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Abthul Jabbar Mohamed Arsath

Student Number – 510203
BSC (Hons) Quantity Surveyor and Construction

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Undergraduate Programme

Code Description Qty Unit Rate Amount Remark

1 General Items
1.1 Engineer's Mobilization item 5,126,000.00 Non Adjustable item
1.2 Contractor's Mobilization item 5,844,000.00 Non Adjustable item
1.3 Setting out 7.22 km 170,000.00 1,227,400.00
1.4 Cross section survey 922 nos 1,000.00 922,000.00

Patching potholes
1.5.1 Shallow pothole 1600 sq.m 2,527.00 4,043,200.00
1.5.2 Deep pothole 2045 sq.m 1,516.00 3,100,220.00
1.5.3 Deep below the base 1755 cum 410.00 719,550.00

unable to provide a
1.6 Routine maintenance 390 km.wk 4,000.00 1,560,000.00 breakdown, item will
be disregarded.
1.7 Project sign boards 2 Nos. 85,000.00 170,000.00
1.8 Insurance and bonds PS 4,100,000.00 Non Adjustable item

1.9.1 Test pits 18 Nos. 5,772.00 103,896.00
1.9.2 DPC test 93 Nos. 1,039.00 96,627.00
1.9.3 Allow for additional tests PS 500,000.00 Non Adjustable item

1.9.4 Allow for relocation of public utilities PS 8,000,000.00 Non Adjustable item

Allow for Contractor's OH & P for

1.9.5 PS 1,286,000.00 Non Adjustable item
above P.Sum Items

2 Site clearing and grubbing

2.1 Clearing and grubbing 12542 sq.m 45.00 564,390.00
2.2 Removal of trees -
2.2.1 Girth 600mm to 1000mm 59 Nos. 4,618.00 272,462.00
2.2.2 Girth 1000mm to 2000mm 23 Nos. 13,853.00 318,619.00
2.2.3 Girth greater than 2000mm 6 Nos. 32,323.00 193,938.00

Removal and disposal of tree branches

2.2.4 14 Nos. 5,195.00 72,730.00
girth not exceeding 600mm

unable to provide a
Removal and disposal of tree branches
2.2.5 12 Nos. - breakdown, item will
girth exceeding 600mm
be disregarded.
2.3 Removal of structures Item 894,000.00 Non Adjustable item

3 Earthworks
Excavation in all classes of material
3.1 3449 cum 577.00 1,990,073.00
except Rock excavation
3.2 Roadway excavation in Rock 834 cum 3,463.00 2,888,142.00

3.3 Excavation in all classes of material 382 cum 808.00 308,656.00

3.4 Excavation in rock 35 cum 4,040.00 141,400.00

Excavation in all classes of material

3.5 2726 cum 1,734.00 4,726,884.00
except rock and backfill of structures

Excavation in rock and backfill of

3.6 58 cum 4,966.00 288,028.00
3.7 Excavation of unsuitable materials 28 cum 808.00 22,624.00
Backfill with granular fill material for
3.8 38 cum 4,166.00 158,308.00
Selected fill material Type II from
3.9 53 cum 727.00 38,531.00
roadway excavation
Selected fill material Type I from
3.10 488 cum 1,886.00 920,368.00
Selected fill material Type II from
3.11 299 cum 1,859.00 555,841.00
3.12 Solid sodding 949 sq.m 312.00 296,088.00
3.13 Strip sodding 146 sq.m 289.00 42,194.00
4 Road works
4.1 Sub base
4.1.1 Sub base Type I 1438 cum 2,082.00 2,993,916.00
4.1.2 Sub base Type II 287 cum 2,060.00 591,220.00

4.2 Aggregate base 3316 cum 5,300.00 17,574,800.00

4.3 Shoulder construction -
Scarify, trim, shape and compact
4.3.1 255 sq.m 178.00 45,390.00
existing shoulders

4.3.2 Borrow materials to construct shoulder 1110 cum 2,082.00 2,311,020.00

4.4 Road pavement
Light scarification of pavement surface
4.4.1 16119 sq.m 1.00 16,119.00
(max. 50mm depth)
Excavation of existing pavement or
4.4.2 shoulder for edge correction and 914 cum 712.00 650,768.00
widening of roads
4.5 Surface application -
4.5.1 Apply prime coat 20475 sq.m 195.00 3,992,625.00
4.5.2 Apply tack coat 20475 sq.m 52.00 1,064,700.00
40mm thick Asphaltic concrete
4.5.3 20475 sq.m 1,436.00 29,402,100.00
4.5.4 Surface regulating using premix 15 sq.m 35,800.00 537,000.00
150mm thick Class A concrete
4.5.5 650 sq.m 2,900.00 1,885,000.00

