Harsh Adhana STPR Fianl Year 01
Harsh Adhana STPR Fianl Year 01
Harsh Adhana STPR Fianl Year 01
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
I ―HARSH ADHANA bearing Roll No. 220992105153 BBA-5th Semester, of Mangalmay Institute
of Management & Technology, Greater Noida, U.P. hereby declare that the Summer Training project report
entitled “MARKETING STRATEGIES OF FLIPKART ” is an original work.
Certified that the Summer Training Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the
(BBA) to
CHAUDHARY CHARAN SINGH UNIVERSITY, Meerut Roll No. 220992105153 has been
completed under my guidance and is Satisfactory.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the successful
completionof this summer training project. First and foremost, I am deeply thankful to Mangalmay
Institute of Management and Technology and my department for giving me the opportunity to participate
in this training, which has enriched my practical understanding of the business environment.
I express my sincere appreciation to my esteemed Program Coordinator Mr. Surya Shekhar Vishal and
my faculty guide, Dr. Pankaj Kumar for his continuous guidance, constructive feedback, and
encouragement throughout this project. His insights and suggestions have been invaluable in shaping
my understanding and approach.
Lastly, I am grateful to my family and friends for their constant encouragement and support. This
projectwould not have been possible without the collective efforts of all those involved.
Place Signature
8. ANNEXURE 85-86
“Consumers do not buy what you sell. They buy what has value to them.”
Marketing strategy has the fundamental goal of increasing sales and achieving a
sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes all basic, short-term,
and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the
strategic initial situation of a company and the formulation, evaluation and
selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contributes to the goals of the
company and its marketing objectives.
Why does marketing strategy matter?
―Marketing strategy allows you to use pathways and footholds that apply your limited
marketing budget more effectively.
In marketing, there is strategy and there are tactics. A lot of marketing, in practice, is
preoccupied with what I call tactical experimentation. This is the act of throwing all
kinds of things out at the world or at broad demographic targets to see what works. As
you do this you are spending money, potentially lots of it. The idea in this method is to
do this until you find some marketing actions that work, and when you find them you
can then do more of those.
This process often results in the classic Wanamaker dilemma— Half the money
I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don‗t know which half. He was
speaking of advertising, but the principle applies.
Marketing strategy allows you to use pathways and footholds that apply your limited
marketing budget more effectively (everyone‗s marketing budget is limited).
Marketing strategy facilitates your ability to apply marketing money to the correct half
of the Wanamaker equation—the half you are not wasting on audiences who do not
value yourmessage.
To illustrate this principal with one of our own rather straightforward examples, when
we looked at the South Bronx as a marketplace for the Bronx Museum, the situation we
saw was reflected by the first competitive advantage diagram below; here, there is
nothing in their offer, as understood by the consumer, that is of any perceived value.
The strategy, therefore, could not be to simply support the institutional desire to
communicate about all the great art that was on exhibit
competitive environment. On the other hand, managerial marketing is focused on
theimplementation of specific targets."
2. Gathering the marketing mix: By marketing mix we mean how the
organization proposes to sell its products. The organization has to gather the
four P‗s of marketing in appropriate combination. Gathering the marketing mix
is a crucial part of marketing task. Various decisions have to be made such as -
▪ What is the most appropriate mix of the four P‗s in a given situation
▪ What distribution channels are available and which one should be used
▪ What developmental strategy should be used in the target market
▪ How should the price structure be designed
Strategic planning typically begins with a scan of the business environment, both
internal and external, which includes understanding strategic constraints. It is generally
necessary to try to grasp many aspects of the external environment, including
technological, economic, cultural, political and legal aspects. Goals are chosen, then a
marketing strategy or marketing plan. This is an explanation of what specific actions
will be taken over time to achieve the objectives. Plans can be extended to cover many
years, with sub-plans for each year. Although, as the speed of change in the
merchandising environment quickens, time horizons are becoming shorter. Ideally,
strategies are both dynamic and interactive, partially planned and partially unplanned,
to enable a firm to react to unforeseen developments while trying to keep focused on a
specific pathway; generally, a longer time frame is preferred. There are simulations
such as customer lifetime value models which can help marketers conduct "what-if"
analyses to forecast what might happen based on possible actions, and gauge how
specific actions might affect such variables as the revenue-per-customer and the churn
rate. Strategies often specify how to adjust the marketing mix; firms can use tools such
as Marketing Mix Modelling to help them decide how to allocate scarce resources for
different media, as well as how to allocate funds across a portfolio of brands. In
addition, firms can conduct analyses of performance, customer analysis, competitor
analysis, and target market analysis. A key aspect of marketing strategy is often to keep
marketing consistent with a company's overarching mission statement.
Marketing strategy should not be confused with a marketing objective or mission. For
example, a goal may be to become the market leader, perhaps in a specific niche; a
mission may be something along the lines of "to serve customers with honour and
dignity"; in contrast, a marketing strategy describes how a firm will achieve the stated
goal in a way which is consistent with the mission, perhaps by detailed plans for how it
might build a referral network, for example. Strategy varies by type of market. A well-
established firm in a mature market will likely have a different strategy than a start-up.
