IJERT A Review On Solar Photovoltaic Pow

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021

A Review on Solar Photovoltaic Powered Water

Pumping System for off-Grid Rural Areas for
Domestic use and Irrigation Purpose
Yigrem Solomon1, *, P. N Rao2, Tigist Tadesse3
College of Engineering and Technology,
Wollega University, P.O. Box395, Nekemte, Ethiopia.

Abstract:- Utilization of solar photovoltaic powered (PV) as a

pumping system is now emerging on the market and
power source in water pumping systems has emerged as one rapidly becoming more attractive than the traditional power
of the valuable solar applications. Solar PV water pumping sources. It is considered a promising solution to solve those
system (SPVWPS) is used to fulfill the demand of water in the challenged issues. It presents a clean source of supplying
field of irrigation and domestic use. This technology is water for irrigation with low maintenance required and
recognized as a sustainable and environmentally friendly with a reliable system that matches the generated energy
solution to provide water for domestic use and irrigation with water needs for irrigation. Using solar water pumping
purpose.The tendency to use renewable energy resources has in the remote area is environmental friendly; it has low
grown continuously over the past few decades, due to fear running cost, long lifetime when compared to a diesel
over warnings of global warming or because of the depletion
and short life of fossil fuels or even as a result of the interest
generator.Several renewable sources of energy can be used
which has developed among researchers doing scientific for water pumping. However, solar photovoltaic (PV)
research into it. This work can be considered as joining any of turned out to be the suitable one. While being clean and
these groups with an objective of supplying drinking water naturally available, solar energy has been proved to have a
and irrigation purposes to the society living in rural areas of direct relationship between its availability and water
the country as reported in the literature to serve as a quick demand. The solar intensity is high in many locations
reference to researchers and engineers who are interested in where the electric grid does not reach and there is a high
the subject. For further research perspective in the field of need for water(Aliyu et al., 2018).Solar water pumping
SPVWPS a few suggestions are recommended. systems are an attractive application of renewable energy
Keywords: Solar water pumping, photovoltaic, Irrigation, off-
technology. The results suggest that photovoltaic water
grid pumping systems are technically and economically
feasible. Technical feasibility is determined from the
maximum power required for pumping water and economic
feasibility is determined by comparing present value cost
Water is the primary source of life for mankind and one of
of the photovoltaic and diesel pumping systems. Also, the
the most basic necessities for rural development. The
results of this study suggest that the price of the diesel fuel
Likelihood, it is possible to conclude that, there is no
has increased within the last 10years to make the
moment without this significant factor and (because of this)
photovoltaic water pumping systems economically
the rapidly increasing world population growth gives rise
feasible, despite the initial costs of photovoltaic systems.
to a greatly increased demand for water and energy.Most
As the price of the solar panels decreases, the capital costs
people in the world still lack access to basic water and
will decrease, making photovoltaic systems even more
energy services.In developing countries, generally
economically attractive. The use of renewable energy is
composed of several villages sparsely located and with
attractive for water pumping applications in remote areas
different topography, it is very difficult to extend the
of many developing countries(Shinde & Wandre, 2015).
electric grid to every location where it is required. In some
PV system is based on semiconductor technology that
areas of the countries the traditional water pumping
converts sunlight into electricity. This is a proven
systems powered by diesel or gasoline engines have been
technology but costs more than other electricity generation
used for a long time, but fuel cost escalation, transportation
methods such as power plant based on coal, oil, natural gas
problem, lack of skilled personnel make the conventional
and conventional hydro(Ã et al., 2008).In present paper, a
water pumping system unreliable and expensive for rural
review of research literature relevant to solar pumping is
communities. Although a large amount of high-quality
given. It aims to discuss the updated status and different
water is present in the world, often it is not available at
aspects of SPVWPS and it would act as a guide for the
locations where it can be readily used. This raises the need
system installation. The major objectives of present review
to pump high-quality water from its source to the locations
work can be expressed as;
where it is in demand. For this purpose, water pumps have
i. Introduction of the SPVWPS, its components and
been in use for decades. Nowdays, different researches
have been carried out all over the world and their results
ii. Summarization of the factors affecting the
showthat, renewable energies are the best alternative
performance of SPVWPS, and
energy sources to replace fossil energy.Solar water

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
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Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021

iii. Summarization of performance assessment and are not extracted from the earth layers and do not return
optimization methods of SPVWPS. any harmful pollutant to the surroundings(Chandel et
al.,2015)(Sharma et al., 2019).SPVWPSs consist of solar
2. STUDIES ON SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC WATER photovoltaic panels, a motor and a pump, which is depicted
PUMPING SYSTEMS in figure 1.
The photovoltaic power generation systems have invariable
nature. They did not produce any harmful by-product. They

Figure1. Schematic diagram of a generalized solar powered water pumping system(Aliyu et al., 2018).

