Summary Report On Bridge Research
Summary Report On Bridge Research
Summary Report On Bridge Research
• Prior to the beginning of the test traffic, It has been pointed out that the three major
studies were made of the probable response of types of test bridges were designed under dif-
the test bridges to the repeated high overstress ferent criteria and, therefore, direct compari-
and of the probable dynamic magnification of sons of the relative performance of the steel,
stresses and deflections. The purpose of these prestressed concrete and reinforced concrete
preliminary studies was to provide a basis for structures could not be made. However, there
planning of experiments and to assure safety were at least four bridges of each major type
of traffic operations. and comparisons of relative performance were
The results of the preliminary investigation made within all three such groups.
of repeated overstress led to the decision to
take safety measures, under all test bridges,
against catastrophic effects of a sudden col-
lapse. No sudden collapse occurred either dur- Of the ten bridges with steel beams, two
ing the test traffic or during the accelerated were composite and eight were noncomposite.
repeated load tests. Although the design of the bridge experiment
The preliminary investigation of dynamic was such that in no set of two bridges was the
effects utilized an existing analytical solution composite action the only variable, it was
considered as the best method available at that apparent that the behavior of the composite
time. The subsequent research showed that steel bridges was superior to that of the non-
there was no satisfactory agreement between composite steel bridges.
this particular solution and the results of tests The composite bridges were stiffer than the
with regular vehicles. comparable noncomposite bridges. Composite
These two incidents illustrate the ever- action increased both the yield and ultimate
present need for occasional checking of theories strength, and the permanent deformations of
and laboratory experiments against the be- beams observed in the composite bridges were
havior of structures under actual field condi- substantially less than those observed in the
tions. Analytical studies and simplified labo- noncomposite bridges. Transient defiections in-
ratory experiments permit the development of creased during the period of test traffic on the
rational theories. However, the accuracy of the order of 5 percent in composite bridges, but on
assumptions of such theories can be assessed the order of 15 percent in the noncomposite
only through realistic tests. The bridge experi- bridges.
ment at the AASHO Road Test served this The decrease in stiffness of bridges with
need. time, indicated by the increased transient de-
Even the Road Test bridges reproduced only flections, was caused to a large extent by trans-
certain aspects of a typical highway bridge. verse cracking of slabs. The cracks in com-
The following major differences should be kept posite bridges were fewer in number and
in mind: (a) the test bridges had only three remained tight throughout the duration of the
beams and were only one lane wide; (b) the traffic. The cracks in the slabs of noncomposite
stress levels during the regular test traffic were bridges opened up a few months after forma-
well above those normally experienced in the tion and led to progressive deterioration of the
actual service life of a highway bridge; and slabs by spalling of edges and seepage of
(c) the duration of the tests was only 2V^ water. At the conclusion of the test traffic, the
years. slabs of composite bridges were in excellent
The major findings of the bridge experiment condition; those of noncomposite bridges were
at the AASHO Road Test may be divided into in a moderate to advanced state of deteriora-
three groups: tion.
The noncomposite test bridges had no inter-
1. Relative over-all performance of different action between the slab and the beams. For-
types of bridges; mation of natural bond was inhibited by a
2. Major effects of repeated high overstress; treatment of the top surfaces of the steel
and beams prior to casting of the slabs. As this
3. Analytical correlations of quantitative artificial condition is not encountered in
test results. bridges on the highway system, the differences
'Now, structural Engineer, Bethlehem Steel Co. in the performance of the two types of struc-
tures are likely to be somewhat smaller than Fatigue cracks first appeared in the bottom
indicated by AASHO Road Test data. Never- surface of the rolled section at the toe of the
theless, the potential superiority of composite welds connecting the plates. The cracks then
bridges was clearly demonstrated. spread toward both ends of the flange and up-
In two of the four bridges with prestressed ward into the flange. The cracks were perpen-
concrete beams tensile cracks were present dicular to the beam axis.
