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Problem 1 (2018, 3). Let α, β denote the unique positive real 5th root of 7 and
4th root of 5, respectively. Determine the degree of Q(α, β) over Q.
p √ 
Problem 2 (2018, 4). * Show that the field extension Q ⊆ Q 2 + 2 is Galois
and determine its Galois group.
Problem 3 (2017, 2). Classify (with proof) all fields with finitely many elements.
Problem 4 (2016, 2). Let a ∈ N, a > 0. Compute the Galois group of the splitting
field of the polynomial x5 − 5a4 x + a over Q.
Problem 5 (2015, 1.). (1) Find an irreducible polynomial of degree 5 over the
field Z/2 of two elements and use it to construct a field of order 32 as a
quotient of the polynomial ring Z/2[x].
(2) Using the polynomial found in part (a), find a 5 × 5 matrix M over Z/2 of
order 31, so that M 31 = I but M 6= I.
√ √
Problem 6 (2015, 2). * Find the minimal polynomial of 2 + 3 over Q. Justify
your answer.
Problem 7 (2015, 5). *
(1) Let L be a Galois extension of a field K of degree 4. What is the minimum
number of subfields there could be strictly between K and L? What is the
maximum number of such subfields? Give examples where these bounds
are attained.
(2) How do these numbers change if we assume only that L is separable (but
not necessarily Galois) over K?
Problem 8 (2014, 2.). Let p be a prime, let Fp be the p-element field, and let
K = Fp (t) be the field of rational functions in t with coefficients in Fp . Consider
the polynomial f (x) = xp − t ∈ K[x].
(1) Show that f does not have a root in K.
(2) Let E be the splitting field of f over K. Find the factorization of f over E.
(3) Conclude that f is irreducible over K.
Problem 9 (2014, 6.). Let Fp denote the algebraic closure of Fp . Show that the
Galois group Gal(Fp /Fp ) has no non-trivial finite subgroups.
Problem 10 (2013, 6.). This question concerns an extension K of Q such that
[K : Q] = 8. Assume that K/Q is Galois and let G = Gal(K/Q). Furthermore,
assume that G is non-abelian.
(1) Prove that K has a unique subfield F such that F/Q is Galois and [F :
Q] = 4. √ √
(2) Prove that F has the form F = Q( d1 , d2 ) where d1 , d2 are non-zero

(3) Suppose that G is the quaternionic group. Prove that d1 and d2 are positive
Problem 11 (2012, 6.). * Determine the Galois groups of the following polynomials
over Q.
(1) f (x) = x4 + 4x2 + 1
(2) f (x) = x4 + 4x2 − 5.
Problem 12 (2011, 3.). * Describe the Galois group and the intermediate fields
of the cyclotomic extension Q(ζ12 )/Q.
Problem 13 (2010, 7.). Let F be a field of characteristic zero, and let K be an
algebraic extension of F that possesses the following property: every polynomial
f ∈ F [x] has a root in K. Show that K is algebraically closed.
Hint: if K(θ)/K is algebraic, consider F (θ)/F and its normal closure; primitive
elements might be of help.
Problem 14 (2009, 3.). Let F be a field of characteristic not equal to 2.

(1) Prove that any extension K of F of degree 2 is of the form F ( D) where
D ∈ F is not a square in F and, conversely, that each such extension has
degree 2 over F . √ √
(2) Let D1 , D2 ∈ F neither of which is a square in F . Prove that [F ( D1 , D2 ) :
F ] = 4 if D1 D2 is not a square in F and is of degree 2 otherwise.
Problem 15 (2009, 4). * Let F be a field and p(x) ∈ F [x] an irreducible polyno-
(1) Prove that there exists a field extension K of F in which p(x) has a root.
(2) Determine the dimension of K as a vector space over F and exhibit a vector
space basis for K.
(3) If θ ∈ K denotes a root of p(x), express θ−1 in terms of the basis found in
part (b).
(4) Suppose p(x) = x3 + 9x + 6. Show p(x) is irreducible over Q. If θ is a root
of p(x), compute the inverse of (1 + θ) in Q(θ).
Problem 16 (2008, 1). * Let f (x) be an irreducible polynomial of degree 5 over
the field Q of rational numbers with exactly 3 real roots.
(1) Show that f (x) is not solvable by radicals.
(2) Let E be the splitting field of f over Q. Construct a Galois extension K of
degree 2 over Q lying in E such that no field F strictly between K and E
is Galois over Q.
Problem 17 (2008, 2). * Let F be a finite field. Show for any positive integer n
that there are irreducible polynomials of degree n in F [x].
Problem 18 (2007, 1). Let K be a field of characteristic zero and L a Galois
extension of K. Let f be an irreducible polynomial in K[x] of degree 7 and suppose
f has no zeroes in L. Show that f is irreducible in L[x].
Problem 19 (2007, 2). * Let K be a field of characteristic zero and f ∈ K[x] an
irreducible polynomial of degree n. Let L be a splitting field for f . Let G be the
group of automorphisms of L which act trivially on K.
(1) Show that G embeds in the symmetric group Sn .

(2) For each n, give an example of a field K and polynomial f such that G = Sn .
(3) What are the possible groups G when n = 3. Justify your answer.
Problem 20 (2006, 2). * Let K be the field Q(z) of rational functions in a variable
z with coeffiecients in the rational field Q. Let n be a positive integer. Consider
the polynomial xn − z ∈ K[x].
(1) Show that the polynomial xn − z is irreducible over K.
(2) Describe the splitting field of xn − z over K.
(3) Determine the Galois group of the splitting field of x5 − z over the field K.
Problem 21 (2005, 7). * Consider the polynomial f (x) = x10 + x5 + 1 ∈ Q[x] with
splitting field K over Q.
(1) Determine whether f (x) is irreducible over Q and find [K : Q].
(2) Determine the structure of the Galois group Gal(K/Q).
Problem 22 (2005, 8). * For each prime number p and each positive integer n,
how many elements α are there in Fpn such that Fp (α) = Fp6 ?

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