Visual Hallucinations Induced by Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld Differ in Frequency, Complexity, and Content

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OPEN Visual hallucinations induced

by Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld
differ in frequency, complexity,
and content
Oris Shenyan 1,2*, Matteo Lisi 3, John A. Greenwood 1
, Jeremy I. Skipper 1 &
Tessa M. Dekker 1,2
Visual hallucinations can be phenomenologically divided into those of a simple or complex nature.
Both simple and complex hallucinations can occur in pathological and non-pathological states, and
can also be induced experimentally by visual stimulation or deprivation—for example using a high-
frequency, eyes-open flicker (Ganzflicker) and perceptual deprivation (Ganzfeld). Here we leverage the
differences in visual stimulation that these two techniques involve to investigate the role of bottom-up
and top-down processes in shifting the complexity of visual hallucinations, and to assess whether
these techniques involve a shared underlying hallucinatory mechanism despite their differences.
For each technique, we measured the frequency and complexity of the hallucinations produced,
utilising button presses, retrospective drawing, interviews, and questionnaires. For both experimental
techniques, simple hallucinations were more common than complex hallucinations. Crucially, we
found that Ganzflicker was more effective than Ganzfeld at eliciting simple hallucinations, while
complex hallucinations remained equivalent across the two conditions. As a result, the likelihood that
an experienced hallucination was complex was higher during Ganzfeld. Despite these differences,
we found a correlation between the frequency and total time spent hallucinating in Ganzflicker and
Ganzfeld conditions, suggesting some shared mechanisms between the two methodologies. We
attribute the tendency to experience frequent simple hallucinations in both conditions to a shared
low-level core hallucinatory mechanism, such as excitability of visual cortex, potentially amplified in
Ganzflicker compared to Ganzfeld due to heightened bottom-up input. The tendency to experience
complex hallucinations, in contrast, may be related to top-down processes less affected by visual

Hallucinations are commonly defined as perception in the absence of external ­stimuli1,2. In the case of visual
hallucinations, these false percepts can range from simple—such as geometric f­ orms3–5, to more complex, such
as objects, human figures, or ­landscapes6,7. As well as occurring in pathological states such as s­ chizophrenia8,
Parkinson’s ­disease9, ­epilepsy10, ­migraine11 and vision i­ mpairment12, visual hallucinations can also be induced in
non-pathological states—through the use of hallucinogens and p ­ sychedelics13,14, and via experimental manipula-
15 16
tions such as states of s­ ensory and p ­ erceptual deprivation (known as a ‘Ganzfeld’), and the use of flicker over
­closed17,18, or ­open19,20 eyes (also referred to as ‘Ganzflicker’ when viewed with open eyes). While experimentally-
induced hallucinations are often referred to as ‘pseudo-hallucinations’ due to the participants’ awareness that the
hallucinatory experience is not real, the percepts experienced can be very vivid and vision-like19,20. Experimental
methods use different means of visual stimulation to induce hallucinations, and it is presently unclear to what
extent these different approaches rely on different mechanisms and lead to differences in the nature and com-
plexity of the resulting h ­ allucinations19,20.
To interrogate this, we compared two experimental methods that differ vastly in the degree of bottom-up
stimulation they involve: a salient, eyes-open visual flicker at a frequency appropriate for inducing visual hallu-
cination (Ganzflicker), and visual and auditory perceptual deprivation (Ganzfeld). We tested whether increased
bottom-up stimulation would alter the frequency and complexity of the hallucinations induced, and also whether

Experimental Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London, London,
UK. 2Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London, London, UK. 3Department of Psychology, Royal
Holloway University, London, UK. *email: [email protected]

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the underlying mechanisms of the resulting hallucinations are shared across these methods despite the variations
in visual stimulation.
Visual hallucinations can be divided into those of a ‘simple’ or ‘complex’ nature. Simple hallucinations contain
abstract content such as colour alterations, elementary shapes, or geometric patterns. During a systematic study
of the subjective effects of m ­ escaline21, Heinrich Klüver outlined four key examples of simple hallucinations
including tunnels, spirals, honeycombs and cobwebs. These form constants are cross-cultural and present across
a multitude of hallucinatory states such as during psychedelic visual ­imagery22, ­migraine11, ­hypnagogia23 and
­flicker17, suggesting there may be a shared hallucinatory mechanism of relatively low-level origin underlying
their occurrence. Indeed, neural network simulations suggest that form constants could arise from increased
excitation in early visual cortices. When aberrant waves of excitation spread across early visual cortices, result-
ing in stripes on visual cortex, the transformation of these stripes from cortical space to retinal would result in
characteristic geometric patterns resembling the aforementioned form c­ onstants3–5.
Complex hallucinations are those containing figurative elements such as faces, objects, or scenes. The repre-
sentation of complex hallucinations has been associated with higher-order visual ­regions7,24,25. However, in psy-
chedelic visual hallucinations, complex percepts resembling figurative constructs often also incorporate geometric
elements, suggesting that there may not be a binary distinction between simple and complex hallucinations, and
that lower-level visual areas may be concurrently active with higher-level visual areas during complex i­ magery14.
This could suggest that simple hallucinations arise when activity is strongest in lower-level areas, whereas com-
plex hallucinations arise when this activity travels up the visual hierarchy, either alone or in conjunction with
top-down interpretative ­influences18,26,27. Another explanation is that complex hallucinations are more akin
to mental imagery than to veridical v­ ision20—i.e., they involve a top-down, or retro-hierarchical p ­ rocess27–29.
Our aim was to better understand both the nature of simple and complex hallucinations, and their underly-
ing mechanisms. There are challenges in understanding the nature of these experiences, however, due to the
difficulty in both eliciting and measuring hallucinations in a controlled laboratory environment with objective
and methodologically sound ­techniques30. For instance, hallucinations experienced in pathological states can
be uncommon and unpredictable—especially in clinical or laboratory settings. This is partly demonstrated by
the number of single-subject case studies within the field, suggesting the difficulty of recruiting large numbers
of patients experiencing visual hallucinations which can be measured on ­demand31. Similarly, psychedelics elicit
a multitude of changes in conscious ­experience32 that make it difficult to draw conclusions about their specific
effects on the visual system and the hallucinatory state. Greater control over the induction of hallucinations can
instead be achieved in a laboratory environment using visual (and auditory) stimulation. Two methods of inter-
est which are known to induce both simple and complex pseudo-hallucinations are high-frequency, eyes-open
visual flicker (Ganzflicker) and perceptual deprivation (known as the ‘Ganzfeld’ effect). These methods have
different stimulation conditions and have been suggested to rely on different underlying ­mechanisms17,33–35,
based on which different predictions can be made surrounding the different types of hallucinations that may be
elicited, and their complexity.
The term ‘Ganzfeld’ refers to a state of sensory homogeneity or perceptual deprivation (as opposed to sen-
sory deprivation where stimulation is removed, e.g., via blindfold). The technique was first popularised by
Metzger in 1930 (ganz = whole; feld = area, field)36, and traditionally refers to the exposure of an individual
to homogenous, unstructured, sensory input (ganz = whole; feld = area, field), which can result in an altered
state of ­consciousness16,35. In recent years, a ‘multimodal Ganzfeld’ has been induced by using halves of ping
pong balls securely fastened over open eyes accompanied by light to achieve sensory h ­ omogeny34,35,37–39, com-
bined with unstructured auditory stimulation such as white, brown, violet or pink noise to achieve auditory
­homogenisation35,39. After prolonged exposure to the Ganzfeld, both simple and complex pseudo-hallucinatory
percepts have been reported to ­arise34,35. An fMRI study found reduced connectivity between the thalamus and
primary visual cortex (V1) during a Ganzfeld compared to rest, which was attributed to a reduction in bottom-up
signalling. When coupled with intact top-down fluctuations in activation, such a reduction in structured bottom-
up signalling could cause sensory noise in early visual areas to be mistaken for signal, leading to hallucinatory
­experience35. Such a process may be especially heightened in the Ganzfeld, as internally generated percepts do
not have to compete with veridical ­percepts27.
Flicker was first reported to induce hallucinations by Purkinje in 1819. While waving his hand between his
eyes and sunlight, he reported ‘beautiful regular figures that are initially difficult to define but slowly become
clearer’7,40. In more recent years, empty-field high-frequency flicker has consistently been found to produce
hallucinations of both a ­simple30,41–43 and ­complex19,20,44–46 nature. Flicker stimulation can be implemented by
viewing a flickering stimulus, i.e. viewing a flickering monitor with open eyes (‘Ganzflicker’19,20), or with flicker
applied to closed eyes using a more powerful stroboscopic lamp, i.e. flicker light stimulation ­(FLS17,45). Both types
of flicker-induced simple hallucinations have been proposed to utilise a rhythmic excitatory bias in early visual
­cortices43,47. In this process, wave patterns of excitation, akin to those associated with geometric Klüver-like form
constants, are thought to encourage neural entrainment; the synchronisation of the brain’s endogenous neural
oscillations (e.g., the alpha rhythm) to an endogenous external stimulus such as the ­flicker17,18,33,48. In line with
this, several studies have shown that simple hallucinations are most frequent when flicker is presented at the
alpha-wave frequency of approximately 10 ­Hz17,49 (although hallucinations also occur at other ­frequencies13,14).
In the case of flicker-induced complex hallucinations, it has been suggested that basic hallucinatory forms could
act as building blocks for interpretive top-down ­influences18.

