Ashutosh Rai

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award

of degree
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Under the Guidance of Submitted By

Dr. Vinay Kumar Yadav Ashutosh Rai
MBA IIIrd Sem.
Roll No-2203630700018
Session 2023-2024


Mohanlalganj, Lucknow

I here by declare that the summer training report titled “CONSUMER


fulfillment of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is an original and

authentic record in research the supervision of Dr. Vinay Kumar Yadav Faculty,

in the best of my knowledge, it has not published earlier anywhere or presented to

any institution/university for an end of any degree.

Ashutosh Rai

Roll No-2203630700018

MBA IIIrd Sem.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed

to the successful completion of this summer internship project report. First

and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Hero Motocorp

for providing me with the opportunity to undergo this enriching training

program. I am equally thankful to Hero Motocorp Team for their

cooperation and assistance during our tenure.

I would like to put on record my sincere gratitude to my learned supervisor

DR. VINAY KUMAR YADAV, Associate Professor (AIMT) for his timely

and constant guidance, valuable suggestions, and encouragement during this


Furthermore, I would like to thank my Alumni Ms. Sumit Rai for their

continuous encouragement and for equipping me with the knowledge and

skills necessary to undertake this project successfully.

Finally, I am grateful to my parents, family members, & all my faculty

members for their kind blessings, without their help and emotional support, I

do not think I would have completed this summer training.

Ashutosh Rai
MBA IIIrd Sem.
Roll No-2203630700018


I respect to the allotted period, I have formed relationship with the organization

as trainee but informally it is a sacred place for me as it’s my first practical

exposure to an organization to know and get aware to an organizational real

practical stressful environment.

I am student of MBA 3rd Semester From Ambalika Institute Of

Management & Technology Lucknow. It is a Two year full time degree

courses. So far this training is scheduled for third semester syllabus as a separate

topic to be asked in detail in viva-voice conducted by external So far I have

completed 3rd semester examination. Thus study will provided me a better

opportunity to survive in cut throat competition with a prosperous existence. I

have tried my best to gain out of well framed circumstances & with the help of

experienced personnel who helped me out so for become possible to them. As

being a very confidential functioning many things are there which can’t be

known but on the basis of gathered information and certain hints, the project has

been formed. It may have something missing but I have tried to present all

things what I have received. Although this report has been got checked by

different personnel but after that if there is some shortcomings I expect it to be

rectified. So the whole study bifurcated in different parts. Certain observations &

suggestions also have been stated which if possible to be reviewed.


Serial No. Content Page














Marketing strategy

Marketing strategy is the goal of increasing sales and achieving a

sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes all basic and

long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the

strategic initial situation of a company and the formulation, evaluation and

selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contribute to the goals of

the company and its marketing objectives.

Developing a marketing strategy

Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing

plans designed to fill market needs and reach marketing objectives. Plans and

objectives are generally tested for measurable results. Commonly, marketing

strategies are developed as multi-year plans, with a tactical plan detailing

specific actions to be accomplished in the current year. Time horizons covered

by the marketing plan vary by company, by industry, and by nation, however,

time horizons are becoming shorter as the speed of change in the environment

increases. Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are partially

planned and partially unplanned. See strategy dynamics. Marketing strategy

needs to take a long-term view, and tools such as customer lifetime value models

can be very powerful in helping to simulate the effects of strategy on acquisition,

revenue per customer and churn rate.

Marketing strategy involves careful and precise scanning of the

internal and external environments. Internal environmental factors

include the marketing mix and marketing mix modeling, plus

performance analysis and strategic constraints. External environmental

factors include customer analysis, competitor analysis, target

market analysis, as well as evaluation of any elements of the

technological, economic, cultural or political/legal environment likely

to impact success. A key component of marketing strategy is often to

keep marketing in line with a company's overarching mission


Once a thorough environmental scan is complete, a strategic plan can

be constructed to identify business alternatives, establish challenging

goals, determine the optimal marketing mix to attain these goals, and

detail implementation. A final step in developing a marketing strategy

is to create a plan to monitor progress and a set of contingencies if

problems arise in the implementation of the plan.

Marketing Mix Modeling is often used to help determine the optimal

marketing budget and how to allocate across the marketing mix to

achieve these strategic goals. Moreover, such models can help allocate

spend across a portfolio of brands and manage brands to create value.

Diversity of Strategies

Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of

the individual business. However, there are a number of ways of

categorizing some generic strategies. A brief description of the most

common categorizing schemes is presented below:

Strategies based on market dominance - In this scheme, firms are

classified based on their market share or dominance of an industry.

Typically there are four types of market dominance strategies:

 Leader
 Challenger
 Follower
 Nicher

According to Shaw, Eric (2012). "Marketing Strategy: From the

Origin of the Concept to the Development of a Conceptual

Framework". Journal of Historical Research in Marketing., there is a

framework for marketing strategies.

 Market introduction strategies

"At introduction, the marketing strategist has two principle strategies

to choose from: penetration or niche" (47).

 Market growth strategies

"In the early growth stage, the marketing manager may choose from

two additional strategic alternatives: segment expansion (Smith,

Ansoff) or brand expansion (Borden, Ansoff, Kerin and Peterson,

1978)" (48).

 Market maturity strategies

"In maturity, sales growth slows, stabilizes and starts to decline. In

early maturity, it is common to employ a maintenance strategy (BCG),

where the firm maintains or holds a stable marketing mix" (48).

 Market decline strategies

At some point the decline in sales approaches and then begins to

exceed costs. And not just accounting costs, there are hidden costs as

well; as Kotler (1965, p. 109) observed: 'No financial accounting can

adequately convey all the hidden costs.' At some point, with declining

sales and rising costs, a harvesting strategy becomes unprofitable and

a divesting strategy necessary" (49).

Early marketing strategy concepts

 Borden's "marketing mix"

"In his classic Harvard Business Review (HBR) article of the

marketing mix, Borden (1964) credits James Culliton in 1948 with

describing the marketing executive as a 'decider' and a 'mixer of

ingredients.' This led Borden, in the early 1950s, to the insight that

what this mixer of ingredients was deciding upon was a 'marketing


 Smith's "differentiation and segmentation strategies"

"In product differentiation, according to Smith (1956, p. 5), a firm

tries 'bending the will of demand to the will of supply.' That is,

distinguishing or differentiating some aspect(s) of its marketing mix

from those of competitors, in a mass market or large segment, where

customer preferences are relatively homogeneous (or heterogeneity is

ignored, Hunt, 2011, p. 80), in an attempt to shift its aggregate

demand curve to the left (greater quantity sold for a given price) and

make it more inelastic (less amenable to substitutes). With

segmentation, a firm recognizes that it faces multiple demand curves,

because customer preferences are heterogeneous, and focuses on

serving one or more specific target segments within the overall

market" (35).

