Perceptual Mechanisms of Visual Hallucinations and
Perceptual Mechanisms of Visual Hallucinations and
Perceptual Mechanisms of Visual Hallucinations and
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J Psychiatr Brain Sci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 September 16.
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Psychosis has been associated with neural anomalies across a number of brain regions and cortical
networks. Nevertheless, the exact pathophysiology of the disorder remains unclear. Aberrant visual
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perceptions such as hallucinations are evident in psychosis, while the occurrence of visual
distortions is elevated in individuals with genetic liability for psychosis. The overall goals of this
project are to: (1) use psychophysical tasks and neuroimaging to characterize deficits in visual
perception; (2) acquire a mechanistic understanding of these deficits through development and
validation of a computational model; and (3) determine if said mechanisms mark genetic liability
for psychosis. Visual tasks tapping both low- and high-level visual processing are being completed
as individuals with psychotic disorders (IPD), first-degree biological siblings of IPDs (SibIPDs)
and healthy controls (HCs) undergo 248-channel magneto-encephalography (MEG) recordings
followed by 7 Tesla functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). By deriving cortical source
signals from MEG and MRI data, we will characterize the timing, location and coordination of
neural processes. We hypothesize that IPDs prone to visual hallucinations will exhibit deviant
functions within early visual cortex, and that aberrant contextual influences on visual perception
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will involve higher-level visual cortical regions and be associated with visual hallucinations.
SibIPDs who experience visual distortions—but not hallucinations—are hypothesized to exhibit
deficits in higher-order visual processing reflected in abnormal inter-regional neural
synchronization. We hope the results lead to the development of targeted interventions for
Licensee Hapres, London, United Kingdom. This is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Correspondence: Scott R. Sponheim, [email protected]; Tel.:+1-612-725-2074.
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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psychotic disorders, as well as identify useful biomarkers for aberrant neural functions that give
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rise to psychosis.
psychosis; fMRI; visual perception; MEG; cortical source signaling; endophenotype
At present, abnormal neural functions that give rise to psychotic experiences remain poorly
understood. As a result, present pharmacological and behavioral interventions remain
unguided by etiologic mechanisms [1,2]. A promising avenue of research for revealing the
neural origins of psychosis lies in examining visual perceptual anomalies in individuals with
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psychotic disorders. Visual hallucinations are common in individuals with psychosis [3],
while visual distortions and altered illusions are evident in those with genetic liability for
psychosis (i.e., first-degree biological relatives; [4]). Generally, the incidence of visual
hallucinations is estimated to be between 25–30 percent [3]. A recent report nonetheless
found that more than 50% of patients with schizophrenia in a US sample experienced visual
hallucinations [5]. Critically, these findings generalize across countries: a recent systematic
review found that visual hallucinations were experienced by 39.1% of a sample of 1080
patients with schizophrenia across seven countries in Europe, Asia and Africa [6]. In
addition, visual hallucinations are associated with more severe psychotic symptoms, and
poorer patient prognoses [3,7,8].
Less severe aberrations are often described as visual distortions. Visual distortions are more
common than visual hallucinations [9]; their incidence is estimated to be at least double that
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of hallucinations [10]. Although visual processing deficits have been well documented in
patients with schizophrenia [11–14], they are also seen across the psychosis spectrum—they
have been documented in individuals at Ultra High Risk for conversion to a psychotic
disorder [15,16] and in individuals with schizotypal personality disorder [17–19]. Moreover,
it appears that relatives of patients with a psychotic disorder likewise display deficits in
visual processing [20–22]. Thus, the study of aberrant visual perception spans diagnostic
and genetic aspects of the psychosis spectrum.
The purpose of the proposed work is to combine measures of scene segmentation and
surround suppression behaviors as a measure of perceptual organization in schizophrenia.
