An Eye-Tracking Investigation of Intentional Motion Perception in Patients With Schizophrenia

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Research Paper

An eye-tracking investigation of intentional motion

perception in patients with schizophrenia
Paul Roux, MD, PhD; Christine Passerieux, MD, PhD; Franck Ramus, PhD

Background: Schizophrenia has been characterized by an impaired attribution of intentions in social interactions. However, it remains unclear
to what extent poor performance may be due to low-level processes or to later, higher-level stages or to what extent the deficit reflects an over-
(hypermentalization) or underattribution of intentions (hypomentalization). Methods: We evaluated intentional motion perception using a chas-
ing detection paradigm in individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and in healthy controls while eye movements were re-
corded. Smooth pursuit was measured as a control task. Eye-tracking was used to dissociate ocular from cognitive stages of processing.
Results: We included 27 patients with schizophrenia, 2 with schizoaffective disorder and 29 controls in our analysis. As a group, patients had
lower sensitivity to the detection of chasing than controls, but showed no bias toward the chasing present response. Patients showed a slightly
different visual exploration strategy, which affected their ocular sensitivity to chasing. They also showed a decreased cognitive sensitivity to
chasing that was not explained by differences in smooth pursuit ability, in visual exploration strategy or in general cognitive abilities.
­Limitations: It is not clear whether the deficit in intentional motion detection demonstrated in this study might be explained by a general deficit
in motion perception in individuals with schizophrenia or whether it is specific to the social domain. Conclusion: Participants with schizophre-
nia showed a hypomentalization deficit: they adopted suboptimal visual exploration strategies and had difficulties deciding whether a chase
was present or not, even when their eye movement revealed that chasing information had been seen correctly.

Introduction 1 triangle acts intentionally toward the other triangle. Partici­

pants are asked to describe what they have seen; convergent
Schizophrenia is characterized by impairments in several do­ evidence shows that individuals with schizophrenia provide
mains of social cognition, including theory of mind or men­ less intentional and less accurate descriptions of intentional
talizing, emotion recognition1,2 and the perception of inten­ scenarios than control participants.7–9
tional actions. Initial studies of the perception of intentional Overall, research on social cognition in individuals with
actions in schizophrenia were based on the biological motion schizophrenia leaves a number of questions open, including 2
paradigm, which presents simple animations of human ac­ that are our main focus here: Do individuals with schizophre­
tions portrayed by actors visible only through point light dis­ nia show a hypo- or a hypermentalizing deficit? Is their deficit
plays.3 A decreased sensitivity to biological motion has been situated at low (early, implicit, automatic) or at high (late, ex­
demonstrated in individuals with schizophrenia.4 This para­ plicit, reflexive) levels of processing?
digm allows quantifying the perception of intentional actions Hypomentalizing refers to being less able to perceive and in­
in this population using a psychophysical approach. How­ fer intentions. In contrast, hypermentalizing involves over­
ever, it focuses mostly on individual actions as opposed to attributing intentions, including to nonintentional stimuli.
social interactions. The Frith–Happé animations have been ­Hypermentalization has been suggested by several authors on
widely used to assess the perception of intentional actions in­ the basis of the existence of paranoid symptoms in schizophre­
volving social interactions.5 In these animations, inspired nia, leading to an excessive attribution of malevolent inten­
from Heider and Simmel’s seminal work,6 2 triangles move tions to others.10,11 This hypothesis has received some experi­
according to intentional or nonintentional scenarios: in the mental evi­dence: for example, individuals with schizophrenia
random condition, the triangles drift and bounce independ­ perceived more hostility in ambiguous intentions, and this bias
ently like billiard balls, whereas in the intentional conditions, was positively correlated with self-­reported levels of paranoia.12

Correspondence to: P. Roux, Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie d’adultes, Centre Hospitalier de Versailles, 177 rue de Versailles, 78157
Le Chesnay, France; [email protected]
J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2):118–25.
Submitted Feb. 26, 2014; Revised May 20, 2014; Accepted June 17, 2014; Early-released Sept. 23, 2014.
DOI: 10.1503/jpn.140065

©2015 8872147 Canada Inc.

118 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2)