Plans usually involve monitoring, to assess progress, and prepare for contingencies if
problems arise. You should also write a marketing strategy when starting your own
The requirements of individual customer markets are unique, and their purchases
sufficient to make viable the design of a new marketing mix for each customer. If a
company adopts this type of market strategy, they design a separate marketing mix for
each customer.
Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual
business. However, there are a number of ways of categorizing some generic strategies.
A brief description of the most common categorizing schemes is presented below:
anindustry. Typically there are four types of market dominance strategies:[9]
• Leader
• Challenger
• Follower
• Nicher
Entrant strategies
According to Lieberman and Montgomery, every entrant into a market – whether it is
new or not – is classified under a Market Pioneer, Close Follower or a late follower.
Market Pioneers are known to often open a new market to consumers based off a major
innovation. They emphasize these product developments, and in a significant amount of
cases, studies have shown that early entrants – or pioneers – into a market have serious
market-share advantages above all those who enter later. Pioneers have the first-mover
advantage, and in order to have this advantage, businesses must ensure they have at
least one or more of three primary sources: Technological Leadership, Preemption of
Assets or Buyer Switching Costs. Technological Leadership means gaining an
advantage through either Research or Development or the ―learning curve . This
lets a business use the research and development stage as a key point of selling due to
primaryresearch of a new or developed product. Preemption of Assets can help gain an
advantage through acquiring scarce assets within a certain market, allowing the first-
mover to be able to have control of existing assets rather than those that are created
through new technology. Thus allowing pre-existing information to be used and a lower
risk when first entering a new market. By being a first entrant, it is easy to avoid higher
switching costs compared to later entrants. For example, those who enter later would
have to invest more expenditure in order to encourage customers away from early
entrants). However, while Market Pioneers may have the ―highest probability
of engaging in product development and lower switching costs, to have the first-mover
advantage, it can be more expensive due to product innovation being more costly than
product imitation. It has been found that while Pioneers in both consumer goods and
industrial markets have gained ―significant sales advantages , they
incur larger disadvantages cost-wise.
Close followers
Being a Market Pioneer can more often than not, attract entrepreneurs and/or investors
depending on the benefits of the market. If there is an upside potential and the ability to
have a stable market share, many businesses would start to follow in the footsteps of
these pioneers. These are more commonly known as Close Followers. These entrants
into the market can also be seen as challengers to the Market Pioneers and the Late
Followers. This is because early followers are more than likely to invest a significant
amount in Product Research and Development than later entrants. By doing this, it
allows businesses to find weaknesses in the products produced before, thus leading to
improvements and expansion on the aforementioned product. Therefore, it could also
lead to customer preference, which is essential in market success. Due to the nature of
early followers and the research time being later than Market Pioneers, different
development strategies are used as opposed to those who entered the market in the
beginning, and the same is applied to those who are Late Followers in the market. By
having a different strategy, it allows the followers to create their own unique selling
point and perhaps target a different audience in comparison to that of the Market
Pioneers. Early following into a market can often be encouraged by an established
business‗ product that is ―threatened or has industry-specific supporting assets .
Late followers
Those who follow after the Close Followers are known as the Late Entrants. While
being a Late Entrant can seem very daunting, there are some perks to being a latecomer.
For example, Late Entrants have the ability to learn from those who are already in the
market or have previously entered. Late Followers have the advantage of learning from
their early competitors and improving the benefits or reducing the total costs. This
allows them to create a strategy that could essentially mean gaining market share and
most importantly, staying in the market. In addition to this, markets evolve, leading to
consumers wanting improvements and advancements on products. Late Followers have
the advantage of catching the shifts in customer needs and wants towards the
products. When bearing in mind customer preference, customer value has a significant
influence. Customer value means taking into account the investment of customers as
well as the brand or product. It is created through the ―perceptions of benefits
and the
―total cost of ownership . On the other hand, if the needs and wants of
consumers have only slightly altered, Late Followers could have a cost advantage over
early entrants dueto the use of product imitation. However, if a business is switching
markets,this could take the cost advantage away due to the expense of changing markets
for the business. Late Entry into a market does not necessarily mean there is a
disadvantage when it comes to market share; it depends on how the marketing mix is
adopted and the performance of the business. If the marketing mix is not used correctly
– despite the entrant time – the business will gain little to no advantages, potentially
missing out on a significant opportunity.
Growth strategy
Growth of a business is critical for business success, so using strategies such
as horizontal integration, vertical integration, diversification and intensification will all
benefit a business‗s growth, be it long term or short term. Refer to Ansoff's Matrix for
a simpler explanation of the various growth strategies if those mentioned below are
difficult to understand.
within the business. Another benefit of using this strategy is that it leads to a larger
market for merged businesses, and it is easier to build good reputations for a business
when using this strategy. A disadvantage of using the horizontal integration strategy is
that this limits and restricts the field of interest that the business is expanding the new
products into. Horizontal integration can affect a business's reputation, especially after
amerge has happened between two or more businesses. There are three main benefits to
abusiness's reputation after a merge. A larger business helps the reputation and increases
the severity of the punishment. As well as the merge of information after a merge has
happened, this increases the knowledge of the business and marketing area they are
focused on. The last benefit is more opportunities for deviation to occur in merged
businesses rather than independent businesses.