Aims and hypotheses

Given the above differences in both the pattern of visual stimulation and the proposed mechanisms of flicker-
and Ganzfeld-induced hallucinations, we sought to directly compare the nature and frequency of the visual

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pseudo-hallucinations produced by these methods. We did this by comparing eyes-open viewing of a flickering
monitor (Ganzflicker) and eyes-open-but-covered perceptual deprivation (Ganzfeld).
We present three hypotheses regarding the interplay of bottom-up and top-down dynamics in generating
hallucinations of differing complexities, during the Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld techniques:

• H1: Simple hallucinations are primarily driven by bottom-up inputs.

• H2: Complex hallucinations are primarily driven by top-down mechanisms.
• H3: Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld share a common underlying mechanism.

These hypotheses give rise to the following predictions:

• Prediction 1: if H1 is true then the increased bottom-up input from Ganzflicker (i.e., viewing a flickering
monitor) should give rise to more simple hallucinations than the Ganzfeld. Simple hallucinations during
Ganzfeld, a technique involving perceptual deprivation, may rely more on inherent visual cortex excitability,
which would likely be more variable between individuals. The alternative, if H1 is not true, is that the number
of simple hallucinations across Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld should be similar.
• Prediction 2: if H2 is true then we would expect the frequency of complex hallucinations to be unrelated to
the frequency of simple hallucinations. This may manifest in multiple ways. For instance, there may be more
complex hallucinations during Ganzfeld due to a lack of bottom-up input competing with top-down drive,
or the frequency of complex hallucinations across Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld may be similar, unaltered by
visual stimulation conditions. The alternative, if H2 is not true, is that the greater bottom-up stimulation of
the Ganzflicker should lead to an equivalent increase in both simple and complex hallucinations, relative to
the Ganzfeld.
• Prediction 3a: if H3 is true in a strong form, and the two conditions involve identical mechanisms, then there
should be a similar pattern of simple versus complex hallucinations in the two conditions (please note that
this would also mean that Predictions 1 and 2 are not met), and a high correlation between the frequency of
hallucinations across the two methods.
• Prediction 3b: Even if prediction 3a is not met, it could still stand that a more moderate version of H3 is
true. That is, the two conditions may share an underlying sub-process rather than fully shared mechanisms.
In this case, we might expect distinct patterns of simple vs. complex hallucination rates, but measures of
hallucinatory experience should still correlate between the Ganzfeld and Ganzflicker i.e., people who are
more hallucination-prone and experience more hallucinations from Ganzflicker should also experience more
hallucinations during the Ganzfeld.

Materials and methods

Thirty participants (21 female, nine male) with a mean age of 29.5 ± SD 8.03 years (range 18–50 years) completed
the study. This sample size was intended to match or exceed the samples of previous studies on experimentally-
induced ­hallucinations17,18,38,42,44. None of the participants had a history of neurological disorder, including any
history of seizure or adverse experience to flashing or flickering lights. Participants were recruited through uni-
versity recruitment systems and word of mouth. All participants provided informed consent. The experimental
procedure was approved by the Experimental Psychology Ethics Committee at the Division of Psychology and
Language Sciences, University College London. The research was carried out in accordance with the tenets of
the Declaration of Helsinki.