Chasing detection in schizophrenia

Nevertheless, few studies have attempted to distinguish hypo- and low-level, implicit mentalizing can be to some extent dif­
from hypermentalizing in individuals with schizophrenia, and ferentiated from explicit and reflexive mentalizing.
the available results are inconsistent. Using the Frith–Happé For this purpose we used the recently developed chasing de­
animations, 1 study found more intentional descriptions of tection paradigm,19 a psychophysical rendering of intentional
random animations and fewer intentional descriptions of in­ motion detection restricted to a particular interaction: chasing.
tentional animations in participants with schizophrenia, sug­ Responses consist of a simple 2-alternative forced choice (chase
gesting that both hyper- and hypomentalizing might be at v. no chase) and are thus free from verbal constraints, making it
play.8 Two other ­studies replicated the hypomentalization but equally easy to over- or underdetect intentional motion. The
not the hypermentalization.7,9 However, studies involving eye-tracking allows us both to assess perceptual exploration
Frith–Happé animations are based on verbal responses: hyper­ strategies and to obtain an implicit measure of chasing detection
mentalizing is intrinsically more difficult to demonstrate than in order to distinguish different levels of processing.
hypomentalizing, particularly in individuals with schizophre­
nia, since it requires producing more overt responses. It could Methods
therefore be that a spontaneous tendency for these individuals
to hypermentalize is offset by a general tendency to be under­ Participants
responsive, thus explaining the heterogeneity of the results. In
order to provide a fair test of the hypermentalizing deficit hy­ We recruited individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffec­
pothesis, it therefore seems desirable to investigate it using ex­ tive disorder and healthy controls for participation in this
perimental paradigms that make hypermentalizing no more study. Patients were recruited from community mental
costly to participants than hypomentalizing. It is the case of the health centres and outpatient clinics in the Versailles area.
Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition, another test that The control participants were recruited from the volunteers
has been developed to distinguish these 2 hypotheses. Com­ panel at the Versailles Hospital and Laboratoire de Sciences
pared with control participants, individuals with schizophre­ Cognitives et Psycholinguistique. Exclusion criteria for both
nia made more hypomentalizing but no more hypermentaliz­ groups were substance or alcohol dependence within the
ing errors when verbal intelligence and verbal memory were 6 months preceding the study and current or prior untreated
taken into account.13 However, the lack of significant differ­ medical illness, including neurologic illness. The control
ence in hypermentalization between patients and controls may group was screened for current or past psychiatric illness,
have been explained by the nature of the stimulus (several and individuals were excluded if they met criteria for any
characters involved in complex verbal interactions referring to axis I disorder of the DSM-IV-TR. All diagnoses in the patient
ambiguous mental states) and by the response modality group were confirmed by 2 licensed psychiatrists (P.R. and
(choice among 4 alternatives) overloading the patients’ verbal each patient’s treating psychiatrist) according to the DSM-IV-
abilities. Thus a replication of this result is needed on a non­ TR criteria for schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. The
verbal paradigm before drawing a conclusion about hyper­ experiment was approved by the local medical ethics com­
mentalization in individuals with schizophrenia. mittee (Comité de Protection des Personnes Paris Ile de
The second question arises from the many stages of France XI). All participants received a complete description
processing leading from the perception of a stimulus to the of the study verbally and in written form. The investigators
production of a response, such that poor performance in checked whether patients were capable of giving fully in­
a given social cognition task might be due to deficits at any formed consent through specific interviews focused on the
of these levels. Deficits might arise at low-level stages ability able to comprehend and retain information about the
of  perceptual exploration abilities or at early perceptual research and to use and weigh this information to make an
stages. They might also arise at higher-level cognitive stages appropriate decision. Written informed consent was then ob­
of assessing perceptual evidence and selecting a response tained from each participant.
accordingly or at stages of producing a verbal response.
There is supportive evidence for deficits at each of these Cognitive and clinical measures
stages. Evidence that visual exploration of static visual
scenes14 and smooth pursuit15 are impaired in schizophrenia General intelligence was estimated using the Wechsler Adult
makes deficits at the exploration stage plausible. A whole Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III) vocabulary, similarities, pictures
section of the literature on schizophrenia is devoted to completion and matrices subtests. Mean haloperidol equiva­
deficits in basic auditory and visual perceptual pro­ lent dosage was computed using a standardized method.20
cesses.16,17 Finally, verbal difficulties in schizophrenia are We rated the severity of schizophrenic symptoms using the
well documented.18 Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS).21
In order to address these 2 questions and disentangle the
many alternative interpretations of poor performance in so­ Eye movement recording
cial cognition tasks in individuals with schizophrenia, we de­
signed a new experimental paradigm with the following Stimuli were presented on a 17-inch display with a 75  Hz
properties: hypo- and hypermentalizing responses are refresh rate and 640 × 480 pixel resolution, viewed from 62 cm in
equally difficult; no verbal responses are required; smooth a dimly lit room. Eye movements were recorded monocularly
pursuit and perceptual exploration strategies can be assessed; (Eyelink 1000 system with remote/head free configuration, SR

J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2) 119

Roux et al.