Total 112,556,827.00

Code Description Qty Unit Rate Amount Remark

1 General Items
1.1 Engineer's Mobilization item Non Adjustable item
1.2 Contractor's Mobilization item Non Adjustable item
1.3 Setting out 7.22 km 170,000.00 1,227,400.00
1.4 Cross section survey 922 nos 1,000.00 922,000.00

Patching potholes
1.5.1 Shallow pothole 1600 sq.m 2,527.00 4,043,200.00
1.5.2 Deep pothole 2045 sq.m 1,516.00 3,100,220.00
1.5.3 Deep below the base 1755 cum 410.00 719,550.00

unable to provide a
breakdown, item will
1.6 Routine maintenance 390 km.wk 4,000.00 be disregarded.
1.7 Project sign boards 2 Nos. 85,000.00 170,000.00
1.8 Insurance and bonds PS Non Adjustable item

1.9.1 Test pits 18 Nos. 5,772.00 103,896.00
1.9.2 DPC test 93 Nos. 1,039.00 96,627.00
1.9.3 Allow for additional tests PS Non Adjustable item

1.9.4 Allow for relocation of public utilities PS Non Adjustable item

Allow for Contractor's OH & P for
1.9.5 above P.Sum Items PS Non Adjustable item

2 Site clearing and grubbing

2.1 Clearing and grubbing 12542 sq.m 45.00 564,390.00
2.2 Removal of trees -
2.2.1 Girth 600mm to 1000mm 59 Nos. 4,618.00 272,462.00
2.2.2 Girth 1000mm to 2000mm 23 Nos. 13,853.00 318,619.00
2.2.3 Girth greater than 2000mm 6 Nos. 32,323.00 193,938.00

Removal and disposal of tree branches

2.2.4 girth not exceeding 600mm 14 Nos. 5,195.00 72,730.00

Removal and disposal of tree branches unable to provide a

girth exceeding 600mm breakdown, item will
2.2.5 12 Nos. be disregarded.
2.3 Removal of structures Item Non Adjustable item

3 Earthworks
Excavation in all classes of material
3.1 except Rock excavation 3449 cum 577.00 1,990,073.00
3.2 Roadway excavation in Rock 834 cum 3,463.00 2,888,142.00

3.3 Excavation in all classes of material 382 cum 808.00 308,656.00

3.4 Excavation in rock 35 cum 4,040.00 141,400.00

Excavation in all classes of material

3.5 except rock and backfill of structures 2726 cum 1,734.00 4,726,884.00
Excavation in rock and backfill of
3.6 structures 58 cum 4,966.00 288,028.00
3.7 Excavation of unsuitable materials 28 cum 808.00 22,624.00
Backfill with granular fill material for
3.8 foundations 38 cum 4,166.00 158,308.00
Selected fill material Type II from
3.9 roadway excavation 53 cum 727.00 38,531.00
Selected fill material Type I from
3.10 borrow 488 cum 1,886.00 920,368.00
Selected fill material Type II from
3.11 borrow 299 cum 1,859.00 555,841.00
3.12 Solid sodding 949 sq.m 312.00 296,088.00
3.13 Strip sodding 146 sq.m 289.00 42,194.00
4 Road works
4.1 Sub base
4.1.1 Sub base Type I 1438 cum 2,082.00 2,993,916.00
4.1.2 Sub base Type II 287 cum 2,060.00 591,220.00

4.2 Aggregate base 3316 cum 5,300.00 17,574,800.00

4.3 Shoulder construction -
Scarify, trim, shape and compact
4.3.1 existing shoulders 255 sq.m 178.00 45,390.00

4.3.2 Borrow materials to construct shoulder 1110 cum 2,082.00 2,311,020.00

4.4 Road pavement
Light scarification of pavement surface
4.4.1 (max. 50mm depth) 16119 sq.m 1.00 16,119.00
Excavation of existing pavement or
shoulder for edge correction and
4.4.2 widening of roads 914 cum 712.00 650,768.00
4.5 Surface application -
4.5.1 Apply prime coat 20475 sq.m 195.00 3,992,625.00
4.5.2 Apply tack coat 20475 sq.m 52.00 1,064,700.00
40mm thick Asphaltic concrete
4.5.3 surfacing 20475 sq.m 1,436.00 29,402,100.00
4.5.4 Surface regulating using premix 15 sq.m 35,800.00 537,000.00
150mm thick Class A concrete
4.5.5 pavement 650 sq.m 2,900.00 1,885,000.00

