Unit-8. Pavement Design
Unit-8. Pavement Design
Unit-8. Pavement Design
Subgrade quality is determined by various tests such as CBR test, Tri-axial test, plate load test etc. When
this possess high strength the thickness required will be less and vice verse.
c) Climatic conditions:
Amount of rainfall and subsequently the moisture affects the moisture in the sub-grade. The daily and
seasonal variation of the temperature also affect the design of flexible and rigid pavements.
If freezing occurs in the winter then there are chances of frost action on the subgrade soil and so this
should be considered while the design of the pavement.
d) Properties of the pavement layers:
Performance of the pavement layers depends on the properties of the materials used in the layers. The
fatigue and their performance under the adverse environmental conditions should be tested
beforehand and should be given due considerations.
e) Environmental Conditions:
Environmental factors such as, height of the embankment, foundation details, depth of cutting and the
level of the water table affects the design of pavements. Variation in temperature daily or seasonal
induces the warping stresses in case of rigid pavements.
• In case of semi-rigid pavement materials, the formation of the hair cracks, their propagation has to
studied before arriving at a specific method of design of the semi-rigid pavement. 5
8.4. Flexible pavement design methods:
1. CBR Method:
Based on the extensive CBR test data collected on pavement which behaved satisfactorily and those
failed, an empirical design chart was developed correlating the CBR value and the pavement
thickness. The basis of design chart is that a material with a given CBR required a certain thickness of
pavement layer as a cover.
Studies carried out by US Corps of engineers have shown that there exists a relationship between
pavement thickness, wheel load, tyre pressure and CBR value within a range of 10 to 12 percent.
Therefore, it is possible to extend the CBR design curves for various loading conditions using the
A = P (𝟏 + 𝒓)(𝒏+𝒙)
A = number of heavy vehicles per day for design (laden weight >3 tones).
P = number of heavy vehicles per day least count.
r = annual rate of increase of heavy vehicles.
n = number of years between the last count and the year of completion of construction.
y = design years, 10 to 15 years considered.
• The suitable design curves should be chosen from the table given in the design chart according
to design traffic.
• Thus the total thickness of flexible pavement needed to cover the subgrade of the known CBR
value is obtained.
• The thickness of construction over the sub-base could be obtained from the design chart
knowing the CBR value of the sub-base.
Er: Moti Ram Chaudhary 7
Thickness of sub base course = total thickness – thickness over the sub base
• In a similar way, the thickness of the base course and wearing course is found with the help of
corresponding CBR value.
Er: Moti Ram Chaudhary 8
Second Revision IRC guidelines (IRC 37 – 2001):
The Indian Roads Congress have recently brought out a revised version, the features of this
document are:
• Design based on the design catalogue.
• The flexible pavement has been designed as a four-layer structure.
• The catalogues cover soils having CBR values in the range of 2-10%.
• Traffic up to 150 million standard axles (msa) has been considered.
• The damaging effect of axle loads can be taken from the table.
• Separate figures for the thickness for loads upto 10 msa (million standard axles) and 10~150 msa.
• The design catalogues are given separately for each CBR.
Estimate the design traffic:
The design traffic, in terms of the cumulative number of standard axles to be carried during the
design period of the road, should be estimated using equation.
Example1. Design the pavement for construction of a new bypass with the following data:
Two lane carriage way.
Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction = 400 CVPD (sum of both directions).
Traffic growth rate = 7.5 %.
Design life = 15 years
Vehicle damage factor based on axle load survey = 2.5 standard axle per commercial vehicle.
Design CBR of subgrade soil = 4%.
Distribution factor = 0.75
Total pavement thickness for CBR 4% and traffic 7.2 msa from IRC:37 2001 chart1 = 660 mm
Pavement composition can be obtained by interpolation from Pavement Design Catalogue (IRC:37 - 2001).
• Bituminous surfacing = 25 mm SDBC + 70 mm DBM
• Road-base = 250 mm WBM
• Sub-base = 315 mm granular material. 12
Er: Moti Ram Chaudhary 13
Er: Moti Ram Chaudhary 14
Er: Moti Ram Chaudhary
Road Note-31 method:
Road note-31 method is based on structural catalogues. The cells of the catalogue are
defined by ranges of traffic and subgrade strength. It is important that the surfacing
material should be flexible and the granular road base should be of the highest quality,
preferably GB1. In traffic classes T6, T7, T8 are only granular road base of type GB1
or GB2 should be used, GB3 is acceptable in the lower traffic classes.
There are three main steps to be followed in designing a new road pavement, they are:
Estimating the amount of traffic and the cumulative number of equivalent standard
axles that will use the road over the selected design life.
Assessing the strength of the subgrade soil over which the road is to be built.
Selecting the most economical combination of pavement materials and layer
thicknesses that will provide satisfactory service over the design life of the
pavement (It is usually necessary to assume that an appropriate level of
maintenance is also carried out).
i) Base traffic of 80 KN equivalent single axle load (ESAL) = 3 x 10³ ESAL per day
ii) Design period = 15 yars.
iii) Construction period : 1 year
iv) Traffic growth rate = 6 %
v) 87th percentile CBR sub-grade = 5 %
vi) Elastic modulus of asphalt concrete for surface course, Eac = 3000 Mpa.
vii) Elastic modulus of emulsified stabilized base, Eb = 1200 Mpa.
viii) Elastic modulus of granular sub-base, Esb = 750Mpa.
Assume required data and design using chart.
We have,
(𝟏+𝟎.𝟎𝟔)𝟏𝟓 − 𝟏
NDes = 365 x [ ] x 0.75 x 1
NDes = 20.26 x 10⁶ = 2.026 x 10⁷ EASL
Resilient Modulus,
Minimum thickness of base course = 100 mm. so Let us assume here thickness of
base course = 200 mm
Therefore remaining base course thickness = 454.66 – 200 = 254.66 mm
Now equivalent thickness of sub-base course
= [ 𝑬𝒃𝒄
𝑻𝒔𝒃𝒄 = 254.66 x [ 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎
] = 297.85 mm = 300 mm (say)