research) with a sampling rate of 500 Hz and a spatial resolution would predict chasing detection sensitivity to be lower in pa­
of 1°. Participants were instructed to avoid blinking as much as tients than controls, whereas a hypermentalizing deficit would
possible during each trial (see the Appendix, available at, predict an increased bias toward the chase response.
for details about the eye-tracking calibration procedure).
Visual exploration strategies
Smooth pursuit control task
We considered 2 visual exploration strategies likely to be
Smooth pursuit deficits have been repeatedly demonstrated in adopt­ed by participants trying to detect a chase: either follow­
individuals with schizophrenia15 and might explain decreased ing 1 agent for a certain amount of time (and jumping to an­
chasing detection sensitivity in this population. In the present other agent until a chase is detected), or looking roughly at the
study, smooth pursuit was assessed on a paradigm that has barycentre of all agents, thus obtaining an optimal view of the
demonstrated impaired smooth pursuit in individuals with movements of all agents simultaneously. Such agent looking
schizophrenia.22 The complete procedure is described in the and centre looking strategies have been shown in multiple ob­
Appendix. Participants were presented with a visual target jects tracking paradigms where participants have to focus their
that moved horizontally across the screen with a constant vel­ attention on multiple moving targets.24,25 In order to character­
ocity. They were asked to follow the target with their eyes as ize eye movement patterns relevant to these strategies, we ana­
closely as possible. The gain of smooth pursuit was computed lyzed the proportion of eye gazes falling on 3 different regions
by dividing the mean velocity of the eye by the velocity of the on each sample of each trial (see the Appendix). The agent
target; a gain of 1 reflects perfect smooth pursuit. looking rate was defined as the proportion of eye gazes falling
on an agent. The barycentre looking rate was defined as the
Chasing detection paradigm proportion of gazes falling on the barycentre of the 5 agents.
Finally, the stray looking rate was defined as the proportion of
The complete procedure is described in the Appendix. Partici­ gazes falling anywhere else (excluding agents and the barycen­
pants were presented with 5 identical moving discs that fre­ tre). Because these 3 measures are not independent from one
quently and randomly changed directions, thus giving the im­ another, we analyzed only barycentre and stray looking rates.
pression that they were self-propelled. In half of the trials, 1 disc, We developed a measure related to the distribution of gaze
the “wolf,” did not move haphazardly like the others; rather, it across the 5 agents: the agent preference index, defined as the
chased another disc, the “sheep.” Nothing other than the sheep- standard deviation (SD) of looking rates on each of the 5 agents
directed motion of the wolf distinguished those 2 discs from the (see the Appendix). The idea is that if participants detect the
others. When the wolf changed its direction, it converged to­ chase, they will tend to track the sheep and the wolf and, hence,
ward the sheep with a certain chasing efficiency (a parametri­ will show unevenly distributed looking rates across agents and
cally manipulated angular deviation between the wolf’s direc­ a high SD. On the contrary, if they detect no chase, all agents
tion and the sheep’s position). In easy trials, the chasing should have an equal probability of being tracked, and the SD
efficiency was 0°: the wolf perfectly converged toward the should be lower. Thus, the agent preference index should​
sheep. In trials with medium difficulty, the chasing efficiency provide a measure of participants’ implicit detection of chasing,
was 30°: the wolf could move in any direction within a 60° win­ independent from the explicit response. Two further sensitiv­
dow that was centred on the moving sheep. In difficult trials, ities were derived from the agent preference index using the
the chasing efficiency was 60°, and the wolf’s direction was even same signal detection approach as for the chasing detection sen­
less constrained. A screenshot of an animation and an illustra­ sitivity. The ocular sensitivity measures the extent to which the
tion of 30° chasing efficiency are presented in Figure 1. Seventy- agent preference index reveals the implicit detection of chasing.
eight pseudorandomly ordered trials were completed, with The cognitive sensitivity measures the extent to which explicit
13 chasing-present trials and 13 chasing-absent trials at each of chase responses reflect the implicit detection of chasing. The
the 3 levels of difficulty. After each trial, participants indicated cognitive sensitivity is thus more related to high-level decisional
whether a chase was present or not by pressing 1 of 2 keyboard processes about intentional information.
buttons. Examples of animations can be watched online at
Nonresponses were discarded from the analysis. To ensure A B
that this exclusion didn’t significantly influence the analysis SHEEP
of forced-choice responses, we ran a repeated-measures SHEEP OF 30°
analy­sis of variance (ANOVA) on the nonresponse rate with
group (patient v. control) as a between-subjects factor.
We ran a signal detection analysis on forced-choice re­
sponses and computed measures of chasing detection sensitiv­ DISTRACTOR 2
ity (d’) and bias (lnβ) according to Macmillan and ­Creelman’s
formulas23 (see the Appendix for the detailed formulas). Sensi­ WOLF
tivity measured the ability to detect chasing, whereas bias
measured the tendency to give the chase response more fre­ Fig. 1: (A) Screenshot of an animation. Labels and arrows were not
quently than the no-chase response. A hypomentalizing deficit present in the actual display. (B) Illustration of a 30° chasing efficiency.