Study design
The study had a counterbalanced repeated measures design with all participants undergoing 15 min of Ganz-
flicker and 25 min of Ganzfeld. The duration of the Ganzfeld was determined in line with previous ­literature35,38,
and a pilot study which suggested that it often took participants longer to see pseudo-hallucinatory percepts in
the Ganzfeld than during Ganzflicker. The duration of Ganzflicker was chosen based on previous ­literature18,19
and a pilot study in which some people considered continuous extended flicker above this duration uncomfort-
able. In both conditions, participants were provided with a keyboard and asked to indicate both the onset and
offset of any perceived visual pseudo-hallucination (outlined in Response measures—Button press and drawing)
and to provide a brief prompt of what they saw, which the experimenter noted.
There was an approximately thirty-minute break between conditions to allow for a wash-out period. Dur-
ing this time, participants a) drew their hallucinatory experiences with respect to their given prompts, b) rated
their sleepiness and their perception of how much they felt the button press interfered with their experience,
c) underwent an open interview, and d) completed two retrospective questionnaires (covered in detail in Sup-
plementary Materials—Questionnaires, Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Table 2). The study design
is given in Fig. 1.

Experimental procedures
Prior to the experiment, participants were given brief examples of the types of visual experiences they might
experience in order to facilitate homogenous reporting of hallucinations. Participants were informed that they
could see any combination of a) simple or abstract hallucinations such as colours, movement, patterns such as
kaleidoscopes, or shapes or b) complex or figurative hallucinations, such as objects, animals, faces or scenes.

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Figure 1.  Study design. 30 participants were split into two groups of 15. Utilising a counterbalanced repeated
measures design, each group experienced both Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld experimental sessions; one group
started with 15 min of Ganzflicker followed by 25 min of Ganzfeld, while the other group followed the reverse
order. A button-press paradigm was utilised within each experimental condition. Using a keyboard, participants
signalled the onset and offset of their hallucinations. Post-hallucination offset, participants provided brief verbal
prompts detailing the content of their hallucinatory experiences. Approximately a thirty-minute break separated
each experimental condition. During this interval, participants engaged in an open interview and responded
to structured questions surrounding their level of sleepiness and the perceived impact of button presses on
their hallucinatory experiences. Additionally, participants drew their previous hallucinatory prompts and
completed two retrospective questionnaires, the ASC and the IEQ. After the experimental session had ended,
experimenters later used these prompts and drawings to classify hallucinations into simple and complex. ASC—
Altered States of Consciousness (Rating Scale); IEQ—Imagery Experience Questionnaire.

They were also told that they may not see anything at all. They were informed that these visual experiences were
of a ‘pseudo-hallucinatory’ nature, and that they would be aware that what they were seeing was not real. They
were encouraged to be patient while waiting for any experiences to arise, especially with the Ganzfeld condition.
These instructions were provided to ensure that participants reported all visual phenomena experienced, even
those that may have been more minor than they were expecting, but also to allow them to keep an open mind
during the experiment.
Participants were asked not to engage in any active daydreaming or mental imagery, and to passively watch
any observations, making sure to pay attention to them and allow them to evolve if necessary. To this end, par-
ticipants were asked not to verbalise their hallucinations until the experience faded away, however, they were
not interrupted if they began verbalising their experience while the hallucination was ongoing. Participants were
instructed to keep their eyes open for both conditions. Further experiment details are given in the Supplementary
Materials—Further experiment details.

Participants were seated in a darkened and soundproofed room, at 70 cm from a 32″ LED backlit LCD monitor
(60 Hz frame rate; Cambridge Research Systems BOLDscreen). The screen flickered an alternating black and red
display (as in previous ­literature19,20) for 15 min. The screen flickered at a frequency of 10 Hz, which was chosen
based on multiple studies suggesting that flicker between 8 and 12 Hz, and in particular 10 Hz, is a suitable fre-
quency for eliciting visual pseudo-hallucinations45,46,49. The luminance of the red display was 69.93 cd/m2, and the
luminance of the black display was 0.38 cd/m2. Stimuli were coded using Psychtoolbox-3 running on MATLAB
2021b. Participants were trained on using the button press by first undergoing a 30 s practise run during which
they saw the flickering stimuli and practised pressing the appropriate buttons and verbalising their experience.
This was normally sufficient time for a simple hallucination to occur, and therefore to facilitate comprehen-
sion of the task. If participants were unclear on the instructions, they were allowed another practice run until
they understood the task at hand. Auditory brown noise was played through noise-cancelling headphones and
adjusted per participant to a volume which was comfortable, but loud enough to block out any external s­ ound37.

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Orange-coloured ping-pong balls were halved and taped securely over the eyes using medical tape. The visual
field was illuminated by a warm white light (Lumary 24W Smart LED Flood Light). Participants were seated
approximately 30 cm from the light. Auditory brown noise was played through noise-cancelling headphones
using the protocol outlined above. While seated, but without their eyes covered, participants practised using the
keyboard to report possible hallucinatory experiences.

Response measures
Button press and drawing
For both Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld conditions, participants were asked to press the left arrow button on a
keyboard when they felt a hallucinatory experience appearing, and to indicate via the right arrow button when
the experience had faded away. These button presses provided an indication of the number and the duration
of hallucinations experienced by participants. Once the right arrow button was pressed (indicating the percept
had completely faded), participants were instructed to verbalise in as few words as possible what they saw. This
prompt was noted by the experimenter. Participants were told that these notes would be used as a prompt for their
drawings later. From the button-press data, we counted the number of hallucinations, which were transformed
into a rate of hallucinations per minute (i.e. the number of hallucinations divided by 15 for the Ganzflicker condi-
tion and 25 for the Ganzfeld condition, given their respective durations). We also acquired the average duration
of hallucinations (i.e. the time from the onset button press to the offset button press), and the total proportional
time spent hallucinating (the total summed duration of hallucinations, divided by the length of the condition).

Classification of hallucinations. After the experiment, participants were given prompts to draw impressions of
their hallucinatory experiences—either using paper and coloured pens in earlier iterations of the experiment,
or via an iPad (9th generation) in later experiments. These drawings, combined with the associated prompts,
gave the experimenter an idea of the nature of the hallucinations experienced and informed their classification
as ‘simple’ or ‘complex’.
Simple hallucinations were defined as any descriptions and corresponding drawings of colours, shapes, or
patterns including characteristic Klüver constants (for instance ‘blob’, ‘blue’, ‘tunnel’, ‘grid’). Complex hallucina-
tions were defined as those with corresponding semantic value (for instance ‘dog’, ‘flower’, ‘galaxy’, ‘face’). When
participants felt unable to draw their given prompts (i.e. ‘unsure’, ‘moving’, ‘pulsating’, ‘don’t know’), they were
classified as simple hallucinations. We made this classification with the assumption that complex hallucinations
would involve rich and detailed content that could be readily described, whereas simple hallucinations involve
more basic or abstract visual phenomena that can be challenging to put into words due to their abstract or
non-specific nature. While we acknowledge that prompts like ’unsure’ or ’don’t know’ indicate uncertainty, we
opted to retain these responses as ’simple’ hallucinations to capture the full range of experiences reported by
participants, even when they struggled to provide a detailed description. In this sense, we were conservative in
our classification of complex hallucinations in particular—concordance between the prompt and the drawing
was required to be appropriately classified as a complex hallucination. Thirty such examples of hallucinations
and their classifications are given in Supplementary Table 3. To further compare phenomenology across visual
stimulation conditions, we also used the words provided for these prompts for a word frequency analysis.

