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SPPU FE BEE Examples With Solution
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SPPU FE BEE Examples With Solution
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BF _Basic Electrical Engineering (Sem. | / tl /SPPU) BEE Examples wth Solution (enter aad Ex. 1.41.9 : Fig. P. 1.11.9 shows a magnetic circuit excited ‘ae =oege Fuxty PALTE direction of their corresponding flux 6, ¢s and desing the right hand thumb rule as shown in ig. P. 112.9. 2. From the directions of @y, and $5 we cael that the mmfs for the coils 2 and 3 add together wherea® that of coll 1 gets subtracted Total_ mmf mmm, + mnt, sonny = Nolet Ns MEN = (2x 600) + (x 10009 (5 «4009 2200 {Forcing the Nukin the atilockivise direction Ans. Ex 1.11.40 An Fonsing fag ts Mean lonoth of ux path as 60 cm and its efBse-eedonal afea as 15 cm’. If relate permeability. is 500, fifa the Cacrent required to be passed through @ coil of $00 tums wour. Uniformly around it to produce a fux density of 1.2 Tesla. What would be the Mux nsity with the same curren, if the ion ring is replaced by ale-core ? May 05,6 Ma Soin, 60 cm, a=15 em’, p, = 500,N = 300, 8 = 12T Tefind: 1 2B, Part!: To find current = To calculate we have to calculate mmf F. F = oxs But) = Bxaand axax ir 12x60x10 $ 40800 = 1847 ButmmtF = No aus = 00 ese 342.4 Ans. 300 Partil: TO find Bly Givensi = 8B2Amp, iron ring is Bud ced by air core for air core Fs Se But w= 10""x11459 60x10 7 Ans. ex ata path of 20 em, and cross-sectional area of 1 cm’. Relative Dérmeabilty of is material is 2400. Find the mmf required to produce a flx density of 2tesa in it. If an ai-gap of t-mm is introduced init, find the mmf required for the air gap as a fraction of the total mmf to maintain the same fux-density ‘A magnetic circuit has the mean length of fux Soln. gn Mean length (= 20 em = 02m, cross sectional area a be = 2400,8 = 27 Lem? = 1x10" m, Part! 1. mmf = Reluctance x fax To calculate mmt So we have to calculate lux and reluctance. 2. Fluxg=8xa=2«1%10"=2%10 Wb @ 3. Reluctance $ = —W— ae jelucrance S = Fura = (amex 0) (2400) x1 10 S = 6631456 AT/WD 8) 4. Substitute Equations (2) and (3) into Equation (2) to get,SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11 /SPPU) BEEZ Examples wth Solution mmf = 9x $ =2« 10% 663145.6 = 13263 AT Ans. Part: MMF inthe air for the same flux density 1. Total reluctance $ = Sion * Sprou 10? BU Swrea = Thea Ga 10) x09 Spiro = 7957747.2 ATAWD 4 0.2m-1mm Sun = Hott" 410% 2400 x 1x10" 199 «10 = 65982987 * ois «10 S = 65982987 + 79577472 2. Hence thetotalmmf = gx. = 172352 AT 3, MMF required for the air 999 = 1X Sturn 2x 10°‘ 79577472 = 1seiss ar MMF for air gap as faction of total mmf 50155) 2.9254 ans, ~ e382 So MME in the air gap is 0.9234 tis the total ma Ex. 1.11.42 :A mild steel ring@f 30 cm mean circumferéncs! has a cross- sectional areal@f 66m and has wifdlhg of 500 tums upon it. The fing is Cut so/as\to produce an’aic gap of ‘mm in the magnetiociccut. tis foutid that current of 4 A in the winding proddees # tuxdensity f 1 Tin the air gap. Find the relative pemesbility of miidste! — SEERAGUETE Soin. : Given: [= 30
‘Step 2: Find reluctance S oT 08 = 82 av 8 * ygllag Peabo x 1 x 10 400 = Fp = 5000 AT/meter. Ans. = 6631486 ATW. the reluctance : Step 3: Find mmt Es i 4 5° a y= WS 22 « 10°*x 6631086 For non-magnetic material u,= 1 n= 47107 Rgpssar aol . 08 Part tantra cap 754220 | Giveil iy Wim = 1.6)0% m, B= 27 0.1061 x 10° AT/Wo R21 = Lost x10" AT/We ‘As. Step 1: Find total réluétance S Stop 3: Total flux: rok $58.4 Spp=—= MME Not ava Bea ss 0.199 2000 x2 4 © gw 107% 240015 10 6 = Geis = 3.77107 WB Rs a Step 4: Calculate tux density fax 20 x1 10 s-2 S = 65982987 + 7957747.16 oo = = 8617577 ATW = STOR 6.28 10" Test. Ans. 06 a0 Stop 2: Find the air gap mmt Ex. 1.11.21 : A magnetia ell has the mean length of fux | Airgapmmit = 4x5, path of 20 cm andl@r@8s-sectional arpa of 1 cm, Relative = 2x 107% 798724716 permeability ofits aiéfial 82400. Find the mmf required to = aso.ssat produce a fux deity of 2fesia tif an airgap of t mm is Step 3: Find the total mmf: introduced in it, find the mmf required forthe air gap 95 a fraction ofthe total mm to mainiin the same fux density TotalmmiF = es ee = 210% 8917577 Soln.: = 172352 AT top 4: Find the F, as a fraction of F Part |: To find MMF Stop 4 Find the Fy tion of Fy _ sens Given: = 20em F > 1773577 09234 Ais. = 2400, 8= 27 Tofind: mmf = Thus the air gap flux is 0.9234 times the total mmf{BF _Basic Electrical Engineering (Sem. | / tl /SPPU) BEET. Examples wth Solution (ree nate eel Ex. 2.6.3 : A 50 om long conductor is moved in a uniform magnetic field with a constant velocity, perpendicular to the field. The density ofthe fleld is 0.5 T and in a direction ‘emf, developed in the conductor is 2.5 V. This conductor is 2 part of electric circuit having @ resistance of 0.25 0. Find +. Voloety ofthe conductor. 2. Force acting on the conductor and 3, Work done, when conductor covers a distance of Sm. in 05 seconds, Soin. Given: [= S0cm,B=05Te=25V,R=0250,N=1 Step 1 : Calculate the area covered by the conductor = Ifthe conductor of length Lmetre moves ata velocity V rms then the area covered by the conductors given by a= [kV = 60x10) xV =05V mils o Step 2 : Calculate the velocity = As the coneluctor is moving in perpendicular to the’ plane of flux the induced emis given by, oe © = N Gps But N= Land ¢aBy a d@xa) 008 © at dt Substiutea = 05 V and a8 405 Tat - 18, we et + osv-[ 98 as = osv~| % Velocity V sino mys Ans Step 3: Force aeting onthe Gonductor Force, iB. @ = We havelte ealediate Re curent. Due to the extemal resistance R “0250. the eurfint owing is, 10a 25/025 = Substituting this and the other values into Equation (2) we get F = 05 x10x05=25N Ans. Step 4 : Work done = thas been given that the conductor covers a distance of S meters in 05 seconds Work done = PRt=(10)*x0.25 «05 125 Joules Ans. Ex 274: 11500-turs, are placed in parallel planes near to each other, 0 that 70 % of the fx produc by current in coll P links Two identical coils P and Q, each with With coll Q. Ia current of 4 As passée.tirough any ane col it produces a flux of 0.04 mWb linkinguwiiltself. Find the seit inductances of the two, coll] @\mutval inductance and coeficient of coupling between them.) CTPACERRTETTE Soln. Given: an@iQ ateldenticl cols, Np= Ng* 1500 oxeuxlinkace, if, = 4 Athan 0 oa mwe Partie Selinductance Jue Self inuctance of coil Nob _ 1500 x 0004 30 p LQyNee _ 150000610" 4 Ly, = 0.0154 or 15 mH Ans, 2, Selfinductance of coll Nate Q = gee = 15 mH LAs. le art Il: Coefficient of coupling and mutual inductance 1. ue to 70% flue linkage, the coefficient of coupling i, k = 07 Ans. 2, Mutual inductance M = Kyfiplg = 07-\(G5xI07)* M_= 00105 Henry Ans. Ex. 2.7.5: Two identical 750 tum coils A and B lie in parallel planes. A current changing at the rate of 1500 Als induces ‘an emf of 12.50 V in B, Caleulate mutual inductance of the arrangement, Ifthe self inductance of each coll is 15 mH, calculate the flux produced in coll A per ampere and percentages ofthis flux which links to coll’! ao = 1500 Amps, Ly = 15 mHSF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11 /SPPU) 24 3. Percentage of , linked to col 8 Tofind: 1. M Part! Calculate mutual inductance (M) ‘A a sw bs = w BS ws, Setinduced entin col ey = = 15x10 *x- 1800 = 225 hy 225 = 75088 ear supposed ofr per ampere yt Fox produced inci per amperes sien og oe i8x197 Jans. a, e750 The coefficient of coupling K is give by « -- 2-08 Visu ApS as ~ This shows,that. cove gets coupled trémm Boil A to coil Ex. 2.7.6 : Two longysing/*layerediSolenoids x’ and 'y have the same lengtand the,samé number of tums. The cross- sectional areas of the'two aro a,” anda,’ respectively, with ‘a, <'a/, They are'placed Goaxiallwith solenoid 'y placed, within the solenoid ‘x, Show that the coefficient of coupling betwaen them is equal to fa,72, (Er Soln. Step 1 : Expressions for L, and Ly = Land L, are the self inductances of the two solenoid ‘Their expressions are, Nt ay t Nts 7 @ BEES Examples wth Solution = Note that Nis the number of turns of each col, is the length of each coil. and y, remains same for both the calls, ‘Stop 2: Exprossion for M NeNytuteay Nhat a T 1 M = 8) = This expression has been yitien by eonsidering coily. Step 3: Expression fof Wi a/ Alin ven aed OT nay a 71) i 1 Wi, /0 Vea) Va, Vers, Na7a. Proved. Ex. 2 meanllengh 20 cm and ¥éss-sectional area 1 m*. Its Felative permeability 152400, A coll of 2000 turns is uniformly ‘Wolind around it. Finéhthe flux density set up in the core if a Sirrent of 68, Is passed through the coll. Find the energy ‘stored jn the maghetic fed set up. Find the inductance of the +A magnetic cafe Is in the form of a closed ring of ‘col if ai'ac gap of 1mm is cut in the ring perpendicular to ‘the Wicection of the fux. Ia ‘Soin Given: [= 20cm, a= tem = 2400,N = 2000, 65 ma, Tofind: 1. 