Solar Powered Water Pumping Systems: January 2005

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Solar powered water pumping systems

Article · January 2005


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1 author:

Bülent Eker
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi


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Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp 7-11, 2005
Copyright © 2005 Trakia University
Available online at:
ISSN 1312-1723

Feature Article

B. Eker*

Trakya University, Tekirdağ Agriculture Faculty, Agricultural Machinery


Agricultural technology is changing rapidly. Farm machinery, farm building and production facilities
are constantly being improved. Agricultural applications suitable for photovoltaic (PV) solutions are
numerous. These applications are a mix of individual installations and systems installed by utility
companies when they have found that a PV solution is the best solution for remote agricultural need
such as water pumping for crops or livestock. A solar powered water pumping system is made up of
two basic components. These are PV panels and pumps. The smallest element of a PV panel is the
solar cell. Each solar cell has two or more specially prepared layers of semiconductor material that
produce direct current (DC) electricity when exposed to light. This DC current is collected by the
wiring in the panel. It is then supplied either to a DC pump, which in turn pumps water whenever the
sun shines ,or stored in batteries for later use by the pump. The aim of this article is to explain how
solar powered water pumping system works and what the differences with the other energy sources

Key words: Agriculture, water, solar cell, pump

INTRODUCTION to heat air for crop drying, including

transportation to the location where you need
It is common to use diesel to power generators
the heat, costs of fuel and safety issues.
in agricultural operations. While these
For many agricultural needs, the alternative is
systems can provide power where needed
solar energy. Modern, well-designed, simple-

there are some significant drawbacks,

to-maintain solar systems can provide the
energy that is needed where it is needed, and
• Fuel has to be transported to the when it is needed. These are systems that have
generator’s location, which may be quite a been tested and proven around the world to be
distance over some challenging roads and cost-effective and reliable, and they are
landscape. already raising levels of agricultural
• Their noise and fumes can disturb productivity worldwide (Figure 1).
• Fuel costs add up, and spills can
contaminate the land.
• Generators require a significant amount of
maintenance and, like all mechanical
systems, they break down and need
replacement parts that are not always
There are also major disadvantages in using
propane or bottled gas to heat water for pen
cleaning or in crop processing applications, or
Figure 1. A range and solar system are side by
side [1]
*Correspondence to: Prof. Dr Bülent Eker,
Trakya University, Tekirdağ Agriculture Faculty, In general, there are two types of solar
Agricultural Machinery Department, 59030, systems – those that convert solar energy to
Tekirdağ, Turkey; Tel.:+90.282.2931057, D.C. power and those that convert solar
Fax:+90.282.2931378; E mail:[email protected]
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 7, 2005 7
energy to heat. Both types have many fencing, area or building lighting, and water
applications in agricultural settings, making pumping – either for livestock watering or
life easier and helping to increase the crop irrigation.
operation’s productivity. First is solar-
generated electricity, called photovoltaic (or WATER PUMPING
PV). Photovoltaic are solar cells that convert
Water pumping is one of the simplest and
sunlight to D.C. electricity.
most appropriate uses for photovoltaic. From
The solar cells in a PV module are
crop irrigation to stock watering to domestic
made from semiconductor materials. When
uses, photovoltaic-powered pumping systems
light energy strikes the cell, electrons are
meet a broad range of water needs. Most of
knocked loose from the material’s atoms.
these systems have the added advantage of
Electrical conductors attached to the positive
storing water for use when the sun is not
and negative sides of the material allow the
shining, eliminating the need for batteries,
electrons to be captured in the form of a D.C.
enhancing simplicity and reducing overall
current. This electricity can then be used to
system costs. Many people considering
power a load, such as a water pump, or it can
installing a solar water pumping system are
be stored in a battery [2]
put off by the expense. Viewing the expense
It’s a simple fact that PV modules
over a period of 10 years, however, gives a
produce electricity only when the sun is
better idea of the actual cost. By comparing
shining, so some form of energy storage is
installation costs (including labour), fuel
necessary to operate systems at night. You can
costs, and maintenance costs over 10 years,
store the energy as water by pumping it into a
you may find that solar is an economical
tank while the sun is shining and distributing
choice. A solar-powered pumping system is
it by gravity when it’s needed after dark. For
generally in the same price range as a new
electrical applications at night, you will need a
windmill but tends to be more reliable and
battery to store the energy generated during
require less maintenance. A solar-powered
the day (Figure 2).
pumping system generally costs more initially
than a gas, diesel, or propane-powered
generator but again requires far less
maintenance and labour [4]. The cost of solar-
pumped water per cow ranged from $0.03 to
$0.15 per day. The cost per gallon of water
pumped ranged from $0.002 to $0.007 per

