respect of statement no.1.
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Contained in:
“That said it does not mean that they can … make a product
… without following rules and norms, National Building
Code and DC Regulations” … “Various norms for designing
a building … have been thrown to the winds.”
Contained in:
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“That said it does not mean that they can play with the lives
of people and does not mean that they can made a product
which is shoddy or ill-conceived without due process and
without following rules and norms, national building code
and DC regulations that we have to keep quiet just so that
their brand identity does not suffer. I do not believe this and
I am not going to stand for it, how any court is going to see
things, quite honestly that is the state of affairs that I would
oppose even at the cost of committing ‘Contempt of Court’.
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Contained in:
21.2 This extract is from a video that was at least partly in Hindi.
The offending portion is scattered over this transcript. Rao is
accused of having said without justification that banks are also
involved with Lodha regarding the manner in which loans are
passed. Lodha dictates terms to the banks. It is a large customer that
banks cannot refuse. Banks have an approved project finance form.
Most have to fill up the bank-mandated form, but in this case it is
Lodha that does so because Lodha sends bulk business to the bank.
If there is any protest, then Lodha does not recommend the home
purchase financing from that bank. One particular bank is
mentioned, and it is alleged that it is in cahoots with Lodha.
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21.4 On an objective assessment, I find that what Rao has said here
is in an opinion, fair comment or argument with some basis in fact.
There is no question of an injunction or even of asking if he will
volunteer a statement.
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21.5 Lodha may or may not like the use of the word ‘scam’. Courts
are not here to pander to Lodha’s notions of exquisite linguistic
delicacy. If indeed there is this carpet area misstatement in the
agreement itself, and obviously that statement was presented by
Lodha with purchasers having no say in the matter, then there may
be a storm coming with other, far harsher, words looming on the
horizon. The statement is not, prima facie, per se defamatory.
“The hazard is that [in the basements] the fire systems are
not in place, that the ventilation is not in place and there is
no scope for ventilation. ...”
Contained in:
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23. We have travelled a very great distance from where the plaint
began, which is to say with a frontal assault on the Defendants
personally, accusing them of being blackmailers and extortionists, all
making false allegations for publicity, and without factual basis. The
plaint suggests that nothing that was stated in this material was true,
and almost the whole of it was defamatory; what was true was trivial
and was in the nature of routine rectification. Prima facie that does
not appear to be so, and Lodha must be held to have failed to make
out a prima facie case even on these five statements to which Lodha
has now limited its injunction application.
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25. There is one other aspect. I believe I must mention it, though
in fairness Mr Jagtiani may be correct in saying that it has not yet
been placed on Affidavit. I will therefore note it only in general
terms. Rao showed me some documents that indicate that another
flat purchaser took the Right to Information Act route to obtain
some information including copies of the sanctioned plans and
occupation certificate. The Public Information Officer seems to
have sent this on to Lodha for comments. To my very great surprise,
I find that this request for disclosure was opposed tooth and nail
even up to appellate proceedings with Lodha claiming something
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26. With this, let me to turn very briefly to what it is that the law
mandates and what it requires of a plaintiff to succeed in such an
action. Our starting point must be the early decision of BJ Wadia J in
Mitha Rustomji Murzban v Nusserwanji Nowroji Engineer.1 That was a
decision at the trial of the suit. The allegation was that certain
female students attending a class would have their future ruined
AIR 1941 Bombay 278.
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27. Let us test this against a few of the cases to which Mr Jagtiani
now restricts his case. Take for instance the question about the
basements, their safety and how occupancy certificates could have
been granted. As I have noted there is a material to substantiate this.
When Rao says this is unsafe, a disaster waiting to happen (or words
that effect), can it really be said not to be fair comment, or not in the
public interest? The comment is bold. It is independent. Even if it is
prejudiced, it is not unfair. At the interim stage, I must assess
whether there is enough material that led Rao to believe that, in
circumstances such as he noticed no reasonable, straightforward or
diligent person or right-minded authority could ever have issued an
occupancy certificate. Similarly, when he questions the basis on
Merivale v Carson, (1887) 20 QBD 278.
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Notice of Motion No. __ of 1991 in Suit No. 2152 of 1991, decided on 22nd
July 1991.
[1968] 3 WLR 1172 : [199] 1 QB 349.
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AIR 2004 Bom 143.
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facie stage that there is sufficient material that can be tested for
veracity. In Shree Maheshwar Hydel Power the allegation against the
respondents was on five highly defamatory expressions of
connivance, conspiracy etc. etc. There again the Court held that the
allegations were without discernible factual basis. That is not so
here. In the present case, two things have happened. The initial very
broad conspectus of the plaint has narrowed at Lodha’s instance to
five identified issues. Even on a test of those five identified issues,
except for the one on which Rao has agreed to make a qualified
concession or statement on merits, I am unable to find for Lodha on
any of the others sufficient to warrant an injunction.
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34. The reliefs in the main Motion have not been amended.
These prayers in the way in which they are worded reject
themselves. I will not and cannot grant any such omnibus
injunction. I will take it in fairness to Mr Jagtiani that he has
restricted himself to the five statements that I have noted above.
Save for the undertaking offered by Rao, and which is accepted,
Lodha’s Notice of Motion (L) No. 152 of 2019 is dismissed.
36. Thard and Jaisingh have filed their own Notices of Motion
Nos. 1064 of 2019 and 1056 of 2019. In Notice of Motion No. 1064
of 2019, they seek — somewhat ambitiously — to attach Lodha’s
property and to recall an order of 21st January 2019. The
Defendants also seek a recall of the order of 21st January 2019
which placed a ban or a restraint on Defendants Nos. 2 and 3 and to
recall a further order of 23rd January 2019 that records an
undertaking by Defendants Nos. 2 and 3 in paragraphs 1 and 4 not to
address any communication to anyone in any mode regarding the
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(G. S. PATEL, J)
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