Depending on the system design, it requires storage and off sunshine hours. The addition of a water storage
batteries and a charge regulator, the current output of the tank in SPVWPS is more economical than battery storage
system. If the motor uses AC, it is necessary to install a DC backup. The use of solar photovoltaic energy is considered
to AC converter. Battery-less SPVWPS are low-cost, to be a primary resource for the countries located in
which requires less maintenance compared to battery tropical regions, where direct solar radiation may reach
powered systems. However, the storage batteries have the upto1000W/m2(Gopal et al., 2013).
advantage of providing consistent performance during lean

Table 1 summary of some investigation on SPVWPS

References Applications Outcomes
(Shinde & Wandre, 2015) Irrigation applications Payback period of 6years was reported
(Ebaid et al., 2013) Drip irrigation Solar photovoltaic water pumps are operating more effective than
other traditional water pumping systems
(López-luque et al., 2015) Irrigation applications Solar photovoltaic pumping systems are suitable for medium head
domestic water pumping applications
(Sharma et al., 2019) Domestic water pumping The performance of the systems is highly affected by ambient
parameters such solar intensity, ambient
temperature, wind velocity
(Siecker et al., 2017) Irrigation applications Solar photovoltaic pumping systems are suitable for medium head
domestic water pumping applications
(Ã et al., 2008) Domestic water pumping The SPVWPSs could reduce the CO2 emissions considerably over
25 year life time
(Chand & Kalamkar, 2016) Domestic water pumping It was concluded that overall efficiency of the photovoltaic water
pumping system was improved by better System design and load
(Chandel et al., 2017) Irrigation applications Directly coupled photovoltaic water pumping systems are suitable
for low head irrigation applications
(Al-smairan, 2012) Domestic water pumping The presence of storage tank will improve the performance of the
photovoltaic water pumping systems
(Nisha & K, 2020) Domestic water pumping It was concluded that overall efficiency of the photovoltaic water
pumping system was improved by better system design and load
matching using BLDC Motor

A brief discussion no the studies reported with the this subsection. The components used in SPVWPS should
performance, the types of motors and pumps, the optimal conform to the national/international specifications,
sizing of the photovoltaic panels, the cooling of the solar whichever is applicable in a country.
photovoltaic panels, the control of SPWPS, economic and
environmental considerations are discussed in

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
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Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021

Table 2. Major Components of SPVWPS and their description

Component Application Types Description
PV array Source of electrical energy Amorphous, PV array is analyzed based on the I-V curve and
Mono-crystalline each array has its own disposition.Consequently
Polycrystalline. many factors such astemperature, the load and
(Mono-crystalline has highest radiation can affect the MPPT
efficiency but amorphous has the
lowest efficiency).
Motor Pump and draw water from AC/DC,brushed/brushless, permanent If the system works with DC, the PV array could
well magnet, be directlyconnected to the motor, otherwise an
synchronous/asynchronous,variable inverter/controllerlocated between the motor and
reluctance PV array
Pump Draws water from reservoirs, Floating pump, The selection of pump depends on; water
deep/shallow wells submersible, surface requirement, the height of water(well), and the
pumps quality of water
Controller Mandatory part if the motor is Intelligent algorithm, Although it is one of the defenseless part of the
AC Proportional-integral, system, but it can provides the optimum
fuzzy logic speed controller voltage/current through isolating different parts
while also protects the motor from running dry
and conserves water by turning off the system
when the tank is full.

Direct coupled DC solar pumping was first introduced in applications. Direct coupled DC solar pumps are simple
the field in the late 1970s. Earlier PV water pumping and reliable but cannot operate at maximum power point of
systems have limitations of overall performance of the PV generator as the solar radiation varies during the day
system due to lack of proper design. Since then, from morning till evening.However, adding maximum
manufacturers have refined their products to improve the power point tracker(MPPT) andcontrols/protections
performance and reliability. The steady fall in prices of PV improve the performance of a PV pump(Chandel et al.,
panels have resulted in making solar pumping 2015)(Muhsen et al., 2017).
economically viable for an increasingly wide range of

Table 3.Comparison between water pumping systems powered by PV and diesel generator.
PVPS Pumping system based on DG
High initial cost Moderate initial cost
Low maintenance and operation cost High maintenance and operation cost
Low environmental pollution High environmental pollution
Low life cycle cost in remote areas High life cycle cost
Does not require fuel Required fuel continuously
Does not require frequent site visits Required frequent site visits
Rapid installation and movable technology Rapid installation and movable technology
strongly depends upon the configuration of PV array.
2.1 Photovoltaic array Photovoltaic configuration refers to the series-parallel
PV technology is used for generating electricity from the arrangement of PV modules in the collector array. Several
incoming solar radiation. Numerous attempts have been PV modules can be connected in series whereas several
made to evaluate, monitor and improve the performance of series modules can be connected in parallel to achieve the
different components of a PV systems: a PV desired current and voltage from the array(Aliyu et al.,
module(Shinde & Wandre, 2015).The source of electrical 2018).The design of the PV array depends upon the desired
energy of the SPVWPSs is the PV arrays(Errouha et al., power supply to the pump and energy losses. It may be
2020). The maximum power point (MPP) depends on designed in such a way that it could provide the required
several factors including on site solar radiation, power to the pump in every hour of the day. If the regulator
temperature, and the connected load if the load is directly and batteries are also used, the PV array sizing will be
connected(Zaghba et al., 2017). For the same amount of larger. Further the addition of an inverter to run an AC
power, array size depends on the efficiency of the cell. motor would also increase the demand of power. A
Solar cells could be divided into three categories according tracking system may also be used in connection with PV
to the type of crystal: mono-crystalline, polycrystalline and array to optimize the system performance. The whole
amorphous. The level of efficiencies in production is about system is assembled on a moving framework which
7%, 15%, and 17% for amorphous, polycrystalline, and follows the sun path or aimed at the brightest area of the
mono-crystalline silicon, respectively(Li et al., 2017).The sky during partly cloudy weather(Li et al., 2017).
performance of solar PV powered water pumping systems

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Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021

Figure 2. Power flow diagram of photovoltaic system(Rawat et al., 2016).