120 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2)

Chasing detection in schizophrenia

Statistical analysis Patients are overall less sensitive to chasing

We compared groups’ characteristics using the Student t test or Both groups showed very low nonresponse rates (mean for
χ2 tests when appropriate. A repeated-measures ANOVA was patients: 0.1% ± 0.5%; mean for controls: 0.6% ± 1.8%), and
run on gain of smooth pursuit with group (patient v. control) as the group difference was not significant (F1,56 = 1.6, p = 0.22).
a between-subjects factor. Two repeated-measures ANOVAs For the sensitivity analysis, the group effect (F1,56 = 5.6, p =
were run on global sensitivity and bias of chasing detection 0.022) and the difficulty effect (F2,114 = 38.9, p < 0.001) were sig­
with chasing (present v. absent) and difficulty (0°, 30° and 60° nificant. Sensitivity decreased with difficulty in both groups
of chasing efficiency) as within-subjects factors and group as a and was higher in controls than in patients. The interaction
between-subjects factor. Two repeated-­measures ANOVAs between group and difficulty was not significant (F2,114 = 0.2,
were run on stray looking rate and barycentre looking rates p = 0.85; Fig. 2A).
with group as a between-subjects factor. Finally, a repeated- For the bias analysis, the difficulty effect was significant
measures ANOVA was run on chasing detection sensitivity (F2,114 = 38.9, p < 0.001). The tendency to give a chasing-absent re­
with processing stage (ocular v. cognitive) and difficulty as sponse increased with difficulty. Neither group (F1,56 = 0.47, p =
within-subjects factors and group as a between-subjects factor. 0.49) nor the interaction between group and difficulty were sig­
nificant (F2,114 = 1.5, p = 0.22; Fig. 2B), showing that patients did
Results not differ from controls in terms of response bias.

Participants Patients have a different looking strategy

Twenty-nine individuals with schizophrenia (n = 27) or There was no significant group difference for the stray look­
schizoaffective disorder (n = 2) and 29 healthy controls partici­ ing rate (F1,55 = 1, p = 0.33), showing that patients paid as
pated in this study. All participants had normal or corrected- much attention to the stimuli as controls. However, patients
to-normal vision. At the time of testing, all patients were had a greater barycentre looking rate than controls (F1,55 = 9,
­taking antipsychotics. Groups’ characteristics are shown in p = 0.004), showing a different looking strategy (Fig. 3).
­Table 1. Individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis­
order had marginally lower general intelligence and were Patients show a global decrease in cognitive and ocular
matched with controls on all other variables. ­sensitivities

Patients show normal smooth pursuit ability We first ran preliminary analyses to assess differences in
agent preference index between patients and controls, the as­
There was no significant group effect (F1,56 = 0.1, p = 0.81). Pa­ sociation between the agent preference index and the pres­
tients had a mean gain of 0.834 ± 0.061 and controls had a ence of chasing and the association between forced-choice re­
mean gain of 0.83 ± 0.057. sponses and the agent preference index (see the Appendix).

Table 1: Characteristics of study participants

Group; mean ± SD*

Schizophrenia Control
Variable n = 29 n = 29 Statistic p value

Sex, male/female 21/8 19/10 χ = 0.1

Visual correction, CL/G 1/12 3/9 χ2 = 0‡ > 0.99
Age, yr 39 ± 12.5 40.7 ± 13.5 t56 = 0.5 0.63
Educational level, yr 12 ± 2.3 12.4 ± 1.5 t56 = 0.9 0.39
Estimated general intelligence† 8.3 ± 2.1 9.3 ± 2.1 t56 = 1.8 0.08
Illness duration, yr 18 ± 11.1 —
Hospitalizations duration, mo 16.5 ± 19.3 —
Haloperidol equivalents, mg/24 h 11.7 ± 8.6 —
PANSS total 90.6 ± 12 —
PANSS positive 21.8 ± 4 —
PANSS negative 24.3 ± 4.9 —
PANSS general symptoms 44.5 ± 6.8 —

CL = contact lenses; G = glasses; PANSS = Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; SD = standard deviation.
*Unless otherwise indicated.
†Mean scaled scores, from 1 to 19. Wechsler intelligence scale scores have a mean of 10 and SD of 3 in the
general population.
‡For the χ2 test, contact lenses and glasses were counted as 1 category owing to small sample size.

J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2) 121

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We then turned to the analysis of ocular and cognitive interaction between group and processing stage (F1,56 = 2.1,
­chasing detection sensitivities. p  = 0.15). Thus, patients showed lower sensitivity than con­
The repeated-measures ANOVA on ocular and cognitive trols at both processing stages (Fig. 4).
sensitivities showed significant effects of group (F1,55 = 6.7, p =
0.012) and difficulty (F2,112 = 25.4, p < 0.001) and a marginal ef­ Reduced ocular, but not cognitive, sensitivity is explained
fect of processing stage (F1,56 = 3.1, p = 0.08), but no significant by looking strategy

We explored to what extent low-level oculomotor and general

A cognitive factors explained group differences in ocular and cog­
nitive sensitivities between patients and controls. A schem­atic
Patients summary of the working model on which the following analy­
ses are based is presented in Figure 5. We computed a simulta­
neous linear regression on ocular sensitivity with difficulty,
maintenance gain, stray looking rate, barycentre looking rate, es­
timated IQ and group as independent variables (Table 2). The

effect of difficulty for the 60° versus 30° contrast (t110 = –3.8, p <
0.001) and the effect of barycentre looking strategy (t110 = –3.1,
p = 0.003) were significant after taking into account the effects of
0.5 all other variables, suggesting that the group difference in ocular
sensitivity may be attributable to differences in looking strategy.
0.0 We then computed a simultaneous linear regression on
0° 30° 60°
Difficulty cognitive sensitivity, with difficulty, maintenance gain,
B stray looking rate, barycentre looking rate, estimated IQ,
­o cular sensitivity and group as independent variables
­(Table 2). The effects of ocular sensitivity (t109 = 9.1, p <
0.001) and group (t53 = 2.3, p = 0.023) were significant after
0.5 taking into account the effects of all other variables. These
In beta

