Les 7 - Gisteren
Les 7 - Gisteren
Les 7 - Gisteren
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Now, listen again, read along and view the English translation
Luisteren en Lezen
Gisteren was ik met mijn zusje Anne en mijn hond Bello op het strand.
Yesterday, I was on the beach with my sister Anne and my dog Bello.
De zon scheen en het was warm.
The sun was shining and it was warm.
Eerst aten we een ijsje.
First we ate an ice cream.
Daarna zwommen we.
After that we swam.
Bello rende over het strand.
Bello ran along the beach.
Plotseling blafte Bello heel hard.
Suddenly, Bello barked very loudly.
We zagen iets in de zee.
We saw something in the sea.
Luisteren en Lezen
Wat was dat?
What was that?
Een haai!
A shark!
Anna gilde en we renden snel naar het strand.
Anne screamed and we quickly ran to the beach.
De haai zwom ook naar het strand.
The shark swam to the beach too.
Maar het was geen haai, het was een man.
But it was not a shark, it was a man.
De man lachte.
The man smiled.
Toen waren we niet meer bang.
Then we weren’t afraid anymore.
Mevrouw Jansen helpt:
Woorden 1 Gister is often used
instead of gisteren.
Nederlands English
gisteren yesterday
was simple past singular of ‘zijn’
met with
het strand (stranden) the beach
scheen simple past singular of ‘schijnen’
eerst first
kochten simple past singular of ‘kopen’
kopen to buy
het ijsje (ijsjes) the ice cream - diminutive only
rende simple past singular of ‘rennen’
over over, along, about
Woorden 2
Nederlands English
We use -de or –te for the singular form (ik, je, hij, ze, het) and –den or
–ten in plural (we, jullie, ze).
Ren ends in an ‘n’ and is therefore a d-verb; blaf ends in an ‘f’ and is a t-
The full conjugation:
rennen blaffen
The same goes for the verbs
ik rende ik blafte
gillen, leren, regenen, spelen,
je rende je blafte waaien willen, wonen, zorgen (d)
hij rende hij blafte and lachen, dansen, koken,
we renden we blaften werken (t) and many more.
jullie renden jullie blaften
ze renden ze blaften
Simple past tense 3: strong verbs
Unfortunately, a large number of verbs that are used frequently do not
follow the rules explained on the previous pages. These are the so-called
strong verbs. Examples of strong verbs from this lesson are zwemmen,
kopen, schijnen and zien. Strong verbs usually form the past tense by
changing a vowel (e.g. present: zwemmen past: zwommen). The
same thing sometimes happens in English (e.g. to swim, swam, swum).
For each of these verbs you’ll have to learn three forms by heart: the
singular and the plural form of the simple past tense and the participle.
Verbs that are irregular in the present tense are usually also irregular in
the past tense, so you’ll have to learn these too.
You’ll find the conjugation of all strong and irregular verbs you’ve learned
so far on the next page (including the participle; you’re going to need that
to form the perfect tenses).
Simple past tense 4: list of strong verbs
infinitive past singular past plural participle English
eten at aten gegeten to eat
gaan ging gingen gegaan to go
hebben had hadden gehad to have
houden hield hielden gehouden to hold
kunnen kon konden gekund can
kijken keek keken gekeken to look
kopen kocht kochten gekocht to buy
mogen mocht mochten gemogen may
schijnen scheen schenen geschenen to shine
schrijven schreef schreven geschreven to write
springen sprong sprongen gesprongen to jump
zien zag zagen gezien to see
zijn was waren geweest to be
zwemmen zwom zwommen gezwommen to swim
Although this list might look very intimidating at first glance, you’ll find that there are some patterns
(compare for example kijken, schijnen and schrijven). A (long!) list of strong verbs can be found here.
Word order
Recall from lesson 3 that the main word order in a Dutch sentence is:
Ik zwom gisteren in zee.
subject verb rest of sentence
When a sentence contains more than one verb, the finite verb is always the second part
of the sentence and all other verbs move to the end of the sentence:
Ik wil graag in zee zwemmen
subject finite verb rest of sentence other verbs
When the sentence doesn’t start with the subject, the finite verb and the subject change
places (inversion) to keep the finite verb in the second position:
In Dutch, adjectives can be used as adverbs, without any changes.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2a
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
kopen to scream
zwemmen suddenly
gillen to be afraid
lachen to swim
blaffen to bark
gisteren yesterday
plotseling to buy
Oefening 2b
Connect the Dutch words with the English meanings.
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
de man something
hard quick(ly)
snel loud(ly)
De kinderen waren
..... bang.
De boer kocht
.... driedrie
Haar moeder ....
veel boeken.
veel boeken.
Opa ....
De haaien aten
.... graag
De grote honden ....
niet springen.
niet springen.
Hier ......
woondengeen kinderen.
geen kinderen.
Ik hield
..... van
Ik had
..... een
Oefening 3c
Fill in the right adjective or adverb