2.2 Power control system and load matching(Muhsen et al., 2017)(Poompavai &
In general, it is important to control SPVWPS optimally so Kowsalya, 2020).
as to achieve optimal operation of the system and Maximum power point tracking(MPPT) controllers can
consequently reliable system.It consists of charge track maximum possible power from the Photovoltaic
controller, energy storage unit, inverter, etc. The charge panel array. Inverterconverts the direct current of PV
controller is used to charge batteries from solar panels. system into alternating current whichenables the use of AC
They prevent the battery to be over charged and stops operated instruments. Apart from these, fewsimple
charging process when battery is fully charged. In large interconnections are also used like switches, cables,
scale PV panel systems, advanced charge controllers are connectors (Nyein & Ya, 2019).The MPPT algorithms can
used. They give complete statistics of volt and ampere be classified into conventional(normally effective in the
while charging battery. They automatically disconnect the case of not having any shading objectives) algorithms and
battery when it is going to be empty. Many control algorithms that are based on stochastic and Artificial
approaches have been developed by researchers intelligence (AI) techniques(Chand & Kalamkar,
toefficiently operate SPVWPS.These approaches include 2016)(Terki et al., 2012).
MPPT algorithms, voltage regulation, frequency control

Figure 3. The strategy of the control system(Aliyu et al., 2018)

In (Muhsen et al., 2017) an electronic circuit is used to drive a volumetric/centrifugal pump which is directly
produce a fixed duty cycle ratio for the step-up converter to coupled with a photovoltaic is demonstrated by
enable the PV array to operate at MPP regardless of solar comparinginstantaneous conductance characteristics of PV
radiation variations. The quality of matching DC motor array and motor-pump(Elia et al., 2014).

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
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Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021

Table 4.Illustrates the various control methods reported by the researchers.

Authors Types of control Research finding
(Mazouz & Midoun, 2011) Intelligent algorithm The algorithm implementation approach extends the
pumping period of 5h/day
(Errouha et al., 2020) Fuzzy logic technique The solar photovoltaic energy utilization for water
pumping system will improve the performance and
photovoltaic efficiency
(Narvarte-ferna, 2010) Programmable logic circuit It controls the maximum power point tracking,
pumping system operation, system power balance
and battery and charge-discharge monitoring
(Zaghba et al., 2017) Proportional-integral, fuzzy logic speed Its study showed improved performancecompared to
controller conventional PI controller
(Terki et al., 2012) Fuzzy optimization Fuzzy optimization maximizes the global efficiency
by increase the drive speed and the water discharge
(Narvarte-ferna, 2010) Standard frequency converter and PLC The addition of standard frequency converter and
PLC will avoid the stopping of the system when the
solar intensity falls suddenly

2.3 Motors and pumps alternative than a DC motor for low power direct coupled
The studies reported on different types of motors and PV water pumping systems. This type of motor is small in
pumps used in SPWPSs are discussed in this section. size and rugged as compared to an AC motor. The cost and
2.3.1 Motors for PV based pumps maintenance problems of DC motors have resulted in the
Several types of DC motors (i.e., brushed and brushless use of induction motors (IM) which require an inverter to
permanent magnet, variable switch reluctance) and AC be used between PV array and the motor. PV pumping
motors (synchronous and a synchronous) are available for system based on induction motor is rugged, reliable and
SPWPSs(Short & Oldach, 2015).The selection maintenance free with increased efficiency and provides
ofthemotorisdependentonthesize,the efficiency more possibilities
requirements,theprice,thereliabilityandtheavailability. DC forcontrolstrategiesincomparisontoDCmotors(Chandel et
motorsareattractivebecausetheycandirectlyconnecttothephot al., 2015)(Poompavai & Kowsalya, 2020).
ovoltaicarray.PV modules produce direct current so DC The studyon performance characteristics of a brushless
motors are most commonly used in a low power solar asynchronous reluctance motor run by a PV generator
water pumping system(S. Kumar et al., 2020). Solar pump under different insolation levels and proposed a control
systems below 5kW generally use DC motors. These strategy to maintain the motor voltage within a permissible
motors are of two types: DC motor with brushes and range and PV array to operate as close to the maximum
without brushes. DC motor with brushes requires frequent power point (MPP).They have found that using this type of
maintenance due to commutator and sliding brush contacts motor leads to improvement in the performance of PV
especially in submersible applications where the pump has pumping system(Micheli et al.,2013)(Meunier et al.,
to be removed frequently from the water well for replacing 2019).Table 5below consolidates the study investigations
brushes(Periasamy et al., 2015). reported on different types of motors used in SPWPSs.
A permanent magnet synchronous (PMSM) brushless DC
motor coupled to a centrifugal pump is found to be a better

Table 5.Study of SPVWPSwith different types of motors.

Authors Types of motor used Conclusion
(Nisha & K, 2020) Brushless DC motor. Improvement in efficiency of SPVWPS reported.