Two abridged questionnaires were used to retrospectively assess the subjective experience of participants. We
used the questionnaire measures as validation for our button press data.
We used the Altered States of Consciousness Rating Scale (ASC-R50), a well-validated 94 item self-report
scale for the retrospective assessment of pharmacological and non-pharmacological induced altered states of
consciousness. We chose questions primarily from the Elementary Imagery and Complex Imagery dimensions in
line with our research question to interrogate the nature of participants’ subjective experience. Further rationale
for the items chosen are described in the Supplementary Materials—Methods, Questionnaires, and specific items
are shown in Supplementary Table 1.
Though the ASC-R measures visual phenomenology, many of the items are non-specific to hallucination
research. Therefore we also utilised questions from the newly developed Imagery Experience Questionnaire
­(IEQ51). The IEQ was designed to capture the subjective experience of visual psychedelic experiences more
accurately and with greater depth, and many of the items within it are relevant for visual experiences induced
by non-pharmacological altered states of consciousness, such as Ganzflicker and perceptual deprivation. The
dimensions from the IEQ are divided into Complexity, Content and Progression. We only used the Complexity
and Progression items. In line with our research question, we carried out analyses pertaining to hallucination
complexity by separating items from the Complexity dimension of the IEQ into simple (items 1, 2, 3 and 4) and
Complex (items 5, 6, 7 and 8). The relevant items used within the study are in Supplementary Table 2.

Rating scales and open interview

Immediately after the experiment, participants were asked to score their a) sleepiness and b) opinion on how
much they felt the button press and talking about their experience during the experiment interfered with their
visual hallucinations on a 7-point Likert scale from 0 (Not at all) to 6 (very much so).
Participants also underwent an unstructured, open interview, where they were asked ‘Please tell me anything
you feel might be relevant to your Ganzflicker or Ganzfeld experience. This could include the visual elements
of your experience, but also how you felt. If you feel it is relevant, you can also talk about how tired you were
during the experience and how much you feel the button press and discussing your hallucinations during the

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experiment impacted your experience’. We conducted word frequency analyses and exploratory word clouds
using the words collected per visual stimulation condition.

Statistical analyses
Shapiro–Wilk normality tests were used to assess the normality of our dependent variables. Of our dependent
variables, only ASC and IEQ scores were normally distributed. To assess whether simple and complex hallucina-
tions were more likely to occur in Ganzflicker compared to Ganzfeld in our frequency data (hallucinations per
minute), we used negative binomial distribution mixed effects models with condition (Ganzflicker vs Ganzfeld)
and complexity (simple vs complex) as fixed-effect predictors alongside an interaction term. We allowed inter-
cepts to vary randomly per participant to accommodate individual heterogeneity, and included an offset term
to account for the duration of each respective experiment. We modelled the hallucination frequency data with
a negative binomial distribution as they were count data (transformed to frequencies) composed of only non-
negative integers with a positive skew and many ­zeros52.
We used contrasts to test for differences between simple and complex hallucinations within and across con-
ditions (i.e., main effects). We separately checked for interaction effects in order to test whether simple versus
complex hallucinations are more likely to occur in one condition over another. We report the beta parameters
(or the exponential of the beta parameters) corresponding to these effects and their significance. To supplement
these analyses, we also carried out a Bayesian negative binomial analysis of our count data using the brms53
package in R. Bayes factors (BF) were then calculated using the Savage-Dickey m ­ ethod54. We further carried out
a Chi-squared test to examine differences in number of hallucinations based on both experimental condition
and hallucination complexity.
We used a similar approach to test for differences in average duration of hallucinations across visual stimu-
lation conditions and for different complexities, and to test for differences in questionnaire scores across these
factors. For duration data we carried out gamma mixed effects models with a log link because this captures
the distribution of the data used (non-negative, positively skewed), again taking condition and complexity as
fixed-effects predictors, and participant number as a random-effects predictor with varying intercepts. As our
questionnaire data (ASC and IEQ) were normally distributed, we used a linear mixed effects model, again with
the same model structure.
When any other statistical methods were used, these are noted in the “Results” section. In brief, for compari-
sons between two groups, t-tests (or Wilcoxon signed-rank tests in the case of non-parametric data) were used.
When testing for correlations in hallucination measures across Ganzfeld and Ganzflicker we used Spearman’s
rank correlations for non-parametric data, and Pearson’s correlation for parametric data.
All analyses were carried out in R version 4.3.

Exploratory qualitative analyses

Word frequency analysis. We used a word frequency analysis to identify the most frequent words used as inter-
view prompts by participants during the hallucinatory conditions. We tokenised all of the prompts and removed
stop words that were considered to add no significant meaning to the analysis (i.e. ‘and’, ‘to’) using the stop_words
dataset from the R package tidytext55. We formulated stop-words specific to the study ("screen", "orange", "black",
“red”, “Ganzfeld”, “hallucination”, “ping pong balls”, “flashing”, “flicker”) and combined these with the stop_words
dataset. For each remaining word after the removal of stop words, we counted the frequency and the percentage
of total word mentions in each respective condition.

Word clouds. Open interview data was used to create word clouds using the R package wordclouds after
the removal of the previously mentioned stop words. Prior to this, the data was stemmed so words that may
have appeared as plurals would only appear in their singular form (i.e. shapes = shape; colours = colour;
patterns = pattern).

Individual examples
The plots in Fig. 2 show examples of the time series and accompanying drawings and prompts for the halluci-
nations that two participants experienced in the Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld condition. These two participants
demonstrate the variability and the spectrum of hallucinatory experience that participants could encounter,
ranging from very minor perceptual phenomena to multiple complex hallucinations.

Primary analyses
To provide a generalised overview of the time course of simple and complex hallucinations in Ganzflicker
and Ganzfeld conditions, we begin with an exploratory analysis of the probability distributions of simple and
complex hallucinations (as defined as the time of a button press onset) in Fig. 3. During Ganzflicker (A), simple
hallucinations tended to have an earlier onset (peaking at 94 s) than complex hallucinations (peaking at 266 s).
This pattern was also present for the Ganzfeld (B), though overall onset times were later than during the Ganz-
flicker condition, with simple hallucinations peaking first at 269 s and complex hallucinations peaking at 828 s.
Interestingly, simple hallucinations show a bimodal distribution in both the Ganzflicker and the Ganzfeld, with
a secondary peak at 520 s in the Ganzflicker and a secondary peak at 829 s in the Ganzfeld. Complex hallucina-
tions also showed a secondary peak during Ganzflicker at 749 s.
We next consider the quantitative measures relevant to our hypotheses. A summary of the descriptive statistics
(mean and standard deviation) for these measures can also be found in Supplementary Table 4.