8 2.Energy stored 3. Lifair gap of mm is cut Part: To find B and energy stored ‘Stop 1 : Calculate reluctance of the closed ring L 02 —__02_, ote ® ” @ we 10% 24001 x10 s = 663.145 x10" ‘Step 2: Calculate mmf F F = Nx1= 200% 66% 10" = 132 AT Step 3: Calculate § and & 122 = 663,145 «10's, F = axs 4 = 199%10-“Wo bison o, p= 22MM so rest ans 3° rxSF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11 /SPPU) BEES Examples wth Solution Step 4 : Calculate L . Neb 20002199210" 55, Hot a Hoa 66x10 2 [lan S = alin thee Step 5 : Calculate energy stored : . ay “ ye * a et & = Sut =3 603 «(66x10 ae 10 220g, aig xi0° = 133m Ans. A39788735 ATID.) Part l: Calculate L when an air gap in included Step 1 : Calculate magnetic feld strength in air gap 199 1583591,68 AT/m Mean 10) Step 2 : Calculate mmf of th gap Fy = Hox, = 158359268 120" = 158359 AT Step 3 Calculate total mmf Total mmf = mmfof ion ring + mmf of ar gap F = 132+ 158359 = 171559 AT Step 4 : Calculate the total magnetizing current; Total mmf = Nxt S59 gay 2000. = 857.79 mV Stop 5 : Calculate L Nxp Nx Baa 2000. 1.99 «10°4 2002: 1.99 «10S 887.79 «10 T 7 1463941 Ans. Ex. 2.8.8 : An iron ing wound sith 3 500 turns col, produces 2 fux density of 0.4 tha ting when current inthe coll is 2.4 A. Mean length of ineliron path is 80 cm and that of the rgap is 1 rim. Betéemine rélative permeabilty ofthe iron, For the above coil, determine = 1 2. Energy stored, if cross-sectional area is 20 em” EST Self inductance and Soln. Given: N= $00, 8 = 0947,1=24A.L = 80 em, air gap length g = L mm,a = 20 em? Part: To calculate the permeability 1. Obtain the total reluctance S Total reluctance $= Sj * Spiro ‘ 2. Obtain an alternate expression for S x Aeucance 5 = Sa rt, ptt _ so 2 Bxa~ 094x20%10" © 63829187 > a, eae, geting aul) ad (2) we get 313.3 «10° s Soving.wegellatve permesbity ,= 282398 Ans Parti: Sb inductance Sermcance = Mat MxBxa $000.84 .20.10 be 24 = 038:6H Ans. Parti: Energy stored Energy stored E= $1 =303916« 24) = 1128 Joules as. Ex. 2.8.9: An air cored solenoid tm in length and 10 em in siameter has 5,000 tums. Calculate: 1. the self inductance ‘and 2. the energy stored in the magnetic felé when current ‘of 2A flows in solenoid. Soln. Given: [= 1m.d=10.m,N = 50001= 2A Tofind: 1, Seif inductance L 2, Energy stored 4. Self inductance (L) Nina : To Arena = eF scan =4SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEE-10 Examples with Solution x(a) a 854 x 10% = Tsince the medium is air. (5000)% 4410 71+ 7.854%10 7 L 1 = 024674 Ans. 2. Energy stored tet 2 © = Sur =} x02067 «0 = 04924 Joules Ans. Ex. 2.8.10 : An iron ring of 10 om in diameter and 8 cm? in cross-section is wound with 300 tums of wire, For a Aux donsity of 1.2 Whim and relative permeabilty of 500, find the exciting current, the inductance and the energy stored CAL Soin. Given: d= 10 cm= 0.1m, a=Bem’,N = 300, 1.2 W/o, = 500. Tofind: 1.1 2L 3£nergy. Stop 1: Calculate /:/=2ar=nd=n«01=0316m, ‘Step 2: Calculate S Reluctance S = Step 3: Calculate FONT Qe gs. moat + yBea £80 = 28x10" 1 = 998 218 ns Stop 4: Inductane Nee 30012082 ea a fins. Step 5: Stored energy 1 B= Upon? 0.288 Joules ans. Ex.2.8.11: An iton ring wound with 550 tum's solenoid produces a flux density of 0.94 tesla in the ring carrying a current of 2.4 Amp. The mean length of iron path is 80 om ‘and that of air gap is 1 mm, Determine : 1. The relative ‘permeability of ron 2, Seltinductance 3. Energy stored in the above arrangement, ifthe cross sectional area of ring is 25 em* OE Soln. Given: N= 550, 8 = 094, t= 80cm, |, = L mal ‘Stop 1 : Relative permeability 6 irom 1. Total mmf F = N= 550324 320 AT. 2. Flux d= Ba 2088s 255 10°* = 2:35 mo, less] S gala ss = arte Esa" 5 ax 10" 25x10 "1 w *** Nxo _ $50x235x10* Step 3: Energy stored Lipid . e = dirs basses x24) E = 155 Joules Ans. Ex. 2.8.12 : Two colls X and Y, X of 12000 tums and Y of 415000 tums lie in parallel planes so that 45% of the flux produced by coll X links coll Y. A current of 5 A in X produces 0.05 mito, while the same curent in Y produces 0.075 mWb, Calculate: 1, The mutual inductance and 2, The coefficient of coupling. Soln. Given: Coll X: Ny = 12000, 4, = 0.05 mW, SAK=045 Yi Ny = 15000, = 5.Ay = 0075 mWWF asic EocticalEngineoring (Sem. |/11/SPPU) BEE Examples with Solution Tofind : 1. Mutual Inductance M 2, Coefficient of coupling | Step2: Find mutual inductance Stop 1 : Calculate self inductance Ly and Ly: M = kalba ty = 045 9225 «120% 10° Nabe _ 12000 x 0.05 «10° = 045 x 1643 «107 0.07394H 1 5 = 7394 mH Ans. - Hor 120 mH Step3: Coefficient of coupling: _ Neby_ 15000 « 0.075 «10° K = 045 ~Ans ey 5 1125 EP. «02054 = 225 mH eee Ex. 3.14.5 : Two capacitors are connected in series and then SF 4uF i in parallel. The equivalent capacitance of series combination rl is 0.1 pF and that of the parallel combination is 0.6 iF Caleulate the values of ©, and C ES yy —— cov Soin.: (asam Fig. P. 3.14.6 C.+G = 06 (parallel combination) -s wea be dos on. ong a. GV = 1091 x 10° 60 MG EG (ores Sey = 65.46 «10"* Coulomb CG = O11, +6) 02987 | _ Soue to series connection, the charge on each capacitor C.G = 005, onfi007c, ‘scame. 6+ (095/76) = of €-08¢,-006 = 0 0.62 Voy’ —4« 0.06) i 9.1267 pFor0.4732) Ans. And €:504732 wer O1267)iF ns. Ex. 3.14.6 : Thfee Capac of values 2 uF, 4 uF and 6 uF have an applied voltage of 60, V across their series combination. Determinellthe voltage’ on each of the ‘capacitors. Soln. : Stop 1: Find total supply charge alain "EGG As the capacitors are in series ‘Step 2 : Find voltage across each capacitor Q 65.46 y= oe henry Q 65.46 Ve = Eo SG sacs v Q 65.86 y= ge Seto Ex. 3.16.3: Two capacitors 2 uF and 4 uF ate connected in 2 1. paral jes across a 100 V de source, Determine 4, Energy stored in each capacitor and 2, equivalent ‘capacitance of their combination. man Soln. Part |: Parallel connection 4. Energy stored in each capacitor = Due to parallel connection, voltage across each capacitor is same, equal to 100 V.SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEE-12 Examples with Solution Energy stored by C, = : : Part ll: Serles connection 1. As the two capacitors are in series, charge on both of them will be the same. If V, and V, are the voltages across the capacitors C, and ¢; then, Q = Gy=GNs 2eVy = 4eV2 Ve = 2Vpand Vi + Vo = 100 Solving these equations we get, ve = 3338Vots Vs = 6667 Vos Ans. 2. energy stored by gai. i & adc =P deo een’ 2 opted ute Ans. 2. tnry/ females B= 5% GV; = Fx 4 10% (333)"=00022 Joules Ans. 4. Equivalent capacitance GG 2x SA asym. Ex.3.17.5: capacitor having capacitance of 4 uF is connected in series with a resistance of 1MM across 200 Volts dc. supply. Find : 1. The time constant. 2. The inal charging current. 