Total 85,246,827.00

Code Description Qty Unit Amount Remark

1 General Items
1.3 Setting out 7.22 km 1,227,400.00
1.4 Cross section survey 922 nos 922,000.00

Patching potholes
1.5.1 Shallow pothole 564.8 cum 4,043,200.00
1.5.2 Deep pothole 721.885 cum 3,100,220.00
1.5.3 Deep below the base 1755 cum 719,550.00

1.7 Project sign boards 2 Nos. 170,000.00

1.9.1 Test pits 18 Nos. 103,896.00
1.9.2 DPC test 93 Nos. 96,627.00

2 Site clearing and grubbing

2.1 Clearing and grubbing 12542 sq.m 564,390.00

2.2 Removal of trees

2.2.1 Girth 600mm to 1000mm 59 Nos. 272,462.00
2.2.2 Girth 1000mm to 2000mm 23 Nos. 318,619.00
2.2.3 Girth greater than 2000mm 6 Nos. 193,938.00

Removal and disposal of tree branches

2.2.4 girth not exceeding 600mm 14 Nos. 72,730.00

3 Earthworks
Excavation in all classes of material
3.1 except Rock excavation 3449 cum 1,990,073.00
3.2 Roadway excavation in Rock 834 cum 2,888,142.00

3.3 Excavation in all classes of material 382 cum 308,656.00

3.4 Excavation in rock 35 cum 141,400.00

Excavation in all classes of material

3.5 except rock and backfill of structures 2726 cum 4,726,884.00
Excavation in rock and backfill of
3.6 structures 58 cum 288,028.00
3.7 Excavation of unsuitable materials 28 cum 22,624.00
Backfill with granular fill material for
3.8 foundations 38 cum 158,308.00
Selected fill material Type II from
3.9 roadway excavation 53 cum 38,531.00
Selected fill material Type I from
3.10 borrow 488 cum 920,368.00
Selected fill material Type II from
3.11 borrow 299 cum 555,841.00
3.12 Solid sodding 335 cum 296,088.00
3.13 Strip sodding 52 cum 42,194.00

4 Road works
4.1 Sub base
4.1.1 Sub base Type I 1438 cum 2,993,916.00
4.1.2 Sub base Type II 287 cum 591,220.00

4.2 Aggregate base 3316 cum 17,574,800.00

4.3 Shoulder construction
Scarify, trim, shape and compact
4.3.1 existing shoulders 90 cum 45,390.00
Borrow materials to construct
4.3.2 shoulder 1110 cum 2,311,020.00

4.4 Road pavement

Light scarification of pavement surface
4.4.1 (max. 50mm depth) 5690 cum 16,119.00
Excavation of existing pavement or
shoulder for edge correction and
4.4.2 widening of roads 914 cum 650,768.00

4.5 Surface application

4.5.1 Apply prime coat 20475 sq.m 3,992,625.00
4.5.2 Apply tack coat 20475 sq.m 1,064,700.00
40mm thick Asphaltic concrete
4.5.3 surfacing 20475 sq.m 29,402,100.00
4.5.4 Surface regulating using premix 15 sq.m 537,000.00
150mm thick Class A concrete
4.5.5 pavement 650 sq.m 1,885,000.00

Total 85,246,827.00

Code Description Qty Unit Amount Remark

1 General items
1 1.3 Setting out 7.22 km 1,227,400.00
2 1.4 Cross section survey 922 nos 922,000.00
3 1.5 Patching potholes 3042 cum 7,862,970.00
4 1.7 Project sign boards 2 Nos. 170,000.00
5 1.9 Project testing 111 Nos. 200,523.00

2 Site clearing
6 2.1 Clearing and grubbing 12542 sq.m 564,390.00
7 2.2 Removal of trees 102 Nos. 857,749.00

3 Earth works
8 3.1 Excavation 8426 cum 11,016,575.00
3.2 Earth filling 878 cum 1,673,048.00
3.3 Turfing with sodding 386.535 cum 338,282.00

4 Road works
10 4.1 Sub base 1725 cum 3,585,136.00
11 4.2 Aggregate base 3316 cum 17,574,800.00
12 4.3 Shoulder construction 1200.015 cum 2,356,410.00
13 4.4 Road pavement 6604.007 cum 16,119.00
14 4.5 Surface application 62090 cum 36,881,425.00

