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r~ ~·,(;: '- · FFJCE oFTflE cHIBFENJ,JNfEB PWIR&Bl QUARTMIOO, ~ t -11 _

f .( ~-·
~) _,.,,...,.\)
J:l .- .
No.: Ce-7 ~ ~-~
Dated:. :3 (..o t- ~ / &

~ ~J. The ·Execudve EJJgineef,
' PWD(R&B) OfviSJOD,
~ Samba-
. ~ ~

' ·7 r ad in km l-1 111 to 20 111

Sub ject ·
trU 0
.. .
. .
. eer pW D (R&B) Division. Sam ba
Ref. ExecutiVe Eng lllfed vide end ors em vid e E-NIT No. 12 of 201 8-1 9 dat
ent No. 721 -37 dat ed 15. 05. 201 ed
15.05.2018 SSU 8.
;1 ''
Aiiot'fedWnou nt Rs. 7,6 6,2 5,2 00/ - (Ru pee s sev en
cro res , six ty- six lac s,
twe nty -fiv e tho usa nd and· two
hun dre d onl y)
Period of com ple tion · 24° mo nth s
For and on behalf of the Gover
nor·...of J&K State, the above not
allotted in favour of M/s Sat ish Ag ed ,work -is her eby
gar wal & ·c o. GT Road Mu ker
"A" -Class Govt. contractor posses ian Dis tric t H o s ~ (Pw tjab
sing registration No. 379 01/ A-1 )
rates as per Annexure-"A" of this allo 88/ 25/ ES dat ed 28. 12. 201 5 on
tment enclosed. the

The following terms and conditions

shall be dee me d to have bee n rea
advertised vide NIT referred above. d in add itio n to tho se

Terms and Conditions

1. The .work shall be execut ;..

ed strictly in accordance with
advertised NIT. the specifications laid dow n in the
2. The work shall be star ted onl
y afte
allotment of contract and comple r drawal of agreement wit hin 07 (seven) day s fro m the dat e of
3. That the items of work execut ted within the completion per iod
ed shll,ll be entered in the work Reg as specified in the NIT. ......__ __
4. That allotment of work shall
be entered in the Registration car ister and Me asu rem ent Boole.
5. In case the contractor fails to d of the Contra(:tor / Fir m.
sta rt
and the agency / contractor may the work, the C.D.R / :S.G. of the con trac tor will be for fei ted
done by the department throughbe recommended for bla ck ,lis ting and the wo rk sha ll be got
contractor. some oth er agency at _the risk
' . . and · cos t of the ori gin al
6. The soil investigation and des ,··
ign of the bridge shall _b e don e by
_ shall get the drawings / design the con trac tor and the con tra cto
· - Authority s approved from Chief Engineer r
DIQC Jammu / Co mp ete nt
7.· i The_iamount of the work sho '
uld not exceed the allotted cost.
8. ._ Any.Jr_ ~ of work which is not advertised .in
~-~ -~~,~o~ executed and shall be the rate list but fou nd nec ess ary
pai dur ing exe cut ion
analysIS of_rates approved by the d With con trac tors tender app rec iati on
com petent aut hor ity whichever is les / dep rec iati on or
th_e·qu ~~t ie~ over and above the s. This Will h ld od f
9. ln[Ca~e -off ailu re to complete
BOO , if req uire d at site. 0
the work within stip ula ted per iod go or
the_letter ,o f allotment, penalty to the of l ti
the contractor: ., . ext ent of 1096 of the con tra ct v':i:1'shallonbas_
menttedone 1n
10. The contractor ,sllajl be responsib e im pos upd on
work which will include res tora tionle for complete res tor atio n of wo k aft
of any dam age s cau sed to s1·t d
~ area er com ple tio n of
e ~ exe cut ion .
Auriemi'e ~:~ A
of ~~d~fto~ :S;i·~ Su mb Go ran roa d in
con str 11c don / up -gr ad ati on .. .•
. .
work:· 1an1111ito20111underCRF.
NaJIJe ·:•· · Allotted Rate
Uil,it Qt y. Rs.
/ ite ms
.Pal'dcularS / Description of wo rk
:-' · , ;-.: 1;