3. The time taken by capactor to ‘aise upto 160 Volts EET Given: C= 4 ye, R=1MA,V~- 200Veks 1. Time constant r= RC = 1 «10% 30 ~* = 40g 2, Initial charging current BiV/R = 200/1 x 10" = Boys Ans. 3, Time taken fo charge upto 160. Va-eoy" iso = 2001-2") e's = 02 ~1/4 =i, (02) = ~1.6094 t= 41.6096 = 6.4377 sec, Ans, Ex. 3.17.6 : An Uncharged capacitance of 30 uF, connected in. series with @ resistance of S00-ohm, is suddeniy cconntibted across 100 V d.c. supply. Find 1, Time constant Sure circuit, 2. Inia curent, 3. Current after 0.05 second, 4 Final energy stored in the capacitor. Soln, Given.: C= 30 pFR=S00QV = 100 Volts 1. Time constant += RC = 500% 30% 107" = 15 ms. Ans. 2. Initial current, = V/R = 100/500 = 0.2 A 3, Current aftert = 0.05 sec @ she" 05 seq) = 020700180? 713107 Amp. Lie po Ans. 4. Final energy stored E = = Se sons0- aon? =0aBF _Basic Electrical Engineering (Sem. | / tl /SPPU) Uni ea Ex. 4103 factor ofthe voltage waveform shown in Fig. P. 4.10.3. Find the RMS value, average value and form to0v vate Toye (4-575) Fig. P4103 Soin. = From the waveform we get Vp, = 100 V. Consider only ‘Leycle extending from 0 to x, because the waveform repeats itself after @ = n Teas (s79Fig. , 4.10.3(0) 1. Average value ; v, Tigges cose, Va = Ans. 2. RMS value BEES Examples with Solution ares Ans. 3 Ans. Ex 4404 : For the Vollagé Waveform shown in Fig. P. 4.104, find average Value and ems valy. v {seconde at oye (san Fig. P. 4.10.4 Soin — Wadkave to consider only the half cyle of the given waveform, Stop 1 Express the waveform mathematically 15-0 Fort = 0to2sec,Slope wo For ¢ wQ) = 75+ 30 here 30s the y intercept w) = = 758430 2etes Step 2: Find average value 4 Lis Vw = gf wnat 7514) 4274 2 756-4) | 30, ace = 375-1125+15-75 Volts. Ans.SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) aj 2 fe oH ae. eo] [ie ae a anne 2ATS 4-75 volts Ans. (1 oyelah: Stop 3: RMS value (5) 22h wa eos -2(2) = Q7S + 2625-675 + 450)"
| Se ara (i300 Fis. P 420.510) Soin. Step 1 : Average Value = From Fig. P. 41055 (a), the one cyce time of the given wave is T = 3 seconds because after this the waveform repeats itselt. at Vw = Five a = Where, v (is the instantaneous value of the given waveform ‘Step 2: Effective or RMS value wipe {84 S7INolts. Ans. Ex. 442.79 50 Hz sinusdidal current has peak factor 1.4 Bandito facior 7plts average value is 20 Amp. The inlaniancous value 6furentis 15 Amp, {= 0 sec. Write the Bevation of alvent and draw its wavetorm. ‘son Giyen : F250 Hz, K, = 14,Kj= Ll. y= 20, id =15 Aate= ‘Step 4 :Find the peak current (1,) Form factor ky Joe = KM yg = L120 L 22 Amp. Gh Axa 0.8 Amp, Step 2 Calculate phase angle § Let the instantaneous value of current be, 119 = tysin Qt + 6) Att=0, i) = 25 15 = 308sin(@) autre = 355 rad = 755 x29144 = 0.5087 rad ‘Step 3 : Write the expression for it): (0 = tqsin ate + §) () = 308sin (00st + 050870 Ans.BF wasic Electical Engineering (Som.1/IN/SPPU) BEES Examples with Solution ‘The waveform s shown in Fig. 4127 Soin Given; = 502 my = 2045 10 Step 1 Find son Fig. P4127 Ex 4128: Draw @ neat sketch in each case of the ‘waveform and write expression of instantaneous value for the following : 1. Sinusoidal current of 10 A, 50 He passing ‘through ts zero value at at = 1/3 and rising positively, 2 Sinusoidal current of amplitude 8 A, 60 Hz passing 6 and rising positively ‘through its zero value at ot TOA 0 He. Soln.: Ia 3 1. The waveform is as shown in Fig, P4228) Its instantaneous vai i given by it) = 20 sin (100 we i at 108 #13) Amp, Ang: o oT = 8A =50Hz 6=-/6 The waveformlills'siovn in Fg. P. 4.12.8(). ts instantaneous value le given by, 1) =@isin (00 REMn/8) Amp. O) ame} en Ans. m6 | 0 (1-603 Fig. P.4.12.8(b) Ln = V2 ims = V2 20 = 28.28 A Stop 2: Find time i = Iysin ast) 102 = 20/2 sin dase) 10 = 200008) L66ms t — But we have t6lobtaihlthe time witiNeespect to the negativalinaximum, $6 referring to Fig'P. 129 we get, ot ! sms” 4 to = 1.66ms. cooyFig. P4129 Ex. 4.15.10 : An altemating current varying sinusoidally at 50)Hz has its cma, value of 10 A. Write down an equation ‘Gr instantaneous value of current. Find the value of current ‘at: 1.0.0025 seconds after passing through positive ‘maximum value, 2.0.0075 seconds after passing through zero value and increasing negatively. Soln. Given: {= 50He,1= 10 1. Expression for the instantaneous current iis given by, i = Iqsin ot = 1, sin aft) But 1, = V2«1=\2x10=1414A8 And # = 50H2 i = 1414sin(100%9 Ans. 26m Ex. 4.12.8 : An alternating current varying sinusoidally with a frequency of 60 Hz has a rms value of eurrent of 20 Amo. AL What time, measured from negative maximum value instantaneous current will be 10/2 Amp 7SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) b — t0ms-——+— 7.m5—» 4b ——17.5ms —_ ) wo 4.15.10 2. Value of current att = 0.0025 sec, ater passing through positive maximum value is obtained by referring to Fig, P.4.15.2049), = Refer Fig, P. 41520 (a). The point corresponding to 0.0025 sec, ie, 25 mS after the maximum value is point 1 7.5 mS from the zer0 crossing instant. Hence the corresponding value of is, sat ig = 14.24 sin 100.0« 75 10°) (calculator in Rag) Att = 00025, i, = 9998A=108 Ans. 3. The instantaneous current at t = 0.0075,488yic 75. mS after passing through the zero) yale. and increasing negatively can be obtained b¥ fefernng to Fig. P. 4.15.20 (b), be. point “3 At point "time t = 10 m5 475ms = 128 ms, = Substituting ths into the expression or instantanedus current we get, is gens 24.sin €00p 175 « 10°4, = 1614-0707 91998 Ax 0A Ans. Ex.415.11:,A 60.¢H2, Spuseldal current has an instantaneous valudlof 2O7/att=Oacia.rm.s. value of 10V2 ampere. Assuming current Wave to enter postive half at t 1, Expression for instantaneous current 2, Magnitude of current att = 0.0125 second 3, Magnitude of current at t= 0.025 sec. after t= 0. 6, determine Soin. Given f= 60 He (0) 7.97 fog ~ 20-08 Arp Step 1: Calculate period, peak value of the current Period T = 1/f = 1/60 = 16.66 ms a Peakcurrent ly = Bx tqg= 2 G02) BEE-16 Examples with Solution = 200 @ ‘Step 2: Calculate the phase shift § Let the instantaneous eurre tbe represented as, i = 1, sin 2aft +) 8) Att = itt 707A 797 = 205i) + = 20% “ = This means that thé sinUBBidal Eltrent leads by 20.7 as shown in Fig. S.1Y ‘Step 3 : Expression foriinstantangous current Ape Win cnt + 9) = 20sin @u°Bat + 207°) 20 sin(120 xt + 20.77) Ans. Step 42 Magnitude of currsit at t= 0.0125 sec. ~~ O0125 we get ( ilove, = 29sh Gr600d 205093079 = 187 Amp. Ans. ‘Step 5 : Magnitude of current at t= 0.025 s after t= 0 Refer Fig. P. 415.11 1. The time t corresponding to a phase shift of (20.7° is 207 | 207 ty = Segoe T= Gg 1867 ms = 09585 ms 6) “ (susFig. P. 4.15.11 : Instantaneous current 2, Hence t = 1; + 0.025 sec = 0.9585 + 25 = 25.9585 ms Substituting ths into the expression fort) we get (9 = 20sin aft + 2079SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) rosin] nccow2ssstsi0)+(207GE)) a ith.g = wanaata Ex 4.15.12: A sinusoidal wave of frequency 50 Hz has its maximum value of 9.2 Amps. What will be its value at (2) 0.002 sec, after the wave pass through zero in positive icection. (b) 0.0045 sec. after the wave passes through positve maximum. Show the values of current in a neat Wo = 22m aa0-0 = 92sin (314 t) Amp. ) sing 22m att=eonasoc.stursore ert itaheoow = 92s 84 «9002 = a2sn6) 1. Refer Fig. PUMS 120 This inBtant is denote by point “BY, The time duration corresponding to this point is. siven by, where 20mg ——+ 9. P4152 e2sin| [2sus=209] 92sin(171') = 144,Ame Ans, Ex. 4.15.13 : Tr instanianBous élirentis given by P= 7.071 sin (157.08 t~3) Fina Wlfetive vaiuay periodic time and the insiant atfwhich it feathes its postive Maximum value. ‘Sketch the wavefolm from t = 0 @iehone complete oyele soln. Givens To fin: 1. oms-Walte 2.JimeT 3, Instant at which j reaches maximum, 1. value ‘ mB Tenth sven erson Ls 7074 1, - 2 ac = samp as 2 Time peed ret = votsecor4ons ws 3. _ Instant corresponding to peak current 1 instant at