1. Planning Phase
The planning phase is the most important as it analyzes internal strengths and
weaknesses, external competition, changes in technology; industry culture shifts and
provides an overall picture of the state of the organization. This phase has four key
components that will provide a clear diagram of where your company is and what it is
• SWOT Analysis – Defines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
of your business and reveal your company‗s position in respect to the market. To
maximizes strengths and minimize weaknesses an organization must perform the
o Analyze competitors
o Assess company
• Marketing program – Once the needs of the customers have been determined,
and the decisions have been made about which products will satisfy those needs, a
marketing program or mix must be developed. This marketing program is
the how aspect of the planning phases, which focuses on the 4Ps and the budget needed
for each element of the mix.
o Once the customer needs are understood, goals can be set to meet them,
thus increasing the chances of success with new products.
• Position the product: market so that in people‗s minds your product is the
―go to for their problem. Through emotional and mental marketing customers
will associate your brand with their solution and eliminate choice. For
many mothers use ―Pampers, when referring to diapers, as this brand has
been positioned as the go to in baby diapering needs.
2. Implementation Phase
The implementation phase is the action portion of the process. If the firm cannot carry
out the plan that was determined in the early stages, then the hours spent planning were
wasted. However, if the planning was adequately and competently structured, then the
program can be put into effect through a sales forecast and a budget, using the
followingfour components.
The evaluation phase is the checking phase. This process involves ensuring that the
results of the program are in line with the goals set. The marketing team, especially the
manager will need to observe any deviations in the plan and quickly correct negative
deviations to get back on course; for example fluctuations of the dollar creates a lesser
need for the product than in the past, then the production of said product should be
repurposed for a new more desired item. And they should exploit the positive
divergences as well, for example if sales are better than predicted for certain products
then there could be more resources allocated to greater production or distribution of the
same item.
• Strategy versus tactic – strategy defines goals and tactic defines actions to
achieve goals.
• Measurable versus vague – have milestones that define when you‗ve achieved
your goals.
• Actionable versus Contingent – According to Inc.com: ―A strategic
goal should be achievable through the tactics that support it, rather than dependent upon
uncontrollable outside forces.
• Marketing strategy should be backed by a business plan with tactical moves to
accomplish goals, or it is useless.
Company Profile
Flipkart is an electronic commerce company headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka. It
was founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal (no relation). The company is
registered in Singapore. Flipkart has launched its own product range under the name
"DigiFlip" with products including tablets, USBs, and laptop bags. As of April 2017,
the company was valued at $11.6 billion. Flipkart is a private company founded by
Binny Bansal and Sachin Bansal. Established in the year 2007, it deals with e-
commerce. The company website is one of the most popular websites in India and has
an employee count of more than ten thousand. Its slogan, ‗The Online Megastore‗ is
very apt and popular. As Indian‗s are being accustomed to online purchases, they have
contributed towards the success of this online website. Flipkart is no longer just a
shopping website; it has become the heart and soul of the shopaholics.
People have started feeling that this online portal is giving more choices in products
than others. In a recent development, the Indian Textile Ministry has signed with
Flipkart a memorandum of understanding. Under this MOU, the handloom weavers
will get an easy to use platform through Flipkart to display their products and conduct
sales. Flipkart will also provide infrastructural support to the weavers. However, this
move has been made for the growth of handloom industry but it will also benefit the
website. To associate with any government project is in itself a testimony to their
History of the company
Flipkart was founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, both alumni of
the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. They worked for Amazon.com, and left to
create their new company incorporated in October 2007 as Flipkart Online Services
Pvt. Ltd. The first product they sold was the book Leaving Microsoft to Change the
World toa customer from Hyderabad. Flipkart now employs more than 33,000 people.
In October and November 2011, Flipkart acquired the websites Mime360.com and
Chakpak.com. Later, in February 2012, the company revealed its new Flyte Digital
Music Store. Flyte, a legal music download service in the vein of
iTunes and Amazon.com, offered DRM-free MP3 downloads. But it was shut down on
17 June 2013 as paid song downloads did not get popular in India due to the advent of
free music streaming sites.
After the success of its 2014 Big Billion Sale, Flipkart carried out a second Big Billion
Sale. Where it is reported that they saw a Business turnover of $300 Million in gross
merchandise volume.
In 2015, Flipkart bought a minority stake in navigation and route optimization startup
MapmyIndia to help improve its delivery using Map my India assets.
As E-tailer Flipkart became one of the largest e-commerce companies in the nation,
Sachin Bansal emerged as a face of the company, while a silent stakeholder in the
billion dollar start-up largely stayed in the background Until now.
With Binny Bansal taking over as the CEO of Flipkart and Sachin Bansal moving up to
the position of executive chairman, the ex-COO and co-founder of the company is
suddenly in the media spotlight.
Binny Bansal in a file image | Source: Reuters
• Highlighting his simplicity, Abhishek Goyal, who knows him from Flipkart's
early days said, "He hardly comes across as a billionaire. His wife would bring a
tiffin for him on some of the Sundays that he was in office."