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Figure 2.  Individual time series for Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld for two exemplary participants. Grey bars depict
the time course of each trial, with coloured regions showing the onset and duration of simple (green) and
complex (orange) hallucinations elicited in each condition. Hallucinations in each condition are marked with
letters, with the corresponding drawings that were subsequently produced by participants shown below the time
series accompanied by the abbreviated prompts provided.

Figure 3.  The time course of simple (green) and complex (orange) hallucinations elicited through Ganzflicker
(left) and Ganzfeld (right) pooled across participants. Scatter plots (shown in upper panels) illustrate the onset
(time of first button press provided by participant) of simple and complex hallucinations across the time course
of Ganzflicker (left, 900 s) and Ganzfeld (right, 1500 s). Lower panels show the corresponding normalised
probability distributions (the probability of a hallucination occurring with each distribution peaking at 1) in
Ganzflicker (left) and Ganzfeld (right). All plots are N = 30.

We first compared the frequency of simple and complex hallucinations across Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld
using negative binomial models (Fig. 4A). Within conditions, the frequency of simple hallucinations was greater
than the frequency of complex hallucinations for both Ganzflicker (Incidence rate ratio (IRR) = 13.61, SE = 3.73,
Z = 9.54, p < 0.001) and Ganzfeld (IRR = 3.87, SE = 1.35, Z = 3.27, p < 0.001).
Across conditions, the frequency of simple hallucinations was higher in Ganzflicker compared to Ganzfeld,
providing support for H1 (IRR = 5.75, SE = 1.29, Z = 7.80, p < 0.001). In contrast, the frequency of complex hal-
lucinations did not differ in Ganzflicker compared to Ganzfeld (IRR = 0.61, SE = 0.19, Z = −1.58, p = 0.115), and
there was also a significant interaction between condition and complexity (IRR = 0.28, SE = 0.11, Z = −3.27,

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Figure 4.  (A) The frequency of simple (green) and complex (orange) hallucinations, plotted as the total
number of hallucinations divided by the duration of experimental conditions (Ganzflicker—15 min.; Ganzfeld
– 25 min.) on the y-axis, across experimental conditions (x-axis) (B) The average duration of hallucinatory
periods in seconds (y-axis) of simple and complex hallucinations across conditions (x-axis) (C) Average ASC
scores (y-axis) split between Elementary Imagery (green) and Complex Imagery dimensions (orange) across
experimental conditions (x-axis) (D) Average IEQ scores (y-axis) split between Simple Imagery (green) and
Complex Imagery components (orange) across experimental conditions (x-axis). All plots are N = 30. ASC—
Altered States of Consciousness (Rating Scale); Avg—average; IEQ—Imagery Experience Questionnaire; min—
minute. The y-axis of plot A has been capped at 1.5 for visualisation purposes; two data points exceeded this
value. Similarly, the y-axis of plot B has been capped at 100 for visualisation purposes, two data points exceeded
this value.

p = 0.001), supporting H2. We supplemented these analyses with a Bayesian negative binomial analysis, which
also provided support for our key hypotheses (Supplementary Table 5).
Descriptively, the ratio of simple to complex hallucinations was 11.5:1 during Ganzflicker, whereas it was
4:1 during Ganzfeld. To assess the difference between these ratios, we used a Chi-squared test which showed
a significant association between hallucination complexity and experimental condition (X2 (1, 735) = 20.82,
p < 0.001). The difference in these ratios is primarily driven by the increased rate of simple hallucinations in the
Ganzflicker, while complex hallucinations remain largely unchanged, again providing evidence for H2.
To summarise, the frequency of experiencing a simple hallucination was greater than that of experiencing
a complex hallucination during both Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld. However, only simple hallucinations occurred
more frequently in Ganzflicker than in Ganzfeld. Within a given condition, the consequence is that the likeli-
hood of experiencing a complex hallucination was significantly higher during Ganzfeld than in Ganzflicker.
We then tested whether the average duration of hallucinations (i.e., the time from start to end button press)
varied by content and visual stimulation condition using gamma mixed effects models with a log link function
(Fig. 4B). We did not have any a priori predictions about the results of this analysis. Across conditions, halluci-
nations were shorter in Ganzflicker compared to Ganzfeld for both simple (exp(β) = 0.45, SE = 0.03, T = −11.48,
p < 0.001) and complex (exp(β) = 0.64, SE = 0.11, T = -2.57, p = 0.031) hallucinations. Within conditions, there
was no significant difference in the duration of simple versus complex hallucinations during Ganzflicker
(exp(β) = 0.95, SE = 0.13, T = −0.35, p = 0.730). Simple hallucinations were slightly but significantly longer than
complex in the Ganzfeld condition (exp(β) = 1.42, SE = 0.20, T = 2.54, p = 0.011). There was also a significant
interaction between condition and complexity (exp(β) = 0.67, SE = 0.13, T = −2.09, p = 0.037). Thus, the average
duration of a reported hallucination was longer during Ganzfeld than in Ganzflicker, and simple hallucinations
tended to be longer than complex hallucinations, particularly in the Ganzfeld.
To investigate whether people who reported more hallucinations when looking at Ganzflicker also reported
more hallucinations during the Ganzfeld (H3), we ran Spearman’s rank correlation analyses between our but-
ton press measures. The correlation between the frequency of Ganzflicker hallucinations and the frequency of

Scientific Reports | (2024) 14:2353 | 8


Ganzfeld hallucinations was significant (­ rs(28) = 0.55, p = 0.0016, Fig. 5A), consistent with a common mechanism
between the two techniques. When combining the frequency and duration of hallucinations into a combined
measure of overall time spent hallucinating during each condition (total proportional duration time spent hal-
lucinating), we further found a positive correlation between experiences during the Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld
­(rs(28) = 0.62, p < 0.001, Fig. 5B). The correlation between the average duration of Ganzfeld and Ganzflicker
hallucinations was not statistically significant (­ rs(28) = 0.35, p = 0.056).