Total 85,246,827.00

Code Description Qty Unit Amount Remark

14 4.5 Surface application 62090 cum 36,881,425.00 43.26% 43.3%
11 4.2 Aggregate base 3316 cum 17,574,800.00 20.62% 63.9%
8 3.1 Excavation 8426 cum 11,016,575.00 12.92% 76.8%
3 1.5 Patching potholes 3042 cum 7,862,970.00 9.22% 86.0%
10 4.1 Sub base 1725 cum 3,585,136.00 4.21% 90.2%
12 4.3 Shoulder construction 1200 cum 2,356,410.00 2.76% 93.0%
3.2 Earth filling
9 1265 cum 2,011,330.00 2.36% 95.4%
3.3 Turfing with sodding
1 1.3 Setting out 7.22 km 1,227,400.00 1.44% 96.8%
2 1.4 Cross section survey 922 nos 922,000.00 1.08% 97.9%
7 2.2 Removal of trees 102 Nos. 857,749.00 1.01% 98.9%
6 2.1 Clearing and grubbing 12542 sq.m 564,390.00 0.66% 99.5%
5 1.9 Project testing 111 Nos. 200,523.00 0.24% 99.8%
4 1.7 Project sign boards 2 Nos. 170,000.00 0.20% 100.0%
13 4.4 Road pavement 6604.007 cum 16,119.00 0.02% 100.0%

Total 85,246,827.00 100.00% 100.0%

Heavy Small Semi skilled Unskilled
ABC Cement Sand Metal Quarry dust Bitumen Skilled labour Remark
Code Description Unit Qty equipment equipment labour labour
cu.m 50 kg cu.m cu.m cu L hr. hr day day day

1 3 Patching potholes cum 3,042 1.00 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.06
2 8 Excavation cu.m 8,426 0.06 0.04 0.06
3 10 Sub base cu.m 1,725 2.20 0.60 0.70 0.02 0.03 0.13 0.04
4 11 Aggregate base cu.m 3,316 0.05 0.15 0.00 0.04 0.05
5 14 Surface application cu.m 62,090 1.1 0.00 0.002 0.01 0.03
Qty Inputs
Heavy Small Semi skilled Unskilled
ABC Cement Sand Metal Quarry dust Bitumen Skilled labour Remark
Code Description Unit Qty equipment equipment labour labour
m3 50 kg m3 m3 m3 L hr. hr day day day

1 3 Patching potholes cum 3,042 3,041.69 152.08 121.67 73.00 182.50

2 8 Excavation cu.m 8,426 505.56 337.04 505.56
3 10 Sub base cu.m 1,725 3,795.00 1,035.00 1,207.50 25.88 48.30 224.25 69.00
4 11 Aggregate base cu.m 3,316 165.80 497.40 3.32 132.64 165.80
5 14 Surface application cu.m 62,090 68,299.0 186.27 124.18 620.90 1,862.70
Total 3,041.69 3,795.00 1,035.00 1,373.30 497.40 68,299.00 873.11 124.18 1,260.55 297.25 2,785.56
BOQ Rate Breakdown

1.5 Patching potholes

Analysis for 1 m3 EAC Qty (m3) 3041.685
Item Description Item Ref. Unit Qty Rate Amount EAC Cost
M48 ABC m3 1.00 6095 6,095.00 18,539,070.08
P2 Heavy equipment hr 0.05 5672 283.60 862,621.87
L1 Skilled labour day 0.04 3650 146.00 444,086.01
L2 Semi skilled labour day 0.02 2900 69.60 211,701.28
L3 Unskilled labour day 0.06 2500 150.00 456,252.75
Total for 1 6,744.20
Rate for 1 6,744.20
add markup 15% 1,011.63
Rate for 1 1m3 7,755.83
1m3 7,756.00

3.1 Excavation
Analysis for 1 m3 EAC Qty (m3) 8426
Item Description Item Ref. Unit Qty Rate Amount EAC Cost
P2 Excavator hr 0.06 8749 524.94 4,423,144.44
L1 Skilled labour day 0.04 3650 146.00 1,230,196.00
L3 Unskilled labour day 0.06 2500 150.00 1,263,900.00
Total for 1 820.94
Rate for 1 820.94
add markup 15% 123.14
Rate for 1 1m3 944.08
1m3 945.00