Surround suppression tasks are thought to (1) involve gain control mechanisms in early
visual cortex [23]; and (2) rely on inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission [24]. The
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downstream connections from early visual cortex could elucidate the neural mechanisms
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It has been suggested that early visual processing is partially dependent on local gain control
mechanisms [30,31], coupled with long-range inputs from higher areas along the visual
pathway [32]. Therefore, “higher-order” visual areas provide feedback inputs to local gain
control mechanisms [33]. It appears that both local and long-range influences— coupled
with feedforward and feedback interactions between levels of visual processing—determine
the accuracy of visual percepts [34]. Divisive normalization has been proposed as a cortical
computation to explain a neuron’s response as determined by a driving afferent input and
divisive input from a group of neurons in the same network [35]. Divisive gain control—a
subset of divisive normalization—has been successfully applied to model neuronal
properties in early visual cortex [36] encoding reward value in decision-making circuits [37],
as well as multisensory integration [38].
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Schwartz and colleagues [39] found that by revising a Gaussian Scale Mixture model (GSM)
to account for the probability that a center and surround are part of the same visual object,
one can closely approximate behavioral data from the tilt illusion. Given that GSM models
are well-suited to modeling statistics in natural images [40], they may also serve to explain
reduced suppressive effects induced by psychophysical laboratory paradigms in patients
with schizophrenia [13]. By extending the model developed by Schwartz and colleagues [39]
to generalize across multiple scene segmentation cues [41], one can compare the model
parameters reflecting local and long-range inhibition to alterations in visual perception (see
Figure 1).
Herein, we propose to examine the neural mechanisms underlying visual hallucinations and
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hallucinations and visual distortions/illusions. The proposed work has the following specific
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Aim 1: Assess the impact of scene segmentation cues on early visual processes in IPDs,
their unaffected biological siblings (SibIPDs), and healthy controls (HCs), and determine
how lab-based task performance predicts self-reported visual misperceptions.
H1: Individuals prone to visual hallucinations have reduced gain control in neural circuits of
early visual cortex (V1, V2), which will be reflected by improved accuracy on a surround
suppression task (i.e., reduced suppression); H2: Reduced intracortical connectivity within
visual cortex (e.g., connectivity between V1 and V2), will be reflected in aberrant detection
of co-linearity between visual elements and poor suppression of irrelevant elements of a
visual scene; H3: Reduced activity in more anterior visual brain regions (LOC/fusiform,
frontal cortex) and early visual cortex, will be characterized by deviant object identification
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due to weak use of high-level object templates to identify relevant targets in ambiguous
Aim 3: Test whether a “flexible normalization” model can capture abnormal gain control in
early visual responses and abnormal coordination between early visual areas with scene-
based or goal-directed signals from other brain regions.
H7: Reduced surround suppression in IPDs (i.e., failure of local contextual modulation) can
be characterized as a reduction in local gain control strength; there will be no contribution of
intra-regional coordination; H8) Deficits in attention regulation and perception of complex
scenes in IPDs and SibIPDs cannot be explained merely by reduced gain control and require
an additional term describing reduced efficacy of long-range (intra-regional) projections.
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The proposed work has several notable innovations. First, the assessment of early visual
processing through behavioral task performance and attentional manipulations in the same
individuals within a single study will elucidate the proportional influences of local and long-
range mechanisms on self-reported visual hallucinations and distortions. Second, most
visual psychophysical tasks employ an adaptive staircase procedure in order to individualize
difficulty level to equate performance across subjects; doing so eliminates the generalized
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deficit confound that would be expected in IPDs (and to some extent SibIPDs), thereby
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equating true score variance across tasks. Third, combined use of 248-channel MEG and 7T
fMRI to derive cortical source signals for retinotopically mapped areas of striate cortex will
optimize both spatial and temporal resolution allowing for dynamic comparisons of neural
responses across levels of visual processing. Fourth, quantitative modeling will parameterize
the determinants of subjects’ visual percepts during specialized psychophysical tasks and
allow integration of experimental findings across tasks, groups, and modalities. Fifth, MEG-
derived cortical source signals will allow investigation of the interdependence between theta
and gamma frequencies in occipital and other cortices during visual processing. Sixth, use of
the Reduced Interference Distribution (RID) time frequency (TF) transform will yield a
precise characterization of the timing of select frequency band activity [43,44]; this method
avoids energy loss and trade-off between time and frequency resolution that occurs with
traditional wavelet analysis [45]. Seventh, the inclusion of IPDs beyond traditional
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Overall Structure
This is an R01 currently in its third year. Dr. Scott Sponheim is the Principal Investigator.