 Dean's "skimming and penetration strategies"

"With skimming, a firm introduces a product with a high price and

after milking the least price sensitive segment, gradually reduces

price, in a stepwise fashion, tapping effective demand at each price

level. With penetration pricing a firm continues its initial low price

from introduction to rapidly capture sales and market share, but with

lower profit margins than skimming".

 Forrester's "product life cycle (PLC)"

"The PLC does not offer marketing strategies, per se; rather it

provides an overarching framework from which to choose among

various strategic alternatives".

Corporate strategy concepts

 Andrews' "SWOT analysis"

"Although widely used in marketing strategy , SWOT (also known as

TOWS) Analysis originated in corporate strategy. The SWOT

concept, if not the acronym, is the work of Kenneth R. Andrews who

is credited with writing the text portion of the classic: Business Policy:

Text and Cases (Learned et al., 1965)" (41).

 Ansoff's "growth strategies"

"The most well-known, and least often attributed, aspect of Igor

Ansoff's Growth Strategies in the marketing literature is the term

'product-market.' The product-market concept results from Ansoff

juxtaposing new and existing products with new and existing markets

in a two by two matrix" (41-42).

Porter's "generic strategies"

Porter generic strategies – strategy on the dimensions of strategic

scope and strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market

penetration while strategic strength refers to the firm's sustainable

competitive advantage. The generic strategy framework (porter 1984)

comprises two alternatives each with two alternative scopes. These

are Differentiation andlow-cost leadership each with a dimension

of Focus-broad or narrow.

 Product differentiation

 Cost leadership

 Market segmentation

Innovation strategies

Innovation strategies deal with the firm's rate of the new product

development and business model innovation. It asks whether the

company is on the cutting edge of technology and business innovation.

There are three types:

 Pioneers

 Close followers

 Late followers

Growth strategies

In this scheme we ask the question, "How should the firm grow?".

There are a number of different ways of answering that question, but

the most common gives four answers:

 Horizontal integration

 Vertical integration

 Diversification

 Intensification

These ways of growth are termed as organic growth. Horizontal

growth is whereby a firm grows towards acquiring other businesses

that are in the same line of business for example a clothing retail outlet

acquiring a food outlet. The two are in the retail establishments and

their integration lead to expansion. Vertical integration can be forward

or backward. Forward integration is whereby a firm grows towards its

customers for example a food manufacturing firm acquiring a food

outlet. Backward integration is whereby a firm grows towards its

source of supply for example a food outlet acquiring a food

manufacturing outlet.

Raymond Miles' Strategy Categories

In 2003, Raymond Miles proposed a more detailed scheme using the

categories:Miles, Raymond (2003). Organizational Strategy, Structure,

and Process. Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-4840-


 Prospector
 Analyzer
 Defender
 Reactor
 Marketing warfare strategies – This scheme draws parallels
between marketing strategies and military strategies.

BCG's "growth-share portfolio matrix" "Based on his work with

experience curves (that also provides the rationale for Porter's low cost

leadership strategy), the growth-share matrix was originally created by

Bruce D. Henderson, CEO of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in

1968 (according to BCG history). Throughout the 1970s, Henderson

expanded upon the concept in a series of short (one to three page)

articles in the BCG newsletter titled Perspectives (Henderson, 1970,

1972, 1973, 1976a, b). Tremendously popular among large multi-

product firms, the BCG portfolio matrix was popularized in the

marketing literature by Day (1977)" (45).

Strategic models

Marketing participants often employ strategic models and tools to

analyze marketing decisions. When beginning a strategic analysis,

the 3C's model can be employed to get a broad understanding of the

strategic environment. An Ansoff Matrix is also often used to convey

an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix.

The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a

defined strategy. Marketing Mix Modeling is often used to simulate

different strategic flexing go the 4Ps. Customer lifetime value models

can help simulate long-term effects of changing the 4Ps, e.g.; visualize

the multi-year impact on acquisition, churn rate, and profitability of

changes to pricing. However, 4Ps have been expanded to 7 or 8Ps to

address the different nature of services.

There are many companies, especially those in the consumer package

goods (CPG) market, that adopt the theory of running their business

centered around consumer, shopper and retailer needs. Their

marketing departments spend quality time looking for "growth

opportunities" in their categories by identifying relevant insights (both

mindsets and behaviors) on their target consumers, shoppers and retail

partners. These growth opportunities emerge from changes in market

trends, segment dynamics changing and also internal brand or

operational business challenges. The marketing team can then

prioritize these growth opportunities and begin to develop strategies to

exploit the opportunities that could include new or adapted products,

services as well as changes to the 7Ps.

Real-life marketing

Real-life marketing primarily revolves around the application of a

great deal of common-sense; dealing with a limited number of factors,

in an environment of imperfect information and limited resources

complicated by uncertainty and tight timescales. Use of classical

marketing techniques, in these circumstances, is inevitably partial and


Thus, for example, many new products will emerge from irrational

processes and the rational development process may be used (if at all)

to screen out the worst non-runners. The design of the advertising, and

the packaging, will be the output of the creative minds employed;

which management will then screen, often by 'gut-reaction', to ensure

that it is reasonable.

For most of their time, marketing managers use intuition and

experience to analyze and handle the complex, and unique, situations

being faced; without easy reference to theory. This will often be

'flying by the seat of the pants', or 'gut-reaction'; where the overall

strategy, coupled with the knowledge of the customer which has been

absorbed almost by a process of osmosis, will determine the quality of

the marketing employed. This, almost instinctive management, is what

is sometimes called 'coarse marketing'; to distinguish it from the

refined, aesthetically pleasing, form favored by the theorists.

An organization's strategy combines all of its marketing goals into one

comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn

from market research and focus on the right product mix in order to

achieve the maximum profit potential and sustain the business. The

marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan.

Marketing planning

A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan.

Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing

plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing

plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use.

The marketing planning Definition and example

A marketing plan is a comprehensive blueprint which outlines an

organization's overall marketing efforts. A marketing process can be

realized by the marketing mix, which is outlined in step 4. The last

step in the process is the marketing controlling.

The marketing plan can function from two points: strategy and tactics

(P. Kotler, K.L. Keller). In most organizations, "strategic planning" is

an annual process, typically covering just the year ahead.

Occasionally, a few organizations may look at a practical plan which

stretches three or more years ahead.

Marketing planning aims and objectives

Behind the corporate objectives, which in themselves offer the main

context for the marketing plan, will lie the "corporate mission," in turn

provides the context for these corporate objectives. In a sales-oriented

organization, the marketing planning function designs incentive pay

plans to not only motivate and reward frontline staff fairly but also to

align marketing activities with corporate mission. The marketing plan

basically aims to make the business provide the solution with the

awareness with the expected customers.

This "corporate mission" can be thought of as a definition of what the

organization is, or what it does: "Our business is ...". This definition

should not be too narrow, or it will constrict the development of the

organization; a too rigorous concentration on the view that "We are in

the business of making meat-scales," as IBM was during the early

1900s, might have limited its subsequent development into other

areas. On the other hand, it should not be too wide or it will become

meaningless; "We want to make a profit" is not too helpful in

developing specific plans.