which i= Ip, be ts 1 sin| 157.08 t4-3 | But = 1071SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEE-18 Examples with Solution . Se = 915708 4. Sketch of waveform = The waveform of current iis as shown in ig. 415.13, ‘lamp. a é 1 or 48° (61s Fig, P. 4.15.13 : Waveform af cufrent Ex. 4.15.14: An alterating cudnt Is given by sin 8771. Find 3. Instantaneous value of cufment when t = 3 mS 4. Tinie taken by currentitlteact 10 Amp for 1" time Ste? passing through zero 14.4 1, RMS value of cureat 2. Frequenty Soin, 1. rms value? msvalue =F 1A Ans, 2. Frequency : ant = 377 f 23778 = 60H2 ns. 3. Instantaneous value att = 3 mS i(t=3mS) = 1424sin 773x107) = 1414 sin (1.131 rad) 3} = 14a4sin| 1221x482 i = 1424 sin (6aa") = 2A Ans. 4, Time to reach 10: 10 = 1414 sin a7, sing77t = 0709) arm = 45° Brad ty tam 21083 ms Ans. Ex. 4.4845 HAN altorating\ voltage v = 1414 sin (1570891, + R42) Voltsys applied to a circuit and an ac. ameter, Wattmeler and pBwer factor meter are connected fo Measure the respeeive quantiies. Reading of ammeter is 5 Amp. and that of power factor meter is 0.5 lagging, find ithe expression for the instantaneous value of current, 2. the wattmster‘reading 3. impedance of the cicult in rectangular form, [May 05, 8 Marks} Soli: Given: v = 1414 sin (157.08 ~ w/12) = 1414 sin 25708 + 159) 1 = SA.cos@=05 lagging 4. Instantaneous current : Peakeurent Ie = VEt= 3x5 = o7A Phase angle between V and I = geos05 = 60" ‘The current lags the voltage by 60° (9 = 7.07 sin 5708+ + 15-60) = 707sin, 7.08 45%) = 7.07 sin (157.08 t- 3/4) 2. Wattmeter reading \Wattmeter measures the real or active power Pye = Vices = MAF 5 x08 ae = Wong = AES = 400 W 3. Circuit impedance yeu 215°SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) i = 707 2-45° y_ dans 215° 77707 2-45" 20.2500 +j27220 = 10 Ans. Ex. 4.15.16 : A crcuit consist of thee parallel branches. The branch currents are given as iy = 10 sin wt, jg = 20 sin (ot + 60) and i, = 75 sin (ot ~ 30). Find the resultant curent 1h sin (ot + 4). If the supply ‘frequency is 50 Hz calculate the resultant current when Osec. and 2 Tao ‘and express it inthe form 0.001 sec, i, = 1sinot=10 20° 0+ 0 iy = 20sin (ot + 60) = 20.2 60° 10 +j1732 hy = 7Ssin (ot~30) = 75 2-30 i = 65-ja75 Step 1: Find the resultant Resultant (20 + jo) + 20 90732) +s ~ 13.75) = 265 +1357 = 2977 22032" Amp. 1 9929.7 sh (at #2712" ) Amp) Ans. Step 2: Find |att= 0 and t# 0.001 sec. : <9 212807 sin (0 2742" ) = 1857 Amp, Ans. somny = 29-778in(? xx 50>00.001 + 7712") = 29.77 sin (0.3142 rad + 27.12") 0 Ze aut o314zrad= #03142" = 18" = 2977 sin (18° + 27.12") 21.095 Amp. Ans. Ex. 4.15.17 ; An altemating current of frequency 60 Hz has ‘maximum value of 110 A. Calculate: 4. lis value 11600 see. fatter the instant current is zero and its value decreasing BEE-19 Examples with Solution thereafter 2, Time required to reach 90 A after the instant current is zero and increasing positively Soln. Given: f= 60 Hz, L.= 110A, T= 1/60" 16.67 ms, ‘Stop 1: Draw the waveforms = The current can bé epresse a5 (0 = tysinagft B10 (229 =) = This wayais dfawmAsshown in Fig. 9™42327. ud Mes7ms i qoounFig. P.435.7 ‘Step 2: Value of 1 () at ¢ = (11600) see. after negative 1/600" = 1.67 ms Weare asked to calculate it) at 1/2 + 1.657 ms. 1667 mS 4 z 110 in (120% 10 « 10° ne + 1.667 mS = 10 ms. ‘ool, = 110 sin 8.77 ad) rad 180 degree Hol, 10 ms = 220 sin (216°) ty = 254m taeBF _Basic Electrical Engineering (Sem. | / tl /SPPU) BEE20 Examples with Solution Unit - Ill: Chapter 5 : Single Phase AC Circuits Ex. 5.8.7 : When an inductive coll is connected to a DC supply at 240 Voli, the current in itis 16 Amp. When the ‘same coil is connected fo an AC supply at 240 Volts, 50 Hz, the current is 1227 Amp. Calculate : 1 2. Impedance 3. Reactance and 4. Inductance ofthe col CAL Resistance Soin. Given Ve. = 240 V, la = 168, Vue = 240 V, t ne. asa Ans. Stop 2: Calculate Z Bos Stop 3: Calculate X, = Re asset = as +x % = 12550 hs: Step 4: Inductanies es Bet = 22x50 = 0039954 39.95 mt Ans Ex. 5.8.8 : A coll connected across a 250 Volts, 50 Hz supply takes a current of 10 Amp at 0.8 power factor lag. What wil be the power taken by the choke coll, when connected ‘cross a 200 Volts, 25 Hz supply ? Also calculate resistance and inductance of the coil { May 05,8 Marks } Soin. Given: Vy=250V, f= 50HZ k= 10, cos} = 08 lag, V» = 200, fy = 25 He Tofind: P=2,R=2.L=7 Step 1: Calculate Z,, Ryand Ly : 4 = Peo a50 = 710 cos) = 08 lag 4 = cos t08 = 36.57 2, - 35 4a6dPa = (204)19)0 R= 20m, XMAS %e ds East 2x 50 0.08774 4 Ais. afd) = zon Ans. ‘Step 2 : Calculate R, andi, : Xe sph = Bel 25 «0.08774 = 750 fe = 201 .No change in R due to change inf Zee 204j75 = 2136 22056°0 ‘Stop 3+ Caleulate power P= Active power = V; cosh, Me = 200 7cosbs 200 9056) = 200 «3 Prcos (20.56) = 175338W Ex, 5.8.9 : A load of 22 kW operates at 0.8 power factor (lagging) when connected to a 420 V, 1 phase, 50 Hz source find : 4. Current in the load 2. Power factor angle 43, Impedance. 4. Resistance of load 5. Reactance of load 6. Write equation of voltage and current. 7. Draw the phasor diagram. {Dec. 03, 8 Marks Soin. : P= 22 kW, PF = 0.8 lag, V = 420 V, f= 50 Hz 4. Load current ‘The given power isthe real power Vicosp = 08, = 420x108 65.476 AmpWF asic EocticalEngineoing (Sem. |/11/SPPU) BEE21 Examples with Solution Power factor angle : 6 = cos PR) © = ~3687° since PF is lagging Ans. 3. Impedance vo" 12-3687" 420 20° * sare 2- 3687" 64123687" Ans. 4. Resistance R = Zeosh = 641 x08 = 530 ns. 5. Reactance X = Zsin g = 641 sin (3587) 3850 As. 6. Expression for voltage 420-2 sin (nt) 593.97 sin (100 xt) Volts ve 7. Expression for current : = Current lags behind the voltage (BYllthe anale 4, ‘Therefore the expression for cuent is a6 follows + 65476 100 xt- 3687) 192.6 sit (LOO mt ~ 36.87°) Antip, i) = sin Ans. Phasor diagram = The phasor dldgrSPis showin Flo. P.5.3.9. - aooy 8 475A sinig. 5.89 Ex. 5.8.10 : A col has inductance of 20 mH and resistance: 5 ohm. Its connected across a supply voltage of v = 48 sin ‘3141, Obtain the expression for current drawn by the col COALETITS Soin. Given: = 20 mH,R=50, v= 48sin 314¢ To find: Expression for current ‘Step 1: Calculate |Z | [2] = xy? But = Zell, where X= 2a 50% 204207 = 628.0 12] = 16) + 62 aga Step 2: Calculate ¢and ly: 4 = on) a3 Ln = a ae A/mm 50 Hr. 538° ‘Step 3 : Exprésion for current is Mysin 314 t- of i Ds sin 14. 51.387, Ans. Ex. 518211 SA Crcult consisting of resistance of 20 9 and indullance)of 0.1 H is cBnnected in series across single hae, 200 V, 50 He, supply. Caloulate 21Power consumed 8, Braw relevant phasor diagram, 41. Current drawn EO ‘Soin Given: R=200, |= 01 H.V= 200, f= SoH Toi: 1. Curent 2. Power 3, Phasor diagram Sep 1: L=0.41H, X= 2efL = Bex 50x02 = naa aa otk 2:0V.50Fe onl 200 Fig. 5.8300) step? ImpedanceZ = a/R? +x? = 3740 steps Curent = ¥= 2% Z° 3724 5.37 Amp. Ans,SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEE22 Examples with Solution Step4 R20 cose = $= 5h9g = 05370 = cos*05370 = 5751 Stops Power consumed= TR = (537) 20 = 57674 Wats. Ans. Phasor diagram ‘Stop 6: Find apparent power, S = Vx1=100%438=438VA Ans, ‘Step 7: Phasor diagram a296iiig. PS. 1esa7a P.5.8.11(6) a-zseni Ex. 5.8.12 : Two impedances Z, = 6 + j8 ohm and Z; = 5 + j12 ohm are connected in series across a 100 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate : 1. PF of the circuit and 2, Total Peete tern relevant phasor diagram. sup: Patni 2 A 6 + OBB eco sp: Fn og a3: Powe a stop: Findrentve power Q = Victsing = 100% 438 «0881 Q = 38367 VAR Ans. Ex. 5.8.13 : A serio Ribbit consistaf resistance of 3 £2 and indugianc® of 019106 H conneciée aéross v = 141 sin ot, 60 Ha)upplyi Write down. the expression for InstantancouslgurTentcrawn by creuid Calculate average power dissiplited ghd p-t. of the.circult. Soles Givens, 60 He, V= 141 sit = 141 sin (2 xf) t= 141 sin 