Solar-Powered Water Pumping System

Figure 2. A typical assembly of solar cells [3] There are two basic types of solar-powered
water pumping systems, battery-coupled and
Photovoltaic is a well-established, proven direct-coupled. A variety of factors must be
technology with a substantial international considered in determining the optimum
industry network. And PV is increasingly system for a particular application [1].
more cost-effective compared with either
extending the electrical grid or using
generators in remote locations. The cost per
peak watt of today’s PV power is about $7.
Local supply conditions, including shipping
costs and import duties, vary and may add to
the cost.

PV systems are very economical in providing

electricity at remote locations on farms,
ranches, orchards and other agricultural
operations. A “remote” location can be as
little as 15 meters from an existing power
source. PV systems can be much cheaper than
Figure 3. Battery-coupled solar water pumping
installing power lines and step-down
system [5]
transformers in applications such as electric

8 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 7, 2005

Battery-coupled water pumping systems may drop by as much as 25 percent or more
consist of photovoltaic (PV) panels, charge under these low-light conditions. During
control regulator, batteries, pump controller, cloudy days, pump efficiency will drop off
pressure switch and tank and DC water pump even more. To compensate for these variable
(Figure 3). The electric current produced by flow rates, a good match between the pump
PV panels during daylight hours charges the and PV module(s) is necessary to achieve
batteries, and the batteries in turn supply efficient operation of the system.
power to the pump anytime water is needed. Direct-coupled pumping systems are
The use of batteries spreads the pumping over sized to store extra water on sunny days so it
a longer period of time by providing a steady is available on cloudy days and at night.
operating voltage to the DC motor of the Water can be stored in a larger-than-needed
pump. Thus, during the night and low light watering tank or in a separate storage tank and
periods, the system can still deliver a constant then gravity-fed to smaller watering tanks.
source of water for livestock. Water-storage capacity is important in this
The use of batteries has its drawbacks. pumping system. Two to five days’ storage
First, batteries can reduce the efficiency of the may be required, depending on climate and
overall system because the operating voltage pattern of water usage. Storing water in tanks
is dictated by the batteries and not the PV has its drawbacks. Considerable evaporation
panels. Depending on their temperature and losses can occur if the water is stored in open
how well the batteries are charged, the voltage tanks, while closed tanks big enough to store
supplied by the batteries can be one to four several days water supply can be expensive.
volts lower than the voltage produced by the Also, water in the storage tank may freeze
panels during maximum sunlight conditions. during cold weather.
This reduced efficiency can be minimized
with the use of an appropriate pump controller Main solar powered stock watering system
that boosts the battery voltage supplied to the components
A typical solar-powered stock watering
system includes a solar array, pump, storage
tank and controller [6], (Figure 5).

