Tikz PDF
Tikz PDF
Tikz PDF
AT X intending to create and use graphics within their docuUsers of TEX and L E ments have a multitude of choices. For example, the UK TEX FAQ [1] lists a half dozen systems in its response to Drawing with TEX. One of these systems is PGF and its associated front-end, TikZ [4]. All of these systems have similar goals: namely, to provide a language-based approach which allows for the creation of graphics which blend well with TEX AT X documents. This approach stands in contrast to the use of an external and L E drawing program, whose output is subsequently included in the document using the technique of graphics inclusion. PGF provides a collection of low-level graphics primitives whereas TikZ is a high-level user interface. Our intent is to provide an overview of the capabilities of TikZ and to convey a sense of both its power and relative simplicity. The examples used here have been developed with Version 1.0 of TikZ.
Users of TEX are accustomed to acronyms; both PGF and TikZ follow in this tradition. PGF refers to Portable Graphics Format. In a tip of the hat to the recursive acronym GNU (i.e., GNUs not UNIX), TikZ stands for TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm, a reminder that TikZ is not an interactive drawing program.
Getting started
AT X input formats and is capable of producing TikZ supports both plain TEX and L E PDF, PostScript, and SVG outputs. However, we limit our discussion to one AT X input, with PDF output, processed by pdfL AT X. choice: L E E AT X document. TikZ provides a one-step approach to adding graphics to a L E TikZ commands which describe the desired graphics are simply intermingled with the text. Processing the input source yields the PDF output. Figure 1 illustrates the layout required for a document which contains TikZgenerated graphics. Of central interest is the tikzpicture environment, which is used to specify one graphic. Within the preamble, the tikz package must be specied, along with optional PGF-based libraries. Exactly which additional libraries are needed will depend on the type of graphics being produced. The two PGF libraries shown here allow for a variety of arrowheads and snakes, a class of wavy lines. Commands which describe the desired graphic appear within a tikzpicture environment. In the simplest case, these commands describe paths consisting of straight line segments joining points in the plane. For more complex graphics, other primitive graphics objects can appear; e.g., rectangles, circles, arcs, text, grids, and so forth. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate how a diamond can be obtained, using the draw command to cause a pen to form a closed path joining the four points (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), and (0, 1), specied with familiar Cartesian coordinates. The syntax used to specify this path is very similar to that used by MetaPost [2]. Unlike MetaPost, TikZ uses one centimeter as the default unit of measure, so the four points used in this example lie on the x and y axes, one centimeter from the origin.
\documentclass[11pt]{article} ... \usepackage{tikz} % Optional PGF libraries \usepackage{pgflibraryarrows} \usepackage{pgflibrarysnakes} ... \begin{document} ... \begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture} ... \end{document} Figure 1: Layout of a TikZ-based document.
\begin{tikzpicture} \draw (1,0) -- (0,1) -- (-1,0) -- (0,-1) -- cycle; \end{tikzpicture} Figure 2: Drawing a diamond with a closed path.
\begin{tikzpicture} \draw[step=0.25cm,color=gray] (-1,-1) grid (1,1); \draw (1,0) -- (0,1) -- (-1,0) -- (0,-1) -- cycle; \end{tikzpicture} Figure 4: Adding a grid.
Figure 5: Results produced by Figure 4. In the process of developing and debugging graphics, it can be helpful to include a background grid. Figure 4 expands on the example of Figure 2 by adding a draw command to cause a grid to appear: \draw[step=0.25cm,color=gray] (-1,-1) grid (1,1); Here, the grid is specied by providing two diagonally opposing points: (1, 1) and (1, 1). The two options supplied give a step size for the grid lines and a specication for the color of the grid lines, using the xcolor package [3].
Two key ideas used in TikZ are points and paths. Both of these ideas were used in the diamond examples. Much more is possible, however. For example, points can be specied in any of the following ways: Cartesian coordinates Polar coordinates Named points Relative points 4
As previously noted, the Cartesian coordinate ( a, b) refers to the point a centimeters in the x-direction and b centimeters in the y-direction. A point in polar coordinates requires an angle , in degrees, and distance from the origin, r. Unlike Cartesian coordinates, the distance does not have a default dimensional unit, so one must be supplied. The syntax for a point specied in polar coordinates is ( : rim), where dim is a dimensional unit such as cm, pt, in, or any other TEX-based unit. Other than syntax and the required dimensional unit, this follows usual mathematical usage. See Figure 6. y
( : rim)
r x
Figure 6: Polar coordinates in TikZ. It is sometimes convenient to refer to a point by name, especially when this point occurs in multiple \draw commands. The command: \path (a,b) coordinate (P); assigns to P the Cartesian coordinate ( a, b). In a similar way, \path (:rim) coordinate (Q); assigns to Q the polar coordinate with angle and radius r. Figure 7 illustrates the use of named coordinates and several other interesting capabilities of TikZ. First, inx-style arithmetic is used to help dene the points of the pentagon by using multiples of 72 degrees. This feature is made possible by the calc package [5], which is automatically included by TikZ. Second, the \draw command species ve line segments, demonstrating how the drawing pen can be moved by omitting the -- operator.