Ocular sensitivity, d'


– 0.5
0° 30° 60°

Fig. 2: (A) Mean global sensitivity and (B) bias computed from ex- 0.5
plicit forced-choice responses. Error bars represent standard errors
of the mean.
0° 30° 60°
Cognitive sensitivity, d'

Looking rate



0° 30° 60°
Stray Barycentre Difficulty

Fig. 3: Mean stray- and barycentre-looking rates. Error bars repre- Fig. 4: Mean perceptual and cognitive sensitivities. Error bars rep-
sent standard errors of the mean. resent standard errors of the mean.

122 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2)

Chasing detection in schizophrenia

r­esults suggest that the group difference in cognitive sensi­ for bias. These results are consistent with hypomentalization
tivity does not reduce to any lower-level or general cogni­ (which predicted lower sensitivity) and inconsistent with hy­
tive factors that we could measure. permentalization (which predicted higher bias for chase re­
sponses). A potential explanation for this difference could be
Discussion the effect of antipsychotic medication. However, this seems
unlikely given that a marginally significant positive correl­
The main aims of this study were to determine whether indi­ ation was found between antipsychotic drug dosage and
viduals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder have a ­chasing detection sensitivity (r = 0.35, p = 0.06).
hyper- and/or a hypomentalizing deficit in their detection of To follow with the lowest levels of processing, no differ­
intentional motion; whether low-level processes of inten­ ence was found in smooth pursuit between the 2 groups. This
tional motion are equally affected as high-level and explicit result may seem surprising given that a smooth-pursuit defi­
processes; and to what extent group differences may be ex­ cit is one of the most replicated psychophysiological abnor­
plained by differences in smooth pursuit abilities, perceptual malities in schizophrenia.15 It may be explained by the fact
exploration strategies or in general cognitive abilities. that we matched patients and controls on educational level
We found that patients had on average a lower sensitivity and IQ, whereas this is often not the case in smooth pursuit
to chasing detection than controls. No difference was found studies: O’Driscoll and Callahan15 published a meta-anlysis

Low level oculomotor factors Exploration strategy General cognitive abilities

Stray Agent
looking looking IQ
rate rate

Ocular sensitivity Cognitive sensitivity

Stimulus Ocular response Chasing detection

Chase present/absent Agent preference index Forced choice response

Global sensitivity

Fig. 5: Working model of chasing detection.

Table 2: Simultaneous linear regression analyses of perceptual and cognitive sensitivities

Dependent variable

Perceptual sensitivity, R = 31.3%

Cognitive sensitivity, R2 = 51%

Independent variables β† (95% CI) p value β2 (95% CI) p value

Chasing efficiency, 0° v. 30° 0.12 (–0.16 to 0.41) 0.38 0.21 (–0.05 to 0.46) 0.10
Chasing efficiency, 60° v. 30° –0.8 (–1.1 to –0.53) < 0.001 –0.13 (–0.42 to 0.15) 0.36
General intelligence 0.05 (–0.13 to 0.24) 0.57 0.07 (–0.07 to 0.2) 0.31
Gain of smooth pursuit –0.02 (–0.21 to 0.17) 0.87 0.08 (–0.05 to 0.22) 0.23
Stray-looking rate 0.0 (–0.18 to 0.19) 0.97 0.04 (–0.1 to 0.18) 0.55
Barycentre-looking strategy –0.3 (–0.49 to –0.10) 0.003 –0.03 (–0.17 to 0.12) 0.71
Ocular sensitivity 0.58 (0.45 to 0.71) < 0.001
Group (controls v. patients) 0.1 (–0.3 to 0.5) 0.61 0.33 (0.05 to 0.62) 0.023

CI = confidence interval.
*R2 coefficient based on likelihood ratio for mixed models.
†Standardized fixed effect coefficients.

J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2) 123

Roux et al.