There are two sites: the Minneapolis VA Health Care System and the University of
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Minnesota’s Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR). Participants are recruited
through the Minneapolis VA, and community-based providers in the Twin Cities area.
Subjects complete psychophysical tasks, and undergo behavioral, clinical and cognitive
assessment at the Minneapolis VA. Subjects undergo magneto-encephalography (MEG)
scans while completing psychophysical tasks within the Brain Sciences Center at the VA.
Participants undergo 7T MRI scanning at the CMRR, in addition to completing additional
psychophysical tasks. In order to assess the role of altered visual perception in psychotic
symptomatology, IPDs will have 4- and 8-month follow-up appointments for both MEG and
MRI. Dr. Cheryl Olman oversees both 7T fMRI analyses, including retinotopic mapping of
visual cortex and functional localization of other visual regions (e.g., LOC, ITC etc.), as well
as the implementation of psychophysical tasks and neural network models. Dr. Seung Suk-
Kang oversees both MEG analyses, and the derivation of cortical source signals using Ti-
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weighted structural scans. Dr. Nathaniel Helwig will oversee statistical analyses, and provide
consultation on quantitative methods related to MRI and MEG analyses.
Study Design
Total study enrollment will include 150 subjects total: 50 IPDs who are receiving outpatient
or community-based mental health services, 50 SibIPDs, and 50 HCs. All participants will
complete a clinical assessment protocol that will document current and lifetime
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symptomatology as well as perceptual illusions. For Aim 1, IPDs, SibIPDs, and HCs will
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complete visual perceptual tasks described below in addition to a brief standard cognitive
battery to document overall intelligence and domains affected by psychotic disorders. For
Aim 2 participants will complete separate sessions for MEG and MRI acquisitions. The 9 to
12 hour protocol will be conducted over a 2 to 3 day period, depending on participant
factors. Clinical and conventional visual perceptual procedures will be interleaved as
necessary in order to prevent ocular fatigue and to ensure the best data quality and
motivation possible in participants, particularly IPDs. To assess within subject changes in
visual distortions IPDs will additionally complete symptom ratings, MEG, and fMRI at 4-
and 8-months after their baseline set of procedures.
Based on the SCID, chart information, study staff complete initial ratings of
symptomatology using the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS: [48])
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and the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS; [49]), with additional
queries built into the interviews to obtain the necessary information to complete all rating
instruments. Global scores for negative (i.e., alogia, affective flattening, avolitionapathy,
anhedonia-asociality, and attention) and positive (i.e., delusions, hallucinations, and positive
formal thought disorder) symptom domains are then computed. Interviewers also make
clinical ratings using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale 24-item version (BPRS; [50]) to
quantify mood and other behavioral characteristics of clinical state.
Because the proposed work focuses on hallucinatory phenomena and includes individuals
with intermediate levels of symptomatology (i.e., SibIPDs) we will also rely on dimensional
measures that span from health to disorder (i.e., schizophrenia and other psychotic
disorders). While current measures of psychotic symptomatology are derived from clinician-
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BPRS, while the duration and temporal etiology of visual hallucinations will be assessed via
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the Psychosis module of the DIGS (i.e., K-DIGS). Other clinical measures including the
SAPS, will allow us to distinguish the severity of visual hallucinations from other forms of
hallucinations. Critically, the SIAPA, SGI. BPRS and SAPS/SANS are all assessed at each
follow-up appointment for IPDs as well, allowing us to determine how shifting severity of
aberrant visual phenomena is associated with changes in behavioral and neural findings
during psychophysical tasks. Patient functioning is assessed using the Social Functioning
Scale (SFS; [55]) and with the Global Assessment Scale (GAS; [56]).