(Poompavai & Kowsalya, 2019) Asynchronous AC motor and Brushless DC SPVWPS using brushless DC motor was superior and
motor more efficient than the system using conventional ASM.
(Elia et al., 2014) Permanent Magnet Brushless Cost of drive system to drive SPV pump has reduced
DC(PMBLDC) using PMBLDC. Efficiency of SPVWPS was more
even at low value of solar radiation.
(Errouha et al., 2020) Permanent magnet DC induction motor and Pumping system using permanent magnet DC(PMDC)
AC induction motor. motor had more efficiency than system usinginduction
(Hamidat & Benyoucef, 2009)and ASM The SPVWPS using asynchronous motor found suitable
(Koreboina et al., 2016) to fulfill drinking water demand and irrigation water
requirement of small crops in Sahara region.
(Periasamy et al., 2015) DC motor and induction motor. Induction motor gave more mechanical power by
drawing more power from PV array and hence efficient
compare to DC motor
(Ebaid et al., 2013) Induction motor Overall efficiency of SPVWPS found to increase more
than 3% by using induction motor
(V. Kumar & Hundal, 2019) Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor ASM machine drive and speed controller had shown
(PMSM) and ASM good transient and steady state performance.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
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Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021

2.3.2 Solar water pump flow, and power to the pump. For design purposes pressure
Solar water pumping is based on PV technology that can be regarded as the work done by a pump to lift a
converts sunlight into electricity to pump water. The PV certain amount of water up to the storage tank. The
panels are connected to a motor (DC or AC) which elevation difference between the water source and storage
converts electrical energy supplied by the PV panel into tank determines the work, a pump has to do. The water
mechanical energy which is converted to hydraulic energy pump will draw a certain power which a PV array needs to
by the pump.The capacity of a solar pumping system to supply(Chand & Kalamkar, 2016).
pump water is a function of three main variables: pressure,

Table 6. Types of pumps used in SPVWPS

Authors referred Type of Pump Finding
(Tiwari & Kalamkar, 2016)and(Vick & Clark, Diaphragm and helical pumps Diaphragm performs better than helical
2011) pumps
(Fiaschi et al., 2005) Divided shaft pump and standard centrifugal Divided shaft pumps performed better than
pumps standard centrifugal pump
(Hamidat & Benyoucef, 2009) Centrifugal and positive displacement pump The efficiency of PDPs is higher compared to
centrifugal pumps.
Energy losses in PDP are less compared to CP
In Solar water pumping system, three types of pumps are solargenerator.Theoperationofsuchpumpstakesplace for
mostly used; submersible, centrifugal and positive longer periodsevenatlowinsolationlevels,andload
displacement pump. A submersible pump draws water characteristic isincloseproximitytoPVmaximumpowerpoint
from deep wells, and a surface pump draws water from (MPPT). Centrifugal
shallow wells, springs, ponds, rivers or tanks, and a pumpshaverelativelyhighefficiency,butdecreases at
floating water pump draws water from reservoirs with lowerspeeds,whichcanbeaproblemforapumpingsystem at
adjusting height ability. The motor and pump are built in low
together in submersible and floating systems. In the surface insolation.Centrifugalpumpsareeconomicalfromshallow to
system, pump and motor can be selected separately to medium lifts(upto80m)withlarge flow rates.AxialFlow
study the performance of system along with controller and Pumps
PV panel. A pump produces a unique combination of flow aredynamicpumpsthatusethepropellertocreatealiftaction of
and pressure i.e. high-flow/low-head to low-flow/high-head the fluid inthepipe.Thesepumpsareoftenusedin wet-pit
for a given power input.A solar pump is selected according drainage,low-pressureirrigation,andstorm-
to required discharge, head and other conditions. The waterapplications(Chandel et al., 2015).Screw pump and
submersible pumps offer high discharge and heads. There Piston pump are positive displacement pumps. A
is no problem of cavitation but they have shorter life displacement pump also called volumetric pump, has
because it is located inside the pond and pumping up from different speed-torque characteristics and are not well
the pond. Its maintenance is also difficult which leads to suited to be connected directly to PV panels(Nyein & Ya,
corrosion and seal damage. The centrifugal pumps operate 2019). When such pumps are used a power conditioning
on low head and high discharge conditions. It has relatively unit and maximum power point tracking system has to be
poor suction power(Li et al., 2017). incorporated between the solar panel and pump.These
Broadly, pumps can be classified under two categories pumps are of the rotating impeller type, which throws the
based on operating principle: dynamic pumps and positive water radially against a casing shaped in such a way that
displacement pumps.Dynamic pumps operate by the momentum of water is converted into useful pressure
developing a high liquid velocity and pressure in a for lifting. InDisplacement pumps, the water output is
diffusing flow passage. The efficiency of dynamic pumps directly proportional to the speed of pump, but almost
is lower as compared to positive displacement pumps but independent of head(Bora et al., 2017)(Chandel et al.,
have comparatively lower maintenance requirements. 2015).In a screw pump, a screw traps water in suction side
Positive-displacement pumps operate by forcing a fixed of the pump casing and force sit to the outlet. In a piston
volume of fluid from the inlet pressure section of the pump (diaphragm)pump the motion of piston draws water into a
into the discharge zone of the pump. These pumps chamber using the inlet valve, and expels
generally tend to be larger than equal-capacity dynamic sittotheoutletusingtheoutletvalve.Pistonpumpsaremuch
pumps. Centrifugal pumps and axial flow pumps are morecomplexwithalotofmovingpartsandrequireoillubricatio
dynamic pumps(Sontake et al., 2020). n
In centrifugal pumps, water is sucked by the centrifugal insidethepumpwhichmightbeapotentialriskinwaterwell.Typi
forcecreatedbyimpellerandthecasingdirectsthewatertothe callytheseareusedinlowvoltage(24-48 V)applications
outlet as withsmalldaily flows(up to 5m³/day)
theimpellerrotates.Waterleaveswithahighervelocity and forliftsupto150m(max.2m³/day)(Chandel et al., 2017).The
pressurethanithadwhenitentered.Centrifugalpumps directly selectionofapumpforsolarwaterpumpingisdependenton
interfacedwiththesolarpanelsareusedforlow-head waterrequirement,heighttoliftwaterandwaterquality.Anopti
applications. mumsolarpumpistobeselectedwhichcanmeetthedailywater
Acentrifugalpumphastheabilitytomatchwiththe output of flow andpumpingheadrequirements(Gopal et al., 2013).