of smooth pursuit studies in 2008 and reported that individ­ making have been extensively reported in individuals with
uals with schizophrenia and controls were matched on IQ or schizophrenia on numerous different tasks.32
educational levels in only 10 of 59 studies. The decreased cognitive sensitivity remained significantly
Our analysis of looking strategies revealed subtle differences different between groups once differences in terms of visual
between patients and controls. First, patients allocated as exploration and general cognitive abilities were taken into ac­
much visual attention as controls to informative locations count, thus suggesting that difficulties at the high level and
(agents or barycentre). This indicates that patients didn’t show explicit cognitive stage of processing remain the most robust
a general decrease in their motivation to perform the task; impairment underlying the chasing detection deficit in indi­
however, they adopted a more centre looking strategy viduals with schizophrenia.
whereas controls used a more agent looking strategy. Instead This result may have some implications for the cognitive
of following 1 agent for a certain amount of time (and jumping remediation of intentional motion detection in individuals
to another agent until a chase is detected), patients preferen­ with schizophrenia: it suggests that a strategy focusing
tially looked at the barycentre of all agents, thus obtaining an solely on the lower levels of processing (e.g., oriented to­
optimal view of the movements of all agents simultaneously. ward the normalization of eye movements) might be insuf­
Two alternative explanations can be given to explain this ef­ ficient to compensate for the intentional motion perception
fect. First, it could be a consequence of slightly less agile eye deficit in this population. While perceptual stages should
movements due to an impaired oculomotricity in individuals not be overlooked, a remediation strategy involving later
with schizophrenia, although this explanation is not supported explicit cognitive stages (interpretation of perceptual input,
by their intact smooth pursuit ability. Second, it may be related decision-­making and response production) would seem
to a deficit in visual exploration. It has been consistently re­ particularly important.
ported that individuals with schizophrenia had shorter scan­
path lengths and made longer fixations when they were pre­ Limitations
sented with static pictures26; thus, the increased barycentre
looking strategy might be a consequence of a restricted scan­ Our study has several limitations. One might argue that the dis­
ning ability in individuals with schizophrenia. However, sev­ tinction between ocular and cognitive sensitivity is artificial be­
eral studies have reported that the restricted scanning found in cause cognitive processes are already involved in the ocular re­
individuals with schizophrenia on passive viewing tasks nor­ sponse. Eye movements are indeed under the influence of
malized in active viewing conditions.27–29 As participants were 2 kinds of processes: early, open-loop and low-level perceptual
given a task in the present study, the more centre looking strat­ processes entirely relying on stimulus properties and later
egy found in individuals with schizophrenia may better reflect closed-loop processes based on a combination of perceptual and
a difference in multiple object tracking ability than a restricted higher cognitive factors, such as attention, expectations, reward
scanning ability. Yet another possibility is that their centre memory or learning.33,34 However, eye-tracking still provides a
looking strategy is a consequence of a decreased ability to de­ useful insight into early, implicit and online information pro­
tect and/or to represent agents. cesses as well as an opportunity to disentangle them from later
A signal detection analysis run on ocular and cognitive reflexive and decisional processes. A second limitation comes
chasing detection sensitivities demonstrated a global decrease from the fact that deficits in the perception of nonsocial motion,
in patients. The decreased ocular sensitivity revealed that the including detection of coherent motion35 and speed36,37 or direc­
implicit, early and online detection of chasing was impaired in tion discrimination,38 have also been demonstrated in individ­
patients with schizophrenia. Patients’ eye movements were uals with schizophrenia. Further explorations are needed to
less related to the presence of a chase, suggesting that they clarify whether the intentional motion detection deficit demon­
may have more often produced ocular detections of chasing on strated in this study can be explained by a general deficit in mo­
chasing-absent trials but less often produced ocular detections tion perception in individuals with schizophrenia or whether it
of chasing on chasing-present trials. Furthermore, patients’ is more specific to the social domain.
preferred centre looking strategy entirely explained the
decreased ocular sensitivity found in individuals with Conclusion
schizophrenia. This association can be interpreted in 2  ways.
First, as mentioned above, the shift from an agent looking to a We found that the detection of intentional motion was de­
barycentre looking strategy might be a consequence of the creased in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective
decreased ability to detect and/or to represent agents in disorder. This deficit was not explained by altered smooth
patients. Alternatively, the patients’ decreased ocular sensi­ pursuit abilities, and only its low-level and implicit compon­
tivity might be a consequence of their centre looking strategy, ent was explained by differential looking strategies. Most
through a deficit in their peripheral vision, which has been ­interestingly, we found that the most robust part of this de­
reported in several studies.30,31 creased sensitivity to intentional motion was situated at high-
The decreased cognitive sensitivity revealed difficulties de­ level cognitive stages of processing and could not be ex­
ciding whether a chase was present or not and/or producing plained away either by an abnormal ocular behaviour or by
the appropriate response, even when their eye movement general cognitive abilities.
patterns reveal that the chasing information had been cor­ Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Agence Nationale de
rectly processed at the visual level. Impairments in decision la Recherche (ANR-09-BLAN-0327, ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02 PSL* and

124 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2)

Chasing detection in schizophrenia

ANR-10-LABX-0087) and Assistance Publique — Hôpitaux de Paris– 16. Javitt DC. Sensory processing in schizophrenia: neither simple nor
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (APHP–CNRS). We thank intact. Schizophr Bull 2009;35:1059-64.
the psychiatrists at Versailles hospital for their help in recruiting pa­ 17. Javitt DC. When doors of perception close: bottom-up models of
tients. We are also grateful to the members of the Laboratoire de Sci­ disrupted cognition in schizophrenia. Annu Rev Clin Psychol 2009;
ences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique for the recruitment of control 5:249-75.
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J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015;40(2) 125

Appendix 1 to Roux P, Passerieux C, Ramus F, et al. An eyetracking investigation of intentional
motion perception in schizophrenia. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2014.

