COA Mod 2 Ktunotes - in
COA Mod 2 Ktunotes - in
COA Mod 2 Ktunotes - in
The numbering of cells from right to left can be marked on top of the box as the 12
bit register Memory Buffer Register (MBR).
16 bit register is partitioned into 2 parts , bits 1 to 8 are assigned the letter L(for low)
and bits 9 to 16 are assigned the letter H(for high)
A a) Register A
12 1
MBR c) Numbering of Cells
16 9 8 1
PC (H) PC (L) d) Portions of Register
it can be enabled when the control function is 1. It is assumed that register A has an additional
input that accepts continuous synchronized clock pulses. The control function is generated by
means of an inverter and an AND gate. It is also assumed that the control unit that generates the
timing variable T1 i synchronized with the same clock pulses that are applied to register A. The
control function stays on during one clock pulse period (when the timing variable is equal to 1)
and the transfer occurs during the next transaction of a clock pulse.
Destination register receives information from two sources but not at the same time. Consider,
T1 : C ← A
T5 : C ← B
The first line states that the contents of
register A are to be transferred to register C
when timimg variable T1 occurs. The second
statement uses the same destination register C
as the first but with a different source register
and a different timing variable. The
connections of two source registers to the
same destinationr register cannot be done direcly but requires a multiplexer circuit to select
between the two possibe paths. The block diagram of the circuit that implements the two
statement is shown in the figure. For registers with four bits each, we need a quadruple 2 to 1
line multiplexer inorder to select either A or B. When T5 =1, register B is selected but when
T1=1, register A is selected (beacsue T5 must be 0 when T1 is 1). The multiplexer and the load
input of register C are enabled everytime T1 and T5 occurs. This causes a transfer of information
from the selected ouce register to destination regeister.
Bus transfer
A typical digital computer has many registers, and paths must be provided to transfer
information from one register to another. The number of wires will be excessive if separate lines
are used between each register and all other registers in the system. A more efficient scheme for
transferring information between registers in a multiple-register configuration is a common bus
A bus structure consists of a set of common lines, one for each bit of a register, through
which binary information is transferred one at a time. Control signals determine which register
is selected by the bus during each particular register transfer.
One way of constructing a common bus system is with multiplexers. The multiplexers
select the source register whose binary information is then placed on the bus.
The diagram shows that the bits in the same significant position in each register are
connected to the data inputs of one multiplexer to form one line of the bus. Thus, MUX 0
multiplexes the four 0 bits of the registers, MUX 1 multiplexes the four 1 bits of the registers,
and similarly for the other two bits.
Memory Transfer
The transfer of information from a memory word to the outside environment is called a
read operation. The transfer of new information to be stored into the memory is called write
operation. A memory word will be symbolized by the letter M.
The read operation is a
transfer from the selected
memory register M into MDR
(memory data register).
Read: MBR←M
Write operation is the transfer from MDR to the selected memory register M.
Write: M ← MBR
It is necessary to specify the address of M when writing memory transfer operations.
This will be done by enclosing the addressing square brackets following the letter M.
Consider a memory unit that
receives the address from a register, called
the address register, symbolized by AR. The
data are transferred to another register,
called the data register, symbolized by DR.
The memory read operation can be stated as
Read: DR ← M [AR]
This causes a transfer of information
into DR from the memory word M selected
by the address in AR. The memory write
operation transfers the content of a register
R1 to a memory word M selected by the
address in address AR. The notation is:
Write: M [AR] ← R1
The block diagram shows the
memory unit that communicates with
multiple registers. The address to the memory unit comes from an address bus. Four registers are
connected to the bus and any one may supply an address. The output of the memory can go to
any one of four registers which are selected by a decoder. The data input to the memory come
from the data bus which selects one of four registers. A memory word is specified in such a
system by the symbol M followed by the register enclosed in a square bracket. The contents of
the register within the square bracket specifies the address for M.
Arithmetic Micro-Operation
The basic arithmetic micro-operations are:
Arithmetic shift.
Logic Micro-Operations
Logic micro-operations specify binary operations for strings of bits stored in registers.
These operations consider each bit of the register separately and treat them as binary variables.
For example, the exclusive-OR micro-operation with the contents of two registers A and B is
symbolized by the statement
It specifies a logic micro-operation that consider each pair of bits in the registers as a
binary variable. Let the content of register A is 1010 and the content of register B is 1100. The
exclusive-OR micro-operation stated above symbolizes the following logic computation:
1010 Content of A
1100 Content of B
0110 Content of F ← A ⊕ B
The content of F, after the execution of the micro-operation, is equal to the bit-by-bit
exclusive-OR operation on pairs of bits in B and values of A. The logic micro-operations are
seldom used in scientific computations, but they are very useful for bit manipulation of binary
data and for making logical decisions.