Abell suggested that the definition should cover three dimensions:

"customer groups" to be served, "customer needs" to be served, and

"technologies" to be used.[1] Thus, the definition of IBM's "corporate

mission" in the 1940s might well have been: "We are in the business

of handling accounting information [customer need] for the larger US

organizations [customer group] by means of punched

cards [technology]."

Perhaps the most important factor in successful marketing is the

"corporate vision." Surprisingly, it is largely neglected by marketing

textbooks, although not by the popular exponents of corporate strategy

— indeed, it was perhaps the main theme of the book by Peters and

Waterman, in the form of their "Superordinate Goals." "In Search of

Excellence" said: "Nothing drives progress like the imagination. The

idea precedes the deed." [2] If the organization in general, and its chief

executive in particular, has a strong vision of where its future lies, then

there is a good chance that the organization will achieve a strong

position in its markets (and attain that future). This will be not least

because its strategies will be consistent and will be supported by its

staff at all levels. In this context, all of IBM's marketing activities

were underpinned by its philosophy of "customer service," a vision

originally promoted by the charismatic Watson dynasty. The emphasis

at this stage is on obtaining a complete and accurate picture.

A "traditional" — albeit product-based — format for a "brand

reference book" (or, indeed, a "marketing facts book") was suggested

by Godley more than three decades ago:

1. Financial data—Facts for this section will come

from management accounting, costing and finance sections.

2. Product data—From production, research and development.

3. Sales and distribution data — Sales, packaging, distribution


4. Advertising, sales promotion, merchandising data —

Information from these departments.

5. Market data and miscellany — From market research, who

would in most cases act as a source for this information. His

sources of data, however, assume the resources of a very large

organization. In most organizations they would be obtained

from a much smaller set of people (and not a few of them

would be generated by the marketing manager alone).

It is apparent that a marketing audit can be a complex process, but the

aim is simple: "it is only to identify those existing (external and

internal) factors which will have a significant impact on the future

plans of the company." It is clear that the basic material to be input to

the marketing audit should be comprehensive.

Accordingly, the best approach is to accumulate this material

continuously, as and when it becomes available; since this avoids the

otherwise heavy workload involved in collecting it as part of the

regular, typically annual, planning process itself — when time is

usually at a premium.

Even so, the first task of this annual process should be to check that

the material held in the current facts book or facts

filesactually is comprehensive and accurate, and can form a sound

basis for the marketing audit itself.

The structure of the facts book will be designed to match the specific

needs of the organization, but one simple format — suggested by

Malcolm McDonald — may be applicable in many cases. This splits

the material into three groups:

1. Review of the marketing environment. A study of the

organization's markets, customers, competitors and the overall

economic, political, cultural and technical environment; covering

developing trends, as well as the current situation.

2. Review of the detailed marketing activity. A study of the

company's marketing mix; in terms of the 7 Ps - (see below)

3. Review of the marketing system. A study of the marketing

organization, marketing research systems and the current marketing

objectives and strategies. The last of these is too frequently ignored.

The marketing system itself needs to be regularly questioned,

because the validity of the whole marketing plan is reliant upon the

accuracy of the input from this system, and `garbage in, garbage out'

applies with a vengeance.

 Portfolio planning. In addition, the coordinated planning of the

individual products and services can contribute towards the balanced


 80:20 rule. To achieve the maximum impact, the marketing plan

must be clear, concise and simple. It needs to concentrate on the 20

percent of products or services, and on the 20 percent of customers,

that will account for 80 percent of the volume and 80 percent of the


 7 Ps: Product, Place, Price and Promotion, Physical Environment,

People, Process. The 7 Ps can sometimes divert attention from the

customer, but the framework they offer can be very useful in

building the action plans.

It is only at this stage (of deciding the marketing objectives) that the

active part of the marketing planning process begins. This next stage

in marketing planning is indeed the key to the whole marketing


The "marketing objectives" state just where the company intends to be

at some specific time in the future.

James Quinn succinctly defined objectives in general as: Goals (or

objectives) state what is to be achieved and when results are to be

accomplished, but they do not state "how" the results are to be

achieved.[3] They typically relate to what products (or services) will be

where in what markets (and must be realistically based on customer

behavior in those markets). They are essentially about the match

between those "products" and "markets." Objectives for pricing,

distribution, advertising and so on are at a lower level, and should not

be confused with marketing objectives. They are part of the marketing

strategy needed to achieve marketing objectives. To be most

effective, objectives should be capable of measurement and therefore

"quantifiable." This measurement may be in terms of sales volume,

money value, market share, percentage penetration of distribution

outlets and so on. An example of such a measurable marketing

objective might be "to enter the market with product Y and capture 10

percent of the market by value within one year." As it is quantified it

can, within limits, be unequivocally monitored, and corrective

action taken as necessary.

The marketing objectives must usually be based, above all, on the

organization's financial objectives; converting these financial

measurements into the related marketing measurements. He went on to

explain his view of the role of "policies," with which strategy is most

often confused: "Policies are rules or guidelines that express the

'limits' within which action should occur. "Simplifying

somewhat, marketing strategies can be seen as the means, or "game

plan," by which marketing objectives will be achieved and, in the

framework that we have chosen to use, are generally concerned with

the 8 P's. Examples are:

1. Price — The amount of money needed to buy products

2. Product — The actual product

3. Promotion (advertising)- Getting the product known

4. Placement — Where the product is sold

5. People — Represent the business

6. Physical environment — The ambiance, mood, or tone of the


7. Process — The Value-added services that differentiate the product

from the competition (e.g. after-sales service, warranties)

8. Packaging — How the product will be protected

(Note: At GCSE the 4 Ps are Place, Promotion, Product and Price and

the "secret" 5th P is Packaging, but which applies only to physical

products, not services usually, and mostly those sold to individual


In principle, these strategies describe how the objectives will be

achieved. The 7 Ps are a useful framework for deciding how the

company's resources will be manipulated (strategically) to achieve the

objectives. However, they are not the only framework, and may divert

attention from the real issues. The focus of the strategies must be the

objectives to be achieved — not the process of planning itself. Only if

it fits the needs of these objectives should you choose, as we have

done, to use the framework of the 7 Ps.

The strategy statement can take the form of a purely verbal description

of the strategic options which have been chosen. Alternatively, and

perhaps more positively, it might include a structured list of the major

options chosen.

One aspect of strategy which is often overlooked is that of "timing."

Exactly when it is the best time for each element of the strategy to be

implemented is often critical. Taking the right action at the wrong time

can sometimes be almost as bad as taking the wrong action at the right

time. Timing is, therefore, an essential part of any plan; and should

normally appear as a schedule of planned activities.Having completed

this crucial stage of the planning process, to re-check the feasibility of

objectives and strategies in terms of the market share, sales, costs,

profits and so on which these demand in practice. As in the rest of the

marketing discipline, employ judgment, experience, market research

or anything else which helps for conclusions to be seen from all

possible angles.