DOI: 10.1503/jpn.140065

Copyright © 2014, Canadian Medical Association or its licensors.

Eye-tracking calibration procedure and analysis of eye-tracking accuracy

Before the beginning of each experiment, the eye tracker was set to obtain the best pupil and corneal reflection
images for each participant. Another calibration procedure was carried out after the training phase of each
experiment. We used the calibration routines of the eye tracker (9 dots routine for the chasing experiment,
3 horizontal dots routine for the smooth pursuit experiment), presenting dots 1 at time in fixed locations on the
screen. In the smooth pursuit experiment, a calibration was done before each of the 5 trials. In the chasing
experiment, a calibration procedure was done every 18 trials. Before each trial, a “drift correct” marker was
presented in the centre of the screen. Participants were required to look at the dot and press a response button
when fixation was attained. This constrained the initial position of fixation and triggered a new calibration if the
eye drift was greater than 5°.
In the remote/head free configuration of EyeLink 1000, no head stabilization was required because the position of
the head was independently tracked and head movements were compensated for. However, one might argue that
the eye-tracking accuracy may have been lower in individuals with schizophrenia than in controls because of
increased involuntary head movements (due for example to extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotic
medication). To ensure that the quality of eye-tracking recording was not different between the groups, we ran
repeated measures analyses on postcalibration validation data with group as a between-subjects factor, separately
for the chasing and smooth pursuit experiments because the calibration procedure was different. The effect of
group was significant neither for the smooth pursuit experiment (F1,56 = 2.2, p = 0.14) nor for the chasing
experiment (F1,56 = 0.05, p = 0.83). Thus, eye-tracking was as precise for patients as for controls in both
To ensure that individuals with schizophrenia didn't blink more often than controls (due, for example, to side
effects of antipsychotic medication, such as xerophtalmia), we ran a repeated measures analysis on the number of
blinks, with experiment as a within-subjects factor and group as a between-subjects factor. There was a main
effect of experiment (F1,56 = 30.9, p < 0.001): there were fewer blinks for chasing (mean: 0.58 ± 0.94) than for
smooth pursuit (mean: 4.42° ± 5.78°) because the duration of smooth pursuit trials was greater than that of
chasing trials. But there was no main effect of group (F1,55 = 0.8, p = 0.39) and no interaction between group and
experiment (F1,56 = 0.2, p = 0.67). Thus, patients didn't blink more often than controls.

Steady-state smooth pursuit task

The visual target was a white circle with a diameter of 0.6° of visual angle on a black background. It moved
horizontally with an amplitude of 22° with a constant velocity of 17.13°/s. A trial consisted of 15 traverses in each
direction (30 segments per trial) with a pause of 500 ms at each extremities of the screen. Five trials were run for
each participant, preceded by a training trial. Eye-tracking data were filtered for artefacts, such as blinks.
Horizontal velocity was computed on the 30 segments, starting 400 ms after the onset of the traverse and ending
200 ms before its end. Any ocular sample whose velocity was above 40°/s was considered as a saccade and was
consecutively excluded from the analysis. Samples adjacent to these high-velocity portions were also considered
as part of a saccade if their velocity was above 20°/s. The gain was computed by dividing the mean velocity of
the eye by the mean velocity of the target separately for each of the 28 segments after exclusion of the first
2 segments. Mean gain was computed by averaging the best 75% values of the 28 segments in each of the 5 trials.

Chasing detection paradigm

When viewed from 62 cm, the 5 moving circles had a diameter of 1.2° and were drawn as white outlines with a
0.12° stroke. They moved on a black background (38° × 24°) at a constant speed of 17.4°/s and bounced on the
background limits. Each trial lasted 10 seconds. On chasing-present trials, there were
• 3 distractors and 1 sheep that moved in an identical manner. On each frame, an agent had a 9.8%
probability of changing its direction within a 120° window.
• 1 circle was the wolf. In the first 100 ms, it moved similarly to the distractors and the sheep. Then, it had
a 9.8% probability of changing its direction within a window centred on the position held by the sheep
100 ms earlier, plus or minus the chasing efficiency angle (0°, 30° or 60°).
Appendix 1 to Roux P, Passerieux C, Ramus F, et al. An eyetracking investigation of intentional
motion perception in schizophrenia. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2014.

DOI: 10.1503/jpn.140065

Copyright © 2014, Canadian Medical Association or its licensors.

At the beginning of a trial, the position of each circle was randomly set with the condition that the wolf and the
sheep should be distant by more than 19.2°. Chasing-absent trials were obtained with the same algorithm as
chasing-present trials, except that the sheep was removed and replaced by another distractor. This ensured that
any difference between the 2 conditions would be due to the contingency between wolf and sheep rather than to
the peculiar motion pattern of the wolf.
All participants were trained on 6 trials (chasing-present and chasing-absent trials for each of the 3 degrees of
chasing efficiency) with feedback. When participants failed, the trial was replayed. When the failed trial was a
chasing-present trial, it was replayed with the wolf drawn in red and the sheep in green. Test trials were
presented in a pseudorandom order such that no more than 3 trials with the same expected response were
presented consecutively.