from the beginning of the regular test traffic. Fatigue cracks were first discovered after
There was a marked difference between the the bridges were subjected to between 480,000
cracking of the prestressed concrete beams and 540,000 trips of test vehicles. The range
post-tensioned with parallel wire cables and of fluctuating stress, caused by the crossing
those pretensioned with 7-wire strands. test vehicle, is primarily responsible for crack-
In the beams stressed with parallel wire ing. The mean stress range varied between
cables, severe tensile cracking changed radi- 12.8 and 17.8 ksi in these tests.
cally the response of the beams to loading. The In both reinforced concrete bridges designed
stiffness of the beams decreased substantially, for a total stress of 40,000 psi, two bars broke
progressive loss of bond was indicated and in the exterior beam after a total of approxi-
ultimate flexural capacity of the bridge was mately 730,000 stress cycles. This included
decreased because of bond failure. approximately 560,000 trips of test vehicles
On the other hand, the cracking of beams and 170,000 cycles of stress applied by vibra-
with 7-wire strand caused practically no tion of the bridges.
change in the response of beams to loading. Although the fracture of the bars was sud-
Deflections during the period of test traffic den, examination after fatigue failure showed
were essentially the same as those of an un- that the fatigue cracks were started at the
cracked bridge, and excellent bond was pre- intersection of the transverse deformations
served at all stages of tests up to the ultimate with the longitudinal rib.
load. Both bridges had a mean stress range of
26 ksi in the bars that failed.
In the two bridges that remained essentially
uncracked throughout the tests with repeated In prestressed concrete beams subjected to
stresses, no basic difference was found in the tensile stresses lower than the modulus of rup-
behavior of the pretensioned and post-ten- ture of concrete, some fatigue cracking of con-
sioned beams. However, it must be remem- crete was detected during the period of test
bered that cracking due to overloads is always traffic. However, the cracking was detectable
a possibility so that the behavior of cracked only with special aids and had no readily ob-
beams must not be overlooked. servable effects on the behavior of test bridges.
Both of these bridges were subjected to a
Of the four reinforced concrete bridges, two total of 1,500,000 cycles of stress, including
were designed for total 'dead and live load 560,000 vehicle trips and 940,000 stress cycles
stresses of 30,000 psi and the other two for accumulated by vibration of the bridge.
40,000 psi. Actual total stresses during the test
traffic were of the order of 33,000 psi and
42,000 psi, respectively. ANALYTICAL CORRELATIONS
In both types of bridges the maximum crack The question of dynamic magnification of
width exceeded 0.01 in. in the unloaded condi- stresses in bridge beams, commonly referred
tion and the test vehicles caused an additional to as impact, was investigated on the test
opening of about 0.002 in. The incidence of the bridges both experimentally and analytically.
largest cracks was greater in the higher The studies had demonstrated that the dynamic
stressed beams. Furthermore, the cracking of response of a bridge is very sensitive to a num-
the lower stressed beams consisted essentially ber of parameters some of which cannot be
of vertical cracks only; inclined cracking was controlled or even measured accurately. Thus,
quite general in the outer 15 ft of the spans it is hopeless to attempt an interpretation of
subjected to higher stresses. dynamic test data without the aid of a rational
Crack width and the number of cracks in- theory.
creased with traflfic. The results of the dynamic tests on the test
bridges were found to be in satisfactory agree-
MAJOR E F F E C T S O F R E P E A T E D ment with those obtained from the theory used
OVERSTRESS in the final report on this study. This agree-
ment was obtained only by including in the
Results of the tests of steel beams with par- analysis all pertinent characteristics of the
tial length cover plates demonstrated that the bridges and the vehicles, some of which were
sections at the ends of the cover plates can be shown to be significant for the first time by
critical from the standpoint of fatigue crack- these tests. For example, it was found that the
ing. By the end of regular test traffic one or interleaf friction in the suspension system of
more fatigue cracks were found in all steel the trucks had an extremely important effect
bridges with partial length cover plates. on the dynamic response of the bridge.