37639, R=20,LRa0106H Fe find: 1. Expression for instantaneous current 2, Average power dissipated et Stop"; Findz: X= 2afl=2nx 60x 0.0106 X= 3996.0 Z = R4i% Z = +j3996) 4996 253100 Vn, = 14LVolts rap = WE0 MAG coe Z 7499625310 from the expression ofv = 202-5310 Ie = 20Aand6 = Yix20- 28228 = s3a0 ‘Stop 2: Expression for instantaneous current © = tsin@at—9) ( = 28.225in(3769%~53107 Ans. 190 = Roteronce axis [p= 53:10 . ‘20 (asonFig. P. 5.8.13BF wasic Electical Engineering (Som. 1/IN/SPPU) _BEE-Z3 Examples with Solution Step3: Power factor: rwactive power consumed by circuit. Draw the waveforms of ph = cos Step 4: Average power Vicos 1200 Ans. Ex. 5.9.3: A curent i = 5 V2 sin (300 1+) ampere fows through @ circuit. The voltage across which is 200 2 sin (800 #) volt. Find the frequency, the rms values of voltage and current, tne resistance, reactance and impedance of the ccroult and the powerfactor. IE Soin.: Step 1 : Express voltage and current in the polar form i = 5.260" Amp and v = 200.2 0° Volts ~ Where 5 and 200 are the rms values of current and voltage respectively ans. Ime = 5A and Ving = 200Vols Step 2 : Calculate impedance, resistance and reactance + veo _z0ze 4, St ize" 5260" 04 ~ = Express Zin the rectangular form as follows Z = 40 cos (60) - 40/sh (60) = 20-j3464)0 Comparing with Z= R+jX We get R 5020 0ahd X= 34.64.0 Ans. Step 3 : Calculate frequency ¢ 200)? sin 004) Given expression 2af = 300) ' Ane Stop 4 : Powor factor: Power factor = R/|Z|= 20/40 05 (leading) Ans = The PFs eacing because he given cures lacs the voltage by 60" or W/ radan, Ex. 594 : The exresion for votage applied toa sees cit is © = 120 sin 314) “ereas curent
= aPivacoss = Gp 96M 58 08 = ao9944w Ans. 4. Total reactive voltampere 6 = 3 Vigsing: SY L400 abs sin 36.87 2433916 VaR ns. Ex. 6.6.7 : Aibalarced @lphase star connected load of 120 KW takes a fealing cumfénitlos, 100 A when connected across 3 phase 3.3 kV, 50 Hz slpply. Determine the Impedance, resistance, capacitance and py. of lad. rm soln Given : Star connected load, P = 120 kW, Jy = 100A, Vy = 33 kV, T= 50 He oF = Leading, Tofind: 1. Impedance 2, Resistance 3. Capacitance 4, PF of load 41. Impedance 23) 2. Yon, 330 ml = TE, = e100, = 190520 Ans. 2. Power factor: P= VM 12019) = Qf 33% 10° 100 ost bp eo «10° ott “Up x 2.3 x 10" Pad) P o.2089 ceading) BF = cos#.0.2059(leacing) Ane aN Rettstance & cosh = Re [2h cosp = 19052 02099 =40 Ans 4. Capacitance =a eK a90s2 = fare « ag0say =160x8 1 Xe = 1B O=T 1 1 © = Date * Fax 50 183 = 17088 «10 =17088 «10° F 17088 yf. Ex. 6.6.8 : Three similar cols take a power of 3 KW at 0.6 power factor when connected in star to a 3 pH, 415 Vols, {50 Hz supply. Calculate = 1. Line current 2. Resistance and Inductance of each col Pa Soln Given: Star load, P = 3 KW, cos = 06, Vj=4iSV, f= Sots Tofind: 1, Line curent 2, Ry and LoyBF asic Electical Engineering (Sem.1/IN/SPPU) __BEE-28 Examples with Solution Step 1: Line current, Data connected oad p= VBuncoss Load PF = 08 lagging 1 = 3464 Amp 3000 = YBx4i5 «1x06 a, = 696 ‘Ans. | 4, Resistance, Reactance and Impedance per phase Stop 2: Find Z5,Ry and Lyn 2 Yu 400, 2, Me Ve TB asaya °° eS In Ron, Fora star load Vee Vo/ VB and ha =k (cosh = TZ] * Beh Zeli0s in = geen But cosp = 08 Ryn = 20500 Ans Ron 344306= 20660 Ans. oy Xpip = Lal sin Xen + = ™ But gp Mens "08 = 36.87" But @ = cos “06 = $3.13" 2, Mp B)20 sin 2647) = 120 Ans Ny = 3443 sin (63.13) = 275400 none 2. Total power bes = Bef” 100 ~ 00876 H aan P= Vivica Ex. 67.8: A dettzconnected balanced load is connected to Fix 400% 246408 a S-phase, 400-V supply. The load pi. is 0. lagginGllths = 19199 kw ins. Wine cunt i 34.54 ampere, Find : 1. The,cessaneBh | 1.151 vott amperes reactance and impedance of the load per phase) 2. Taal 7 Q = VEMLsing power and 3. Total reactive Volt ampere. OrawWithe Bfasor diagram showing althe quantities. ESTERS = Vix 400% 346406 = 18399 kVAR Ans, Soin. Given: Phase supply voltage V, = 400 Wy ge 3484 cure) t Pa * AON Phase ad i oan noe cos Ses iene) rn ee ern cnet > fee 2484 cane (A145) Fig. P. 6.7.8SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEE29 Examples with Solution Ex. 67.9: A220-V, 3-phase voltage is applied to a balanced dolia-connected load of phase impedance (15 + j20) ohm. Find the line current and power consumed by each phase, \What is the phasor sum ofthe three line currents ? Soln, Step 1 : Draw the circuit diagram fet (ars Fig. 6.79 lanced delta connected load Given :Vjq,= p= 2200 Stop 2: Calculate ine current Yon But = VB BES i) = VR OT = Vasy= a0" = 250 co) 220 i = BSE 5.2421Am— Ans, Step 3 : Power consumed by each phate Pan = Vy nx 05 Where, Vn = 220% = WAND 15282 3 #88 amp Ro 15, sndcose = A Pps 2208.8 0.6 B11 59 Ww Ans. ‘The phador sum f the three ine currents is zero, Ex. 6.7.10 : A balanced lar ennnected load is supplied by @ 445 V, 50 Hz, 3:ph system, Current in each phase is 20 A and lags 30° behind its phase voltage. Find : 1. Phase voltage 2. Power 3. Circuit parameters. Also find power consumed, when the same load is connected in delta across the same supply Soin. : Given: Balanced star load, V,, Tae 20A6 8 1. Phase voltage 296 Ans. 2. Power P= BV. Leos » = VE Vorkeos¢ = fh 415 20 cos 30 = 12450 WA 2. Gireult parameter vats € ame 8? Impedance per phase Zyji= Resistance per phase R,imZ,y€0se =111.98 cos 30 = 030 Ans. Reactance per phase Xgl Z,, sin § =11.98 sin 30 = S890 Xen _ 5.89, hen = 2ni5 2m 50 = 19.066 4, Power consuiied by a delta load : ans * Jy 1198 1 = 3 fy = V3 «34.64 = 608 P = EV heost fix 415 x 60 cos 30 = 37350 W..Ans For deta loads = 34648 EX 6.7.41 + A balanced three-phase star connected load of "100 kW takes a leading current of 80 Amp. when connected ‘across 3 9, 1100 Volts, 50 Hz supply. Find the val resistancelphase and capacitancelphase of load and p.f. of load, f the same load is connected in delta, calculate power ‘consumed, Soln. Part: Star connected load Given: Star connected load P= 100 kW, 1.= BDA (lend), V,= 1100, f= SoHE Step 4: Find i Is BOA V, -% ne In BB easosv Yn 93508, tn = = BSE 080 Stop 2: Find power factor: P = V3-Vitcos6 100 x10" = -f3 1100 80 cosbSF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEE-30 Examples with Solution cos = 0.6561 (leading) @ = cos? 0.6561) = 486" Stop 3 : Find Ry and Xn? Ry = Zpcosp = 7.94 (0.6561) = 5210 Ans. Nyy = Zyusin 6 7.94 sin 486) = 5.992. 1 Xy = sa920=52 c Ans. Part Step 4: Find power when delta connected pu = Wan = 13854 i = VB 13854 = 23996 4, = 3 c100) 23996) (06561) 299955 kW Ans, Ex. 6.7.12 : Three inductive coils, each having resistance of 18.0 and an inductance of 0.03 H connected idle’ are Connected 1. in star, and 2. in delta to 2 3 phase 400 V, 150 Hz supply. Calculate in each case line curfant and total Power absorbed. Soln.: Given: Ryo = 25 My = 003 HV, = AOD = 50 He To find: 1.1, and power whem eonnected instar, 2.1, aniBewer When cénnected in dala Part: Star conneetod load Step 1: Calculaie2y XH = 2REL= Pix 50> 003 = 943.0 In Re x = Vas + @aRrztan ty = wR 232160 Step 2 : Calculate I, for star connection y= 400v Vo = y= asosav ea v3 Noo 23054 Fn = yp" A772 = 13038 For star 103A Ans. ‘Stop 3 : Calculate total power for star R as cosh = [pje arse 087 P= V3V Leos = V3: 400. 