4.1 Sub base

Analysis for 1 m3 EAC Qty (m3) 1725
Item Description Item Ref. Unit Qty Rate Amount EAC Cost
M3 Cement bag 2.20 2500 5,500.00 9,487,500.00
M8 Sand cu.m 0.60 8481 5,088.60 8,777,835.00
M7 Metal cu.m 0.70 11500 8,050.00 13,886,250.00
P2 Heavy equipment hr 0.02 5672 85.08 146,763.00
L1 Skilled labour day 0.03 3650 102.20 176,295.00
L2 Semi skilled labour day 0.13 2900 377.00 650,325.00
L3 Unskilled labour day 0.04 2500 100.00 172,500.00
Total for 1 19,302.88
Rate for 1 19,302.88
add markup 15% 2,895.43
Rate for 1 1m3 22,198.31
1m3 22,199.00

4.1 Aggregate Base

Analysis for 1 m3 EAC Qty (m3) 3316
Item Description Item Ref. Unit Qty Rate Amount EAC Cost
M52 Quary dust cu.m 0.150 8481 1,272.15 4,218,449.40
M7 Metal cu.m 0.050 11500 575.00 1,906,700.00
P2 Heavy equipment hr 0.001 5672 5.67 18,808.35
L1 Skilled labour day 0.040 3650 146.00 484,136.00
L3 Unskilled labour day 0.050 2500 125.00 414,500.00
Total for 1 2,123.82
Rate for 1 2,123.82
add markup 15% 318.57
Rate for 1 1m3 2,442.40
1m3 2,443.00

4.5 Surface Application

Analysis for 1 m3 EAC Qty (m3) 62090
Item Description Item Ref. Unit Qty Rate Amount EAC Cost
M30 Bitumen cu.m 1.100 219 240.90 14,957,481.00
P2 Heavy equipment hr 0.003 5672 17.02 1,056,523.44
P1 Small equipment hr 0.00 3043 6.09 377,879.74
L1 Skilled labour day 0.010 3650 36.50 2,266,285.00
L3 Unskilled labour day 0.030 2500 75.00 4,656,750.00
Total for 1 375.50
Rate for 1 375.50
add markup 15% 56.33
Rate for 1 1m3 431.83
1m3 432.00
Code Item Unit Qty Amount %
M3 Cement bag 3,795.00 9,487,500.00 9.37%
M7 Metal cu.m 1,373.30 15,792,950.00 15.60%
M8 Sand cu.m 1,035.00 8,777,835.00 8.67%
M48 ABC cu.m 3,041.69 18,539,070.08 18.32%
M30 Bitumen L 68,299.00 14,957,481.00 14.78%
M52 Quary dust cu.m 497.40 4,218,449.40 4.17%
P1 Small equipment hr. 124.18 377,879.74 0.37%
P2 Heavy equipment hr. 873.11 6,507,861.10 6.43%
L1 Skilled labour day 1,260.55 4,600,998.01 4.55%
L2 Semi skilled labour day 297.25 862,026.28 0.85%
L3 Unskilled labour day 2,785.56 6,963,902.75 6.88%

Total 91,085,953.35 90%

Sub Total 1 91,085,953.35 90% 91,085,953.35 represent 90% of the items (Assumption made at the beiging)

Sub Total 2 101,206,614.83 100% hence if converted to 100% of the item (91,085,953.35/90*100)
Code Item Unit Qty Amount %
M3 Cement bag 3,795.00 9,487,500.00 9.37%
M7 Metal cu.m 1,373.30 15,792,950.00 15.60%
M8 Sand cu.m 1,035.00 8,777,835.00 8.67%
M48 ABC cu.m 3,041.69 18,539,070.08 18.32%
M30 Bitumen L 68,299.00 14,957,481.00 14.78%
M52 Quary dust cu.m 497.40 4,218,449.40 4.17%
P1 Small equipment hr. 124.18 377,879.74 0.37%
P2 Heavy equipment hr. 873.11 6,507,861.10 6.43%
L1 Skilled labour day 1,260.55 4,600,998.01 4.55%
L2 Semi skilled labour day 297.25 862,026.28 0.85%
L3 Unskilled labour day 2,785.56 6,963,902.75 6.88%

Total 91,085,953.35 90.00%

Code Item Input %

M3 Cement 9.37%
M7 Metal 15.60%
M8 Sand 8.67%
M48 ABC 18.32%
M30 Bitumen 14.78%
M52 Quary dust 4.17%
P1 Small equipment 0.37%
P2 Heavy equipment 6.43%
L1 Skilled labour 4.55%
L2 Semi skilled labour 0.85%
L3 Unskilled labour 6.88%

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