• The first ever book ordered on Flipkart was 'Leaving Microsoft to Change the
World by John Wood', and Binny went on to borrow money from a friend to pick
the book and deliver it.
Representational image | Source: Reuters
A former employee at Flipkart Xitij Kothi told The Economic Times that, "unlike a lot
of the big names, (Binny) is extremely approachable. You expect to be intimidated,
butthat just disappears almost immediately."
Acquisitions of Flipkart
• 2011: Chakpak.com, a Bollywood news site that offers updates, news, photos
and videos. Flipkart acquired the rights to Chakpak's digital catalogue which
includes 40,000 filmographies, 10,000 movies and close to 50,000 ratings. Flipkart
has categorically said that it will not be involved with the original site and will not
company for an estimated US$25 million. Letsbuy.com was closed down and all
mobile platform.
• 2016: Flipkart‗s Myntra acquires rival fashion shopping site Jabong for
Million. In April, in exchange for an equity stake in Flipkart, eBay agreed to make a
$500 million cash investment in and sell its eBay.in business to Flipkart; however,
Some of the company’s key competitors are:
• Amazon
• Snap Deal
• e-bay
• shopclus
• Naaptol
• HomeShop18
• Jabong
• Yebhi
• Indiaplaza
• Infibeam
• Letsbuy
Flipkart is an online retailing industry and started its operations with the sale of books.
For two years, it sold only books through its website as the management and shipment
of books was much easier. After its expansion, it started dealing with products like air
coolers, Washing machines, air conditioner, life style products, stationary supplies, cell
phones, computers, calculators, microwave ovens, water purifiers, laptops, cameras,
audio players, products relating to health care, dishwashers and e-books. Products sold
on Flipkart have the same warranties of the brand if sold outside in a showroom.
It has recently launched its personal product range called ―DigiFlip . Under
this brand, it offers products like computer accessories, camera bags, headphones and
pen drives.
In July, Flipkart introduced its own tablet phones and networking router under its
personal range ―DigiFlip .
On February 5, 2014 in a special tie up with Motorola Mobility, Flipkart has provided a
platform for the launch of ‗Moto G‗. Online shoppers went crazy with the unveiling of
this smart phone. This awe-inspiring response resulted in the sales of nearly 20,000
mobiles in a few hours. Continuing their association, ‗Moto X‗, an Android
Smartphone, was introduced on March 19. On May 13, ‗Moto-E was launched at the
same site triggering the same response. Continuing this success story Flipkart in a tie
up with Xiaomi Techintroduced ‗Xiaomi Mi3‗ on its platform. In the first phase
on22nd July all the phones were sold in just 39 minutes and in the 2nd phase on 29thJuly
the sold out was complete in only 5 seconds. On 5th August the sale was completed in
just 2 seconds. This amazing response and hyper mania has helped in giving Flipkart an
immense lift up.
Flipkart functions entirely in India and it has its headquarters in the Garden City of
Bangalore in Karnataka. It is owned by a Singapore based company and is registered
over there. According to India‗s foreign policy, a foreign company is not allowed e-
retailing over here. Therefore, in India, Flipkart sells the merchandises through an
Indian company WS Retail. Flipkart also provides its own platform to other companies
who are interested in selling their goods. The website is very easy and hassle free.
Browsing, keeping track of products, getting reviews, ordering goods and payment
methods are very convenient for the individuals. At first Flipkart started its operations
on the consignment model in which they personally bought the book and couriered it.
Later they opened many warehouses where the goods were stored safely. The first
warehouse was opened in Bangalore and later in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Pune, Noida and Kolkata. As of today, more than five hundred suppliers are working for
Flipkart. At least 80% of the orders placed are handled and controlled via warehouses.
Shipping companies and courier companies are the real mediators in this setup. The
quick and well-organized service is the reason why the company has been able to put
its mark on the Indian market. Their delivery network is spread over thirty-seven cities
with delivery being possible in any nook and corner.
Though Flipkart started its venture with an investment of just INR 400,000, today its
net worth is nearly 1billion dollars as its sales are increasing day by day. It still earns
revenue of 50% from selling books online. Electronic commerce has become a huge hit
because of Flipkart. Its price policy is very flexible because of online transactions.
Amount to be charged is determined after looking at the innumerable expenses like
transport expenses, supplier expenses, packaging costs, courier charges, shipping cost,
office expenses, maintenance expenses, discount allowances, depreciation, taxes,
advertisement expenses and many other expenses.
Discounts up to 35% are allowed periodically to boost up the sales and maintain
competitive prices. For payments, Flipkart allows credit card transactions, cash
payment after delivery, transaction through debit card, by swiping card on delivery,
vouchers available as e-gift and net banking.
Flipkart has changed the concept of multi brand retailing of products through internet in
India. Its huge success has proved to be an inspiration for other companies. It operates
mostly through mouth advertising. The satisfied customers have been their best
promoters. To have a firm grip on the online world Flipkart has used the services of
Google Ad-words and SEO. These marketing tools have made them household names.
Downloading the exclusive app of Flipkart helps in getting alerts about the current
offers, order status, price drops, recent launches and various gift coupons.