Figure 4. Direct coupled solar pumping system

In direct-coupled pumping systems, electricity
from the PV modules is sent directly to the Figure 5. A typical solar-powered stock watering
pump, which in turn pumps water through a system [1]
pipe to where it is needed (Figure 4). This
system is designed to pump water only during Solar Modules
the day. The amount of water pumped is
Solar electric systems are sometimes called
totally dependent on the amount of sunlight
photovoltaic systems. The word
hitting the PV panels and the type of pump.
“photovoltaic” is often abbreviated PV. Most
Because the intensity of the sun and the angle
solar panels, or modules, generate direct
at which it strikes the PV panel changes
current (DC) electricity. A group of modules
throughout the day, the amount of water
is called an array.
pumped by this system also changes
throughout the day. For instance, during
Mounting Structures
optimum sunlight periods (late morning to late
afternoon on bright sunny days) the pump There are two ways to mount solar modules:
operates at or near 100 percent efficiency with either on a fixed structure or on a tracking
maximum water flow. However, during early structure. Fixed mounts are less expensive and
morning and late afternoon, pump efficiency tolerate higher wind loading but have to be
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 7, 2005 9
carefully oriented so they face true south (not protect the pump from low water conditions in
magnetic south). the well.
An array can easily be mounted on a
trailer to make it portable. A tracking array Designing and Installing Systems
follows the sun across the sky. A tracker will
Every pumping and stock-watering situation
add at least $400 to $800 to the cost of a
is unique. The average consumer is likely to
system, but can increase water volume by 25
be intimidated by the prospect of sizing and
percent or more in the summertime, compared
designing a solar pumping system, and most
to a fixed array.
people need the assistance of a qualified solar
dealer. In general dealers are eager to help.
Many will provide a no-cost proposal based
DC water pumps in general use one-third to on a few simple questions that can be asked
one-half the energy of conventional AC over the phone. If the price seems too high,
(alternating current) pumps. DC pumps are you can easily get bids from other dealers.
classed as either displacement or centrifugal,
and can be either submersible or surface In order to size and design a system correctly,
types. Displacement pumps use diaphragms, the dealer will want to know:
vanes or pistons to seal water in a chamber
• how much water you need;
and force it through a discharge outlet.
Centrifugal pumps use a spinning impeller • when you need the water;
that adds energy to the water and pushes into • whether your water source is a stream,
the system, similar to a water wheel. pond, spring, or well;
Submersible pumps, placed down a well or • water available in gallons per minute
sump, are highly reliable because they are not (gpm);
exposed to freezing temperatures, do not need • well depth;
special protection from the elements, and do • how far the water needs to be pumped,
not require priming. Surface pumps, located at and with what elevation gain;
or near the water surface, are used primarily • water quality problems (e.g., silt or high
for moving water through a pipeline. Some mineral content) that may damage the
surface pumps can develop high heads and are pump;
suitable for moving water long distances or to • how much volume is available in storage
high elevations. tanks and how the tanks are arranged.
Installing a solar pump is a complex task,
Storage combining elements of electrical work,
Batteries are usually not recommended for plumbing, and heavy construction (often
solar-powered livestock watering systems including earthmoving, pouring concrete, and
because they reduce the overall efficiency of welding). Written instructions are not always
the system and add to the maintenance and as complete as they should be. A backhoe or
cost. Instead of storing electricity in batteries, tractor with a front-end loader is almost a
it is generally simpler and more economical to necessity for some larger projects.
install 3 to 10 days’ worth of water storage.
Controller or Inverter
Since the increase in price per increase in unit
The pump controller protects the pump from power output of a photovoltaic system is
high- or low-voltage conditions and greater than that for a diesel, gasoline, or
maximizes the amount of water pumped in electric system, photovoltaic power is more
less than ideal light conditions. An AC pump cost competitive when the irrigation system
requires an inverter, an electronic component with which it operates has a low total dynamic
that converts DC electricity from the solar head. For this reason, photovoltaic power is
panels into AC electricity to operate the more cost-competitive when used to power a
pump. micro irrigation system as compared to an
overhead sprinkler system. Photovoltaic
Other equipment power for irrigation is cost-competitive with
traditional energy sources for small, remote
A float switch turns a pump on and off when
applications, if the total system design and
filling the stock tank. It’s similar to the float
utilisation timing is carefully considered and
in a toilet tank but is wired to the pump
organised to use the solar energy as efficiently
controller. Low water cut-off electrodes
as possible. In the future, when the prices of
10 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 7, 2005
fossil fuels rise and the economic advantages 3. Anonymous,
of mass production reduce the peak watt cost 4. Eker, B and A.Akdogan, Protection
of the photovoltaic cell, photovoltaic power methods of corrosion on solar systems,
will become more cost-competitive and more TMMOB Machinery Engineering Society,
common. Mersin, Turkey, 2005.
5. Anonymous, Solar Powered Livestock
REFERENCES WateringSystems,
1. Anonymous, Uni-solar, Solar energy
6. Helikson,H.J and Others, Pumping water
produces catalog and brochures, USA,
for irrigation using solar energy,
University of Florida, USA, 1995.
2. Anonymous, Solar Cells EİE Department
of Research on electricity applications,
Ankara, Turkey, 1992.

Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 7, 2005 11

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