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
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Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021

Table 7. Summary of reported investigation on performance assessment of solar pump with different ratings of PV panel.
Authors Aim of the study Outcome
(Sontake et al., 2020) Development of algorithm showing the relation Using this algorithm 22%, cost-saving of
between balancing parameter, array size and battery SAPS has been reported
(Abdolzadeh & Ameri, 2009) Investigation of the effect of water spraying over Overall efficiency of SPVWPS is improved
Solar PV panel on the performance of SPVWPS.
(Elrefai & Hamdy, 2016) Study to assess the energy losses due to mismatching Because of losses actual work from PV array is
between the PV array and the pump motor. 84% of the work potential available from PV
(Hassan & Kamran, 2018) TRNSYS based simulation model to investigate Selection of optimum array size ensures better
SPVWPS performance under different operating efficiency and economy of SPVWPS.
conditions and PV array size.
(Kordzadeh, 2010) Investigation of the effect of cooling solar PV panel Daily volume of water and pumping head has
by a thin film of water. been stated to increase.
(Phiri et al., 2020) Design procedure to estimate most optimum size of Procedure can be adopted for drip irrigation
solar panels required to power a water pumping system for any crop in any county's
system for the drip irrigation system of an Olive tree geographical location, provided soil
characteristics and specific crop parameters are
well known.
(Bakelli et al., 2011) Investigation of effect of solar radiation correction to Significant difference was reported in the solar
the PV array sizing and power output. PVarray system sizing withmeasured data and
most appropriate correction to the solar
2.4 Optimization of overall solar PV water pumping different PV array orientations. The system is found to be
system capableof pumping 24.06 l/day, 21.47 l/day and 12.12 l/day
The efficiency of solar PV panel is usually very low (10- in summersolstice, equinoxes and winter clear sky days
18%), hence the PV power should be utilized very respectively. Thecalculated PV array efficiency ranges
efficiently.This can be achieved by selecting each from 13.86% in winters to13.91% in summers.
component of SPVWPS with optimum operating (Bora et al., 2017)analyzed the performance of a solar
parameters.Investigations are discussed in subsequent waterpumping system consisting of a PV array, sun-
paragraphs. tracker, apermanent-magnet (PM) DC motor, a helical rotor
(Mazouz & Midoun, 2011)investigated the performance of pump andfound that the performance of the system is
commercially available mono block CP connected to DC enhanced whenmaximum power point tracker (MPPT) and
series motor to utilize PV energy. They tested 3 a sun-tracker areadded to the system. The analysis of the
optimization techniques, namely (i) Optimum Value of PV array was carriedout using PSPICE software.
Motor Constant (ii) Reconfiguration of photovoltaic Theoretical results are verified byfield tests.
modules and (iii) Changing the water head. They reported (Caton, 2014)developed and tested an algorithm toestimate
that none of the optimization techniques was viable for the long-term monthly performance of a solar photovoltaic
existing pump sets. water pumping system without any battery storage
(Bouzidi, 2011)used the LLP method to optimize the PVPS systemfor fourlocations by using average monthly solar
for the different sites of Algeria. The LLP was defined as insolationinput data and estimated the total monthly
the ratio of time of water deficit divided by the total time of volume of waterpumped with hourly simulation.
water supply requirement. This technique presented a (Senol, 2012)designed a solarphotovoltaic water pump by
generalized and practical graphical tool for sizing of adding a DC-DC buck converter toprovide current boosting
SPVWPS. They reported that the PV array size for to the DC pump. No battery and inverterare used in the
southern location was smaller than the northern location system so as to reduce the cost and maintenance.The
due to availability of high solar radiations. Furthermore, it highest no-load speed goes up to 3000-3200 revolutions
was suggested that LLP method could be effectively used perminute (rpm). The results from the no load test revealed
in any geographical area for sizing the PVPS. that theintegration of DC motor with the centrifugal pump
(Bakelli et al., 2011)developed size optimization model has matchedquite perfectly. A direct coupled system
using MATLAB for SPVWPS under the meteorological without a Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) is compared
conditions of Ghardaia, Algeria.This model was based on with DC-DC convertor typesystem. The DC motor
different configurations (number of PV modules and operating voltage, operating current, shaftrpm and the
number of storage days) by loss of power supply discharge rate at different pressures during differenttimes
probability (LPSP) and LCC analysis. of a day for both systems are measured and improvement
2.5 Overview of performance analysis research inthe electrical power output is found in the designed DC
In this section performance evaluation methodologies used waterpumping system(Chandel et al., 2015).
in various studies are reviewed to provide further insight to (Boutelhig et al., 2017)analyzed the performance of
the researcher. different PVwater pumping systems for four different
(Chandel et al., 2015)developed a methodology for locations in Algeria using typical meteorological
performance predictionof a direct coupled PV water year(TMY) data. The study is carried out for three different
pumping system in South Sinai, Egyptusing a computer profiles: threetank capacities; two PVmodules types; two
simulation program. The program simulates thehourly PV array configurations and several pumping heads applied
performance of the system at any day of the year, under to two centrifugal pumpsand concluded that PV generator