Although the primary focus of the work is the dimensional assessment of psychotic
symptomatology, diagnoses will secondarily be assigned according to DSM criteria through
a consensus process involving at least two trained advanced degree clinical psychology
students, or doctoral level psychologists, and include the review of a subject’s interview,
symptom ratings, chart review, and informant information whenever possible. The
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Cognitive Assessments
We will include a small set of measures to assess general cognitive functioning and test for
select deficits in IPDs and SibIPDs. Intellectual ability will be estimated from the Wide
Range Achievement Test III [58], and performance on Matrix Reasoning and Similarities
subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV [59]. Additional cognitive tests will
assess working memory (WAIS-IV Digit Span Forward and Backwards), episodic memory
(California Verbal Learning Test-II [CVLT-II]; [60]), attention and set shifting (Trails A &
B), processing speed (Digit Symbol), phonemic fluency (Controlled Oral Word Association
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Test (COWAT; [61]), and context processing (Dot Pattern Expectancy Task [DPX]; [62]).
Aim 1
Psychophysical tasks
Location Masking Task: The task has been described previously [22,63]. Briefly,
participants first complete a procedure to determine the critical stimulus intensity (CSI) for
the masking task to equate participants on the target threshold. After establishing a
participant’s CSI, staff administer a target location task with a high-energy visual mask. A
trial consists of a 300 ms fixation cross, 100 ms blank screen, 13 ms target, a variable post
target period, and then a 26 ms mask. The participant identifies which quadrant the target
appears in: the upper left, upper right, lower left, or lower right of fixation. The time
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between the onset of the target and the onset of the mask (SOA) varies between 0, 13, 27,
40, 53, 67, and 80 ms, with 12 trials per condition. Previous work has demonstrated that
reduced accuracy on backwards location masking is reduced in patients with schizophrenia
[64], differentiates schizophrenia from bipolar disorder [65], and that fragility in early visual
percepts (i.e., reduced accuracy on SOAs 13 and 27) marks genetic liability specific to
schizophrenia [22].
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of the task, please see Nuechterlein & Asarnow [66]. The task consists of a CPT with both
task stimuli and background visually degraded: 40% of white numeral pixels are switched to
black, and 40% of black background pixels switched to white. Sensory control trials are
administered consisting of “just look” (participants instructed to look passively at the screen)
and “press every” (participants instructed to respond to each stimulus) at 80 trials each.
Following a practice block, subjects then receive DS-CPT instructions and complete three
experimental blocks wherein 25% of stimuli are targets (“0”) while the remainder are
nontargets (numerals “1” to “9”). Previous work has demonstrated that reduced perceptual
sensitivity to target stimuli differentiates schizophrenia from bipolar disorder [67], and that
first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia have a larger number of false alarms to
stimuli that share contours with targets (numerals “6”, “8” and “9”), suggesting impaired
contour detection in individuals with genetic liability for psychosis [68].
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coding mechanisms that regulate local gain control are altered for IPDs and SibIPDs. An
additional manipulation of attention during fMRI and MEG scans will allow us to discern
the differential impact of focal and radial attention respectively [71,72].
Fragmented Ambiguous Object Task (FAOT): The development of the FAOT is detailed
in Olman et al. [74]. The task stimuli equate low-level features such as orientation and
contrast, while simultaneously manipulating intermediate- and higher-level features (i.e.,
contour organization and contour shape; Figure 2B). The task is better suited to tapping
higher-level object recognition and corresponding neural correlates than the DS-CPT;
previous studies have demonstrated that visual areas such as inferior temporal cortex (ITC;
[75]), and medial frontal gyrus (MFG; [76]) are implicated in object recognition. One-third
of FAOT stimuli are highly recognizable (designated “meaningful”), one-third are
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evident in behavioral data as increased reaction times for detecting objects, and that both
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IPDs and SibIPDs will have impaired object recognition and neural responses to stimuli
relative to HC.