Logic and Shift Micro instructions are
No conventioal symbol for shift operation. Here adopt symbols shl or shr [shl - shift left
shr - shift right]
Example: A ← shl A 1-bit shift to the left of register A
B ← shr B 1-bit shift to the right of register B
When the bits are shifted, the first flip-flop receives its binary information from the serial
input. During a shift-left operation the serial input transfers a bit into the rightmost position.
During a shift-right operation the serial input transfers a bit into the leftmost position. The
information transferred through the serial input determines the type of shift.
There are three types of shifts: logical, circular, and arithmetic.
A ← shl, A1 ← An Circular shift that tranfers the leftmost bit from An into the
rightmost flipflop A1.
A ← shr, An ← E Shift right operation with the leftmost flip flop An
receiving the value of the 1-bit register E
The processor part of a computer CPU is sometimes referred to as the data path of the
CPU because the processor forms the paths for the data transfers between the registers in the
unit. The various paths are said to be controlled by means of gates that open the required path
and close all others. A processor unit can be designed to fulfill the requirements of a set of data
paths for a specific application.
In a processor unit, the data paths are formed by means of buses and other common lines.
The control gates that formulate the given path are essentially multiplexers and decoders whose
selection lines specify the required path. The processing of information is done by one common
digital function whose data path can be specified with a set of common selection variables.
Bus Organization
A bus organization for four processor registers is shown in Figure. Each register is
connected to two multiplexers (MUX) to form input buses A and B. The selection lines of each
multiplexer select one register for the particular bus. The A and B buses are applied to a
common arithmetic logic unit.The function selected in the ALU determines the particular
operation that is to be
The shift micro-
operations are implemented in
the shifter.The result of the
micro-operation goes through
the output bus S into the inputs
of all registers.The destination
register that receives the
information from the output bus
is selected by a decoder.
When enabled, this
decoder activates one of the
register load inputs to provide a
transfer path between the data on
the S bus and the inputs of the
selected destination register. The
output bus S provides the
terminals for transferring data to
an external destination. One
input of multiplexer A or B can
receive data from the outside
The control unit that
supervises the processor bus system directs the information flow through the ALU by selecting
the various components in the unit.
For example, to perform the microoperation:
R1←R2+ R3
The control must provide binary selection variables to the following selector inputs:
1. MUX A selector: to place the contents of R2 onto bus A.
2. MUX B selector: to place the contents of R3 onto bus B.
3. ALU function selector: to provide the arithmetic operation A + B.
4. Shift selector: for direct transfer from the output of the ALU onto output bus S (no
5. Decoder destination selector: to transfer the contents of bus S into R 1.
Scratchpad memory
The register in a processor unit can be enclosed in a small memory unit.When included
in a processor unit,a small memory is sometimecalled a scratchpad memory.The use of a small
memory is a cheaper alternative tocollecting processor registers through a bus system.The
difference between the two system is the manner in which information is selected for transfer
into the ALU. In a bus system, the
information transfer is selected by the
multiplexer that form thebuses.
Processor unit that uses scratchpad
memory is shown in figure. Resource
register is selected from memory and
loaded into register A. A Second source
register is selected from memory and
loaded into register B. The information
in A and B is manipulated in the ALU and
shifter. Result of the operation is
transferred to a memory register
specifying its word address and activating
the memory-write input control.
Assume that the memory has eight
words, so that an address must be
specified with three bits. To perform the
R1 ← R2 + R3
The control must provide binary selection variable to perform the following sequence of
T1: A ← M[010] read R2 to register A
T2: B ← M[011] read R3 to register B
T3: M[001] ← A + B perform operation in ALU and transfer result to R1
Control function T1 must supply an address of 010 to the memory and activate the read
and load A inputs. control function T2
must supply an address 011 to the
memory and activate the read and load B
inputs. Control function T3 must supply
the function code to the ALU and shifter
to perform an add operation, apply an
address 001 to the memory, select the
output of the shifter for the MUX and activate the memory write input.
Some processor employ a 2 port memory in order to overcome the delay caused when
reading two source registers. A 2-port has two separate address lines to select two words of
memory simultaneously. The organization of a processor unit with a 2-port scratchpad memory
is shown in figure.