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Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021

costs can decrease if the simulation program accounts for utilizationefficiency is close to maximum at all insolation
the type of pump, pumping head anddaily load profile. The levels with nopeak-power tracking.
system can be optimized by studyingindividual The proposed arrangement is useful as partof an integrated
requirements using computer program based on renewable energy system.
mathematical models of a motor pump, PV generator. (Micheli et al., 2013)presented control system of
(Odesola, 2019)designed and developed a PV pump electricalpower supplied by PV to a single-phase induction
operateddrip irrigation system for arid regions considering motor which isused for water pumping applications. The
different designparameters like pump size, water overall performance of aphotovoltaic system can be
requirement, diurnal variation inpump pressure due to improved with dynamic models for the Z-source inverter,
change in irradiance and pressure compensation in the single phase induction motor and neural network based
drippers. Authors reported that a PV system with(900 Wp maximum power point tracking.
PV array, 800 W DC motor-pump mono-blocks) (Pansal et al., 2020)highlighted the potential of solar PV
canprovide 70-100 kPa pressure at the delivery side with a water pumping systems in Indiaand concluded that there is
dischargeof 3.4-3.8 l/h from each dripper during different a vast scope of replacing traditionaland diesel pumps with
hours of the day.The emission uniformity was found to be solar pumps for low and medium headpumping
92-96% in a field of 1ha.It is suggested that PV water applications but the capital costs are very high. Solarwater
pumping systems need to beextensively tested for water pumping systems are found to be more suitable for
harvesting tanks with lower suctionhead for growing drinkingwater and minor irrigation requirements due to
orchards in arid region. their cost, sizefactors considerations
(Sontake et al., 2020)studied and analyzed the performance (Hassan & Kamran, 2018)studied the performance of a PV
of aPV-powered DC motor coupled with a centrifugal waterpumping system in a village at 30 km of Keita
pump atdifferent solar intensities and corresponding cell (Niger) to meet thewater needs of 500 persons and reported
temperatures.The experimental results obtained are that the cost of one cubicmeter of water pumped by the PV
compared with calculatedvalues, and found that this system system is more advantageousthan other systems. PV water
has a good match between thePV array and the electro- pumping is found to be well suitedfor arid and semi-arid
mechanical system characteristics. Theauthors reported that areas due to the existence of undergroundwater potential,
through manual tracking i.e., changing theorientation of PV and large solar energy potential of more than6 kWh/m².
array, three times a day to face Sun, the outputobtained is (Jafar, 2000)presented a simple method for modeling the
20% more as compared to the fixed tilted PV array. outputof a solar photovoltaic water pumping system, which
(Errouha et al.,2020)investigated the steady-state relies oneasily measurable data. The procedure is applied to
performance of a PV powered DC motor driving an a Solar Star1000 pumping system to develop a model that
isolated three-phaseself-excited induction generator (SEIG) predicts thevolume flow rate for a given head and
and found that SEIG is aperfect load match for a PV irradiance. The modelpredicts the flow rates within 8% of
powered DC motor with the PVgenerator formaximum the measured values. Thesmall deviation is attributed to
utilization of efficiency. The use of a SEIGavoids the need fluctuations in the solar irradianceand unsteady module
for matching devices or peak power trackerswhich temperatures during the measurements.The highlights and
increases the total system cost. It is found that due to research findings of performance evaluation studies of PV
theunique torque speed characteristics of the SEIG, the based water pumps in different countries are summarized
in Table 8.
Table 8.Summary of PV water pumping system performance evaluation studies.
Authors Applications Outcomes
(Tawfik et al., 2014.) Domestic use Computer simulation program is used to simulate the performance of a
proposed PV water pumping system.
(Bouzidi, 2011) Irrigation Algorithm is developed to estimate the water pumped as per insolation.

(Bora et al., 2017) Domestic use System efficiency increases with MPPT and sun tracker.
(Caton, 2014) Irrigation System efficiency increased by orientation and sizing of PV array and
motor pump system.

(Senol, 2012) Domestic use System efficiency is increased by adding DC-DC buck converter for a
direct coupled PV water pumping system

(Boutelhig et al., 2017) Domestic use Predicted monthly water pumped by a system within 6% of software
prediction based on hourly data.
(Odesola, 2019) Irrigation System efficiency increased by orientation and sizing of PV array and
motor pump system.
(Sontake et al., 2020) Irrigation Two important design aspects for PV water pumping system are
identified; analyzing piping system to determine the type of pump to be
used and power system planning.
(Pansal et al., 2020) Domestic Configuration of the photovoltaic system can be improved with dynamic
models for inverter, single phase induction motor and neural network
based maximum power point tracking.
(Hassan & Kamran, 2018) Domestic use System performance and efficiency can be improved by matching the
output characteristics.

