Cot DLL Arts
Cot DLL Arts
Cot DLL Arts
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the principles in
protecting the environment for community wellness.
A. Reviewing the previous lesson The students will define the following concepts on their own
or presenting the new lesson understanding based from the previous discussions.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Activity Title: “I-Sing Mo ‘Pho’To”
lesson (ENGAGE) Directions: The students in a circle will sing the song “Anak ng Pasig
by Smokey Mountain. As they sing and feel the message of the song.
A photo from the cardboard related to the song will be passed to the
students. When the music pauses, the student who holds the photo
will describe the photo using the phrase: “I can see and I can
hear______ .
C. Presenting examples/instances The teacher will process the understanding of the students
of the new lesson (EXPLORE) as she facilitates in answering the processing questions.
Processing Questions:
1) What can you infer from the activities?
2) How can you relate the song and the pictures in your
3) From the photos shown, do you have any idea about
our topic for today?
D. Discussing new concepts and 1) Environmental Health
practicing new skills #1 2) Environmental Problems in the Philippines
3) Effects of environmental problems to people’s health
E. Developing Mastery Like or Dislike: Read the following statements/scenarios. Raise a like if
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) it is true and dislike if it is false.
1) We can get lung cancer and heart disease from air pollution.
2) Flash flood is caused by a heavy rain.
3) A grade nine student who has an experiment in his science
subject found out that plastics thrown in the river are beneficial
for sea creatures.
4) A family from Barangay Ipil-ipil was caught cutting trees
without a permit.
5) In order to prevent the environmental problems in the
Philippines. As a student, I should take an action like throwing
my garbage properly.
F. Making Generalizations and
Abstractions about the Lesson
Criteria/ Rubric
H. Additional Activities for Get ideas from your listed preventive measures in protecting the
Application or Remediation environment and come up with a Project for your Barangay.
Guide Questions:
1) What main environmental problem from your barangay will you
2) What will be the goal of your project?
3) Name of your project.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
evaluation IPIL-IPIL _____