Flipkart has also taken the help of creative and interesting advertisements so that an
awareness and trust is generated for their website amongst the people. Their first
campaign was shown on TVC with the concept that books can be delivered with just a
single click. Recently an ad has been launched to increase the social visibility where the
tag line is ―No Kidding No Worries . Trained individuals are hired to
fulfill their responsibilities adequately. The systematic planning and level of effort
undertaken to reach such heights is commendable.
Journey of Flipkart
Baby care
Books/ eBook
Games and toys
Mobiles cameras
Large appliances ACs, TVs
Home and
kitchenSports and
There are top five shareholders of the Flipkart, the list is as follows:-
1. Tiger Global – Holds 29.5% Stake
5. Intervision Services Holdings – Holds 18.4% Stake
6. Others – Holds 23.2% Stake
There are three subsidiaries under Flipkart Pvt Ltd. They are:
Under the above three companies, there are five other companies which have been
incorporated in India. They are:
1. Flipkart Payment Gateway Services Pvt Ltd (Which provides the
paymentgateway services with the product called payzippy)
3. Flipkart Internet Pvt Ltd (Flipkart.com is owned by this company and all
thetechnology related issues is seen by this company)
4. Digital Media Pvt Ltd (It is a dormant company which doesn‗t files its return)
Acquisition of Myntra.com
This was the most talked topic in the field of e-commerce platform market where
Flipkart acquired myntra.com for around 2200 crores. Myntra.com shareholders
accepted the proposal for the acquisition by the Flipkart but the directors or the owners
of myntra.com named Mukesh Bansal and Ashutosh Lawania have not accepted the
share transfer but asked for the cash payment of the same. Others got the stock in the
Flipkart parent company in Singapore. According to the external sources, myntra.com
owners got an average consideration of 427 crores in exchange of the ownership of
theirshare holding the myntra.com
According to the external sources, Mukesh Bansal has again acquired some shares of
myntra.com and now he is eligible for coming in the board meetings and guide the
shareholders for the future prospects of the company. He was also elected the
Marketing chief in the Flipkart. It is to be noticed that both the companies Flipkart and
Myntra are working separately and there is nothing common for the operating of the
same as Flipkart sells a huge variety of products while the former ones is only
associated with the apparels department.
The biggest investor of Flipkart.com – Tiger Global has invested around 700 Million
Dollars in the company which is a huge amount which shows a great sign of trust in the
company by the angel investors and which is much higher as compared to the
investment done by Tiger Global in Facebook and Google.
A timeline for the development of e-commerce:
• 1994: Ipswitch IMail Server becomes the first software available online for sale
and immediate download via a partnership between Ipswitch, Inc. and Open
• 1994: "Ten Summoner's Tales" by Sting becomes the first secure online
purchase through Net Market.
• 1995: The US National Science Foundation lifts its former strict prohibition of
commercial enterprise on the Internet.
• 1995: Thursday 27 April 1995, the purchase of a book by Paul Stanfield,
Product Manager for CompuServe UK, from W H Smith's shop within
CompuServe's UK Shopping Centre is the UK's first national online shopping
service secure transaction. The shopping service at launch featured W H
Smith, Tesco, Virgin Megastores/Our Price, Great Universal Stores
(GUS), Interflora, Dixons Retail, Past Times, PC World (retailer) and Innovations.
• 1995: Jeff Bezos launches Amazon.com and the first commercial-free 24-hour,
internet-only radio stations, Radio HK and NetRadio start broadcasting. eBay is
founded by computer programmer Pierre Omidyar as AuctionWeb.
• 1996: IndiaMART B2B marketplace established in India.
• 1996: ECPlaza B2B marketplace established in Korea.
• 1996: The use of Excalibur BBS with replicated "Storefronts" was an early
implementation of electronic commerce started by a group
of SysOps in Australia and replicated to global partner sites.
• 1998: Electronic postal stamps can be purchased and downloaded for printing
from the Web.
• 1999: Alibaba Group is established in China. Business.com sold for US $7.5
million to eCompanies, which was purchased in 1997 for US $149,000. The peer-
to-peer filesharing software Napster launches. ATG Stores launches to sell
decorative items for the home online.
• 2000: Complete Idiot's Guide to E-commerce released on Amazon
• 2000: The dot-com bust.
• 2001: Alibaba.com achieved profitability in December 2001.
• 2002: eBay acquires PayPal for $1.5 billion. Niche
retail companies Wayfair and NetShops are founded with the concept of selling
products through several targeted domains, rather than a central portal.
• 2003: Amazon.com posts first yearly profit.
• 2003: Bossgo B2B marketplace established in China.
• 2004: DHgate.com, China's first online b2b transaction platform, is
established,forcing other b2b sites to move away from the "yellow pages" model.
• 2007: Business.com acquired by R.H. Donnelley for $345 million.
• 2009: Zappos.com acquired by Amazon.com for $928 million. Retail
Convergence, operator of private sale website RueLaLa.com, acquired by GSI
Commerce for $180 million, plus up to $170 million in earn-out payments based on
performance through 2012.
• 2010: Groupon reportedly rejects a $6 billion offer from Google. Instead, the
group buying websites went ahead with an IPO on 4 November 2011. It was the
largest IPO since Google.