Because of the special conditions of the National Advisory Committee and by the Ad-
bridge tests, the relative magnitudes of the visory Panel on Bridges.
dynamic effects for the different bridge types The Advisory Panel considered also the re-
are not indicative of those which would be sults of this research in terms of practical
obtained under more typical conditions. How- application. Its considerations led to dividing
ever, the theoretical analyses found in agree- the results into two groups: (a) results that
ment with the test data, can be used to study may warrant immediate changes in design
the relative dynamic effects for various types practices, and (b) results pointing to need for
of bridges and vehicles used on the highway further research.
system. In the opinion of the Bridge Panel consid-
The number of stress cycles at fatigue crack- eration should be given to the following possi-
ing of steel bridge beams with partial length ble changes in the design practices:
cover plates and the number of stress cycles at
fracture of reinforcing bars in the concrete 1. Allowance of tensile stresses in concrete
bridges were compared with laboratory fatigue of prestressed concrete beams pretensioned
data obtained for specimens having the same with strand;
details as those present in the test bridges. As 2. Allowance of higher design stresses in
the test bridges were subject to a varying the steel beams of composite bridges; and
range of live load stresses, the comparisons 3. Modification of the criteria for determi-
were based on Miner's hypothesis of cumula- nation of the minimum length of partial length
tive damage. cover plates.
The comparisons showed that the results of Recommendations on these items were sub-
the tests of steel bridges fell within the range mitted by the Panel to the Highway Research
of the laboratory test data. Board for transmittal to the AASHO Commit-
The comparisons for the reinforced concrete tee on Bridges and Structures.
bridges suggested that the bars in the bridges Items in need of further studies selected by
were only slightly weaker in fatigue than indi- the Advisory Panel on Bridges include the fol-
cated by the lower limit of the laboratory data. lowing:
Thus, where a reasonable estimate of the 1. Systematic collection of strain histories
magnitude and number of repetitions of stress for selected bridges in the highway system.
can be made, laboratory fatigue data for the Such data will permit evaluation of the effect
component elements can forecast the life to of changes in permissible vehicle loads on the
fatigue failure within reasonable limits. life of highway bridges.
Out of the original 18 test bridges, 10 were 2. Further analytical and experimental stud-
available for further testing after the comple- ies of the dynamic magnification of stresses
tion of the regular test traffic and accelerated and deflections. Such studies will lead to re-
fatigue tests. These included 4 steel bridges, evaluation of the impact factors used in design.
4 prestressed concrete bridges and 2 reinforced 3. Experimental laboratory studies relating
concrete bridges. The 10 bridges -were tested to the strength and performance of highway
with successively heavier vehicles until failure. bridges. Fatigue tests of steel beams with vari-
The maximum external moment at the time of ous types of weldments, fatigue tests of rein-
failure was compared with the computed maxi- forcing bars, effect of repeated loading on
mum static resistance of the bridge. The ex- tension cracking of reinforced concrete beams,
ternal moment included the weight of the effect of residual stresses on permanent defor-
bridge and the test vehicle, but the impact was mations of steel beams, effect of type of pre-
disregarded. stressing on cracking of prestressed concrete
The agreement between the test and com- beams, and relaxation tests of prestressing
puted moments was satisfactory. I n all steel steel fall into this group.
and reinforced concrete bridges, and in all pre- An outline of these studies was submitted by
stressed concrete bridges in which bond was the Advisory Panel to the Highway Research
preserved, the test value was in excess of the Board for transmittal to the HRB Bridge Com-
computed one. Only for the unbonded pre- mittee.
stressed concrete bridge was the test value It is hoped that the AASHO Committee on
slightly less than the computed moment. Bridges and Structures will give an early con-
The bridge research at the AASHO Road sideration to the proposed changes in the cur-
Test is reported in Special Report 61D of rent design practices and that the HRB Bridge
the Highway Research Board. The report was Committee will follow through with execution
examined by a review subcommittee of the of the proposed further research.