Detailed plans and programs

At this stage, overall marketing strategies will need to be developed

into detailed plans and program. Although these detailed plans may

cover each of the 7 Ps (marketing mix), the focus will vary, depending

upon the organization's specific strategies. A product-oriented

company will focus its plans for the 7 Ps around each of its products.

A market or geographically oriented company will concentrate on

each market or geographical area. Each will base its plans upon the

detailed needs of its customers, and on the strategies chosen to satisfy

these needs. Brochures and Websites are used effectively.

Again, the most important element is, the detailed plans, which spell

out exactly what programs and individual activities will carry at the

period of the plan (usually over the next year). Without these activities

the plan cannot be monitored. These plans must therefore be:

 Clear - They should be an unambiguous statement of 'exactly'

what is to be done.

 Quantified - The predicted outcome of each activity should be,

as far as possible, quantified, so that its performance can be


 Focused - The temptation to proliferate activities beyond the

numbers which can be realistically controlled should be avoided.

The 80:20 Rule applies in this context to.

 Realistic - They should be achievable.

 Agreed - Those who are to implement them should be

committed to them, and agree that they are achievable. The

resulting plans should become a working document which will

guide the campaigns taking place throughout the organization over

the period of the plan. If the marketing plan is to work, every

exception to it (throughout the year) must be questioned; and the

lessons learnt, to be incorporated in the next year's .

Content of the marketing plan

A marketing plan for a small business typically includes Small

Business Administration Description of competitors, including the

level of demand for the product or service and the strengths and

weaknesses of competitors

1. Description of the product or service, including special features

2. Marketing budget, including the advertising and promotional


3. Description of the business location, including advantages and

disadvantages for marketing

4. Pricing strategy

5. Market Segmentation

1. Current Situation - Market Analysis

 market definition

 market size

 market segmentation

 industry structure and strategic groupings

 Porter 5 forces analysis

 competition and market share

 competitors' strengths and weaknesses

 market trends

2. Current Situation - Consumer Analysis

 nature of the buying decision

 participants

 demographics

 psychographics

 buyer motivation and expectations

 loyalty segments

3. Current Situation - Internal

 company resources

 financial

 people

 time

 skills

 objectives

 mission statement and vision statement

 corporate objectives

 financial objective

 marketing objectives

 long term objectives

 description of the basic business philosophy

 corporate culture

4. Summary of Situation Analysis

 external threats

 external opportunities

 internal strengths

 internal weaknesses

 Critical success factors in the industry

 our sustainable competitive advantage

5. Marketing Research

 information requirements

 research methodology

 research results

6. Marketing Strategy - Product

 Unique selling proposition (USP)

 product mix

 product strengths and weaknesses

 perceptual mapping

 product life cycle management and new product


 Brand name, brand image, and brand equity

 the augmented product

 product portfolio analysis

 B.C.G. Analysis

 contribution margin analysis

 G.E. Multi Factoral analysis

 Quality Function Deployment

7. Marketing Strategy - segmented marketing actions

and market share objectives

 by product

 by customer segment

 by geographical market

 by distribution channel

8. Marketing Strategy - Price

 pricing objectives

 pricing method (e.g.: cost plus, demand based, or

competitor indexing)

 pricing strategy (e.g.: skimming, or penetration)

 discounts and allowances

 price elasticity and customer sensitivity

 price zoning

 break even analysis at various prices

9. Marketing Strategy - Promotion

 promotional goals

 promotional mix

 advertising reach, frequency, flights, theme, and media

 sales force requirements, techniques, and management

 sales promotion

 publicity and public relations

 electronic promotion (e.g.: web, or telephone)

 word of mouth marketing (buzz)

 viral marketing

10. Marketing Strategy - Distribution

 geographical coverage

 distribution channels

 physical distribution and logistics

 electronic distribution

11. Implementation

 personnel requirements

 assign responsibilities

 give incentives

 training on selling methods

 financial requirements

 management information systems requirements

 month-by-month agenda

 Gantt chart using PERT or critical path

analysis systems

 monitoring results and benchmarks

 adjustment mechanism

 contingencies (what ifs)

12. Financial Summary

 assumptions

 pro-forma monthly income statement

 contribution margin analysis

 breakeven analysis

 Monte Carlo method

 ISI: Internet Strategic Intelligence

13. Scenarios

 prediction of future scenarios

 plan of action for each scenario

14. Controls

 Performance indicator

 provide feedback mechanisms

15. Appendix

 pictures and specifications of the new product

 results from research already completed

Measurement of progress

The final stage of any marketing planning process is to establish

targets (or standards) so that progress can be monitored. Accordingly,

it is important to put both quantities and timescales into the marketing

objectives (for example, to capture 20 percent by value of the market

within two years) and into the corresponding strategies.

Changes in the environment mean that the forecasts often have to be

changed. Along with these, the related plans may well also need to be

changed. Continuous monitoring of performance, against

predetermined targets, represents a most important aspect of this.

However, perhaps even more important is the enforced discipline of a

regular formal review. Again, as with forecasts, in many cases the best

(most realistic) planning cycle will revolve around a quarterly review.

Best of all, at least in terms of the quantifiable aspects of the plans, if

not the wealth of backing detail, is probably a quarterly rolling

review — planning one full year ahead each new quarter. Of course,

this does absorb more planning resource; but it also ensures that the

plans embody the latest information, and — with attention focused on

them so regularly — forces both the plans and their implementation to

be realistic.

Plans only have validity if they are actually used to control the

progress of a company: their success lies in their implementation, not

in the writing'.

Performance analysis

The most important elements of marketing performance, which are

normally tracked, are:

Sales analysis

Most organizations track their sales results; or, in non-profit

organizations for example, the number of clients. The more

sophisticated track them in terms of 'sales variance' - the deviation

from the target figures — which allows a more immediate picture of

deviations to become evident.

`Micro-analysis', which is simply the normal management process of

investigating detailed problems, then investigates the individual

elements (individual products, sales territories, customers and so on)

which are failing to meet targets

Market share analysis

Few organizations track market share though it is often an important

metric. Though absolute sales might grow in an expanding market, a

firm's share of the market can decrease which bodes ill for future sales

when the market starts to drop. Where such market share is tracked,

there may be a number of aspects which will be followed:

 overall market share

 segment share — that in the specific, targeted segment

 relative share

Expense analysis

The key ratio to watch in this area is usually the `marketing expense to

sales ratio'; although this may be broken down into other elements

(advertising to sales, sales administration to sales, and so on).

Financial analysis

The "bottom line" of marketing activities should at least in theory, be

the net profit (for all except non-profit organizations, where the

comparable emphasis may be on remaining within budgeted costs).