\begin{tikzpicture} % Define the points of a regular pentagon \path (0,0) coordinate (origin); \path (0:1cm) coordinate (P0); \path (1*72:1cm) coordinate (P1); \path (2*72:1cm) coordinate (P2); \path (3*72:1cm) coordinate (P3); \path (4*72:1cm) coordinate (P4); % Draw the edges of the pentagon \draw (P0) -- (P1) -- (P2) -- (P3) -- (P4) -- cycle; % Add "spokes" \draw (origin) -- (P0) (origin) -- (P1) (origin) -- (P2) (origin) -- (P3) (origin) -- (P4); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 7: Using named coordinates.
The concept of the current point plays an important role when multiple actions are involved. For example, suppose two line segments are drawn joining points P and Q along with Q and R: \draw (P) -- (Q) -- (R); Viewed as a sequence of actions, the drawing pen begins at P, is moved to Q, drawing a rst line segment, and from there is moved to R, yielding a second line segment. As the pen moves through these two segments, the current point changes: it is initially at P, then becomes Q and nally becomes R. A relative point may be dened by providing offsets in each of the horizontal and vertical directions. If P is a given point and x and y are two offsets, a new point Q may be dened using a ++ prex, as follows: \path (P) ++( x,y) coordinate (Q); Alternately, the offset may be specied with polar coordinates. For example, given angle and radius r, with an appropriate dimensional unit dim, the command: \path (P) ++(:rim) coordinate (Q); species a new point Q. See Figure 9. Q Q
y P x P
Figure 9: A relative point, Q, determined with Cartesian or polar offsets. There are two forms of relative points one which updates the current point and one which does not. The ++ prex updates the current point while the + prex does not. 7
Consider line segments drawn between points dened in a relative manner, as in the example of Figure 10. The path is specied by offsets: the drawing pen starts at the origin and is adjusted rst by the offset (1, 0), followed by the offset (1, 1), and nally by the offset (1, 1). \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(1,1) -- ++(1,-1); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 10: Drawing a path using relative offsets.
Figure 11: Output produced by Figure 10. By contrast, Figure 12 shows the effect of using the + prex. Since the current point is not updated in this variation, every offset which appears is performed relative to the initial point, (0, 0). \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) -- +(1,0) -- +(0,-1) -- +(-1,0) -- +(0,1); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 12: Drawing a path using relative offsets without updating the current point.
\begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) circle (1cm) circle (0.6cm) circle (0.2cm); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 15: Drawing circles one draw command with multiple actions. \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) circle (1cm); \draw (0.5,0) circle (0.5cm); \draw (0,0.5) circle (0.5cm); \draw (-0.5,0) circle (0.5cm); \draw (0,-0.5) circle (0.5cm); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 16: Drawing circles a sequence of draw commands. causes the circle with radius r, with an appropriate dimensional unit, and center point ( a, b) to be drawn. The current point is not updated as a result. Figures 15 and 16 provide examples. The situation for an ellipse is similar, though two radii are needed, one for each axis. The syntax: \draw (a,b) ellipse (r1 dimand2 dim); causes the ellipse centered at ( a, b) with semi-axes r1 and r2 to be drawn. See Figure 17. y r2 b r1
Like circle, the ellipse command does not change the current point, so multiple ellipses which share the same center point can be draw with a single draw command, as Figure 18 shows. \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) ellipse (2cm and 1cm) ellipse (0.5cm and 1 cm) ellipse (0.5cm and 0.25cm); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 18: Three ellipses produced with a single draw command. Arcs may also be specied in TikZ. For a circular arc, what is required is an initial point on the circle, the radius of the circle and an indication of how much of the circle to be swept out. In more detail, the syntax \draw ( P) arc (: :rim); draws the arc shown in Figure 19. At rst glance it might seem unusual to use the point P and not the center point of the circle. However, when one realizes that the arc might be just one of several components of a draw command, it is very natural to use the point P, as it will be the current point.