Questionnaire validation
Button presses provide a direct and quantifiable measure of hallucination frequency, onset, and offset. However,
they may be affected by non-experiential variables such as the criterion for when to press (i.e., some people
may press for a very faint experience, while others may press only for a very vivid experience). Therefore, we
validated our button press findings with subjective hallucination intensity as measured through retrospective
questionnaires, using the ASC and IEQ.
Using linear mixed effects models, we show that within conditions, Elementary Imagery scores (ASC) and
Simple Imagery scores (IEQ) were higher than Complex Imagery scores in both Ganzflicker (ASC: β = 41.60,
SE = 5.79, T = 7.18, p < 0.001; IEQ: β = 3.08, SE = 0.32, T = 9.70, p < 0.001) and Ganzfeld (ASC: β = 25.15, SE = 5.79,
T = 4.34, p < 0.001; IEQ: β = 1.29, SE = 0.32, T = 4.06, p < 0.001), as plotted in Fig. 4C,D. Across conditions, Elemen-
tary Imagery (ASC) and Simple Imagery (IEQ) scores were greater in Ganzflicker compared to Ganzfeld (ASC:
β = 25.62, SE = 5.79, T = 4.42, p < 0.001; IEQ: β = 2.11, SE = 0.32, T = 6.63, p < 0.001), providing support for H1.
Conversely, Complex Imagery scores were not higher in Ganzflicker than in Ganzfeld (ASC: β = 9.17, SE = 5.79,
T = 1.58, p = 0.116; IEQ: β = 0.32, SE = 0.32, T = 1.00, p = 0.321). There was also a significant interaction effect
between condition and complexity (ASC: β = 16.45, SE = 8.2, T = 2.01, p = 0.047; IEQ: β = 1.79, SE = 0.45, T = 3.98,
p = 0.001), providing support for H2. These results show highly consistent patterns of results not only across the
two questionnaires, but also across questionnaires and button-press data, providing independent evidence for
H1 and H2.
We also carried out correlations between total ASC and IEQ scores across conditions in order to validate
our observed correlations between Ganzfeld and Ganzflicker button press measures (H3b). We found a positive
correlation between average IEQ scores pertaining to Ganzflicker and average IEQ scores pertaining to Ganzfeld
(r(28) = 0.55, p = 0.0015). The correlation in the ASC was not statistically significant (r(28) = 0.28, p = 0.14). Since
the IEQ is not a validated measure, we tested its validity in the present study. In line with the corresponding
results described above, we found a correlation (Pearson’s) with the ASC-R, a well-validated questionnaire
for both Ganzflicker (Supplementary Fig. 1A; r(28) = 0.58, p < 0.001) and Ganzfeld (Supplementary Fig. 1B;
r(28) = 0.78, p < 0.001). In addition, a visualisation of both questionnaires across both conditions is given in
Supplementary Fig. 2.
Thus, retrospective questionnaire measures largely replicated the results obtained via button press and hal-
lucination prompts. In order to explore whether our methodology played a role in producing these results,
we also assessed whether participants felt that the button press interfered with their experience, e.g., through
decreasing the duration of hallucinations. This may be a particular problem in the Ganzfeld, which may require
a higher degree of immersion for hallucinations to o ­ ccur38. We did not observe any evidence that the perceived
perception of the interference of the button presses interfered with the occurrence of hallucinations, as there were
no correlations (p > 0.05) between our button-press measures and participants’ perception of the interference
of the button press, nor were there any differences between perception of button press interference experience
across the conditions (Full details given for analysis in Supplementary Materials—Button press interference and
sleepiness, V = 74, p = 0.77, Supplementary Fig. 3B).

Figure 5.  Scatterplots showing (A) the relationship between the number of Ganzflicker hallucinations per
minute (x-axis) and the number of Ganzfeld hallucinations per minute (y-axis); (B) The total proportional
time spent hallucinating (total time spent hallucinating divided by the duration of the experimental condition)
in Ganzflicker (x-axis) compared to Ganzfeld (y-axis) with associated trend line (black) and Spearman’s rank
correlation testing (95% CI grey shading) for N = 30. Prop—proportional.

Scientific Reports | (2024) 14:2353 | 9


Additional analyses
Word frequency analysis. An exploratory word frequency analysis was undertaken to identify common words
within the prompts given by participants during the button-press component of the experiment. The ten most
frequently reported words for simple and complex hallucinations in the Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld condition are
given in Table 1. Examples of the drawings of the most frequent words are given in Fig. 6. Interestingly, though
there are words of a dynamic nature (i.e. spinning, moving, pulsating) in both conditions, these were more com-
mon in the Ganzflicker than the Ganzfeld. In addition, there are references to geometric form constants during
Ganzflicker (i.e. tunnel, galaxy), whereas the percepts described during the Ganzfeld tend to lack this geometric
regularity (i.e. swirls, bubbles, cloud). Despite the warm hued tint of the light stimulation during Ganzfeld,
words associated with colour tended to be more cool toned (blue, green).

Word clouds. Exploratory word clouds created from the open interview data are given in Fig. 7 for Ganzflicker
(A) and Ganzfeld (B). A complementary word frequency table is given in Supplementary Table 6. The words
utilised in these word clouds were those used three or more times overall (0.29% of the time in Ganzflicker and
0.36% of the time in Ganzfeld). The maximum frequency of words used was 3.46% (36 times) in Ganzflicker and
3.92% (33 times) in Ganzfeld.
Interestingly, references to form constants and geometric percepts are present in the Ganzflicker condition
(tunnels, spirals, cross, grids), but not in the Ganzfeld. Minor perceptual phenomena which could be related
to phosphenes (line, round, oval, dots, circle(s)) were present in both conditions. In both conditions, there are
frequent references to the dynamic nature of the experience (moving, fast, change). Words in the Ganzfeld
tended to be associated with more uncertainty (faint, shadows, slightly, sort, blurry, disappeared) compared to
the Ganzflicker (intense, real).

Sleepiness and button press measures. In an exploratory analysis, we looked at the relationship between par-
ticipants’ measures of sleepiness and their perception of how much the button press interfered with their experi-
ence. Our rationale for this was that sleepiness may affect proneness to hallucinations—i.e., in h ­ ypnagogia23, and
may vary across the Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld conditions.
Details for this analysis are given in full in the Supplementary Materials—Button press interference and sleepi-
ness. In brief, paired Wilcoxon signed rank tests suggested that participants felt significantly sleepier in Ganzfeld
than in Ganzflicker (V = 0, p < 0.001, Supplementary Fig. 3A). There was a negative correlation between sleepiness
and the total proportional time spent hallucinating (i.e. as people felt more sleepy, they spent less time in total
hallucinating) ­(rs(36) = −0.38, p = 0.012; Supplementary Fig. 4). To see whether this factor contributed to button-
press differences between Ganzfeld and Ganzflicker, we ran a moderator analysis for our relevant button press
measures (See Supplementary Materials—Further sleepiness analyses). Though we did not find any evidence that
sleepiness significantly contributed to hallucination frequency, there was some evidence to suggest that sleepiness
reduced the average duration of hallucination (exp(B) = 0.84, SE = 0.06, T = −6.24, p < 0.001) through a three-
way interaction between sleepiness, complexity and experimental condition (exp(B) = 0.76, SE = 0.09, T = −2.24,
p = 0.026). These analyses suggest that the subjective perception of sleepiness acts to reduce the duration, but not
frequency, of complex hallucinations in the Ganzfeld (Supplementary Fig. 5).