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2.6 Cooling of solar photovoltaic panels climatic condition and soil type characteristic, (b) due to
The solar photovoltaic cells become heated during energy the depth of the aquifer sources pumping estimating the
conversion and also due to the effect of solar radiation. The hydraulic analysis and (c) ultimately calculating the peak
performance of the system is highly affected by heat photovoltaic power required for irrigation. With refer to
generation. Thus, it is essential to maintain the temperature their analysis, it was shown that photo-irrigation system
of photovoltaic cells to attain the maximum power output has the potential of being the immense strategies in
(Teo et al., 2012). Many investigations have been reported irrigation and improves crop production, efficiency of
with cooling of solar photovoltaic panels(Gopal et al., using the source of solar energy and water in order to make
2013),(Micheli et al., 2013). a suitable occasion for rural sustainable development.
To attain a good performance of SPWPSs,(Abdolzadeh & (Elia, Li, et al., 2015)studied the techno-economic aspects
Ameri, 2009) made an attempt by spraying water over the of different components of SPVWPS in remote regions. He
frontpanels of photovoltaic panels. It has been reported that carried out extensive experimentation with submerged,
the solarPhotovoltaic efficiency, the subsystem efficiency surface and piston pump sets run by DC or AC motor. The
and the total efficiency were improved by 3.26%, 1.40% pump was a critical component and had associated losses
and1.35%, respectively, at a head of 16m. The study also during its operation. Also, there is limit of conversion of
reported that a maximum solar Photovoltaic efficiency of solar energy by PV system. The author concluded that
approximately13.5% was achieved in their work.In similar required size of PV system and pump rating should always
work,(Kordzadeh, 2010) studied the performance of a be more than the design value to get desired volume flow
SPVWPS with a film layer of water over the cell surface. rate for given head Author emphasized that the complete
The performance of the system was evaluated under the knowledge of the energy flow and losses during the
meteorological conditions of Kerman city in Iran. It has operation, helped the designer to arrive at optimum size of
been reported thatthe performance of the SPVWPS was components of SPVWPS.
increased significantly byproviding a film layer of water (Boutelhig et al., 2017)investigated some factors affect the
over the photovoltaic cells.A recent review of work on feasibility of the system such as type of crop, geographic
cooling of solar photovoltaic panels reported that carbon location, climatic condition, depth and the rate of
Nano-tubes and a high conductive coating provide the best recharging water, costs of conventional energy,
cooling performance for solar photovoltaic panels(Gopal et government procedures and rule i.e. the taxes of carbon and
al., 2013). as the same as other, studies proved that solar irrigation
3. TECHNO-ECONOMIC ASPECT system is feasible when low power needed, which means
According to the high price of the PV panels in irrigations that from shallow wells or low flow rate pumping from
and domestic use by considering the characteristic of the deep wells. Following the method of sizing the PV panel,
soil-type, crop and the elevation of pumping(Elia, Li, et al., they concluded the area of solar array necessary land either
2015). which is the only important parameters for the technical
(Mekhilef et al., 2013) reviewed techno-economic aspect feasibility of the system. On the other hand, geographic
SPVWPS and came up with photo- irrigation theory for the location and the type of crop verify economic feasibility of
first time which is the arrangement with three main levels: the system.
(a) settling the requirements of irrigation based on the

Table 9.Comparing different energy sources technically and economically.

Source of energy Economic feasibility Technical feasibility
Solar water pump The capital cost is higher than diesel and electrical grid No technical barrier for solar installation except
while the Maintenance and operating cost is negligible. (1) the availability of the land and solar
Moreover the price of solar panels decreases everyday insolation which is the radiation received over
which make the system more beneficially. the course of a day at the surface of earth and is
measured in kWh/m2/day and is a critical factor
and (2) the area of solar array.
Diesel generator The price of the fossil fuels increased significantly each As this system consist of many factors,
year which affect the economic feasibility of the system Diesel generator is feasible technically when all
who works with diesel generator. In addition, since diesel the parameters are feasible.
generator consist of air, oil, fuel, water separator filters
with lubricant oil change and engine coolant change which
all affect the operating and maintenance cost of the system
and total cost will be the sum of all of them.
Electrical grid connection The maintenance and operating cost of the system is Same as the diesel generator.
It is also a benchmark tool to assess the cost-viability of
4. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS different energy projects.COE states the unit price of
The economic analysis is very important to compare energy by considering the present value of total incurred
quantitative cost and benefit information. The objective cost over lifetime of the project such as, investment cost,
function of standalone solar PV-Battery system is the cost O&M cost, and replacement cost(Elia, Leduc, et al., 2015).
of energy; CoE. The COE is most commonly used energy In general, the COE is defined as follows:
𝐿𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡
COE = (1)
𝐿𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