E. L. Erickson.—We are very fortunate in bridge will be stiffer. However, I doubt that
having had the opportunity to include these you would want to rely on something which
bridge tests in the Road Test program. They may or may not be there.
have given information with regard to the
effect of overload on highway structures. Cer- H. Hewitt, Department of Public Works,
tainly it was demonstrated that overloading Ontario, Canada.—Because the average resi-
structures suflSciently is going to wreck them. dual stress in the flanges of some of the beams
Furthermore, the information obtained in veri- runs as high as 11,000 psi, should this have an
fication of laboratory work carried on over the effect on the permissible stress or at least the
years is perhaps the most important achieve- safety factor which is assumed to be roughly
ment. This gives confidence in this work and 0.6 times the yield stress?
points the way to needed new work in the Viest.—This will depend very much on what
bridge and structure field. you want the factor of safety to do. There is
A. C. Church, Florida State Road Depart- no doubt that residual stress is important in
ment.—I know why you are not supposed to any discussion of overloads. If we want to
weld cover plates across the end, but since you know the maximum overload that can go over
were going to tear down these bridges anyway the bridge without producing large permanent
why not just weld across the end of one cover deformations, we should pay attention to the
plate to see what would happen? magnitude of residual stresses, particularly in
noncomposite bridges. Concerning the factor
Viest.—We had quite a few variables in this of safety for ordinary loads we may consider
program as it was and only 18 test bridges. this residual stress as covered by the factor of
The planning committee apparently did not safety. Then the factor of safety is determined
consider it desirable to introduce further com- either on the basis of the yield point of the steel
plications by making the end detail of the cover or on the basis of ultimate strength of the
plates a variable. bridge, without considering directly the resi-
dual stress. But it should be made certain that
C. A. Marmelstein, State Highivay Depart- allowable stresses for ordinary traffic are well
ment of Georgia.—In discussing the relative below the discounted yield; that is, below the
stiffness of the two types of construction, I yield minus the residual stress. In other words,
wonder whether consideration was given to the in determining the factor of safety or the allow-
fact that the same depth beams were used on able stress, we should know approximately
both the composite and noncomposite. In the what the residual stress is.
AASHO Bridge Specifications there are limit-
ing depth ratios. In noncomposite construction W. R. Kahl, Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, Balti-
we take the depth of the beam alone, but in more, Md.—Did the beams that were used have
composite construction we use the depth of the induced camber or roUed-in camber?
beam plus the thickness of the slab. The prob-
lem in Georgia was that at extreme span Viest.—They had induced camber.
lengths allowable from a stress standpoint, the
composite bridges became fairly flexible. Did B. F. Friberg, Consulting Engineer, St.
that condition in the design add somewhat to Louis, Mo.—The two graphs on amplification
the relative stiffness of the composite over the factors show for deflection a maximum value
noncomposite ? approximately 1.4 or 0.4 over static, the ampli-
fication for strain approximately 0.2. The ques-
Viest.—The comparisons which were made tion is whether the differences between these
were based on comparable stress levels in the two values were because the deflction repre-
composite and in the noncomposite bridges. Of sents a summation of things and the strain
course, if you increase the depths of the non- represents something taken in just one particu-
composite steel beam without changing the lar point, perhaps not the critical point, or is
stress level, the stiffness of the noncomposite this a logical nature of the problem?
beam will be increased. However, the differ-
ences between the composite and noncomposite Fenves.—The difference is not because the
beams were so large that increasing the depths deflection is a double-integral of the strain.