There are a number of separate performance figures and key ratios

which need to be tracked:

 gross contribution<>net profit

 gross profit<>return on investment

 net contribution<>profit on sales

There can be considerable benefit in comparing these figures with

those achieved by other organizations (especially those in the same

industry); using, for instance, the figures which can be obtained (in the

UK) from `The Centre for Interfirm Comparison'. The most

sophisticated use of this approach, however, is typically by those

making use of PIMS (Profit Impact of Management Strategies),

initiated by the General Electric Company and then developed by

Harvard Business School, but now run by the Strategic Planning


The above performance analyses concentrate on the quantitative

measures which are directly related to short-term performance. But

there are a number of indirect measures, essentially tracking customer

attitudes, which can also indicate the organization's performance in

terms of its longer-term marketing strengths and may accordingly be

even more important indicators. Some useful measures are:

 market research — including customer panels (which are used

to track changes over time)

 lost business — the orders which were lost because, for

example, the stock was not available or the product did not meet

the customer's exact requirements

 customer complaints — how many customers complain about

the products or services, or the organization itself, and about what

Use of marketing plans

A formal, written marketing plan is essential; in that it provides an

unambiguous reference point for activities throughout the planning

period. However, perhaps the most important benefit of these plans is

the planning process itself. This typically offers a unique opportunity,

a forum, for information-rich and productively focused discussions

between the various managers involved. The plan, together with the

associated discussions, then provides an agreed context for their

subsequent management activities, even for those not described in the

plan itself. Additionally, marketing plans are included in business

plans, offering data showing investors how the company will grow

and most importantly, how they will get a return on investment.

Budgets as managerial tools

The classic quantification of a marketing plan appears in the form of

budgets. Because these are so rigorously quantified, they are

particularly important. They should, thus, represent an unequivocal

projection of actions and expected results. What is more, they should

be capable of being monitored accurately; and, indeed, performance

against budget is the main (regular) management review process.

The purpose of a marketing budget is, thus, to pull together all the

revenues and costs involved in marketing into one comprehensive

document. It is a managerial tool that balances what is needed to be

spent against what can be afforded, and helps make choices about

priorities. It is then used in monitoring performance in practice.

The marketing budget is usually the most powerful tool by which you

think through the relationship between desired results and available

means. Its starting point should be the marketing strategies and plans,

which have already been formulated in the marketing plan itself;

although, in practice, the two will run in parallel and will interact. At

the very least, the rigorous, highly quantified, budgets may cause a

rethink of some of the more optimistic elements of the plans.



Hero motor corp

"Hum Main Hai Hero"


Type Public company

Traded as BSE: 500182


BSE SENSEX Constituent

Industry Automotive

Predecessor Hero Honda Motors Ltd.

Founded 19 January 1982

Headquarters New Delhi India

Area served India, Sri Lanka, Nepal

Key people Dr. Brijmohan Lall

Munjal (Chairman)

Pawan Munjal (MD &


Products Motorcycles, Scooters

Revenue ₹ 34727.09

billion (US$3.8 billion)


Operating ₹ 3863.62

income billion (US$520 million)


Net income ₹ 2799.90

billion (US$330 million)


Total assets ₹ 23917.03

billion (US$830 million)


Number of 5,842


Parent Hero Group

Subsidiaries Erik Buell Racing(89.2%)


Hero Motocorp Ltd., formerly Hero Honda, is an Indian

motorcycle and scooter manufacturer based in New Delhi, India. The

company is the largest two wheeler manufacturer in India.[2] In India,

it has a market share of about 46% share in 2-wheeler category. The

2022 Forbes 200 Most Respected companies list has Hero Honda

Motors ranked at #108.[5] On 31 March 2022, the market

capitalisation of the company was INR 308 billion (USD 5.66 billion).

Hero Honda started in 1984 as a joint venture between Hero Cycles of

India and Honda of Japan.[7] In 2021, when Honda decided to move

out of the joint venture, Hero Group bought the shares held by

Honda.[8][9] Subsequently, in August 2022 the company was

renamed Hero MotoCorp with a new corporate identity.

In June 2022, Hero Motocorp approved a proposal to merge the

investment arm of its parent Hero Investment Pvt. Ltd. into the

automaker. The decision comes after 18 months of its split from

Honda Motors.


"Hero" is the brand name used by the Munjal brothers for their

flagship company, Hero Cycles Ltd. A joint venture between the Hero

Group and Honda Motor Company was established in 1984 as the

Hero Honda Motors Limited at Dharuhera, India. Munjal family

and Honda group both owned 26% stake in the Company.

During the 1980s, the company introduced motorcycles that were

popular in India for their fuel economy and low cost. A popular

advertising campaign based on the slogan 'Fill it – Shut it – Forget it'

that emphasised the motorcycle's fuel efficiency helped the company

grow at a double-digit pace since inception. In 2013, the company

became the largest two-wheeler manufacturing company in India and

globally.[2] It maintains global industry leadership till date.[2] The

technology in the bikes of Hero Motocorp (earlier Hero Honda) for

almost 26 years (1984–2010) has come from the Japanese


1956—Formation of Hero Cycles in Ludhiana(majestic auto limited)

1975—Hero Cycles becomes largest bicycle manufacturer in India.

1983—Joint Collaboration Agreement with Honda Motor Co. Ltd.

Japan signed Shareholders Agreement signed

1984—Hero Honda Motors Ltd. incorporated

1985—Hero Honda motorcycle CD 100 launched.

1989—Hero Honda motorcycle Sleek launched.

1991—Hero Honda motorcycle CD 100 SS launched.

1994—Hero Honda motorcycle Splendor launched.

1997—Hero Honda motorcycle Street launched.

1999—Hero Honda motorcycle CBZ launched.

2001—Hero Honda motorcycle Passion and Hero Honda Joy


2009—Hero Honda motorcycle Dawn and Hero Honda motorcycle

Ambition launched.

2011—Hero Honda motorcycle CD Dawn, Hero Honda motorcycle

Splendor plus, Hero Honda motorcycle Passion Plus and Hero Honda

motorcycle Karizma launched.

2013—Hero Honda motorcycle Ambition 135 and Hero Honda

motorcycle CBZ Star launched.

2015—Hero Motocorp SuperSplendor, Hero Honda motorcycle CD

Deluxe, Hero Honda motorcycle Glamour, Hero Honda motorcycle

Achiever and Hero Honda Scooter Pleasure.

2017—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycle Splendor NXG, New

Models of Hero Honda motorcycle CD Deluxe, New Models of Hero

Honda motorcycle Passion Plus and Hero Honda motorcycle

Hunk launched.

2018—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycles Pleasure, CBZ

Xtreme, Glamour, Glamour Fi and Hero Honda motorcycle Passion

Pro launched.

2018—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycle Karizma:Karizma –

ZMR and limited edition of Hero Honda motorcycle Hunk launched

2019—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycle Splendor Pro

and New Hero Honda motorcycle Hunk and New Hero Honda

Motorcycle Super Splendor launched.

