Data Structures - Map ADT

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Data Structures

What is Map?
● A map stores key-value pairs (k; v) called entries, where k is the key and v is
its corresponding value.
● Keys are required to be unique, i.e. multiple entries with the same key are not
● An example is a dictionary, where the word is mapped to its definition
● The Map ADT models a collection of key and value (k, v) pairs sorted without any particular order.
● The element with value v can be placed into and retrieved from the map only through its key k.
● Main methods:
○ size() - returns the number of entries in the map
○ isEmpty()- returns a boolean indicating whether map is empty
○ get(k) - returns the value v associated with key k, if such an entry exists, null otherwise
○ put(k, v) - if the map does not have an entry with key equal to k, then adds entry (k; v) and returns null,
otherwise replaces the existing value of the entry with key equal to k with value equal to v and returns
the old value
○ remove(k) - if the map has entry with key equal to k, that entry is removed and its value is returned,
otherwise null is returned
● Collections:
○ keySet() - returns an iterable collection containing all the keys stored in the map
○ values() - returns an iterable collection containing all the values of entries stored in the map (with
repetitions if multiple keys of the map had the same value)
○ entrySet() - returns an iterable collection containing all the key-value entries in the map
Sorted Map ADT
● A sorted map is an extension of the standard map, that keeps the map keys sorted and in addition to
the Map ADT methods supports the following:
○ firstEntry() - returns the entry with smallest key or null, if the map is empty
○ lastEntry() - returns the entry with largest key or null, if the map is empty
○ ceilingEntry(k) - returns the entry with the least key value greater than or equal to k or null, if no such
entry exists
○ floorEntry(k) - returns the entry with the greatest key value less than or equal to k or null, if no such
entry exists
○ lowerEntry(k) - returns the entry with the greatest key value strictly less than k or null, if no such entry
○ higherEntry(k) - returns the entry with the least key value strictly greater than k or null, if no such entry
○ subMap(k1; k2) - returns an iteration of all entries with key greater than or equal to k1, but strictly less
than k2
Map Implementations
● As the Map ADT is all about storing a collection of (key, value) elements, we
can use any of the known ADTs to implement it. Particularly Array ADT or
Linked List ADT or Hash Tables.
● Here is an example illustration of Map implementation through Linked List

● Sorted Maps are usually implemented as balanced Trees for optimal search,
while still Array or Linked List implementations are also applicable.
Java Collections Framework - Map Implementations
● HashMap: this implementation uses a hash table as the
underlying data structure. It implements all of the Map
operations and allows null values and one null key. Consider
to use a HashMap when order does not matter and nulls are
● LinkedHashMap: this implementation uses a hash table and
a linked list as the underlying data structures, thus the order of
a LinkedHashMap is predictable, with insertion-order as the
default order. This implementation also allows nulls like
HashMap. So consider using a LinkedHashMap when you
want a Map with its key-value pairs are sorted by their
insertion order.
● TreeMap: this implementation uses a tree as the underlying
data structure. A TreeMap is sorted according to the natural
ordering of its keys, or by a Comparator provided at creation
time. This implementation does not allow nulls. So consider
using a TreeMap when you want a Map sorts its key-value
pairs by the natural order of the keys (e.g. alphabetic order or
numeric order), or by a custom order you specify.
Useful Links
● Check out Map Collections Algebra section here -
● JCF HashMap source code -
● Textbook, Chapter 14 (HashMap and HashSet)
● Textbook, Chapter 12 (TreeSet and TreeMap)

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