• 2012: Zalora Group was founded and started operations around Asia.
• 2014: Overstock.com processes over $1 million in Bitcoin sales. India's e-
commerce industry is estimated to have grown more than 30% from 2012 to $12.6
billion in 2013. US ecommerce and Online Retail sales projected to reach $294
billion, an increase of 12 percent over 2013 and 9% of all retail sales. Alibaba
Group has the largest Initial public offering ever, worth $25 billion.
• 2015: Amazon.com accounts for more than half of all ecommerce
growth, selling almost 500 Million SKU's in the US.
✓ Top Indian ecommerce portal
✓ Diversified into electronic goods
✓ Two VC investment to build its own delivery system thereby reduce delivery time
✓ Cash on delivery which is making 60% of its income
✓ Industry condition: very high potential
✓ Investor‗s trust
✓ Services and warehousing
✓ Payment options
✓ Established brand
✓ Coordination with suppliers and courier was tough
✓ Price biasing to maintain the margins ( e.g. Low price for the best seller book
price for the least wanted)
✓ 24/7 customer care, thus even mid night is to delivered within 24 hours
✓ Entry of international on-line competitors in Indian market
✓ Customers are not comfortable with online payment
✓ Not profitable operationally
✓ Time to build confidence among the customers
✓ Middle management retention issues.
✓ Already working towards customer delight will obtain customer loyalty gradually
✓ Supplier database interface with flipkart website for JIT procurement
✓ Mobile internet usage is increasing there by chances of increase in sales
throughmobile shopping.
✓ Development of m-commerce in the e-market
✓ Increasing internet penetration
✓ Target social medias to reach young population
✓ High interest among VC/PE.
✓ Small players and emerging competitor
✓ In capabilities to manage certain costs like delivery cost, bank charges
✓ High competition from major international online retailers
✓ Capture of alternative market by competitors
✓ Major players like Amazon
The process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly
identifiable segments having similar needs, wants, or demand characteristics. Its
objective is to design a marketing mix that precisely matches the expectations of
customers in the targeted segment. Few companies are big enough to supply the needs
of an entire market; most must breakdown the total demand into segments and choose
those that the company is best equipped to handle. The four basic market
• 75% of online users between the age group of 15-34 years.
• Flipkart targets mainly the youth of the country,
• Web friendly people
• Flipkart concentrates on more Psychographic, which helps in deciding where to
display ads online.
• They target online shoppers and people who don‗t online shop (thus TVC
toencourage them).
➢ Word of mouth (initial marketing even now they want to satisfy customer so
theycome back for more)
➢ Good use of SEO
➢ ―We DO NOT sell old books or used books. All the books listed at Flipkart.com
arenew books. The books listed at Flipkart.com are NOT available for free download in
eBook or PDF format.
➢ Thus when you search free eBooks or Pdf books old or used books Flipkart will
➢ Good use of SEM
➢ Ads at proper places and use pay per click to pay for ads
➢ Very easy web interface
➢ Payment convenience
➢ Cash/card on delivery – there by encouraging students and people with no
credit/debit card to purchase in Flipkart, with mobile internet penetration there
ischances of capturing
rural market (60% revenue by COD)
➢ EMI –by targeting price sensitive customers
➢ Wallet – customer can recharge money online and purchase then and when
neededthose entering details always is rectified, target heavy purchase and luxury
➢ Customer conversion rate is so high more than 70%
➢ Personalization of the user page
➢ Product recommendation with your previous purchases
Porters 5 forces –
➢ Inventory turnover is lower, thus more inventory again Flipkart is at the upper hand
➢ Cash on delivery
• To understand tactics and methods those are used by flipkart to grab the customers
• To know how consumers are evaluating e-commerce sites for their purchases.
• To study complexities and barriers those are there in between e-commerce sites
The goal for all data collection is to capture quality evidence that then translates to
rich data analysis and allows the building of a convincing and credible answer to
questions that have been posed.
Primary data was collected from various people and their opinion and information for
the specific purposes of study helped to run the analysis. The data was collected
through questionnaire to understand their experience and preference towards their loyal
Secondary data was collected from different sites, news papers etc.
Sample size: 100
Literature review
Review of literature
Internet, various innovative companies have set up systems for taking
customer orders, facilitate making of payments, customer service,
collection of marketing
data, and online feedback respectively. These activities have collectively
known as e-commerce or Internet commerce. Online shopping made so
easy for everyone with their product variations and simple way to buy
things. An attempt has been made to critically examine various corporate
and business level strategies of two big e-tailers and those are Flipkart
and Amazon. Comparison have been done considering e-commerce
challenges, their business model, funding, revenue generation, growth,
survival strategies, Shoppers‗ online shopping experience, value added
differentiation, and product offerings. Both these big players made their
own mark in India, but who is going to be ultimate winner or be the top
one is going to be. A comparative study of Flipkart.com with one of the
close competitor Amazon.com delivers the information about the
different strategies to succeed in e-commerce market and different
opportunities available in India.
• Data was collected from websites and catalogues to understand the
productof the different players.