Aim 2
Functional neuroimaging
MEG Acquisition: MEG data is being collected at 1017 Hz using a 248-sensor axial
gradiometer MEG system (Magnes 3600WH, 4D-Neuroimaging), located within an
electromagnetically-shielded room in the Brain Sciences Center at the Minneapolis VA
Medical Center. Environmental noise will be removed from the data by relating signals from
separate reference channels to cortical channels. Eye movements are at the same sampling
rate using horizontal and vertical electrooculograms (HEOG, VEOG) for later artifact
removal. Sensor configuration and head position are obtained using a spatial digitizer. The
MEG is equipped with a calibrated projector and accompanying screen to present visual
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MEG Processing: MEG data processing and analysis procedures will be conducted using
custom Matlab scripts (The MathWorks, Inc. Natick, MA, USA). In order to remove slow
artifacts related to slow-drift noise, high-pass filtering with a cut-off of .1 Hz will be applied
to the data. MEG signals will be segmented into trial periods defined in relation to task
timing and trial parameters (e.g., stimulus onset). Independent component analysis (ICA)
using the Fast ICA algorithm in a custom pipeline will be used to remove additional signal
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artifacts [82]. Noisy sensors and epochs with artifacts due to movement will be identified
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and removed with analyses of the low-(<8 Hz) and high-frequency (>30 Hz) signal powers
and visual inspection. These epochs will be rejected before initiation of ICA decomposition
have been described in McMenamin et al. [85], and Keren et al [86]. Artifact ICs will be
removed from MEG data prior to reconstituting the signals.
Derivation of Cortical Source Signals: Procedures to compute cortical source signals are
summarized in the left panel of Figure 3. Briefly, they consist of the following steps: (1)
FreeSurfer is used to create individualized cortical surface models with T1-weighted
structural MRI data; (2) Cortical surface models with more than 100,000 cortical vertices for
each participant are down-sampled to generate an epi-cortical surface model for each
participant with approximately 10,000 cortical vertices; (3) The boundary element method
(BEM; [87]) model with 3 layers (scalp, outer skull, and inner skull), 1,200 elements, and
600 nodes is applied for the forward calculation of magnetic field; and 4) Coordinates of
sensor locations and head surface data collected during the MEG session are registered to
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the cortical surface and BEM models generated from MRI. Registration in MEG is done
using coordinate rotation by linear transformation and translation based on 5 landmarks:
nasion, left/right pre-auricular points and VEOG and MEOG coils on the forehead. Pictures
are taken of each participants ears, so that that these registration points can be applied to
structural data.
To solve the inverse problem as part of computing source signals, the leadfield matrix
relating sensor space (MEG) to cortical source space (fMRI) will be created using the
BrainStorm program. The inverse operator W (center panel Figure 3) is derived from the
leadfield matrix, source/noise covariance matrices, and regularization parameter determined
by using a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimate. The inverse operator allows direct
conversion of 248 MEG sensor signals to the 10,000 cortical vertex signals. To create
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cortical source time-series for active brain areas we will identify regions by employ
functional localizers in retinotopic ally mapped regions of striate cortex [88], task contrasts
in high-level visual regions, and significant PPI in frontal (potentially parietal) regions.
Typically, 40 to 80 vertices are selected for each cortical ROI. In order to generate a
principal signal of an ROI from the multiple vertex signals PCA will used to define the first
dominant component be carried out for vertex signals belonging to each ROI, with the first
PCA selected as the representative signal of the ROI. An example of cortical source signals
applied to a contour detection task can be seen in the right panel of Figure 3.
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fMRI Acquisition: fMRI experiments will be performed using a 7 Tesla scanner at the
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CMRR. Briefly, a Nova Medical single channel (circularly polarized) transmit, 32-channel
receive head coil is used to acquire functional data. Anatomical reference data will be
acquired in a separate scanning session at 3 Tesla. The scanner is equipped with a calibrated
projector for display of visual stimuli and MR-compatible button boxes for subject response
collection. Eye-tracking equipment is available and are used to verify fixation stability.