2019—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycles Glamour, Glamour

FI, CBZ Xtreme, Karizma launched. New licensing arrangement

signed between Hero and Honda. In August Hero and Honda parted

company, thus forming Hero MotoCorp and Honda moving out of the

Hero Honda joint venture. In November, Hero launched its first ever

Off Road Bike Named Hero "Impulse".

2020—New Models of Hero Motocorp Maestro the Musculine scooter

and Ignitor the young generation bike are launched.

2020—Hero MotoCorp unveiled line-up of 15 updated products

including Karizma R, ZMR, Xtreme, Pleasure, Splendor Pro, Splendor

iSmart, HF Deluxe ECO, Hero Motocorp SuperSplendor, Passion Pro

and Xpro, Glamour and Glamour FI etc. It also introduced three new

technologies- Engine Immobilizer in new Xtreme, Integrated Braking

System (IBS) in new Pleasure and i3S (Idle Stop and Start System) in

new Splendor iSmart

2020—Hero MotoCorp Launched Splendor Pro Classic, Xtreme

Sports and new models of Karizma ZMR, Karizma R, Maestro and


2021—In October 2014, Hero updated its 100cc engine range on

Passion Pro and Splendor Pro Classic. Is should be updated on other

Hero's 100cc vehicles shortly as well.

2021—Hero invests $25 million into American motorcycle

manufacturer EBR(Erik Buell Racing)

Termination of Honda joint venture

In December 2017, the board of directors of the Hero Honda Group

had decided to terminate the joint venture between Hero Group of

India and Honda of Japan in a phased manner. The Hero Group would

buy out the 26% stake of the Honda in JV Hero Honda.

Logo of Hero Honda, as the company was known till August 2011

Under the joint venture Hero Group could not export to international

markets (except Sri Lanka and Nepal) and the termination would mean

that Hero Group can now export. Since the beginning, the Hero Group

relied on their Japanese partner Honda for the technology in their

bikes. So there are concerns that the Hero Group might not be able to

sustain the performance of the joint venture alone.

The Japanese auto maker will exit the joint venture through a series of

offmarket transactions by giving the Munjal family—that held a 26%

stake in the company—an additional 26%. Honda, which also has an

independent fully owned twowheeler subsidiary—Honda Motorcycle

and Scooter India (HMSI)—will exit Hero Honda at a discount and

get over $1 billion for its stake. The discount will be between 30% and

50% to the current value of Honda's stake as per the price of the stock

after the market closed on Wednesday.

The rising differences between the two partners gradually emerged as

an irritant. Differences had been brewing for a few years before the

split over a variety of issues, ranging from Honda's reluctance to fully

and freely share technology with Hero (despite a 10-year technology

tie-up that expires in 2014) as well as Indian partner's uneasiness over

high royalty payouts to the Japanese company. Another major irritant

for Honda was the refusal of Hero Honda (mainly managed by the

Munjal family) to merge the company's spare parts business

with Honda's new fully owned subsidiary Honda Motorcycle and

Scooter India (HMSI).

As per the arrangement, it will be a two-leg deal. In the first part, the

Munjal family, led by Brijmohan Lal Munjal group, will form an

overseas-incorporated special purpose vehicle (SPV) to buy out

Honda's entire stake, which will be backed by bridge loans. This SPV

would eventually be thrown open for private equity participation and

those in the fray includeWarburg Pincus, Kohlberg Kravis

Roberts (KKR), TPG, Bain Capital, and Carlyle Group.

Honda will continue to provide technology to Hero Honda motorbikes

until 2019 for existing as well as future models.

Sports Association

Hero MotoCorp began its association with the prestigious Indian Open

Golf tournament in 2005. The tournament has helped catapult the

popularity of golf in India. Illustrious golfers from around the world

participate in this annual event, which boasts of the largest prize fund

sanctioned solely by the Asian Tour. Hero MotoCorp, the India's

largest manufacturer of two-wheelers, took over title sponsorship of

the World Challenge Hero World Challenge

Hockey is India's national sport, and Hero is committed to doing its

part to promote and popularize the sport. In 2019, Hero MotoCorp

extended its support to Hockey by sponsoring the 'Hockey World Cup

2019' that was held in India. 2 years after this, Hero Motocorp was

also the sponsor of the 'FIH Road to London 2021' tournament. The

company is proud to associate with, and will continue to endorse this

great sport in the future.

Our association with cricket goes a long way. Hero MotoCorp has in

the past sponsored major cricket tournaments in association with

International Cricket Council (ICC), including the cricket World Cup

and the Champions Trophy. Hero has also been associated with IPL.

Formation of Hero MotoCorp

The name of the company was changed from Hero Honda Motors

Limited to Hero MotoCorp Limited on 29 July 2021.[2] The new

brand identity and logo of Hero MotoCorp were developed by the

British firm Wolff Olins.[19] The logo was revealed on 9 August 2011

in London, to coincide with the third test match between England and


Hero MotoCorp can now export to Latin America, Africa and West

Asia. Hero is free to use any vendor for its components instead of just

Honda-approved vendors.

On 21 April 2021, Hero MotoCorp announced their plan on a $40 Mn

joint venture with Bangladesh's Notiol Niloy Group in the next five

years. also hero updated its 100cc engine range in 2021 for 100cc

bikes except hero dawn.

49% stake in Erik Buell Racing

In July 2021, HMC acquired 49.2%[21] shareholding in Erik Buell

Racing, a motorcycle sport company which produces street and racing

motorcycles based in East Troy, Wisconsin, USA.


Hero MotoCorp has four manufacturing facilities based

at Dharuhera, Neemrana and Gurgaon in Haryana and at Haridwar in

Uttarakhand. These plants together have a production capacity of 7.6

million 2-wheelers per year. Read More Hero MotoCorp has a sales

and service network with over 6,000 dealerships and service points

across India. It has a customer loyalty program since 2021, called the

Hero Honda Passport Program which is now known as Hero GoodLife

Program. Hero GoodLife

It is reported that Hero MotoCorp has five joint ventures or associate

companies, Munjal Showa, AG Industries, Sunbeam Auto, Rockman

Industries and Satyam Auto Components, that supply a majority of its


The company has a stated aim of achieving revenues of $10 billion

and volumes of 10 million two-wheelers by 2021–22. This in

conjunction with new countries where they can now market their two-

wheelers following the disengagement from Honda. Hero MotoCorp

hopes to achieve 10 per cent of their revenues from international

markets, and they expected to launch sales in Nigeria by end-2022 or



Sleek (Discontinued)

Street (Discontinued)


Ambition 133, Ambition 135 (Discontinued)

CBZ, CBZ Star (Discontinued)

CBZ Xtreme, Hero New Xtreme 2022

CD 100, CD 100 SS, Hero Honda Joy, CD Dawn, CD Deluxe, CD

Deluxe (Self Start)

New HF Dawn,New HF Deluxe, HF DELUXE ECO

Glamour, Glamour F.I.