P r
Figure 19: An arc in TikZ. For example, Figure 20 shows how to draw a portion of an annulus by drawing two arcs and two line segments. This particular gure is drawn by directing 11
\begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0:1cm) -- (0:2cm) arc (0:60:2cm) -- (60:1cm) arc (60:0:1cm) -- cycle; \end{tikzpicture} Figure 20: Combining arcs and line segments. the pen in a counter-clockwise fashionthe horizontal line segment, the outer circular arc, a line segment, and nally the inner arc. TikZ also provides the ability to produce Bzier curves. The command \draw ( P) .. controls (C) and ( D) .. (Q); draws the curve shown in Figure 21. Four points are needed: an initial point P, a nal point Q, and two control points. The location of the control points controls the extent of the curve and the slope of the curve at the initial and nal points. Bzier curves provide for a wealth of variety as Figure 22 indicates. An alternate syntax for Bzier curves allows for a more convenient specication of the curvature at the starting and ending points. Using polar coordinates with respect to these two points provides this capability. The syntax is as follows: \draw ( P) .. controls +(:r1 im) and +( :r2 im) .. (Q); See Figure 23.
A node is a generalization of the coordinate primitive. Two characteristics of a node are its shape and its text. A node allows for arbitrary TEX text to appear within a diagram. The command \path (0,0) node[draw,shape=circle] (v0) {$v_0$}; denes a node named v0, centered at the origin, with a circular shape and text component $v_0$. The draw option causes the associated shape (in this case, a circle) to be drawn. Figure 24 illustrates how nodes can be used to draw an undirected graph. Notice how line segments which join nodes stop at the boundary 12
y C D
Q x
r2 r1 P Q
of the shape rather than protruding into the center point of the node. In this example, we have made use of the tikzstyle command to factor out code that would otherwise be repeated in each of the node commands. Additionally, this example illustrates the use of the option [scale=2.5], which indicates the result is to be scaled by a factor of 2.5. Using scale factors allows the picture to be designed in convenient units, then resized as desired. However, scaling a TikZ picture does not scale the font size in use.
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \tikzstyle{every node}=[draw,shape=circle]; \path (0:0cm) node (v0) {$v_0$}; \path (0:1cm) node (v1) {$v_1$}; \path (72:1cm) node (v2) {$v_2$}; \path (2*72:1cm) node (v3) {$v_3$}; \path (3*72:1cm) node (v4) {$v_4$}; \path (4*72:1cm) node (v5) {$v_5$}; \draw (v0) -- (v1) (v0) -- (v2) (v0) -- (v3) (v0) -- (v4) (v0) -- (v5); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 24: Drawing an undirected graph with nodes.
There are various features within TikZ which provide ne control over nodes. Many of these are related to how line segments or curves connect a pair of nodes. For example, one can provide specic locations on the nodes shape where connections should touch, whether or not to shorten the connection, how and where to annotate the connection with text, and so forth. 14
v2 v3 v0 v4 v5 v1
TikZ provides a loop structure which can simplify the creation of certain types of graphics. The basic loop syntax is as follows: \foreach \var in {iteration list} { loop body } The loop variable, \var, takes on the values given in the iteration list. In the simplest case, this list can be a xed list of values, such as {1,2,3,4} or as an implied list of values, such as {1,...,4}. Consider the loop in Figure 26. Four coordinates, X1 through X4 are introduced at (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), and (4, 0), respectively. In addition, a small lled circle is drawn at each coordinate. Figure 27 shows how to extend this idea to yield a bipartite graph. As one might expect, foreach loops can be nested, a feature utilized here to specify all the edges in the graph. Iteration lists need not consist of consecutive integers. An implicit step size is obtained by providing the rst two values of the list in addition to the nal value.
\foreach \i in {1,...,4} { \path (\i,0) coordinate (X\i); \fill (X\i) circle (1pt); } Figure 26: A loop to create four named coordinates
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \foreach \i in {1,...,4} { \path (\i,0) coordinate (X\i); \fill (X\i) circle (1pt); } \foreach \j in {1,...,3} { \path (\j,1) coordinate (Y\j); \fill (Y\j) circle (1pt); } \foreach \i in {1,...,4} { \foreach \j in {1,...,3} { \draw (X\i) -- (Y\j); } } \end{tikzpicture} Figure 27: A bipartite graph drawn using loops.
For example, \foreach \angle in {0,60,...,300} { loop body } causes \angle to take on values of the form 60k, where 0 k 5. Specifying pairs of values in an iteration list provides simultaneous iteration over these values. For example, \foreach \angle / \c in {0/red,120/green,240/blue} { loop body } produces three iterations of the loop body, successively assigning the pairs (0, red), (120, green), and (240, blue) to the variables \angle and \c.