Hallucinatory proneness and age. Advancing age has been correlated with hallucinatory p ­ roneness56–58, which
may be associated with the development of age-related diseases that are paired with h ­ allucinations56. To test this
in our data, we carried out an exploratory analysis looking at the difference between age and our button press
There was a positive correlation between the number of Ganzfeld hallucinations and age (Supplementary
Fig. 6A; ­rs(28)=0.43, p = 0.018) and the proportional duration of Ganzfeld hallucinations and age (Supplementary
Fig. 6B; ­rs(28)=0.43, p = 0.019). There were no significant correlations found between the number, proportional

Ganzflicker Ganzfeld
Simple, n (%) Complex, n (%) Simple, n (%) Complex, n (%)
Line(s), 64 (4.62) Dog, 6 (5.00) Moving, 18 (3.22) Flower, 4 (2.92)
Moving, 60 (4.33) Eye(s), 5 (4.17) Shapes, 16 (2.86) Blue, 3 (2.19)
Circles, 35 (2.53) Galaxy, 4 (3.33) Lines, 11 (1.97) Faint, 3 (2.19)
Spinning, 26 (1.88) Shape, 4 (3.33) White, 11 (1.97) Green, 3 (2.19)
Middle, 24 (1.73) Indistinct, 3 (2.50) Colour, 10 (1.79) Shapes, 3 (2.19)
Top, 24 (1.73) Top, 3 (2.50) Pulsating, 10 (1.79) Car, 2 (1.46)
Tunnel, 24 (1.73) Bridge, 2 (1.67) Swirls, 9 (1.61) Clouds, 2 (1.46)
White, 23 (1.66) Butterfly, 2 (1.67) Bubbles, 8 (1.43) Colours, 2 (1.46)
Circle, 22 (1.59) Half, 2 (1.67) Blue, 7 (1.25) Hollow, 2 (1.46)
Left, 21 (1.52) Planet, 2 (1.67) Circle, 7 (1.25) Leaf, 2 (1.46)

Table 1.  Word frequency analysis illustrating the frequency of words used in the hallucinatory prompts
given by participants during Ganzflicker (first two columns)) and Ganzfeld (last two columns)), split out by
hallucination complexity (simple/complex).

Scientific Reports | (2024) 14:2353 | 10


Figure 6.  Examples of the common simple and complex hallucinations as given by prompts provided by
participants during experimental conditions in Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld. Abbreviated prompts accompany

Figure 7.  Word clouds for Ganzflicker (A, red) and Ganzfeld (B, blue) created from open interview data. Size
of words is indicative of frequency of usage in open interview data.

Scientific Reports | (2024) 14:2353 | 11


duration or average duration of Ganzflicker hallucinations and age, or the average duration of Ganzfeld hal-
lucinations and age.

Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld are two visual stimulation methods that can generate visual hallucinations in people
without pathological neurocognitive functioning or without the use of psychoactive pharmacological substances.
Crucially, these techniques differ in the degree of bottom-up visual input they involve, with Ganzflicker involving
a stronger degree of visual stimulation. We compared the phenomenology of the hallucinations induced by these
two conditions to gain insight into the mechanisms of simple and complex hallucinations and how they vary
across the two conditions. Specifically, we proposed three hypotheses: that simple hallucinations are primarily
driven by bottom-up inputs (H1), that complex hallucinations are primarily driven by top-down mechanisms
(H2) and that Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld share a common underlying mechanism (H3).
As predicted by H1, we found that Ganzflicker elicited more simple hallucinations than Ganzfeld, which
we attribute to the strong visual drive that Ganzflicker provides. This is consistent with the notion that simple
hallucinations are primarily driven by bottom-up processes. We also found that both experimental conditions
elicited substantially more simple hallucinations than complex hallucinations, suggesting that simple hallucina-
tions are easier to induce experimentally.
There is a multitude of evidence to suggest that low-level aberrant noise, excitability, or direct activation
of early visual cortices, which may be interpreted as signal, may be responsible for hallucinatory experiences.
Patients with Charles Bonnet syndrome present with a build-up of neural activity in early visual cortex prior
to the onset of a ­hallucination59, and respond well to inhibitory stimulation of the visual ­cortices60. Psychedelic
drugs such as LSD and psilocybin may bring about some of their low-level geometric visual effects from direct
activation of 5HTA receptors, which are populous in early visual cortex, causing ­excitation22. Migraine sufferers,
who may experience aura and hallucinations, are thought to have a hyperexcitable b ­ rain61. It is possible that when
the combined effects of steady internal activation and transient external stimulation exceed a certain threshold,
pattern formation can ­occur33. For instance, sub-hallucinatory doses of mescaline, when combined with flicker,
result in hallucinations above and beyond those normally seen during fl ­ icker33,62. One possibility building on this
notion is that the inherent neural excitability that is present in many hallucinatory states could also be responsi-
ble for the high numbers of simple hallucinations in the Ganzfeld. This inherent neuronal excitability could act
synergistically with the external input that Ganzflicker provides to result in the increased observed incidence of
simple hallucinations in Ganzflicker compared to the Ganzfeld. It is also possible that neural entrainment—the
synchronisation of the brain’s intrinsic oscillations with an external rhythm—played a role in the generation of
simple hallucinations in the Ganzflicker condition of our e­ xperiment17. To disentangle the extent to which the
likelihood of simple hallucinations during Ganzflicker or similar flicker-induced stimulation can be attributed to
entrainment versus pure bottom-up mechanisms, future studies should compare different frequencies of flicker,
and arrhythmic flicker, to Ganzfeld.
With regard to complex hallucinations, our results are consistent with the possibility that these are driven
by top-down processes to a larger extent (H2). Though there was a higher frequency of simple hallucinations
in Ganzflicker compared to Ganzfeld, this relationship was not observed for complex hallucinations. Instead,
complex hallucinations were comparable across the two conditions, accompanied by an interaction between
complexity and experimental condition. In other words, there was a higher relative likelihood that an experienced
hallucination was complex in the Ganzfeld condition than in Ganzflicker. This strongly suggests that bottom-
up activation sweeps alone are insufficient to generate complex hallucinations. Instead, top-down processes
likely contribute to complex hallucinations independently of visual stimulation technique, perhaps involving a
mechanism more akin to mental i­magery28,29,63. This is in line with a large body of literature that suggests that
hallucinations can be elicited through e­ xpectations26,64–66. Our finding adds to this literature by suggesting that
in the absence of explicit expectations, top-down processing might be paired with more complex phenomenol-
ogy. Similarly, there is a possibility that individual differences in phenomenological ­control67,68, or susceptibility
to demand characteristics, could contribute to the generation of specifically complex hallucinations. Future
studies should explore the role of demand characteristics (i.e. using the Phenomenological Control ­Scale69) and
expectations in the generation of pseudo-hallucinations across Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld.
Despite these differences in simple and complex hallucinations across the Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld condi-
tions, we found a positive correlation between the frequency and proportional duration of hallucinations across
these two conditions, as measured by button presses in our paradigm. This was replicated via retrospective
questionnaire (the IEQ) scores between the two conditions. This suggests a shared mechanism contributing to
Ganzflicker- and Ganzfeld-induced visual hallucinations, despite their differences in stimulation methods and
differences in the balance of simple versus complex phenomenology, providing support for H3 and subsequently,
prediction 3b (a partially shared mechanism between the two techniques). It is possible that this reflects indi-
vidual differences in neural excitability which are also linked to pathological states. Our study was not sufficiently
powered to disentangle whether the correlation across conditions was driven by simple or complex hallucinations.
Therefore, an interesting question for future work is whether this correlation is driven by bottom-up excitability,
imagery-like top-down processes, or both.
We also found that Ganzfeld hallucinations were longer compared to Ganzflicker hallucinations. We had
no a priori hypotheses about hallucination length, but we speculate that the temporal modulatory input that
Ganzflicker provides may contribute to the instability of the hallucinatory state, with each temporal modulation
acting as not only a stimulus to pattern formation, but also to disrupt previously elicited p ­ atterns34. The absence
of these disruptions in the Ganzfeld may promote longer hallucinations. We also find that self-reported sleepi-
ness acts to reduce the average length of hallucinations—in particular, complex hallucinations in the Ganzfeld.