• Sources used for secondary data collection are company web site, E-
tailerweb site etc.
Area covered
Greater Noida:
1. Alpha 1
2. Alpha 2
3. Beta 1
4. Beta 2
5. Knowledge park 2
2. Sec 44
3. Sec 37
Respondent age group and
genderTABLE: .1
Below 25
Age Between
25- 14.3
Above 35 100
Male 28 40
Gender Fema 42 60
le 70 100
The above chart provides the empirical findings gleaned from the collected data. It
provides demographic information of the respondents and the statistical analysis of the
information collected from them. This is followed by the interpretation and discussion
about our findings. The above table shows that out of 70 respondents 50 % of people
arein the age group of < 25 years,35.7% of people are in the age group of 25-35
and 14.3% of people are in the group of >35.
We are having highest respondents who do online shopping are less than 25 years and
almost all those belongs to student category. At the same time 35.7% of age group 25-
35 is utilizing online shopping well. All those people are attracted to e-commerce sites
which are offering wide range of products to everywhere and also with their services.
We can interpret that based upon their preferences that they are getting different and
unavailable international products online, which made easy and time efficient.
Duration Purchase
Frequently 17
Very rare 21
From above table we can see that how often respondents are doing shopping online. It
became habit of choosing online shopping instead of brick and mortar shopping. Here
21 out of 70 respondents are so regular that they do shop online at least once in month.
Here also we can see that people who like frequently is less than people shop once in a
month and some people are those who shop only in rare case.
From above table we can interpret that how often respondents are doing shopping
online. It became habit of choosing online shopping instead of brick and mortar
shopping. Here 30% of respondents are so regular that they do shop online at least once
in month. That open more ways to e-commerce people to succeed in market.
Table: 3
Flipkart 25
Amazon 27
Snapdeal 12
Shopclues 3
Others 2
From above table we can analyze that respondent like to shop more from Amazon than
any other site. Out of 70 respondents 27 respondents like to use Amazon for shopping.
We can see that the Flipkart is getting tough competition from Amazon. Only and there
is other sites after Amazon who stands in the line competition with Flipkart. In the
second place it‗s Flipkart. Respondent like to use Flipkart after Amazon.
Interpretation: From above table we can interpret that both Amazon and Flipkart were
chosen by 75% people. And rest of the e-commerce players such as Snapdeal (18%)
and shop clues (4%) are too low in the competition to reach the target of both Amazon
and Flipkart. Even though Paytm is offering huge discounts when compared to its
Debit card 19
Credit card 3
Internet banking 4
Cash on delivery 44
We can see that most people are using cash on delivery and only few are using credit
cards and net banking. Second mostly preferred option is debit cards. In this we found
that only few peoples are chose internet banking and credit card because of lack of
knowledge, fear to give information and most of the people don‗t use credit card in
Company Respondent
Flipkart 29
Amazon 32
Other 9
We can see in the above table that Amazon is most impressed site for the respondent,
and Flipkart is second most preferred for respondent, and other sites are just few
respondents. So, here we can see that Amazon is in top and after that Flipkart. Only
Amazon is giving a tough competition.
Referred by friend 20
Advertisement 26
Online review 24
From the above table we can see that selection of the Flipkart according to
advertisement is high, and then according to online review and at last according to
friend‗s suggestion. People visit on Flipkart site due to commercial ads on different
website. Out of 70 respondent 26 respondent visit site through advertisement.
Which is the perfect way to reach the customers? Or by what basis client is choosing
online site for shopping. According to above table respondents are choosing as per
online reviews and also equal percentage of respondents are choosing e-commerce sites
based upon their friend‗s suggestions.
Flipkart 24
Amazon 25
Snapdeal 7
Paytm 12
Others 2
From the above table we can see that people are mostly satisfied with amazon pricing,
and Flipkart comes in second position in terms of pricing, and then on 3rd its paytm,
and then snapdeal and others come. Pricing is one of the strategies which can give more
market share as well as growth of a company. We can also see that respondent chose
paytm and other sites are less because they don‗t use such kinds of strategies.
Flipkart 24 28 27
Amazon 28 23 26
Snapdeal 12 14 11
Shopclues 6 5 6
From the above table we can see that according to what basis a customer choose a site
that according to price Amazon is the best, according to services Flipkart is best and
according to easy return again Flipkart is best. Here we also can see that Amazon is
only the company which is giving tough competition.
Respondent preferred sites for
From the above chart we interpret that people love to buy from Amazon more due to its
pricing and then on the basis of services and easy return they like Flipkart. Flipkart
using easy return police which is more convenient to the people. In this busy life people
like to pay more but do not want anything‗s to be delayed.
Delay in delivery 15
Product damage 10
Non delivery 7
Others 9
We can see that the people have faced more problem in not getting the quality product a
and after that the delay in delivery, even some time people get damaged product, and
some time its non delivery of products and others problem are also there like delivery
boy is arrogant etc.
From product order to delivery of the product its company‗s responsibility to fulfill
customer‗s requirements. Customers expect what they paid for, if something happens
they will hesitate to purchase again. From above table most of the respondents (41.4%)
are having problem with the product quality and after that they are having problem with
delay of product delivery.