Accumulator Register
An accumulator is a register for short-term, intermediate storage of arithmetic and logic
data in a computer's CPU (central processing unit).The most elementary use for an accumulator
is adding a sequence of numbers. The numerical value in the accumulator increases as each
number is added, exactly as it happens in a simple desktop calculator (but much faster, of
course). Once the sum has been determined, it is written to the main memory or to another
The accumulator register in a processor unit is a multipurpose register capable of
performing not only the add micro-operation, but many other operations as well.
The block diagram shows the processor unit that employs an accumulator units.
To form the sum of two numbers stored in processor registers, it is nessesary to add them
in the A register using the following sequence of micro-operations:
T1: A ← 0 Clear A
T2: A ← A + R1 Transfer R1 to A
T3: A ← A + R2 Add R2 to A
The sum / result formed in A may be used for other computation or may be
transfered to a required destination.
Status Registers
The relative magnitude of two numbers may be determined by subtracting one number
from the other andthen checking certain bit conditions in the resultant difference. This status bit
conditions (often calledcondition-code bits or flag bits) are stored in a status register.
Status register is a 4 bit register. The four bits are C (carry), Z (zero),S (sign) and V
(overflow).These bits are set or cleared as a result of an operation performed in the ALU.
Bit C is set if the output carry of an ALU is 1.
Bit S is set to 1 if the highest order bit of the result in the output of the ALU is 1.
Bit Z is set to 1 if the output of the ALU contains all O's.
Bit V is set if the exclusive —OR of carries C8 and C9 is 1, and cleared
otherwise. This is the condition for overflow when the numbers are in signed 2's
complement representation. For an 8 bit ALU, V is set if the result is greater than
127 or less than -128.
After an ALU operation, status bits can be checked to determine the relationship that
exist between thevalues of A and B.
If bit V is set after the addition two signed numbers, it indicates an overflow condition. If
Z is set after anexclusive OR operation, it indicates that A=B. A single bit in A can be checked to
determine if it is 0 or 1by masking all bits except the bit in question and then checking the Z
status bit.
Relative magnitudes of A and B can be checked by compare operation. If A-B is
performed for twounsigned binary numbers, relative magnitudes of A and B can be determined
from the values transferred tothe C and Z bits. If Z=1,we knows that A=B, since A-B=0. If Z=0,
then we know that A is not equal to B.
Similarly C=1 if A>=B and C=0 if A<B. The following table lists the various conditions
The design of a typical ALU will be carried out in three stages. First, the design of the
arithmetic section will be undertaken. Second, the design of the logic section will be considered.
Finally, the arithmetic section will be modified so that it can perform both arithmetic and logic
From the above Figure, by changing the B input and Cin we get 8 operaton. So the input
B is applied in four different form by using following circuit
S0 S1 Y
0 0 0
0 1 B’1
1 0 B1
1 1 1
The input A is applied directly to the 4-bit parallel adder and the input B is modified.
The resultant arithmetic circuit is shown in below figure.
and NOT (complement) operations, it may be more convenient to employ a logic circuit with
just these operations.
For three operations, we need two selection variables. But two selection lines can select
among four logic operations, so we choose also the exclusive-OR (XOR) function for the logic
circuit to be designed in this and the next section.
The simplest and most straight forward way to design a logic circuit is shown in figure
given below. The diagram shows one typical stage designated by subscript i. The circuit must be
repeated n times for an n-bit logic circuit.
The four gate generate four logic operations OR, XOR, AND, and NOT. The two
selection variables in the multiplexer select one of the gates for the output. The function table
lists the output logic generated as a function of the two selection variables.
The logic circuit can be combined with the arithmetic circuit to produce one arithmetic
logic unit. Selection variables S1 and S0 can be made common to both sections provided we use
a third selection variable, S2, to differentiate between the two. This configuration is illustrated in
the above figure. The outputs of the logic and arithmetic circuits in each stage go through a
multiplexer with selection variable S2.
When S2 = 0, the arithmetic output is selected,
when S2 = 1, the logic output is selected.
Although the two circuits can be combined in this manner, this is not the best way to
design an ALU.A more efficient ALU can be obtained if we investigate the possibility of
generating logic operations in an already available arithmetic circuit. This can be done by
inhibiting all input carries into the full-adder circuits of the parallel adder. Consider the Boolean
function that generates the output sum in a full-adder circuit:
F=X ⊕ Y ⊕ Cin
The input carry Cin in each stage can be made to be equal to 0 when a selection
variableS2is equal to 1. The result would be:
F=X ⊕ Y
This expression is valid because of the property of the X-OR operation: X⊕0 = X
The logic circuit can be combined with the arithmetic circuit to produce one arithmetic
logic unit. Selection variables S1 and S0 can be made common to both sections provided, we are
using a third selection variable S2, to differentiate between the two.
