Concept Paper About Politics

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Castillo, Erica Mae P.

Concept Paper
11 Galileo July 30, 2019
Politics can be seen everywhere as it is always part of everyone’s life. According to
Wikipedia, politics refers to a set of activities which is associated with the governance of
a certain country or an area. It also includes how a certain country or place being
governed by its leader or superior. Moreover, it involves decision-making in every
aspects in order to maintain the good circulation of their state. Making laws, negotiation
with other political subjects and promoting other people’s political views are also involve
when it talks about politics.

Based on research, the word politics derived from the Greek word Polis which
means “affairs of the cities”. Aristotle wrote the Politics while Plato wrote The Republic.
Aristotle is known as the Father of Political Science as his line became famous which is
“Man is a political animal”. The book title that was written by Aristotle translated into
Early Modern English in the mid-15th century as Polettiques and became politics in the
Modern English.

Politics have several types and some of the five common political systems around
the world include: democracy, republic, monarchy, communism, and dictatorship. Many
countries in the world have different political systems as they have different ways on
how to rule their people or their country. They make different ways or strategies to
make their society well-organized.

Democracy type of political system allows each individual to participate in

governing their country like the United States of America, and the Philippines which are
both democratic country. They used the Representative Democracy wherein the people
are allowed to choose or elect representatives to make their laws such as President,
Vice President and other government positions.

The republican form of government is a political system in which the state is being
ruled by the representatives and not by the citizens. It can also be distinguished as
direct democracy but despite of having democratic style of governing, in republic, the
leader is more powerful and is being chosen under a constitution.

Unlike democracy, the ruler of monarchy is not chosen by the people and also
they do not have rights to make their laws as long as it is considered as absolute
monarchy while in constitutional monarchy, the monarch has limits in his/her power and
others can make laws. The monarch or ruler of a monarchy government usually
belongs to the Royal blood or family of Kings and Queens wherein they only pass their
position in ruling their people or country to their son or daughter.
Communism is often considered as authoritarian political system in which the
citizens are required to do certain jobs and also the government can have some of their
life decisions like where they can live and what jobs they can do. Communist states are
controlled by a single party or a group of people and planned economy is part of their
governing class.

In President Ferdinand Marcos time, dictatorship is the type of government in the

Philippines wherein it is being ruled by the dictator who makes most of the decisions
and they have no restrictions by the constitutions or parliaments. Also, the only
candidate for the election that are being held is only the dictator.

Politics is everywhere. It is part of each other’s life as it is the one which controls
everyone’s actions by the means of laws. Many countries have different types of
political system on how to rule their people or country but many of them do not value
the rights of every citizens on how to choose their ideal type of government. It is said
that every people have rights to choose as it was showed in Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR) and also, all people are made by God which explains that there
will be no high and low, no old and young, and no rich and poor which conclude that
people should possessed equal rights.

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