Scientific Reports | (2024) 14:2353 | 12


A deeper explorative analysis of hallucination content as indicated by words used to describe the experience
and associated drawings, revealed a greater presence of form constants in Ganzflicker compared to Ganzfeld.
During Ganzflicker, verbal descriptions and drawings often contain references to potential Klüver-like forms such
as ‘spirals’, ‘tunnels’, ‘patterns’ and ‘spinning’. Surprisingly, these references were absent in the Ganzfeld condition,
raising the possibility that the percepts seen during Ganzfeld arising from internal excitation may lack the activity
required to elicit form constants, and thus, bear a closer resemblance to phosphenes. It is also worth consider-
ing the relative uncertainty associated with the words used to describe the Ganzfeld condition (for instance
shadows, faded, disappeared, slightly, sort). This may suggest that some percepts in Ganzfeld lack the clarity,
spatial resolution, and vividness observed in the relatively bottom-up driven Ganzflicker h ­ allucinations14,27,63,70.
Finally, we also found a positive correlation between age and button-press measures of Ganzfeld hallucinations.
Advancing age has been correlated with hallucinatory p ­ roneness56–58, which may reflect age-related upweighting
of predictions about the ­world64,65,71.
Our measures of hallucination frequency and duration rely on button presses. Although these methods
provide a quantifiable measure of hallucination onset/offset, they might be influenced by factors not directly
related to phenomenology, such as the criterion for when to press. Furthermore, the classification of halluci-
nations indicated by button presses and prompts as simple or complex relied on subjective judgments by the
researchers. Therefore, a crucial aspect of our study was that the results from these button presses and associated
responses were replicated by independent retrospective questionnaire measures. This, alongside the absence of
correlations between button press measures and participants’ perception of button press interference, validates
our approach for quantifying hallucinatory experience. It is important to highlight that the IEQ, a newly devel-
oped questionnaire, has not yet undergone validation—additional investigation will be required to ensure its
applicability beyond the realm of psychedelic research. However, the consistency and correlation of findings
between the ASC and the IEQ offers some initial support for the IEQ’s validity in the context of experimentally
induced hallucination research.
Our study represents an initial investigation into these mechanisms. Ultimately, self-report measures are, by
nature, subjective, difficult to verify and can be influenced by various factors, and this is a major challenge in the
study of hallucinations. We further acknowledge that computerised tasks such as the eyes-open Ganzflicker may
not be as luminant or as immersive as other methods of flicker light stimulation, which use very powerful, high
luminance stroboscopic lamps over closed eyes and may produce a higher frequency of complex ­hallucinations45.
In future, the use of additional objective measures, such as neuroimaging techniques, could provide more objec-
tive and detailed information about the neural correlates of hallucinations and their phenomenology induced
by different stimulation methods. It would also be valuable to further explore the relationship between baseline
behavioural measures (such as mental i­ magery19,20 and positive s­ chizotypy46) and the propensity to experience
complex hallucinations across various stimulation methods. Understanding how individual differences influence
hallucination generation could contribute to personalised approaches in hallucination research and potentially
inform clinical interventions for individuals experiencing pathological hallucinations.
In conclusion, this study provides insights into the phenomenology of hallucinatory experiences and their
relationship with different stimulation techniques. We find evidence to suggest that simple hallucinations in
Ganzflicker and Ganzfeld are driven by a bottom-up mechanism, while complex hallucinations more heavily
rely on top-down mechanisms which may act independently of visual stimulation techniques.

Data availability
Data is available on request. For data requests, please contact the corresponding author (oris.shenyan.15@ucl.

Received: 22 August 2023; Accepted: 17 January 2024

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Author contributions
O.S.: Conceptualisation, Methodology, Data collection, Analysis, Visualisation, Writing—Original draft prepara-
tion. M.L.: Analysis, Writing—Reviewing and editing. J.A.G.: Supervision, Writing—Reviewing and editing. J.I.S.:
Conceptualisation, Methodology, Supervision, Writing—Reviewing. T.M.D.: Conceptualisation, Methodology,
Supervision, Writing—Reviewing and editing. All authors reviewed and approved the final manuscript.

This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council [grant number BB/J014567/1],
grants from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) at Moorfields
Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology.

Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.

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