Signal detection analysis formulas

Sensitivity: d'= z(H) - z(F)

Bias: lnβ= -1/2 (z(H)² - z(F)²)
H is the hit rate, F is the false-alarm rate and z is the inverse function of the normal distribution. Null values of H
and F were replaced by 1/2N, with N being the number of trials per participant (78). When H and F were equal to
1, they were replaced by 1-1/2N.

Visual exploration strategies

No eye-tracking data were available for 1 patient owing to a failure in the calibration procedure. At each sample
in the eye tracker recording it was determined whether the gaze was located on an agent, on the barycentre of the
agents, or elsewhere (stray-looking). Agent-looking was defined by the eye gaze being located within 2.5 times
the radius of an agent (hence within a concentric circle of 1.5° radius). Barycentre-looking was defined by the eye
gaze being located within 1.5° of the barycentre (mean coordinates) of the 5 agents. Agent- and barycentre-
looking are not mutually exclusive. Finally, stray-looking was defined by neither agent- nor barycentre-looking.
Stray-looking rates were calculated by dividing the corresponding number of samples by the total number of
samples after blink filtration. Agent, barycentre- and stray-looking rates were calculated by dividing the
corresponding number of samples by the sum of barycentre-looking and agent-looking samples.

Agent preference index, ocular and cognitive sensitivities

No eye-tracking data were available for 1 patient owing to a failure in the calibration procedure. The eye-tracking
samples for which the gaze fell near an agent (when the distance between gaze position and the centre of any
agent was below 2.5 times the radius of an agent) were selected from chasing-present and chasing-absent trials.
Agent-looking rates were normalized such that the sum of the 5 agents’ looking rates was always equal to 1 for
each sample, even when participants looked near several agents at the same time. The 5 agents’ looking rates
were then averaged across all samples, and the standard deviation was computed. In order to dichotomize the
ocular responses into detection and nondetection of chasing, the agent preference index of each trial was
compared to the median agent preference index across all trials within each participant. When the actual agent
preference index was smaller than the median, the trial was coded as a nondetection of chasing; when it was
greater, the trial was coded as a detection. Thus, an ocular hit was defined as an ocular detection of chasing on
chasing-present trials, while an ocular false-alarm was defined as an ocular detection of chasing on chasing-
absent trials. The ocular sensitivity is a d’ based on ocular hits and false alarms. Similarly, a cognitive hit was
defined as a chasing-present answer when there was an ocular detection of chasing, while a cognitive false-alarm
was defined as a chasing-present answer when there was an ocular nondetection of chasing. The cognitive
sensitivity is a d’ based on cognitive hits and false alarms.

Association between the presence of chasing, the agent preference index and forced-
choice responses

A multiple linear regression was run on the agent preference index as dependent variable, with group and
chasing (absent v. present) factors as independent variables. It showed no significant effect of group (F1,55 = 0.9, p
= 0.36): the agent preference index was similar between schizophrenia and control groups. This suggests that the
Appendix 1 to Roux P, Passerieux C, Ramus F, et al. An eyetracking investigation of intentional
motion perception in schizophrenia. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2014.

DOI: 10.1503/jpn.140065

Copyright © 2014, Canadian Medical Association or its licensors.

median split analysis used to compute the agent preference index was equally appropriate for both groups.
Furthermore, there was a main effect of chasing (F1,55 = 252.3, p < 0.001) and a marginal interaction between group
and chasing (F1,55 = 3.3, p = 0.08): the effect of chasing was greater in controls (F1,28 = 243.4, p < 0.001-3 , R² = 0.739)
than in patients with schizophrenia (F1,27 = 71.1, p < 0.001, R² = 0.503). In other words, controls’ agent preference
index was more sensitive to the chase-absent/present distinction than that of patients.
A multiple logistic regression analysis was run to analyze the association between explicit responses as the
dependent variable and the agent preference index and group as independent variables. It showed a significant
effect of agent preference index (z = 10.4, p < 0.001) and of group (z = –2, p = 0.046) and a significant interaction
between group and the agent preference index (z = 3, p = 0.003). Thus, the probability to give a chasing-present
answer increased with the agent preference index (estimated coefficient: 16.2 ± 0.7), and was overall larger in
controls than in patients with schizophrenia. Furthermore, the association between chasing detection responses
and the agent preference index was weaker in patients with schizophrenia (z = 9.7, p < 0.001, pseudo R² = 0.207)
than in controls (z = 15.1, p < 0.001, pseudo R² = 0.343).
These results thus show that the presence of chasing influences the variability of gaze distribution (as quantified
by the agent preference index), which in turns influences forced-choice responses, as illustrated in Figure 5 of the
main article. Furthermore, they show that the associations among these 3 variables are weaker in patients with
schizophrenia than in controls.

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