Karizma, Karizma R, Karizma ZMR FI

Passion, Passion Plus, Passion Pro, Passion XPro, New Passion Pro


Splendor, Splendor+, Splendor+ (Limited Edition), SuperSplendor,

Splendor NXG, Splendor PRO, Splendor [iSmart],Splendor Pro


Hero Impulse launched in 2022 after the separation of Hero and

Honda. Its India's first off-road and on road Bike.

Hero Ignitor launched in 2022

Hero HX250r


It has 2 models in scooters:



Company performance

The company has sold over 47 million 2-wheelers since its inception

in 1984 till March 2022.[2] It sold 6.07 million 2-wheelers in 2021,

out of which 5.5 million were motorcycles. Hero Motocorp sells more

two wheelers than the second, third and fourth placed two-wheeler

companies put together.[2] Its most popular bike Hero Honda

Splendor sells more than one million units per year.

In 2013, Hero MotoCorp registered best ever calendar year

performance of more than 6.1 million unit sales. By selling 6.25 lakh

units in the month of October, it became the first-ever manufacturer to

cross landmark 6 lakh unit sales in a month. In the last quarter of the

year or say in the festive season, the company sold more than 1.6

million units, while in non festive time in April–May 2021, it

managed to sell out quite good numbers of units- 1.1 million.

Listings and shareholding

The equity shares of Hero Motocorp are listed on the Bombay Stock

Exchange, where it is a constituent of the BSE SENSEX index, and

the National Stock Exchange of India, where it is a constituent of

the S&P CNX Nifty.

As on 31 December 2022, the promoters Munjal Family held around

40% equity shares in Hero Motocorp. Over 61,000 individual

shareholders hold approx. 7.44% of its shares. Foreign Institutional

Investors hold approx. 30% shares in the company.

Shareholders (as on 31-Dec-2022) Shareholding

Promoter Group 39.92%

Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) 30.63%

Foreign Corporate Bodies 12.29%

Individual shareholders 06.44%

Insurance companies 05.38%

Mutual Funds / UTI 02.56%

Bodies Corporate 01.60%

Financial Institutions / Banks 00.53%

Others 00.60%

Total 100.0%

As on 31 March 2021, the company had 6,782 employees, out of

which 66 were women (1.1%). It also had approx. 13,800 temporary

employees on that date. The company had an attrition rate of 5.1% in

the FY 2021-22. The company spent INR 8.21 billion on employee

benefits during the FY 2021-22.

Awards and recognition

The Brand Trust Report published by Trust Research Advisory has

ranked Hero Honda in the 7th position among the most trusted brands

in India.

It received the 'Best value for Money Bike Maker' and 'Best

Advertising' in Two Wheelers Category at the Auto India Best Brand

Awards 2022.


The company started Raman Kant Munjal Foundation (RKMF), in

1992 when it was known as Hero Honda Motors Ltd., that looks after:

Raman Munjal Vidya Mandir (an educational institution)

Raman Munjal Memorial Hospital

During the financial year, the company spent INR 14 million

on corporate social responsibility.



The story of Hero Honda began with a simple vision - the vision of a

mobile and an empowered India, powered by its two wheelers. Hero

MotoCorp Ltd., company's new identity, reflects its commitment

towards providing world class mobility solutions with renewed focus

on expanding company's footprint in the global arena.


Hero MotoCorp's mission is to become a global enterprise fulfilling its

customers' needs and aspirations for mobility, setting benchmarks in

technology, styling and quality so that it converts its customers into its

brand advocates. The company will provide an engaging environment

for its people to perform to their true potential. It will continue its

focus on value creation and enduring relationships with its partners.


Hero MotoCorp's key strategies are to build a robust product portfolio

across categories, explore growth opportunities globally, continuously

improve its operational efficiency, aggressively expand its reach to

customers, continue toINVEST in brand building activities and

ensure customer and shareholder delight.


The new Hero is rising and is poised to shine on the global arena.

Company's new identity "Hero MotoCorp Ltd." is truly reflective of

its vision to strengthen focus on mobility and technology and creating

global footprint. Building and promoting new brand identity will be

central to all its initiatives, utilizing every opportunity and leveraging

its strong presence across sports, entertainment and ground-level



Hero MotoCorp two wheelers are manufactured across 4 globally

benchmarked manufacturing facilities. Two of these are based at

Gurgaon and Dharuhera which are located in the state of Haryana in

northern India. The third and the latest manufacturing plant is based at

Haridwar, in the hill state of Uttrakhand.


The Company's growth in the two wheeler market in India is the result

of an intrinsic ability to increase reach in new geographies and

growthMARKETS . Hero MotoCorp's extensive sales and service

network now spans over to 6000 customer touch points. These

comprise a mix of authorized dealerships, service & spare parts

outlets, and dealer-appointed outlets across the country.


Karizma ZMR


Xtreme Sports






Glamour Programmed FI


Super Splendor

Passion XPRO

Passion PRO

Passion PRO TR

Splendor iSmart

Splendor PRO Classic

Splendor PRO

HF Deluxe ECO

HF Deluxe

HF Dawn


SWOT analysis

 Strengths describe what an organization excels at and separates

it from the competition: a strong brand, loyal customer base, a
strong balance sheet, unique technology and so on. For
example, a hedge fund may have developed a proprietary
trading strategy that returns market-beating results. It must then
decide how to use those results to attract new investors.
 Weaknesses stop an organization from performing at its
optimum level. They are areas where the business needs to
improve to remain competitive: higher-than-industry-average
turnover, high levels of debt, an inadequate supply chain or lack
of capital.
 Opportunities refer to favorable external factors that an
organization can use to give it a competitive advantage. For
example, a car manufacturer can export its cars into a new
market, increasing sales and market share, if a country
cuts tariffs.
 Threats refer to factors that have the potential to harm an
organization. For example, a drought is a threat to a wheat-
producing company, as it may destroy or reduce the crop yield.
Other common threats include things like rising costs for inputs,
increasing competition, tight labor supply and so on.




1) To analyse the market awareness of HERO MOTOCORP

2) To analyse the customer satisfaction level in contex with market

awareness of HERO MOTOCORP

3) To study the attitude and perception of HERO MOTOCORP

4) to determine the key area’s of strength in weakness of HERO


5) To develop a promotion plan for brand communication of HERO



The relevance of the topic is the first step to a successful Research

process. Project undertaken the problem of analyzing the Marketing

strategy of HERO MOTOCORP


The problem formulation is the first step to a successful

Research process. Project undertaken the problem of analyzing the

Marketing strategy of HERO MOTOCORP



This chapter aims to understand the research methodology establishing
a framework of evaluation and revaluation of primary and secondary
research. The techniques and concepts used during primary research in
order to arrive at findings; which are also dealt with and lead to a
logical deduction towards the analysis and results
i. Research problem
The problem formulation is the first step to a successful
Research process. Project undertaken the problem of analyzing the
Marketing strategy of HERO MOTOCORP

ii. Research objective & related sub objective

Based on the problem the objective of the research is divided into two
which are as follows:
Research objective:
 To analyse Marketing strategy of HERO MOTOCORP
sub objective:
 Analyse customer satisfaction for different HERO MOTOCORP
 Analyse the customer behaviour of HERO MOTOCORP

iii. Information requirement - in detail & source of information

Both primary and secondary data have been collected very vigorously

Secondary data: it is collected by the study of various reports. The
reports studied under secondary data. Primary Data was taken with
The data has been taken from two sources
 Primary data source
The primary data source has been collected through questionnaire by
personally interviewing each respondent on a number of queries
structured in a questionnaire.
 Secondary data source
Secondary data was collected from following sources
Prior research reports
Personal consultation
iv. Choice of research design - alternatives and choice
The research design applied here was exploratory research
Exploratory Research is one in we don’t know about the problem, we
have to find about the problem and then work on solving the problem.
Whereas in case of descriptive research, we know the problem, we just
have to find the solution to the problem. Generally descriptive
research design is applied after exploratory research design.



