Galois Theory MATH10080

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Galois Theory


Wednesday 25th May 2022

1300-1500 † *

All students: You have an additional 1 hour to assemble and submit your PDF.

Final submission deadline: 16:00

*Students with a Schedule of Adjustment for additional time in examinations:

You are entitled to a further fixed additional 1 hour for this remote examination.

Final submission deadline: 17:00

Attempt all questions

Important instructions

1. Start each question on a new sheet of paper.

2. Number your sheets of paper to help you scan them in order.
3. Only write on one side of each piece of paper.
4. If you have rough work to do, simply include it within your overall answer – put
brackets at the start and end of it if you want to highlight that it is rough work.
MATH10080 Galois Theory 1

Throughout, you are free to use results from the course notes. Where you use a major
result, you should make clear which result you are using.

(1) Calculate the degrees of the following field extensions, justifying your answers.
(a) Q(π/3) : Q. [3 marks]
(b) Q(cos(π/3)) : Q. [3 marks]
(c) Q(cos(π/6)) : Q. [5 marks]
(d) Q(sin(π/9)) : Q. [7 marks]

(2) Let a, b ∈ Q.
√ √ √ √ √ √
(a) Prove that Q( a, b) = Q( a + b). (You may wish to consider ( a + b)3 .)
[10 marks]
√ √
(b) Hence or otherwise, prove that the degree of a + b over Q is 1, 2 or 4.
[7 marks]

(3) Call a field extension special if it is finite and normal and its Galois group has order
less than or equal to 10.

(a) Let K and M be subfields of C with K ⊆ M . Let 0 6= f ∈ K[t]. Show that if

the extension SFK (f ) : K is special then so is SFM (f ) : M . [6 marks]
(b) Let K, L and M be subfields of C with K ⊆ L and K ⊆ M . Show that if L : K
is special then so is LM : M . [6 marks]

Call a subfield K of C iterated special if there exist n ≥ 0 and subfields

Q = K0 ⊆ K1 ⊆ · · · ⊆ K n = K

such that Ki : Ki−1 is special for each i ∈ {1, . . . , n}.

(c) Let K and L be iterated special subfields of C. Prove that there is an iterated
special subfield of C containing both K and L. [14 marks]

(4) (a) Find GalQ (t3 − 2t − 1), justifying your answer. [4 marks]
(b) Prove that GalQ (t3 + t2 − 2t − 1) is either A3 or S3 . [8 marks]
(c) Let f be an irreducible polynomial of degree 4 over Q. Show that the order of
GalQ (f ) is 4, 8, 12 or 24. [5 marks]
(d) Prove that GalQ (t7 − 12) is not abelian. (You may wish to show, as an
intermediate step, that if this group is abelian then it has an element of order
14.) [12 marks]

[Please turn over]

MATH10080 Galois Theory 2

(5) Let M : K be a field extension of degree n. Let θ ∈ Gal(M : K). Prove that at most
n elements of the set
{θ(α)/α : 0 6= α ∈ M }
belong to K. (Hint: view θ as a linear map M → M over K.) [10 marks]

[End of Paper]

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