51255notice 03152021
51255notice 03152021
51255notice 03152021
Types of Pavements
Wheel Load Distribution
Flexible Rigid
• Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement
Function and Significance of Subgrade Properties
• May be in fill or
Flexible Pavement Design
IRC (37-2001)
Basic Principles
• Vertical stress or strain on sub-grade
• Subgrade soil
Thickness of pavement required
Stress- strain behavior under load
Moisture variation
• Climatic factors:(rain fall)
• Pavement component materials
• Environment factors:(height of embankment and its
• Traffic Characteristics
• Required Cross sectional elements of the alignment
Pavement Responses Under Load
Tridem Axle
(Legal Axle Load = 24t)
Truck Configuration
80 kN
Standard Axle
Evaluation Of Pavement Component Layers
• Sub-grade
• To Receive Layers of Pavement
Materials Placed over it
• Plate Bearing Test
• CBR Test
• Triaxial Compression
Flexible Pavement Design Using CBR Value
Of Sub-grade Soil
It is the ratio of force per unit area required
to penetrate a soil mass with standard
circular piston at the rate of 1.25 mm/min.
to that required for the corresponding
penetration of a standard material.
• Soak the Specimen in Water for FOUR
days and CBR to be Determined.
Edge loading
Corner loading
• Temperature stress
Warping stress
Frictional stress
Radius of relative stiffness:
Eh 3 4
12k 1
• Where
• l= Radius of relative stiffness
• E= modulus of elasticity of cement concrete , kg/cm²
• µ= poisson’s ratio for concrete= 0.15
• h= slab thickness, cm
• K= modulus of subgrade reaction, kg/cm³
Westergaard’s stress equation for wheel load
• Stress at the interior(si)
0.316P l 1.069
si 4 log 10
h2 b
• Stress at the edge (se)
0.572P l
h2 4 log 10 b 0.359
• Stress at the corner (sc)
3P a 2
s c 2 1
h l
, wheel load, kg
• P= design
• l= Radius of relative stiffness
• E= modulus of elasticity of cement concrete ,
• µ= poisson’s ratio for concrete= 0.15
• h= slab thickness, cm
• K= modulus of subgrade reaction, kg/cm³
• b= radius of equivalent distribution of pressure, cm
b=a , if a/h ≥ 1.724
b= √(1.6 a²+h²) - 0.675 h, when a/h < 1.724
• a= radius of load contact, cm
Modified Westergaard’s stress equation
for wheel load
• Modified by ‘Teller’
0.572P log b 0.4048
se 10.54 4 log 10 10
h 2
• Modified by ‘Kelley’
3P a 2
s c 2 1
h l
Warping stress(given by ‘Bradbury’)
• Stress at the interior(sti)
E et c x c y
st i
2 1 2
• Stress at the edge (ste)
C Eet C Eet
st e x Or st e
2 2
Whichever is higher
• Stress at the corner (stc)
E et a
st c
31 l
• E= modulus of elasticity of cement concrete ,
• e= thermal coefficient of concrete per ºC
• t= temperature difference between the top and
bottom of the slab in degree C
• µ= poisson’s ratio for concrete= 0.15
• Cx = Bradbury coefficient based on L/l in desire
direction (IRC-58:2002)
• Cy = Bradbury coefficient based on B/l in right
angle to the desire direction (IRC-58:2002)
• L = length of slab, m
• B= width of slab, m
Frictional stress
• Frictional stress(sf)
210 4
• Where,
• sf = unit stress developed in CC pavement, kg/cm²
• W= unit wt. of concrete, (about 2400 kg/cm²)
• L= length of slab, m
• B= width of slab, m
• Calculate the stress at interior, edge and corner
regions of a cement concrete pavement using
westergaard’s equation. Use the fallowing data
Wheel load, P=5100kg
Modulus of elasticity of concrete, E=3.0x10ᶺ5 kg/cm²
Pavement thickness, h=18cm
Poisson’s ratio=0.15
Modulus of subgrade reaction=6.0 kg/cm3
Radius of contact area=15 cm
• Compute the radius of relative stiffness of 15 cm
thick cement concrete slab from the fallowing data
• E=21000kg/cm2
• Poisson’s ratio=0.13
• K=3KG/cm2 or 7.5 kg/cm2
• Determine the warping stress at interior, edge and
corner regions in a 25 cm thick cement concrete
pavement with transverse joint at 9 m interval and
longitudinal joint at 3.6 m intervals. The modulus
of subgrade reaction is 6.9 kg/cm² . Assume
temperature difference for day condition to be
0.6ºc per cm of the slab thickness. Assume radius
of loded area as 15 cm for computing warping
stress at the corner.
• E= 3 x 10ᶺ5kg/cm²
• e= 10 x 10ᶺ-6 per ºc
• µ= 0.15
• Khanna, S. K., & Justo, C. E. G. “Highway
engineering”. Nem Chand & Bros.
• IRC Codes.