Awesome 13
Good 34
Bad 7
Worst 6
From the above table we can see that the Flipkart customer care have a good response
and satisfactory by most of the customer and only few have bad experience with it. To
avoid any kind of problem with customer care Flipkart need to train their executive on
regularly basis.
INTERPRETATION: Respondents will choose e-commerce sites when they are fully
satisfied with their complete services. After purchase also, company have to take
responsible for customer‗s requirement. Flipkart made its mark in customer‗s heart.
Respondents (47.1%) of them are happy with the Flipkart customer support. This is
actually a better result to Flipkart, because people are positive towards it.
Table: 11
Festivals 7
To gifts 6
Offers 38
Weeding 5
Others 14
From the above table we can see that people to buy more from Flipkart when it give
offers to its customer. So, Flipkart need to take care of all its offers and that product
which should be offer related. But Flipkart should keep it in mind offers should
decrease the quality of goods.
E-commerce sites know when to and how to capture customers. The timing of offers in
ecommerce sites is just perfect. Even though people don‗t need them they will
purchase because of tempting deals in a row. More than 50% of people are doing online
shopping, when those e-commerce sites are offering so many exciting deals and offers.
All the e-commerce sites are moving their pawns competitive to each other, which lead
customers in confusion.
Flipkart 22
Amazon 24
Snapdeal 10
Paytm 9
Others 5
We can see in the above table that most people like to suggest the Amazon because
overall performance of Amazon is very good. People are satisfied from its services.
People suggestion is based on their satisfaction level. People suggest to other if the
satisfaction level is high and if satisfaction level will be low respondent don‗t like to
suggest to their friends, family and groups.
• Attract customers by exchange offer, discount offer, cash back offer and
facegift offer on the festival occasions
• Keep a hawk eye on the competitors and act according to their sales
andmarketing strategy.
• Improve the trust and eliminate those dealers who are responsible for
creatingbad image of company.
• Expand the area to tier 3 cities as more of the people leave in those areas.
The study consisted with all the work flows of and strategies of E-commerce player,
Flipkart. How Flipkart is performing and how they are running perfectly in the
competitive world has been explained. The innovative thinking of them to reach more
and more consumers is appreciable. They increased their network as much as possible
with ultimate aim of reaching more and more customers. They made consumers work
more easy and comfortable. In this competitive market one has to be lead and rest will
follow. Based upon consumer‗s survey we got our clear winner and it is Amazon. Even
though it is an international company it understood Indians very well and made its roots
stronger in India. Flipkart is also giving very tough competition to Amazon even though
it is new company when compared to Amazon. May be it takes some time to overcome,
but definitely they are doing very well in Indian e-commerce market. Flipkart is using
more offers like Flipkart big billion day etc. Flipkart is also using Pay per click and so
Amazon is doing. Flipkart is also acquiring more companies who can add value to it.
According to us there were so many limitations during project which were great
hurdlein the competition of report-
• Some of the samples selected for the study did not respond properly to the
questionnaire. However proper care had taken to make the analysis and
interpretations more meaningful.
• Questionnaires also invite people to lie and answer the questions very vaguely
which they would not do in an interview.
• People are not always willing to fill questionnaires in so they may just throw
them always.
• Peer pressure of embarrassment may cause people to not want to answer certain
questions, or they may want to impress the researcher and fabricate the truth by
filling in untrue answers, making questionnaires unreliable and sometimes
• There was so much confidential data of companies that are not exposed.
• Survey was restricted to particular age group because respondents willing
tofill are college students.
• Analysis was done based upon personal opinion of respondents
individually,not from any focus groups or experts.
➢ In this research I found that various people told that packaging can be
improved.So it should be better if they work on packaging because packaging
itself a way of promotion. A good package creates a good image of the
➢ Sometime the way of behaving of a delivery boy is not good, so Flipkart need
totrain them how to be polite in front of customer.
➢ Eliminate those local dealer who doesn‗t provides quality goods and
responsiblefor damaging the goodwill of the company.
➢ People are ready to pay more for if the service is good so always try to give
➢ The customer care of Flipkart needs to work on complaint as fast as they can
because people are ready to pay more but today they don‗t have time for wait.
➢ Keep a hawk eye on the competitors and act according to their sales
andmarketing strategy.
• Female respondents are showing more interest to do online shopping than
• Customers are preferring quality product from e-commerce sites, even it is
• Flipkart is trying very hard to reach the top position but Amazon India is giving
verytough competition.
• Amazon is leading in every aspect of survey such as price, preferred and
alsosuggesting to friends.
• Undoubtedly Flipkart and Amazon made their impact on customers very strongly
andcaptured loyal customers. And they are ready suggesting their online shopping site
to rest of their friends.
• Both Flipkart and Amazon India advertisings were very innovative and
attractive.Both companies are expending so much money on advertising and
• Every age group people are interested in offers, if they are in need or not they want
➢ www.Flipkart.com
➢ www.commodityindia.com
➢ www.marketoperation.com
➢ www.nextbigwhat.com
➢ www.britannica.com
➢ en.kioskea.net
➢ www.ecommerce-land.com
➢ www.commodityindia.com