1309087 - 7646 KW As. Datta connecteload 4 MAB = 15-29, Bp 39.09 ams LAns. step 8 Caleulat total power fo¥ deta P = 3 Whos = Appx 400 x 39.09 x 0.847 arses kw As. Ex. 6.7.13 ‘Three inductive cols each with resistance of 415.0 ang an inductance of 0.03 H are connected 1. In star ‘ang, 2. in Bolta across 3 phase, 440 Volts, 50 Hz supply. CCalcilate in each case 1. Line current and Volts 2. Power consumed by load, ENEALETEMNAETINY ‘Soin Given: Ry 03 HV=440 Vt = 50 He Tofind: 1k 2 e. Part|:Starload Stop 1: Find Z, Xun ~ 2iflgy = 2nx 50003 ~ 9420 Zn = RAK)! = 457 + 42)? = nzzsa Step 2: Find: Von = 4, 254 * NBs I yee 1433 Amp. be = Jy aT Hl 14338 Ans Step 3: Find power consumed P P = BV heost = Vix 440 «1433 «cos 2213)WB basic Electrical Engineering (Sem.1/11/SPPU)_BEE-31 Examples with Solution = 9.248 kW Ans. P= Vet = 4002 = 800W Ans. Parti: Delta load Partil: Delta Connection Stop 1: Line current Step 1 : Power absorbed under normal condition Maso. P = VEvikcoss lye = Ze Tye = 2483 Amp ee j= Vig = 02888 = 43 Amp Ans be = Ra 7 Ry” 100 Step 2 : Power consumed P = V3 1,= yaa 6928 P = V3 Vi hcoss = 44043 xeos (6213) 27.752 kW Ex. 67.14 : Three 100 © non-inductive resistances connected in 1 star 2. delta across a 400 V, $0 Hz, 3 phase supply. Calculate power taken from supply system in each cease, In the event of one of the three resistances getting ‘open-cireulted what would be the value of total power taken from mains in each ofthe two cases ? Part: Star connection Given: Ry, = 1000, v, = 400 Step1: Power absorbed under normal! operating condition : | bs oer = Bae: A Ran V3 Ryn LON 3094 P = 0/3 vidos = 5 £400 23691 ~ 3600 We... Stop 2: Power absorbed when One resistance is open circuited: \ Bates T* Fi 00-0 1008 ov ¥ 100:!E) 00 dobar onmn 755 From Fig. P.67:14(a) R. = 100 +100 = 2000 p= sf2 el @gae a = s200%..ans. ‘Step 2: Power absorbed whiehlne resistor is open : R (756) Fig P. 67.1406) Sp The total power absorived from the supply as shown in Fi P. 67.14(b)}s}Bqual to the sum of power absorbed by two phases. PLA 2 Vyprlyncos > 2x 400% 4x1 = 3200W Ans, Ex."67-18 : The three equal impedances of each of 49 2 60° ohms are connected in star across -phase, 400 Volts, 50 Hz supply. Calculate: 1. Line voltage land phase voltage 2. Power factor and active power ‘consumed 3. Ifthe sama three impedances are connected in dita to the same source of supply, what isthe active power ‘consumed ? CORT Soln. Given: Star connected load, Zp, = 10 2 60°, Vie 400V, f= 50 He 10 and phase voltages Line voltage, = 400 400 Phase voltage Vj = fp = 22094V B 2. Power factor and active power: Zn = 10260'a ly PF = coss~ cos 6005 flagging) Ans. Aatve poner? = f3VihcosdSF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) ece-22 Examples with Souton Forstarload = ly For delta load, = 3, = 40%/3 = 6928 P= 3x 40023094. 05 cosp = 05 same as that of the star load = 8000 swans, | 2. Active power P/V. h cos @ 3. Active power for delta load = V3 400 69.2805 Vin = M2400 = 24000 Ans. Mex 400 fe = 77 10 7404 PR Cm Cie Cd kVA x 105, “Yoo x 10° Ex. 7.52: A single-phase transformer has 360 primary and secondagy cert as = vd 1050 secondary tums. The primary is connected toa 400 V, = 5000, Ans 50 He supply. ithe net cross-sectional area of core is 50 om’, find 1, The maximum value of fx density in the | Part lt ' Number of turns of high\voltage winding core 2. The voltage induced in the secondary winding, Pring ge high vokag&yyincing, Ma Soin. : v9 ‘ 1 E, = 444 IN. bg where 8, = 5 N= Ans. Ey = 444 Bax Ax fx Ny Volts, Part iil Maximum value of flux. 400 = 446%B,% 50x 10‘ 50-880 Fy = 4486, ° Giving 8, = 1.0296 Tesla ee = SAAN, © Sad 50 1300 2 = 11.26 mWb Ans. Ex. 7.67 : A 6600/220-V, S04, stop-down single-phase <> —| transformer has 1500 tums on its primary side. Find : 1. the Ex. 7.6.6 : A 3800 V/ 2001/80 Hz, 100 kVA transformer has its low voltage wining with 8o\tums, Calculate : 1, The currents in both the windiigs. 2. Number of tums of high voltage winding and 3. Maximiim, value of the flux. Given thatthe transformer is loaded to its full eapactty. Given Rating ofthe transformer 3200 V / 200 V, 100 kVA, frequency f = $0 Hz, Np = 80 Part! : Primary and secondary currents _ KVAx 10° _ 10010" V; 3300 Primary current 30303 Ans. ‘secondary turns, 2. the effective cross-sectional area of its Core ithe maximum flux density is 1.2 Tesia. CEL Soln. (0 Hz, Ny = 1500 4. Number of secondary turns 6600 _ 1500. gy =" si Ans. 2. Effective cross-sectional area Given: 8,,=12T We know that &, = 444 G3 f% Ny Buty = BaxSF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEE-S3 Examples with Solution 6500 = 4.44 xB,x Ax 50x 1500 5600 A = Gaga xs0% 1500 Ans. = 0.01684 m* or 165.16 em* Ex. 7.6.8 : A 10 kVA, 3300/240 V, single phase, 50 Hz, ‘transformer has a core area of 300 sq.em. The fux density is 413 tesla, Calculate: 1, Number of Primary Tums. 2. Number cof Secondary Tums. 3, Primary Full Load Current. 32. 08,6 Mark Soin. Given: kVA = 10, €, = 3300 Vf, = 240V, f= 50 Hz, 19 = 300 em? = 300% 10" m? B= 13 Tesla To find Ny Nzand ny 4. Number of primary turns Ny : Ey = 446 tN, = 44048 aN 3300 = 444 50x13 x300%10°N, N, = 38115 tums = 382 ums ‘ans, 2. Number of secondary turns N & 2 ona 7 3200 Ny = KN, = 0.07272 382) = 2778 28tume ans. 3. Fullload pimary caren: Va 10 a0! 23034 Ans. Lew Sep 3300 7 Ex. 7.9.9 : A/20 KYA, 3900, \i220 V, 50 Hz, single phase ‘transformer has iron 19&3(200 Walls afd copper loss at full load 400 Watts. Find the efficiency of the transformer at haif load at 0.8 pt. lagging. Also find the maximum efficiency and load at which it occurs, Soin: Given: Transformer ratings 201A, 3000/2200 frequency 50 Hz, ron loss = 200 W, Copper loss at FL = 400 Wipf. = 08 (lagging) Tofind: ficiency athalfload and maximum efficiency ‘Stop 1 : Calculate efficiency at half load 1 Fx RVA x 1000 « pf " Le -: » - ‘Stop 2: Makimumn efficiency = The Fhaximum etficdney is obtained when the iron losses are equalto copper loss. P. 100 W ~The lod at whieh this coneltion is satisfied is equal to 70a. of full load because Polat 7O7%load = (0707) Pasny 05 «400 = 200 W - 9.707 x20 «1000 «08 © TOTOT 20: 1000 x 0.8) + 200 + 200 0.9658 = 96.58% Ans. And the KVA load for maximum efficiency Tron lows oad KVA\| Copper lass at fll load F200 = 20 BVA | 5g = 0707 x20 kVA 14142 kVA Ans. Ex. 7.9.10 : A'50 KVA, 2200 / 220 V, 0 Hz transformer has ‘an iron loss of 300 Watts. The resistances of low and high voltage windings are 0.005 2 and 0.5 © respectively. Ifthe load power factor is 0.8 lagging, calculate its effciency on full oad and hal load, Soln. Given: Transformer rating = 50 kVA; 2200 / 220 V, f= 50 Hz, .=300 W, R; = 0.005 0,SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) R = 050, cosp = 08, he vi 2200 50x 10° = ER sik (22.73)? (0.8) + (227.27)" (0.005) «ssa ML > [kVA x 10% pf] +P) + Pas * [50x 10% 0.8] + 300 + 516.58 25x 10x08 Ex. 7.9.11 : A 500 KVA transformer has lrop Io885.of 2 KW and full load Copper losses of § kW.Galotlatslthe aficiency, at 75% of full load and unity poweefaetor, Soin, Given : kVA = $00, P= 2k Bo, yy = SW, cose = 1 Step 1 : Calculate eopperloss at75% load wre: Stop 2 : Calculate n,4f P. 2.8125 kW, 07534800 10" 1 188 = Goss eee Das cae ” (075 «500 10a) = 2 « 10" + 28125 «10 = 09873 oF 98.73% Ans. Ex. 7.9.12 : A single phase 90 KVA, 32 kVI220 V, 60 Hz transformer has 89% efficiency at unity power factor both at {ull load and also at half load. Determine the efficiency at 70% of fullload and 0.8 power factor leading Dec. 09, 6 Marks Soin. KVA = 90, Vy = 32 kV, Vz = 220, ‘ 0 Hz, na, = My = 0.89 at cos BEE-S4 Examples with Solution Tofind : 1) at 70% oad and cosp = 08. Step 1: Find (P,+ Pas) Full load efficiency BVA x 10° cos ¢ TW = GVAK IO xe05 @) +1P. + Peooul 90 108 089 = (eo x 10" 1) SP 80100 + 0891P, + Pays] 904000 Pi Pov = 121236W a Stop 2: Find P, and Pe, mij: 1 Fu@t = 4*Paro 05 x 90x10] n os (O50 = 10 Ds (P, +025 Parry] 45000 98° = 750005 1P, + 0.25 Parma] 440080 + 0.89 (P+ 0.25 Pa py 45000 45000 — 40050 089 oF P+ O2Peagy = = 55618 @ Subtractquation (2) from Equation (1) to get, 075, any = 55618 Posmy = 7415.7 W 8) Sabstituting this into Equation (1) we get, p= 11236-74157 = 37079W “4 Step 3: Find eficiency at 70% load Copper loss at 70% load = Pasig) = OF Pasgy = 3687 (07 90% 10% 08) + (37079 + 36337] 0.8729 oF 87.29% tox = Ans. Ex. 7.9.43 : A 25 KVA, 50 H, single phase transformer has the iron loss and full load copper loss of 360 and 400 Watts respectively. Find the effciency of the transformer at 41, 50% of full load at unity pif. and 2. 