6 MOPSO approach Chefai DHIFAOUI, To propose Multi- Modeling and Optimization of two objectives: The proposed approach offers
to solve Profit Tawfik GUESMI and Objective Particle Simulation maximizing revenue (profit) practical solutions for power
Based Unit Hsan HADJ Swarm Optimization and minimizing total companies to optimize unit
Commitment ABDALLAH (MOPSO) algorithm generation costs enables commitment decisions and
problem (PBUCP) to solve the Profit- decision-makers to find trade- enhance their profitability
Based Unit offs between revenue while ensuring reliable and
Commitment generation and cost efficiency efficient power system
Problem (PBUCP). in the unit commitment process operations.
maximizing the
profit of generation
(GENCOs) and
minimizing total
generation costs.[6]
7 Reliability and M. Yousefi Ramandi, To propose and Mathematical Integration of energy and Method suggested can
economic K. Afshar, A. Shokri apply a method for Analysis and reserve markets in the unit contribute to enhancing the
evaluation of Gazafroudi, and N. security-constrained Simulation commitment process ensures reliability, efficiency, and
demand side Bigdeli unit commitment that generation units and economic performance of
management (SCUC) that allows interruptible loads (IL) can power systems with
programming in for the simultaneous serve as system operating significant wind energy
wind integrated clearing of energy reserves to meet energy integration.
and reserve markets, demands and maintain system
power systems
considering the reliability. Secondly,
uncertainty of wind consideration of wind power
power generation.[7] uncertainty enables better
decision-making under
uncertain wind power
forecasts. Last, is the study of
system reliability due to the
impacts of interruptible loads
(IL) and the locations of wind
8 Low carbon multi- Dongsheng Yang, To solve the unit Optimization Multi-objective optimization These findings can support
objective unit Xianyu Zhou, Zhile commitment and Case Study unit commitment approach for decision-making processes
commitment Yang, Yuanjun Guo problem in power unit commitment, considering that prioritize environmental
integrating and Qun Niu systems with a focus environmental and carbon sustainability and align with
renewable on reducing the emission costs enables global efforts to combat
generations overall economic decision-makers to find climate change.
cost, environmental solutions that balance
cost, and carbon economic benefits and
emissions. environmental sustainability.
Integration of renewable
energy that is wind and solar
power into the power system,
challenges to the economic and
security aspects of power
system operation due to the
intermittent nature of
renewable energy sources.[8]
Carbon emission reduction
through the integration of
renewable generation sources
helps to mitigate climate
change and transition towards
low-carbon energy systems.
9 Multi-objective Anup Shukla and Sri To find the solution Optimization The study tackles the multi- The approach offers
unit commitment Niwas Singh for the multi- and Testing. objective nature of the unit innovative optimization
using search objective unit commitment problem to find techniques and decision-
space-based crazy commitment solutions that optimize both making tools to support
particle swarm problem by economic benefits and sustainable power system
optimisation and formulating it with environmental performance. operation with a focus on both
normal boundary two conflicting economic and environmental
objectives: profit performance.
intersection maximization and The trade-offs between profit
technique emission and emission objectives, and
minimization.[9] provides uniformly distributed
non-dominated solutions,
making it suitable for multi-
objective optimization
10 Study on unit Wenxiao Wang, To provide the Modeling, Case To quantify the impact of RE The significance of dealing
commitment Chaoshun Li, Xiang solution for the unit study and forecasting errors on UC with uncertainty in renewable
problem Liao and Hui Qin commitment (UC) Optimization results, a scenario evaluation energy and pumped hydro-
considering problem considering method is employed results in energy storage in the unit
pumped storage the uncertainty of a systematic assessment of the commitment problem is
and renewable renewable energy stability and economy of UC valuable tools for power
energy via a novel (RE) sources, solutions under different levels system planners and operators
specifically wind of RE uncertainty. to optimize power system
binary artificial
power and The effect of PHES on the UC operations, enhance stability,
sheep algorithm
photovoltaic power, problem is considered as a and security.
and pumped hydro- means to counterbalance
energy storage adverse effects caused by an
(PHES).[10] increase in RE power forecast
errors, aiming to improve the
stability and efficiency of
power system operation.
11 A Review of D.V.N. Ananth & To review and Optimization The complexity of power The study makes a
Different K.S.T. Vineela discuss different and comparative system optimization is due to contribution to enhancing the
Optimization optimization study. the presence of multiple efficiency, reliability, and
Techniques for methods applicable objectives, ranging from sustainability of power system
Solving Single and to power systems to economic factors (operating operations.
Multi-Objective address multiple costs) to technical
Optimization objectives related to considerations (reliability,
economic and emissions, voltage stability,
Problem in Power
technical constraints etc.). These objectives must be
System and
such as operating simultaneously considered for
Mostly Unit and running costs, effective power system
Commitment reliability, operation.
Problem emissions, multi-
area unit With the complexity and scale
commitment, losses, of power system optimization
voltage stability, and problems, meta-heuristic
reactive power, methods have emerged as
which need to be viable solutions. These
satisfied in large- techniques offer advantages in
scale networks with terms of finding near-optimal
multiple generating solutions with reduced
units.[11] operating time, making them
suitable for real-world
12 Multi-objective Himanshu Anand, To provide the Modeling and The multi-objective models, Incorporating dual-mode CHP
combined heat Nitin Narang and J.S. solution for the unit Optimization incorporate both economic units in the unit commitment
and power unit Dhillon. commitment (UC) aspects (cost/profit) and problem, contributes to
commitment problem in power environmental considerations optimizing power system
using particle systems by (pollutant emissions), aims to operations by considering
swarm considering the find solutions that achieve a both economic and
optimization integration of dual balance between economic environmental aspects,
operating mode benefits and emission thereby enhancing
combined heat and reduction. sustainability and efficiency
power (CHP) units To handle the mixed-integer in power generation.
alongside thermal nature of the CHP-UC
and heat units.[12] problem, Binary Particle
Swarm Optimization (BPSO)
and Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO)
techniques optimize binary
and real variables,
respectively. These
optimization methods are
chosen for their efficiency and
effectiveness in handling
complex optimization
The investigation of the
backpressure and extraction
modes of CHP units reveals
that these modes provide
diverse unit commitment
statuses and generation
schedules. This diversity can
offer power system planners
more flexibility in meeting
demand and reducing
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