of the noncomposite beams, say one beam size, The difference is due to the fact that the quan-
could not have changed signiflcantly the rela- tity we are interested in, the maximum dy-
tive stiffness of composite and noncomposite namic effect, is the sum of two quantities: a
bridges. Another point that enters into this crawl curve (or influence line) and the dynamic
question of stiffness is the fact that in noncom- component. The dynamic component is almost
posite bridges very often bond is preserved so equal in the two cases. For all practical pur-
the noncomposite bridge acts as a composite poses, it is equal. The largest difference that
one. In that case, of course, the noncomposite can be obtained is for a single-axle loading
under certain assumed conditions. I think the Project go to great length in studying the
ratio comes out 7rV12. effect of bridge damping over very large ranges
The fact is that the crawl curves are com- of the damping coefficient.
pletely different in the two cases. For the
3-axle vehicles shown, the crawl curve for Thompson.—Would you say these bridges,
deflection is, in the region of interest, a con- or the data shown for the several examples
cave curve varying about 20 percent from the here, are under-damped, critically-damped, or
maximum value. For strain (or moment) for highly over-damped?
vehicles with two essentially equal loads, there
is a portion of the crawl curve that is essential- Fenves.—They are very much under-damped.
ly equal to unity for the length of the span
equal to the axial spacing. When a dynamic Thompson.—You showed on some defiection
increment is superimposed on this, it is quite curves a component due to dynamic effects plus
critical whether this dynamic increment of 20 a kind of static effect arising from the crawl
or 40 percent adds to 1.00 or whether it adds to condition of loading. Would you advance an
0.90. Thus, by having the same dynamic incre- opinion on the severity of this dynamic com-
ment added to different ordinates of the crawl ponent, versus what one usually gets with a
curve, a sizable difference in total effects re- static loading, on fatigue life. We are now en-
sults. For all practical purposes you cannot gaged in trying to answer the question at the
divorce the crawl effect from the dynamic ef- Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory. Is dynamic
fect and deal with dynamic increments alone. loading a significant factor in fatigue life?
You have worked with it with respect to
W. E. Thompson, Cornell Aeronautical Lab- bridges; we are working with it with respect
oratory.—First of all, in the graphs of the to highway pavements. There appear to be
speed factor versus the amplification factor, some common elements in both.
was there any indication that a resonance in
the vibration of the bridge occurred with the Fenves.—This was discussed by Dr. Viest
motion of the vehicle across it? and Mr. Fisher. It does increase the stress
range. If you are willing to do what has been
Fenves.—No. There was no resonance ob- done here in considering the stress range (from
served. Several years ago we investigated this the maximum dynamic effect down to the max-
in considerable detail and tried to find a so- imum rebound), this does add something of the
called critical alpha for which the speed was order of 40 percent to the stress range. The
such that the time of transit of the two heavy maximum dynamic increment is something of
axles over a given point was exactly equal to the order of 20 percent and the maximum re-
the natural period of the bridge—without bound on the first half-cycle is something of the
results. Because of the very short duration of order of 15 to 20 percent, so 40 percent is added
transient effect there is no sufficient buildup to to the stress range. If this is considered, it has
produce any resonance whatsoever. the same effect that a 40 percent increase in
Thompson.—In addition to the parameters stress range would have. However, this is a
already mentioned, is there in your more com- second-order effect, because it is a high-fre-
plete report any account of a damping ratio for quency effect superimposed on the extremely
the bridge structure which might be imposed on low-frequency effect associated with one truck
the information here? passing over the bridge. This can be answered
only when the test data can be compared to
Fenves.—Yes. We have done analytical compound forcing functions where the labora-
solutions with damping coefficients considered. tory tests themselves include forcing functions
For these particular comparisons we tried to superimposed from several components, rather
match the damping coefficient, as computed than to the simple sinusoidal forcing-type func-
approximately from the decay of the free vibra- tions. As of now, it increases the stress range
tion curve. This did not have any great effect. by 40 percent but this figure is probably too
However, other studies on the Highway Impact high.