The survey has been done with full efforts and utter car but still there

are some limitations beyond control which might make the findings

and conclusion in the report a little of beam.

Although we attained success in our dissertation to a great extent but

still could not provide the ideal state of marketing strategy prevailing

in an HERO MOTOCORP due to certain reasons which are :-

1- The time is assumed that the information given by the

respondents are authentic and to the best of their knowledge.
2- Information provided by the respondents might be biased
and have variation with their actual action.
3- Subjective nature of the study the perception of the viewers
change and different conclusion can be drawn by different
4- It is assumed that the information give by the respondent by
authentic and to the best of their knowledge.



Q.1 Do you think planning necessary for marketing strategy in HERO


Yes 91

No 9


91% respondent said that planning necessary for marketing strategy in

an HERO MOTOCORP but 9% said no.

Q.2 Do you think that HERO MOTOCORP pay attention to vision

statement for marketing strategy ?

Yes 87

No 13


87% respondent said that HERO MOTOCORP pay attention to vision

statement for marketing strategy but 13% said no.

Q. 3 Do you think HERO MOTOCORP managers pay attention to

marketing strategy objective?

Yes 77

No 23


77% respondent said that HERO MOTOCORP managers pay

attention to marketing strategy objective but 23% said no.

Q.4 do you think HERO MOTOCORP’s customer perception and

behavior are better?

Yes 67

No 33


67% respondent said that HERO MOTOCORP’s customer perception

and behavior are better but 33% said no.

Q.5 do you think team co-operation in marketing strategy are

necessary for HERO MOTOCORP?

Yes 76

No 24


76% respondent said that team co-operation in marketing strategy

necessary for HERO MOTOCORP but 24% said no.



 91% respondent said that planning necessary for marketing

strategy in an HERO MOTOCORP but 9% said no.
 87% respondent said that HERO MOTOCORP pay attention to
vision statement for marketing strategy but 13% said no.
 77% respondent said that HERO MOTOCORP managers pay
attention to marketing strategy objective but 23% said no.
 67% respondent said that the set back behind in HERO
MOTOCORP marketing strategy under planning but 33% said
 76% respondent said that team co-operation in marketing
strategy necessary for HERO MOTOCORP but 24% said no.
 77% respondent said that team work within HERO
MOTOCORP for marketing strategy an HERO MOTOCORP
is effective but 23% said no.
 76% respondent said that motivating planning for marketing
strategy in HERO MOTOCORP is better but 24% said no.
 67% respondent said that the need for skills under marketing
strategy in HERO MOTOCORP is better but 33% said no.
 91% respondent said that problems of marketing strategy get
for not paying attention to procedures in HERO MOTOCORP
but 9% said no.



As stated in the questionnaire the respondent stated their views

regarding the improvements needed in the marketing strategy

programme & service same of these suggestions and recommendation

are proceed regarding the marketing strategy programme are listed


 These should be an increase in number of marketing strategy

programme for employees of different departments so that apart

from improving their out put they start believing the

organization is making an effort to improve their condition on

the whole.

 A regular pre–employment marketing strategy has to be a part

of comprehensive programme of employee's entertainment.

 More interaction between the managerial staff and employees to

be encouraged and each supervision to give a report on the

employees under his supervision.

 The personnel department should give more consideration on

the lowest employee cadre for their social and economical


 The essentially like certificates for the marketing strategy done

to be given so that a employee’s ego is also satisfied.

 The old employee who are master in their work should give

sufficient time with new ones so that loss factors

 Start of monetary and non – monetary regards to be given to

improve better cordial relation between the management and


 Such marketing strategy programme should be held at regular

intervals so that employees could update & review the

marketing strategy activities.

 Proper function of audio/ visuals aids should be provided by the


 Pre information & suggestion regarding the marketing strategy

should be given & taken respectively from the concerned




The amount of increase in the growth of HERO MOTOCORP firms today is

impressive. This new innovation is positively contributing to its environment

especially in the area of economic stability. In the above chapters, we have listed

different kind of HERO MOTOCORP’s marketing strategy , planning of

operations and the strategies used to maximize profit in it. Now, our next question

should be on how to know the extent and impact of marketing strategy hosted. In

other words, how do we evaluate our HERO MOTOCORP marketing strategy

with the intention of knowing the outcome on profit and satisfaction of our clients.

Post-operations evaluation is majorly concerned with measuring the success of an

operations in terms of its objective by collecting and analyzing relevant data from

the operations. In the same vein, it includes the evaluation process of operations

organization for marketing strategy , and feedback lesson and observations learnt

from this into the ongoing marketing strategy process.

It might be of interest also to know that this post-operations evaluation can sketch

a picture of the operations, facilitating the communication of its outcomes to key


Here are some of the important functions of marketing strategy evaluation:

measuring of marketing strategy outcomes, creation of a demographic profile of

the operations audience, identification of how the operations can be improved,

enhancement of operations reputation, and evaluation of marketing strategy




1- Research Methodology CR Kothari

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1- Newspaper

Times of India

Economic Times

2- Magazines :

Business Today

Business world

3- Website :


Customer name:


Vehicle number:



a) Professional

b) Govt. employee

c) Private employee

d) Student

e) Business

f) Others

Family income:

a) Below Rs-75000

b) Rs 75000 to Rs 125000

c) Rs 125000 to 150000

d) AboveRs 150000

Model of purchase:

a) Loan

b) Cash

Q.1 Do you think planning necessary for marketing strategy in Hero


Q.2 Do you think that Hero Motocorp pay attention to vision

statement for marketing strategy ?

Q. 3 Do you think Hero Motocorp managers pay attention to

marketing strategy objective?

Q.4 do you think Hero Motocorp’s customer perception and behavior

are better?

Q.5 do you think team co-operation in marketing strategy are

necessary for Hero Motocorp?

Q. 6 do you think promotional planning of Hero Motocorp is


Q. 7 Are you aware about Hero Motocorp ?


Q. 8 Are you satisfied wtih Hero Motocorp?



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