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There are two commonly used methods to determine the install. Anotherimportant characteristic is that, as they use
COE. One is the “discounting” method; second is the the sun astheir energy source, the periods of maximum
“annuitizing” method. In the discounting method as demand forwater coincide with the periods of maximum
exhibited in Eq. (2), the present value of all expenditures, solarradiation. When compared to diesel powered
i.e. investment and O&M cost incurred during lifetime, C t pumpingsystems, the cost of solar PV water pumping
is divided by the present value of electricity production systemwithout any subsidy works out to be 64.2% of the
during lifetime, Mt. Since, the discounting or present value cost ofthe diesel pump, over a life cycle of ten years.
of power generation seems unintelligible and therefore, the Solarpumps are available to pump from anywhere in the
idea can be understood that the electricity produced rangeof up to 200m head and with outputs of up to
indirectly corresponds to the revenue from the sale of this 250m³/day. In general, photovoltaic pumps are
energy(Bhayo et al., 2019). economiccompared to diesel pumps up to approximately
𝑃𝑟𝑉𝑎𝑙(𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠) ∑𝑛 (𝐶𝑡 /(1+𝑟)𝑡 ) 3kWp forvillage water supply and to around 1kWp for
𝐶𝑂𝐸𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = = ∑𝑛𝑡=0 𝑡 (2)
𝑃𝑟𝑉𝑎𝑙(𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡) 𝑡=0(𝑀𝑡 /(1+𝑟) ) irrigation.SPVWPS sets represent an environmentfriendly,
In the “annuitizing” method as exhibited in Eq.(3), the low-maintenance and cost effective alternative toirrigation
present value of all expenditures incurred during project pump sets which run on grid electricity or diesel.A solar
lifetime is determined and further converted to an irrigation pump system method needs to takeaccount of the
equivalent annuity, using standard annuity formula such as fact that demand for irrigation systemwater will vary
capital recovery factor (CRF). throughout the year. Peak demand duringthe irrigation
𝐴𝑛𝑛(𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠) (∑𝑛 𝑡
𝑡=0(𝐶𝑡 /(1+𝑟) ))×𝐶𝑅𝐹
𝐶𝑂𝐸𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 = = (3) system seasons is often more than twice theaverage
𝐴𝑣𝑔(𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡) (∑𝑛
𝑡=1(𝑀𝑡 )/𝑛) demand. This means that solar pumps forirrigation are
The capital recovery factor (CRF) is determined as follows under-utilized for most of the year. The irrigationpump
𝐶𝑅𝐹 = (4) system should minimize water losses, withoutimposing
(1+𝑟)𝑡 −1
significant additional head on the irrigationpumping system
The annuitizing methods convert the expenditure costs to a and be of low cost. Therefore, by permanent increasing in
constant flow over time. This leads to appropriate results, the cost of conventional energy, majority of governments
when the flow of electricity output is constant. Generally, it become more interested to associate with renewable energy
is presumed that the annual electricity output is constant. sources to support their industries and society
However, the electricity output from renewable energy requirements,which causes a considerable improvement in
technologies varies drastically from day to-day due to the solar sector.
variations in the metrological conditions. Therefore, it can
be justified that discounting method is more appropriate 6. SCOPE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH
than the annuitizing methods for the COE calculations PERSPECTIVE
especially for the renewable energy systems(Bouzidi, From the cited literatures in this review paper, the
2011). following research avenues are identified in the field of
One of the misconceptions in COE calculation is that the SPVWPS and can be broadly classified in following three
summation does not begin from zero (0) i.e. t=0 to consider areas:
the project cost at the beginning of the first year(Bhayo et 1. Research on pump improvement.
al., 2019).The cost incurred in the first year should not be (i) Development of hybrid pump (auto setup ability) which
discounted to reflect present value and there is no system has characteristics of both centrifugal and helical rotor
energy output to be degraded.Therefore, the investment pumps to utilize PV electricity efficiently.
cost which is one-off payment and that occurs at the (ii) Reduction of losses by manufacturing pump from zero
beginning of first year should be taken out from friction resistance material.
discounting. In this regard, the COEDiscounting and (iii) Development of small capacity pumps for nuclear
COEAnnuitizingcan be written as follows: family, requiring low power input and hence requires low
𝐼0 +∑𝑛
𝐴𝑡 wattage PV panels.
𝐶𝑂𝐸𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 𝑀 (5) 2. Research on power source improvement.
∑𝑛 𝑡
𝑡=0(1+𝑟)𝑡 (i) Development of cheap and simple tracking mechanisms
𝐴𝑡 for PV panel.
𝑡=0( )∗𝐶𝑅𝐹
𝐶𝑂𝐸𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 𝑛
(∑𝑡=1 𝑀𝑡 )
(6) (ii) Enhancement of SPVWPS performance by
𝑛 theapplication of different coolants over the PV panel
5. CONCLUSIONS fronts.
A review of current status of solar photovoltaic water (iii)Development of cheap techniques to prevent/clean
pumping system technology research and applications is formation of dust on the PV panel front surface.
presented.Photovoltaic water pumping systems are 3. Research on power management/matching improvement.
especially designed to supply water and irrigation in areas (i) Development of cheap and simple technology MPPT/
where there is no mainselectricity supply. Their main controllers
advantages over handpumps or internal combustion engine (ii) Development of new optimization methods for sizing
pumps are theirpractically zero maintenance, their long solar PV panel.
useful life, thatthey do not require fuel, that they do not
contaminate,and finally that they are straightforward to

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