Functional data are acquired with 2 s temporal resolution and 1.6 mm isotropic spatial
resolution, using multiband and parallel imaging strategies to accelerate acquisition in the
through-slice as well as phase-encode direction [89]. PE-reversed EPI scans are acquired to
enable distortion compensation during post-processing.
fMRI Processing: fMRI data processing will be performed using a combination of AFNI
(preprocessing, GLM and functional/anatomical registration), and FreeSurfer (surface-based
visualization and cortical segmentation). The majority of the analysis will focus on ROI-
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based analyses in predetermined ROIs in visual cortex (e.g., V1, V2), in order to mitigate the
multiple comparisons problem. Posterior ROIs (in retinotopically mapped areas of visual
cortex; top panel Figure 3) will be defined by utilizing functional localizers. Data in these
regions will be extracted and averaged to estimate response amplitudes in each visual area.
Additional regions in higher-level visual areas (e.g., ITC, MFG) will be defined using
whole-brain analysis during BBSS (attended and unattended texture patches) and FAOT
(meaningful vs. meaningless stimuli). Voxel-byvoxel contrast maps for the entire brain will
be calculated. Individual voxels correlated with the task at uncorrected p < 0.01 will be
subjected to cluster-size thresholding in order to select regions related to the task with
corrected p < 0.01. These regions of interest will be seeds for task-dependent connectivity
(psychophysiological interaction) analyses (PPI; [90]) to assess the role of downstream
visual areas in temporal and frontal cortices.
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reported visual hallucinations and illusions. In order to ensure that we capture effects not
predicted by the proposed computational model in Aim 3, we will use nonparametric mixed-
effects (NPME; [91,92]) regression to examine functional relationships between self-
reported experiences of visual misperceptions and abnormalities in the activity or
interactions of visual cortex with other brain regions. NPME models are an extension of a
linear mixed-effects regression (LMER; [93]) model. LMER models correlated data (e.g.,
repeated measures). Unlike LMER models, a NPME model does not require a priori
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assumptions about the nature of the relationship between the response (e.g., self-reported
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visual misperceptions) and the predictors (responses and interactions of brain regions).
Aim 3
Computational model—The model that will be used to interpret behavioral and
neuroimaging data is adapted from one developed by Schwartz and colleagues, [39]. It has
two main components that describe center/surround interaction in primary visual cortex:
divisive normalization and segmentation. The former is implemented by local inhibitory
(i.e., GABAergic) neurons [36] with regulation from excitatory neurons that are modulated
by attention [94]. During both attention and object-recognition manipulations, the local
GABAergic gain control is regulated by long-range influences that are nearly always
mediated by Glutamatergic neurons [95,96]. Crucially, the strength of this regulation is
sensitive to natural scene statistics; this ‘flexible normalization [97] removes suppression at
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Neuronal responses in primary visual cortex are estimated as a mixture of two separate
neuronal populations, one of which experiences surround suppression (Eg|c,s) and one that
does not (Eg|c):
Ei = (1 − p)Eg c + pEg c, s
where Ei is the channel (orientation column) tuned to the ith orientation, and p is the
probability that the classical receptive field and the extraclassical receptive field belong to
the same object. Thus, the p term reflects learned scene statistics encoded by extrastriate
neuronal populations [99] that regulate surround suppression in VI. Using this model to
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simultaneously fit data from multiple behavioral and neuroimaging tasks will allow an
estimate of the strength and tuning of the p parameter as well as the gain control terms that
determine Eg|c,s, (early visual responses after surround suppression) and Eg|c (responses in
the subset of neurons in early visual cortex that are not subject to surround suppression).
Application of Computational Model: The tasks in Aim 1 and Aim 2 were selected
because of their ability to quantify the separate contributions of visual mechanisms to
perception. These tasks will allow examination of how early visual mechanisms may be
regulated by higher-order neural computations supporting spatial attention, scene
segmentation and object recognition.
