Base Paper
Base Paper
Base Paper
R. Nagaraj
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Nuclear Desalination Demonstration Project
Kalpakkam, India
[email protected]
Abstract—Water, energy and environment are essential of energy. There are many parts of the country which does not
inputs for sustainable development of society. It is a common have conventional source of power and costs of extending the
phenomenon that certain packets of the country that are water electricity grid to these places are very high. Fortunately,
stressed are also power stressed at the same time. There is a huge there are many parts of the country that have water shortage
potential for utilizing renewable energy sources, for example
but have exploitable renewable sources of energy that could be
solar energy, wind energy, or micro hydropower to provide a
quality power supply to remote areas. The abundant energy used to drive desalination processes.
available in nature can be harnessed and converted to electricity
in a sustainable way to supply the necessary power to elevate the Renewable energy systems utilize sources available locally
living standards of the people without access to the electricity and freely for production of energy. Production of fresh water
grid. The advantages of using renewable energy sources for using desalination technologies driven by renewable energy
generating power in remote areas are obvious such as the cost of systems is thought to be a viable solution to the water scarcity
transported fuel are often prohibitive fossil fuel and that there is at remote areas characterized by lack of potable water and
increasing concern on the issues of climate change and global conventional energy sources like heat and electricity grid.
warming. The disadvantage of standalone power systems using
Also they are environmentally friendly [4]. Desalination
renewable energy is that the availability of renewable energy
sources has daily and seasonal patterns which results in systems cannot be compared with conventional systems in
difficulties in regulating the output power to cope with the load terms of cost without taking site specific factors into
demand. Combining more than one form of the renewable energy consideration. They are suitable for certain locations and will
generation and also conventional diesel power generation will certainly emerge as widely feasible solutions in due course of
enable the power generated from a renewable energy sources to time.
be more reliable and affordable. This kind of electric power
generation system, which consists of renewable energy and fossil This paper elaborates on the analysis of small capacity
fuel generators together with an energy storage system and hybrid power system for supplying electricity and clean water
power conditioning system, is known as a hybrid power system. demand in rural and remote areas by using mini-grid hybrid
This paper elaborates on the analysis of small capacity hybrid power system consisting of renewable energy (Solar
power system for supplying electricity and clean water demand in
Photovoltaic cells & Windmill) and battery with a reverse
rural and remote areas by using mini-grid hybrid power system
consisting of renewable energy (Solar Photovoltaic cells &
osmosis desalination plant as a primary / deferrable load.
Windmill) and battery with a reverse osmosis desalination plant
as a primary / deferrable load. II. RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS
There are a variety of renewable energy sources identified
Keywords—renewable energy; hybrid power system;
desalination; RO; solar; wind and utilized in various levels. These cover solar energy which
includes thermal collectors, solar ponds and photovoltaic,
wind energy and geothermal energy. Major share being from
Solar Photo voltaic and Wind energy, we shall discuss only
The provision of fresh water is becoming an increasingly these systems.
important issue in many areas of the world. Water and energy
are two basic commodities that rule human lives and promote A. Solar Photovoltaic
civilization [3]. The ocean is the only perennial source of Photovoltaic effect was discovered in selenium way back
water. Their main problem is obviously their high salinity. The in 1839. The photovoltaic (PV) process converts sunlight
removal of salinity is accomplished by several desalination directly into electricity. A PV cell consists of two or more thin
methods. Desalination processes require significant quantities layers of semiconducting material, most commonly silicon.
Converter Cost of
PV (kW) Aerogen(10KW) Battery (kW) Initial Cost(Rs.) Net Present Value(Rs.) Energy/unit(Rs.)
1 1 15 1,250,000 1,517,400 27