75% of fll load at 08 lagging pt Cs Soln, Given: kVA =25, 0 Hz, = 350 W, Pa ny = 400 W. Stop 1: Find ny.SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEE-S5 Examples with Solution . 05 x WA 10" coso Mo = (GSR RVA «10% 605 4) + LP. Papal 05 x25 x10%x1 (05 «25 «0% b+ 1350+ 100) = 019653 oF 965396 Ans. Step 2: Find nay Copper loss at 75% load = Pass 73y = (3) x400= 225w 075 x25 «10% 08 Mise = (07525 x 10% 08) + (350 225) = 0.9631 0F 9631 % Ans. Ex. 7.9.44 : A 3300/110 V, 50 Hz, 60 KVA single phase transformer has iron losses of 600 Watts. Primary and secondary winding resistances are 33 ohm and 0.011 ohm respectively. Determine the efficiency ofthe transformer on full load at 0.8 lagging pt. Soin.: Given: kVA = 60,R; = 33, Rr= 00112, Vy = 3800 V, Vs = 210 V, = 600 Watts, B= 08 ‘To find :Eficiency of transformer on fl load tO lagging ps Step 1: Find K, taguy Rey 1. Transformation rato, \ K = = 33qp=0.033 2. Fullload primary cirren, “kui 100 _ 60561000 hou A 300 = 18:18 Amp 3. Total primary rasatance, Re oi Br = Riv ee 33 + gga = 240 Step 2: Find full load copper loss Pas eis Full load copper loss Pau = he Step: Efficiency at full load : VA 1000 x cos We = FRA cos $1000] + P= Par 601000 «08 = [Ox x 1000) + 600 + 4azK8 * 10° y= 0.905 x 100 = 80.51 % Ans. Ex. 7.9.15: A transformer is rated at 100 KVA at full load its ‘copper loss is 1200 W and its ron loss is 960 W. Calcula 41. The efficiency at full load, unity power factor 2. The cffciency at half load 0.8 power factor 3. The efficiency at 75% full load, 0.7 power factor. The load KVA at which ‘maximum effciency will occur 5. Themaximum efficiency at 0.85 power factor Soln, Given : 100 kVA transformer full load coppérioss Ado, Venlos = P.=960W Stop 1 : Effil@hey 9 &t full load unity power factor: kVA x 10bx pit SH STVA x 105 pf] =P. + Pay ©? 20020 1 100 Top 10°x 1) 960 + 1200“ 00,000 70000 + 960 + 7200* 109 97.88% Ans. Step 2: Efficiency at half load 0.8 py. Copper loss halfload = (05)"* Pag = 0251200 = 300 Watts. 05 xkVA% 10° pL {D5
127 @ ry CaCO (# sosryfiglP. 9.26 ‘Step 2:Find Vy Apply KCL at node Xin Figh. 92.614) te.write, b we mw? - 1% Ob) 9G «20 “Nv 21 7 ‘Laz tb — vy) + 1.27 P63) = 21Vy 2032-127N, +8 = 21% 347% = 2832 Ve = 84Volts Ans Ex, 9.5%; Determine current in 30 9 resistance for the ciréuit shown in Fig. P. 9.3.4). eet (amy Fig. P.9.3.400) Soln Refer Figs P.934(b) to 8.3.4) forthe solut Stop 3: Calculate current 5 45h From Equation 2). = 3 Substituting in Equation (2) we get 5+54) To t3h = 10 25425b 46h = 20 BI = -5 01613. ANS. The negative sign indicates that I, actually flows in the opposite direction to that shownWF asic loctical Engineering (Sem. 1/L/SPR Uy BEES Examples with Solution ‘Step 1: Name the nodes, mark brant ich currents and identify loops 200 1 cy Step 2: Write the lop equ Loop 1: 4-B-C-D+A Loop 1 squatiol givens cs uae ad 100 ~Sor, ~ 30mg ! 00 =50, : + 1, eae (0 w or 4 a {@Loop 1 Loop 2:B-C-B Loop 2 equations givenby , Potanil kop P 20-200- - ant 514 901,-200-1) a e @ eanta ae (L002 Beats. pda Ex. 936 : Using Kichhof"s laws, ii the ebfrent through 4. resistor for the circuit shown in|Fig., 9.3.6(@). Roo (220g. P.9.3.6(0) Loop Loop it: 8-6-0 449361) = 20-1) (0-22) Fig: P.938.6() "Given circuit 4ye3he3h = 2h-2h Soin Th43h = 2h-2h = The three loops are identified as shown in 2h-3h-8h = 0 @ Fig, 9.3.6) Drop Loop 1: ABC ge 3h +4 = 2b (yg) fe (ztls) 3h-2h+4h = 0 a rico! 8 O10 (A225/Fg. P.9.3.6(¢): Loop IBF sas Elecical Engneeing (Sem. 1/IN/SPPU) BEES Examples wih Solution Loop Ill: A-C-D-A_ Soin. Step 1: Mark the nodes and branch currents 2h+34,+1) = 20 ahi, al Bi 8g 2h+3h+3h = 20 Sh+ah = 20 ® « ye L 20V} Diop (a220fFlg, P.9.3.6(4): Loop I Calculate A and a, 2-2 4 2-3 -9 o 5 3 = 36-9445) 4216-0) + 400-9) = 260 3-20 ays [2-3 0 0 5 2 3 (60-0) + 2(40—0)+ 0=—100 Calculate |, Current through 4 0 resi = 0.625 Ainp «Ans, = Negative sign(@hOWs that actlally 1; flows from C to B instead offiowing from B10 C. Ex. 9.3.16 : Fig. P. 9.3 18\shows a Wc" two-source network; f branch currents |; and are 2s marked in it. Write using Kirchhoffs laws, two independent simultaneous equations in Ik and ly, Solve these to find Is oh; a 8a. ey wa 30 (236 Fig. P.9.3.16 237 Fl, P- 93.160) ‘Step 2: Write the loop equatiohs using KWL Wop equation 54-101, = 0 Sh+1n = 4 ©) Loop'2; 8-C-D-E-B ails=!3, 80 ansrig P.9.3.16(8) Loop equation i) e604 = 0 we 2 = Besa aneWF asic EocticalEngineoing (Sem. |/11/SPPU) BESO Examples with Solution and $2000 03687 9 or05 4 “Ane = 2664 + 84-18 =7730 ‘Step 3 : Calculate current through 4.0 resistor Ex.9.3.17: Write down the Kirchhot"s vollage equations by 2730 for the network shown in Fig. P. 9.3. = a = 664 = 42H Ame “Ans. for the network shown in Fig 47 and hence find the a” 664 current flowing through 4 2 resistance, Dec. 04, 6 Marks} za 20) woe) S10 ib tov "0 30 h ww 40 (240) Fig, P. 9.3.17 Given circuit Soin, Step 1 : Write the loop equations Loop 1 MMs 3e4 4434 = 0 24-8 +h+3h = 0 Bh-h-3h = 24 ay Loop 2 B-h@+WeH+he ihe o 12-15h+1,+ 12GMaho 1 BBS 12, = a2 @ Loop 3 10-1, 2 + 3 glia aang? 20 se rg-17eeyno ® Step 2 : Calculate A and Af B43 a= |i as 2| 32 24 255 148) +1 (204-120) Ex.9.318:For the cicult shown in Fig. P. 9.3:18(a), write the Kirchhofs law equationsifeflleops BCDB, CEDC, ‘and ABDEFA in terms of the brinch @urfents I, le and ly 2s shown. Find current Isiby oivinghtnese equations. The ‘numbers indicate resistangelvale fh ohm, al ov 24 Fig, 9.3.18(a): Given circuit soln, ‘Step 1 : Write the loop equations : Loop 1: 8¢D8 (1.242 Fig, P.9.3.18(6) =1)-34 +44 = 0 hs 3-4 = 0 a Loop 2: C&DG ek) ca2a9 Fi 1. P.9.3.18(6) =3 144 6 150)WF asic EocticalEngineoing (Sem. |/11/SPPU) = 20-1) + =2h+2h+3h+SheSh= BeSheh) = 0 -2h+104+5% = 0 Loop 3: ABDEF tov (24g Fig. P.9.3.18(8) 10-41,-5( +1)-20, +h) =0 10-41,-5h- = The three loop equations ae collectively given byl h=3L-44 = 0 1,-2k b= 0 -2h-5h-1L = -10 2k+Sh+Uh = wo 2k+10b+54 = 0 2h+Sheuh = 10 Step 2 : Calculate A, A; and I 4 aL 1 110-25) -8lt- 22 10) —4 (10-20) 13-4 240 5 25 0 300 p> © 0 10 45, a0lsha1 £3 (0 480) 0 “100) sso Mis, | 201 Be) | -201,-10%, + 101, + 404, Ans. BEES! Examples with Solution Soln. ‘Step 1 : Mark the branch currents and identify the loops: @ Ab a 8 et49FIGLP. 9.3.1900), ‘Step 2: Write the loop equation using KVL Loop 1 :A=DmE =A 8-40 0, - 401, + 40h, = 0 a-as aol, = 0 @ 4h = 8 a (@) | Wop 2:A-B-0-A 20 (+ 40 0, 40-704 +101, = 0 2 (oop 3:8-C-D-B =2h-12+ 100-1) = 0 -2h-12+ 101-101, = 0 10-121, = 12 ®) ‘The three loop equations are Mh = 8 40-70) +101, = 0 10-124 = 12 Determine the current supplied by each battery | Step 3: Calculate A, As, As Exoat inthe cic shown in Fa P. 93.1) by using Krchhots a 40 0 lave a =| 4-70 w win 0 0-2 ve = 41(@40~200) +40 480-0) = 12140 on 8-0 0 Ty a, =| 0 -70 10 3219-22 (245 Fig, P.9.3.19(3) 8 (840 ~ 100) + 40 (0-120) 120WF asic EocticalEngineoing (Sem. |/11/SPPU) Bee s2 Examples with Solution 41-40 8 Step 2: Draw modified circuit and assign branch a =| 40-70 0 carota ow 2 = 4 (80-0) +40 480-0) + 8400-0) 1 AQ kag 12040 stop 4: Calculate hand gy tn20 y= B23 crore avs ay 12049 B= Y= Tinaa “108A = Negative sgn of fy indicates that flows in the opposite direction to that shown in Fig. P. 93.290) iP. ».23.2010 Hence current supplied by the 8 V batey is 0102 A | Loop 4 wil that supplied by the 12 V battery 108A 4h a o.-9 No x 9.320 Using Kehna slaved the caren owing Mision = 20 ohm resistance forthe cuit shown in Fig. P,9:3.20(0), nisin 10 toon? iso sif+20 = 200-19 ett = 20 sk} = 10 r (4240 Fig, P, 93.2000) Soin. : Step 1 : Delta to star conversion? 