Two parameters regulate the local response term (Eg|c,s): a scalar that reflects the size of the
extra-classical receptive field, and a scalar that reflects the relative strength of local
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inhibition. Three additional parameters regulate the grouping probability (p): a term that
represents sensitivity to relative orientation, a term that represents sensitivity to higher-order
scene statistics, and a term that represents object detection. The model can be used to predict
7 experimental outcomes: suppression of perceived contrast by parallel and orthogonal
similar and dissimilar textures (4), fMRI response suppression by parallel vs. orthogonal
similar vs. dissimilar textures (2), and VI response modulation by object recognition (1).
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Preliminary analyses of fMRI data show a significant overall VI signal increase during
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contrast that enables systematic comparison across different stimulus categories (e.g.,
sinusoidal luminance modulation, naturalistic textures and natural scene segments). The
hypothesized elevation of perceived contrast in naturalistic stimuli, combined with altered
top-down constraints will provide a mechanistic explanation for hallucinations and visual
for Aim 2 (0.09 < R2 < 0.49) were used to estimate sample size. Given that f2=R2/(1 – R2)
[100], sample sizes between 14 and 109 (for α =0.05 and power = 0.90) are required. Thus,
a total of 150 individuals studied across the three groups will ensure sufficient power to
detect effects.
The precise etiology of hallucinations and visual distortions in psychosis is unknown. By
combining psychophysical tasks, functional neuroimaging, and a computational model, this
project has the potential to yield a mechanistic understanding of visual hallucinations and
distortions in subjective visual experience seen across the psychosis spectrum. By including
first-degree relatives, we can determine if more subtle alterations in visual experience
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specifically reflect genetic contributions. As a result, this study will allow ascertainment of
how visual perception varies across dimensional phenotypes of psychosis noted in
schizophrenia spectrum disorders and bipolar affective disorder. The knowledge derived
from this research will facilitate an understanding of neural mechanisms that give rise to
psychotic symptoms, and the associated functional impairments of the disorder. Our hope is
that the results can be used to formulate novel targeted treatments for psychosis, develop
screening tools to help predict who is likely to convert to a psychotic disorder, and guide
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attempts to mitigate the risk for conversion, thereby reducing the prevalence and substantial
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Figure 1.
Expanded model originally proposed by Schwartz and colleagues and adapted in our
previous work [41] to describe the influence of scene segmentation cues on the tilt illusion in
HCs. The proposed model accounts for perceived contrast in a range of laboratory and
naturalistic stimuli, as well as the interaction of perceived contrast with higher-level scene
segmentation cues such as directed spatial attention and object recognition. This model lets
us characterize visual perceptual abnormalities in terms of specific alterations to local
inhibitory responses and local and long-range excitatory response.
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Figure 2.
(A) Surround suppression in more naturalistic scenes will be studied with a 2AFC perceived
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contrast task at a single pedestal contrast (unsurrounded reference at 25% RMS contrast on
one side of the screen, and target with 33% RMS contrast, matched or non-matched
surround on the other side) for stimuli composed of line segments, natural scene segments,
and synthetic textures (first and second-order statistics derived from natural scene segments,
generated by Simoncelli’s “steerable pyramid” toolbox; [73]). This task will be used to
quantify surround suppression in uniform and segmented textures. The same underlying
model will be employed, but the more sparse neuronal responses will probe a wider range of
neural network states for representations of the central stimulus, as well as constrain terms
representing long-range projections signaling grouping probability or scene segmentation
cues. (B). An object recognition task using line-segment textures to depict either meaningful
or meaningless objects will let us test the effect of object recognition on contrast
discrimination, fMRI and MEG responses in early visual cortex, and the interaction between
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Figure 3.
Left. Computation of cortical source signals. 248 channel axial gradiometer MEG
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recordings during the Gabor contour task were localized to cortical ROIs. Right. Example of
cortical source signals applied to a Collinear Gabor Task. Using a retinotopic mapping
technique during fMRI, early visual cortical areas were mapped according to their functional
and spatial layout. This allowed us to map regions of early visual cortex where the contour
appeared in the visual field. These are shown on the inflated 3D brain for V1 and V3
(orange), and ILO (green)._IPDs have reduced power in ILO, as well as right V1 and V3.
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J Psychiatr Brain Sci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 September 16.