A list of points can be plotted using the TikZ plot command. Lists can be generated on-the-y by gnuplot[6], read from a le, or specied within a plot itself. These three approaches are supported by the following commands: \draw plot function{gnuplot formula}; \draw plot file{lename}; \draw plot coordinates{point sequence}; Using other TikZ commands, these graphs can be enhanced with symbols or other desired annotations. Figure 29 provides an example of one such plot, the graph of y = sin(2x )e x/4 . The curve itself is generated with the command: \draw[smooth,domain=0:6.5] plot function{sin(2*x)*exp(-x/4)};
This command causes gnuplot to generate points of the graph, saving them in a le, which is subsequently processed by TikZ. The smooth option joins these points with a curve, in contrast to line segments. Although not used in this example, the samples option can be used to control the number of generated points. The domain option species the desired range of x values. Everything else which appears in this graph, including axes, tick marks, and multiples of /2 have been added with additional TikZ commands. A list of points can be used to create a bar chart, as illustrated in Figure 30. Each of the bars is drawn by command: \draw[ycomb,color=gray,line width=0.5cm] plot coordinates{(1,1) (2,2) (3,3)}; The ycomb option species vertical bars are to be drawn and line width establishes the width of the bars.
It is sometimes useful to be able to specify regions of a graphic where drawing is allowed to take place any drawing which falls outside this dened region is clipped and is not visible. This feature is made available by the \clip command, which denes the clipping region. For example, \clip (-0.5,0) circle (1cm); species that all future drawing should take place relative to the clipping area consisting of the circle centered at (0.5, 0) with radius 1 cm. Figure 31 shows how to ll a semicircle with clipping. The yin-yang symbol, a popular example, can be easily obtained by superimposing four lled circles on this lled semicircle:
. To generate points with gnuplot, TEX must be congured to allow external programs to be invoked. For TEX Live, this can be accomplished by adjusting texmf.cnf to allow a shell escape.
2 3 2
Figure 29: The graph of a function, with tick marks and annotations.
y 3 2 1 x 1 2 3
When multiple \clip commands appear, the effective clipping region is the intersection of all specied regions. For example, \clip (-0.5,0) circle (1cm); \clip (0.5,0) circle (1cm); denes a clipping area corresponding to the intersection of the two indicated circles. All subsequent commands which cause drawing to occur are clipped with respect to this region. A scoping mechanism allows a clipping region to be dened for a specied number of commands. This is achieved with a scope environment. Any commands inside this environment respect the clipping region; commands which fall outside behave as usual. For example, \begin{scope} \clip (-0.5,0) circle (1cm); \clip (0.5,0) circle (1cm); \fill (-2,1.5) rectangle (2,-1.5); \end{scope} shades the intersection of two overlapping circles, since the lled rectangle is clipped to this region. Commands which follow this scope environment are not subject to this clipping region. Figure 32 shows a complete example which makes use of \clip and scoping. The scoping mechanism may also be used to apply options to a group of actions, as illustrated in Figure 33. In this example, options to control color and line width are applied to each of three successive \draw commands, yielding the top row of the gure. At the conclusion of the scope environment, the remaining \draw commands revert to the TikZ defaults, yielding the lower row of the gure. \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) circle (1cm); \clip (0,0) circle (1cm); \fill[black] (0cm,1cm) rectangle (-1cm,-1cm); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 31: An example of clipping.
\begin{tikzpicture} \draw (-2,1.5) rectangle (2,-1.5); \begin{scope} \clip (-0.5,0) circle (1cm); \clip (0.5,0) circle (1cm); \fill[color=gray] (-2,1.5) rectangle (2,-1.5); \end{scope} \draw (-0.5,0) circle (1cm); \draw (0.5,0) circle (1cm); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 32: Using clipping and scope to show set intersection.
\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{scope}[color=gray,line width=4pt] \draw (0,0) -- (2,2); \draw (2,0) -- (0,2); \draw (-1,1) circle (1cm); \end{scope} \draw (0,0) -- (-2,-2); \draw (0,-2) -- (-2,0); \draw (1,-1) circle (1cm); \end{tikzpicture} Figure 33: Using scope to apply options.
TikZ, a high-level interface to PGF, is a language-based tool for specifying graphics. It uses familiar graphics-related concepts, such as point, line, and circle and AT X in the sense that has a concise and natural syntax. It meshes well with pdfL E no additional processing steps are needed. Another positive aspect of TikZ is its ability to blend TEX fonts, symbols, and mathematics within the generated graphics. We are especially indebted to Till Tantau for developing TikZ and for contributing it to the TEX community.
[1] Robin Fairbairns, ed. The UK TEX FAQ. Available from ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/uk-tex-faq/letterfaq.pdf. [2] John Hobby. Introduction to MetaPost. Available from http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/hobby/92_2-21.pdf.
AT Xs color facilities: the xcolor package. Available from [3] Uwe Kern. Extending L E http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/xcolor.
[4] Till Tantau. TikZ and PGF, Version 1.01. Available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/. [5] Kresten Krab Thorup, Frank Jensen, and Chris Rowley. The calc package: AT X. Available from ftp://tug.ctan.org/pub/ inx arithmetic in L E tex-archive/macros/latex/required/tools/calc.pdf. [6] Thomas Williams and Colin Kelley. gnuplot. Available from http://www.gnuplot.info/.