190 22.0 (a-24m Fig. P.9.3.20(6) 16x16 Anan 16x32 x22 a0 16x32 a, = SB so Stép 3: Calculate 11,12 From Equation (1), Ip = Substitute in Equation 2), hao sion 4: lt (y=) Current through 2s (l;-Is) Ex. 9.3.21 :Caleulate the current delivered by each of the voltage source for the circu shown in Fig. P. 9.3.21 TA soy ac3039 Fig. P.9.3.21SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) Soin Stop 1: Deta star conversion RisRe = Ry = a Ri = Re= R= 0.6670 Tea ® Somes ose, oat sha seen Fig, 9.3.20, ‘Step 2: Apply KVL to Fig. P. 9.3.24(c) Loop 4 a0 = fkeMoeera,-1) 23341-06671, #30 a Loop 2 leer), 4450867 0, -19 0667 aaaad = 15 @ top 3: Find Wand = From EGue¥on(, 2334-30 b= O667 = 35h=45 ® Subsite in Equation to get 06871,-238485%-45) = 15 151-90. = 12A Ans. = Substitute in Equation (3) get 1 = G56 12-45)=-3A Ans. = Negative sign indicates that actual direction of fe is opposite to the assumed one, Thus the 20 V source BEES Examples with Solution supplies 12 A current while the 15 V source supplies 3 A current. Ex. 9.3.22: Formulate the Kirchhof's voltage law equations for the circuit of Fig. P, 9.3.22. and find the values of I, le and To (sos Fig. P. 9.3.22 Son. Stop ai: Mark nodes and branch eurrents a2 ee in a-s04n Fig. P. 9.3.22) Step 2: Write the loop equ: Loop 1-ABCDEA: 1 +341) +6 +b +h) +051 2 35h +3h +24 = 4 a 1051, +91 + Loop 2-»8cGF --3h +1) + 151-041, + 10 3k + 341-1 10 @ Loop 3-> cDHG 154 +6 +h +h) +03 +h)=6 634 +631,+754=6 ° Step 3: Find hy bands 3532 ae |3 34 63 6375SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) eces4 Examples with Souton = 35 (8455)3 (8195) « 2-252) 401829 vasa aed 2143s ® a current cvsion in paral esistors Step 2: Replace 100 V and 40 V by short circuit a = [to aa Was iB aie ise 6 63 75 7 ov si = 4(9495)~3 (84) +2426) =-27 (6) 2 aay Ve as 42 a 10 ‘ 3 10-15] =35 09-4195) +247 63 6 75 © asa 4 a=[ 234 0 63 63 6 5 (426) ~3(-45) + 4(-252) =-2418 @ 4 =126A Ans. (4.286 Fig. 9.42068) na 100 be =337A Ais, Pe ean 2e1ay 4 =-113A Bans. 214) az7A Ex. 9.4.10: Using superposition sihieorem| galeulate the |}, Step 4: Find current through 12: current flowing in 1. resistance for thélmetwork shown,in Fig. P. 9.4.10(a). TE “a. 4 & = 239 FigiP.8.4.10(0) Soln, Step 1: Replace 100 V and 50\V by short circuit a : aa | “ 2 4 ae cob my ons wt (4.250 Fig. P.9.4.100) Aor M298 = Fe08= M29 A= fete" = Thisis because I’ and "flow inthe same direction while flows in the opposite direction = 1143-21414 1427 1 = 4298 Ex. 9.4.11 : Find by superposition theorem, the current I3in the 8-ohm resistance in the circuit shown in Fig. P. 9.4.11(a, om (4.260) Fig, P.9.4.11(a): Given creuit Soln. Step 1 : Calculate current through 8 © due to only 4 VWF asic EocticalEngineoing (Sem. |/11/SPPU) BESS 1. Refer Fig. P. 9.41100) (26 Fig. P. 9.41100) ,- ho Re Where (812) + 10) ]25) +5 R = 12459 ty = 4V/Ry= 4/1245 = 032128 a 2. This current gets divided into fy and Ip as shown in Fig. P. 941100) 202 Fig. P.9.4.11(0) 15 15 1 = ap cigg th ppg «03288 1 = 026170 2 3. Current lp gets divided Betweeiig and 12.0 resistances. Examples with Solution | = SVR, = 6VA7A=03529A (8) 2. This curent gets divided into I, and Iy as shown in Fig? 9.104 , 1519 +10 T= 7G) +1+e*h 1375 _ BEE 50188 02208 6 Step 3: Calculate |y 1, = 15 Pfs 00097 #032230 ~ 32-4..Ans. Ex. 9.412 : Find the qurFefit fling through 3 0 resistance by superposition (haber for the “uit shown in Fig. P. 9.4.12 May 06. 5 Marks] y20v (4-260 Fig P. 9.4.12 Soln. 20 + Serios 2 (265 Fig. P.9.4.12(0) ‘Step 1: Convert the current source to voltage source Iso A 50 ui Si — | _ 12 a2 «0.1617 5 a. ay 5 20 =0.0978 8) Step2: Calculate) ucront through 8 © resistor only dus to 6 Vs6uree : 1 Refer Fig. P SA) 5 109 20, 150 2 Tv (a.269 Fig. P.9.4.11@) as 115) + wa R= 20) 8) + 12 Rr = = Since the total resistance Rr =17 0 the total current supplied by the 6 V source is given by, a0 “nw 42 Cyoov (4.266 Fig, P. 9.4.12) T=5A Resa V = IRy= 5x15 =75 Volts R= RantaSF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) Step 2: Find current due to 75 V source only Wa A 50 sons 46 Sati [ 2M 8 ones a.267 Fig. P.9.4.12(0) Refer Fig. P. 9.4328) av , FeR= 375A, @ Step 3: Find current due to 20 V source only wv shore v 20 =33%0 Ta 2ssiFig.P. 914.129 From Fig. P.94.12(0 We Get _ ov 35 4 4 See ave eEey @ Step 4 : Cal resistance ulate current passing through 3 a. hh = Yst'=375-1 = 275A froma to 8 = Note that subtraction is done because I" and I” have opposite directions Ex.9.4.13 : Find the current lowing through 8 © resistance connected between A and B using superposition theorem for the network shown in Fig, P. 9.4.13, BEES6 Examples with Solution (a-270 Fig, Peo A Soln. = Let the current thrdigh tag crfesstance be Amp. ‘Stop 1 : Simplify thé given elrcult (a-3850 Fig. P.9.4.13(b): Simplified circuit ‘Step 2: Find I only due to 28 V source : 94.130 — From Fig. P.94.13(¢), the total resistance is, Rr = 24+ 8116 421 = 24+ 18) fy = 24442280 2 28 = Total supply curent iy «EY 2B 4 51 A=05aW) 4) Ts gygrtarasad enBF asic Elecrical Engineering (Sem. 1/IN/SPPU) __BEE-S7 Examples with Solution Step 2: Find "only due to 14V source: — From Fig? 94.13( the tual resistance, zn Angtae Rp = A2)|4)44=364=70 ad :.| & Total supply current = FeV = 2 Amp t From Fig. ?. 941300, ieee ates 24 ) " ie r= Px 20 <15Rip (b 2 @ Step 3: Find ssst) 9433 ion os Amp (YY ).Ans. Ex. 9.4.14 : Use superposition theorem fo find current in 4 resistance as shown in FIGWP. 918,14. Hence velfyyour result by ‘Thevenin’s theorem. All the resistance are in ohm. A 62 a |i ze : ort ~ (3085) FG. PI9.A24 Soln. Part: Solution using superposition theorem Step 1 : Current through 4.0 due to only the 20 Source Replace the 5 A source by an op ciel, oduiagt 20.6" brane ot sore 60 168 Tha 88. era aM 4a. Plas 4s 7% wits 40 aT i w © sung. 7.94.14 Series 16a 1 yet 54375-8750 av 6a “7 3.760 @ cy (3045 Fig. P. 9.4.14BF asic Elecrical Engineering (Sem. 1/IN/SPPU) __BEE-S8 Examples with Solution From Fig. P. 9.4.14(e) we get, eo 4g a = 5437528750 - 20V 5a 30 1) 8 amp Tori curentt = 22% = 22060 From Fig. P. 94.148 we get esos Fig R945 & ‘Soln. = chigeteEazass Step 1: Find ky using only igo Wace = 08573 A ay Step 2 : Current through 4.0 dus to only 5A source Replace the 20 V source by a short circuit 20 Ey on ) 62 a® Zu aaa G42 73-870. @ (1.3046) Figg. 9.4.14 lo From Fig. P.9.4.44(h) we get ‘ Ca dn, om wi, son Rich ASHO8 Ex. 9.4.15: Using superposition theorem find the current ‘lowing through 4 ohm resistance for the network shown in Fig. P. 9.4.15. @ pea we Pe 4 ot oe ra (4.3082 Fig, P.9.4.15(8) Paratet 5ii7 =2006 12+ G|| = 12+ 292= 14920 From Fig.°.9.4.15(b) Total current I= 40 /14.92 = 268A 5 i 7x 268 = L128 From Fig. . 94.15(b) s flows from A to B. tep 2: Find ks due to only the 8 A source 8 a 42 be sa B00 on Pratel 12i15~3sa0 © 40. te asia an Dar (a.3080 Fig, P.9.4.15(0) From Fig, 94.15(d)SF asic Elocvical Enginooring (Som. 1/11/SPPU) BEES9 Examples with Solution ha = yypqppe8a current division in parallel resistors ha = 2288 from 810.8 Stop 3: Calculate h: = la-la = 228-112 A= 116A fromBtoA_ Ans Ex. 9.4.16 : Find voltage Van using superposition theorem. Refer Fig. P. 9.4.16(a) (4.287 Fig, P.9.4.16(9): Given circuit Soln. : Step 1: Current through 5.9 due to only 6 V souree.: From Fig. P. 24.16(b) sy Ee 12 Amp. a ov (0250 Fig. 4.164) Step 2: Current through 5 9 due to only 5 A source From Fig. P4264), b= 0 @ ‘Stop 3: Current due to only 10 V source = Since there is no return path for 13 as shown in Fig, P.9.416(0), bo 2° Stop 4: Calculate Vas Total current through 5 0 resistane® is bth + lela sO 0-124 (259) Fig, P.9.4.16(0) From Fig. P. 9.426%), Vas = G2) +10= (5 12) +10 6 Ans. "EX. 9.4.17 : Apply superposition theorem to calculate current ‘lowing in 100 resistance for the circuit shown in Fig. P. 8247. CONES (Wc30sey Fig. P. 9.4.17 : Given network Soln. Stop 1 From Fig. P. 9.4.17), the total resistance Find current k due to only the 6 V source Ry = 2+ Q))20)=2+23=430 6 hh = gy7 13958 -— 0321 La = yy 79% 1395 =03219.8 a ev hy oo 105: (3085) Fig. P. 94.1710) ‘Stop 2: Find current ky due to only the 4 V source From Fig. P.9.4.17(5), total resistance
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