Design steps
1. Design the arithmetic section independent of the logic section.
2. Determine the logic operations obtained from the arithmetic circuit in step 1, assuming
that the input carries to all stages are 0.
3. Modify the arithmetic circuit to obtain the required logic operations.
The third step in the design is not a straightforward procedure and requires a certain
amount of ingenuity on the part of the designer. There is no guarantee that a solution can be
found or that the solution uses the minimum number of gates. The example presented here
demonstrates the type of logical thinking sometimes required in the design of digital systems.
The final ALU is shown in figure below Only the first two stages are drawn, but the
diagram can be easily extended to more stages. The inputs to each full-adder circuit are specified
by the Boolean functions:
Xi = Ai + S2 S1’ S0’Bi + S2 S1 S0’ Bi
Yi = S0 Bi + S1 Bi’
Zi = S2’ Ci
When S2 = 0, the three functions reduce to:
Xi = Ai
Yi = S0 Bi + S1 Bi’
Zi = Ci
Which are the function for the arithmetic circuit. The logical operations are generated
when S2 = 1. For S2 S1 S0 = 1 0 1 or 1 1 1, the function reduce to:
Xi = Ai Yi = S0 Bi + S1 Bi’ Zi = 0
The function table for the Arithmetic and Logic Unit is shown below
The number of clock pulses may reduce if the shifter is implemented with a
combinational circuit. A combinational—logic shifter can be constructed with multiplexers. The
above figure will show the same.
Shifter operation can be selected by two variables H1 H0
If H1 H0 = 0 0 No shift is executed and the signal from F go directly to S lines
If H1 H0 = 0 1 Shift Right is executed
If H1 H0 = 1 0 Shift Left is executed
If H1 H0 = 1 1 No operations
Input data from an external source are also selected by the same multiplexers. The output
of the ALU goes through a shifter and then to a set of external output terminals.
The functions of all selection variables are specified in table below.
The 3-bit binary code listed in the table specifies the code for each of the five fields A,
B, D, input data, F, and H. The register selected by A, B, and D is the one whose decimal
number is equivalent to the binary number in the code. When the A or B field is 000, the
corresponding multiplexer selects the input data. When D = 000, no destination register is
The three bits in the F field, together with the input carry Cin, provide the 12 operations
of the ALU as specified in above table. Note that there are two possibilities for F = A. In one
case the carry bit C is cleared, and in the other case it is set to 1.
Some processor units distinguish one register from all others and call it an accumulator
register. The block diagram of an accumulator that forms a sequential circuit is shown in figure
The A register and the associated combinational circuit constitutes a sequential circuit.
The combinational circuit replaces the ALU but cannot be separated from the register, since it is
only the combinational-circuit part of a sequential circuit. The A register is referred to as the
accumulator register and is sometimes denoted by the symbol AC. Here, accumulator refers to
both the A register and its associated combinational circuit.
The external inputs to the accumulator are the data inputs from B and the control
variables that determine the micro operations for the register. The next state of register A is a
function of its present state and of the external inputs.
Accumulator can also perform data processing operations. Total of nine operations is
considered here for the design of accumulator circuit.
In all listed microoperations A is the source register. B register is used as the second
source register. The destination register is also accumulator register itself. For a complete
accumulator there will be n stages.
The inputs and outputs of each stage can be connected in cascade to form a complete
accumulator. Here we are discussing the design of a 4 bit accumulator. The number on top of
each block represents the bit position.
All blocks receive 8 control variables P1 to P8 and the clock pulses from CP. The other
six inputs and four outputs are same as with the typical stage. The zero detect chain is obtained
by connecting the z variables in cascade, with the first block receiving a binary constant I . The
last stage produces the zero detect variable Z.
Total number of terminals in the 4 bit accumulator is 25, including terminals for the A
outputs. Incorporating two more terminals for power supply, the circuit can be enclosed within
one IC package having 27 or 28 pins.
The number of terminals for the control variable can be reduced from 9 to 4 if a decoder
is inserted in the IC. In such cases, IC pin count is also reduced to 22 and the accumulator can be
extended to 16 microoperations without adding external pins (That is, with 4 bits we can identify
16 operations).