Discret Math Unit 4-6
Discret Math Unit 4-6
Discret Math Unit 4-6
4. Boolean Algebra.
Boolean algebra is a deductive mathematical system based on values of zero and
one (false and true). For any algebraic system there are a number of initial postulates, and
additional rules, theorems and other properties of the system.
Logic gates.
Mini and Max terms.
Minterm is each of the possible combinations between all the variables available, for
example with 2 variables you get 4 minterms; 3 you get 8; 4, 16 etc., as you will notice you
can find the number of minterms by 2 ^ n where n is the number of variables available.
Numeration of a minterm. Each minterm is numbered according to the combination of the
variables and their equivalent binary/decimal.
A maxterm is a logical expression of n variables consisting only logical disjunction and
negation operator or supplement. The maxterms are an actual dual expression of
minterms. Operations OR instead of using AND, operations proceed used similarly.
The complement of a minterm is their respective maxterm.
Basic concepts.
A relation is an association between elements or objects.
Cartesian product.- Unlike the number in an ordered pair, matter the order of the
elements. If we consider the sets A and B and form pairs or ordered pairs with elements of
A as first elements and B as second, a set called Cartesian product.
Binary relation.- Let A be a set any one; said R is a binary relation on A if R A A, that is,
if R is a subset of the Cartesian product of AxA.
Elements and characteristics of graphics
One graphic G=(N,A) is a group of points N and aristas(A), in when each line is a
pair not ordered of points. One line is represented by {a,b} . Another way of
represent graphics is with circles for the points, connected by lines for the aristas.
Example 1:
Simple Path. Is when all the points, except the first and the last, are
Simple cycle. Is a simple path whit length at least of 1, who start and finish
in the same point.
Types of Graphs
A directed graph is a graph with an address assigned to each segment.
We call arcs to targeted segments and are written as an ordered set of vertices (v,
w) where V is the initial vertex and W is the terminal vertex of the arc.
Connectivity graph. A graph G is connected if and only if there is a simple way in
any two nodes of G.
Complete graphs. A graph is complete if every node is connected to another node.
When complete graph of n nodes will be denoted Kn.
Regular graph. The one with the same degree in all vertices. If this degree is k will
call k-regulate.
Bipartite graph. A graph is one whose vertices can be formed with two disjoint sets
so that no adjacencies between vertices belonging to the same group.
Representation of graphs
Matrix adjacencies. The adjacency matrix is a square matrix that is used as a way
to represent binary relations.
Matrix construction from a graph
It creates zero matrix whose columns and rows represent the nodes of the graph.
For each edge joining two nodes, adds 1 to the value currently in the
corresponding location in the array.
If such ridge is a loop and undirected graph is then added 2 instead of 1.
Finally, a matrix representing the number of edges (relationships) between each
pair of nodes (elements) is obtained.
Matrix Incidents. The incidence matrix is a binary matrix (elements may be only 1
or 0) which is used as a way of representing binary relations.
Binary relation described by an incidence matrix, and by a graph
1. The columns of the matrix represent the edges of the graph.
2. The rows represent the different nodes.
3. For each node connected by an edge, put a one (1) into place, and fill the rest of
the locations with zeros (0).
Routes of a tree:
By visiting the nodes of a tree there are some useful ways that can systematically
order the nodes of a tree. The most important systems are called: preorder, postorder and in-order and are recursively defined as follows:
Visit the root
Traveling the left subtree in pre-order
Traveling the right subtree in pre-order
Traveling the left subtree in -order
Visit the root
Traveling the right subtree in -order
Traveling the left subtree in post-order
Traveling the right subtree in post-order
Visit the root