C @R$.8 ~ -(Rupees
me cha nic al eig hty fiv per cum)
Earth work in excavation torby
ans (Hydraulic exc ava ) ove r are a
Mtr. in wid th
;:c eed ing JOa:11: in dep th, 1.5
the exc ava ted
as well as · 10. sqm on plan),
ll b~ use d for
-ea rth obt ain ed fro m cut tin g sha ere ver req uir ed
fill ing in the roa d sur fac e wh
ple te:· as per
including rolling, wa ter ing com -In-Ch arg e
the dir ect ion of Engineer
kin ds of soil .. 8096
a) All
b) Ordinary roc k 2096
tio n by me cha nic al Cu m 4612.00 · · @Rs.85/cum (Rupees -
2.00 Earth wo rk in• exc ava tor ) in fou nda tio n eighty five per cum)
me ans ( Hydraulic exc ava
les etc. ( no t
trenches, dra ins , pip es and cab
l0s qm on pla n
exceeding 1.5 mt r. in Width or ram mi ng of
) inc lud ing dre ssi ng of sid es and ing geeting
bot tom s, lift up to 1.5 mt r. Inc
al of sur plu s
out exc ava ted soil and dis pos SO mtr . ( All
soil as dir ect ed wit hin a lea d
kin ds of soi l )
Cu m 730 .00 @Rs.2 0/c um
in pos itio n cement
3.0 0 Providing an d Laying excluding the
(Rupees two
con cre te of spe cif ied gra de tho usa nd two
rin g - All work
cos t of cen trin g and shu tte ent: S coarse htm dre d fift y per
up to pli nth level, 1:5 :10 (1 cem cum )
ne aggregate
san d: 1 O gra ded cru she d sto ds and lift
all lea
40 mm nom ina l siz e) wit h
car ria ge com ple te.
in pos itio n cement
4.00 Providing and Laying gra de excluding the
(Rupees three
con cre te of spe cif ied ~ d per cum )
g - All work
cos t of cen trin g and shu tte rin 1: cement 3:
up to pli nth level 1: 3: 6: (
~h ~4 - sto ne
coa rse san jl _ ~ 6 gra ded e, wit h all lea ds ' r

agg reg ate 20mm nom ina l siz

and lift car ria ge com ple te.
5.0 0 Providing and lay ing
in pos itio n spe cif ied
·.425.00 -

ent concrete
gra de of rei nfo rce d cem thousand
ing shu tter ing
exc lud ing the cos t of cen ter wo rk upt o -·
.finishing & rei nfo rce me nt.
ent : 1.5 coa rse
pli nth level 1: 1.5 : 3 ( 1 : cem mm
san d ·:3 gra ded sto ne agg
nom ina l siz e, wit h all lea ds and
car ria ge \ --
·co m lete .
11\\\ '\.\
Chief E.ngin~l'.

dation of road from Samba Snn.1.
coon I up-gra RF '4&llU
conscru 111 under C · .
kJJl Udl tO 20
Unit Qty.
;oesai. position cement
'pdon of work/ items
in C 90.00
1ayuig ent . 2 coarse
vf(iiDg & 4 sand :
c:ne · aggrdeg~d Zo~
f specified gra e
tho~and four
noIJliilal size)sh~tterin& all work upto p~th
centermg & thick flooring for culvert) with h~7"CUDJJ
level (lO~ carriage complete.
all leads t for RCC work including Kg 4S000.00
Reinforc~en cutting bending placing in @j§t87/kg (Rupees '
5traightemng, 1
----eighty seven per kg)
osition and bindin ~ c~m 1: trotting
Centring and shuttenng me u g s .' @Rs.120/sqm
s.oo propping etc. and removal of form wor~ for.- (Rupees one hundred
a) Foundations, footings, bases of _Columns, twenty per sqm)
Retaining walls, return walls, walls (any
thickness) incL attached pilasters, buttresses,
linth and stiin courses fillets etc.
8.01 - b) Suspended floors, roofs, landings, Sqm 374.00 @tls.220/sqm
bal~onies and access platform. . ·(Rupees two hundred
tw m)
8.02 c) Edges of slabs & breaks in floor & Walls @R
above 20 cm wide. (Rupees six hundred
9.00 Providing and fixing of 110mm dia PVC Pipe Rm. 180 .00 @ t
to be used as weep hole {Rupees two hundred
10.00 Providing and fixing of expansion Joint with @ qm
thermocoal (Rupees one hundred
ers m
11.00 Supply and'. Laying of Hume Pipes 1.00 mtr. @Rs.13000/no.
dia wherever required (Rupees thirteen
thousand er no.)
12.00 Providing/laying water bound macadam with C @Rs.1100/cum
specified stone agg stone screening &binding (Rupees one
material incl. screening, sorting, spreading to thousand one
template & consolidation with power road hundr d )
roller 8 to 10 tonne capacity etc. complete.
ase course with 63mm - 45mm size incl.
per cum
'__). stone screenings 13,2mm size 150mm thick)
\7mo1PW1i°c'thivicliallinl2/eatidwsiii&ilif_tscmarn;.·Hlag~e~c_om&p:....lretnre.nna~~ r ,~ r-f:--;-;;f;-tv\+--;;::;;~A-:-----l
._ 20 Providing/Laying, Spreading & compacting Cum. - 44 5.00 @Rs 90 /
-\ = - 1_ '\ graded stone agg. (size r!lllge 53mm to 0.o?S (R • cum
11m) to wet mix macadam (WMM) specification
upees nine

, t i I· ·'
- ·.
incl. premixing material with water at OMC in
mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed
material by tipper to site, for all leads & lifts
· E ~ laying in _uniform layers with mechanical pavid-
hundred er cum)

finisher· m sub-base / base course on well

, prepared surface & compacting with vibratory
. roller of 8-10 tonne capacity to achieve the
-;-· desir~d d~sity, complete as per specifications
\ & directions of Engineer-in-charge (?Smm
compacted thickness )

constn1ction111I up-gradation of road from Samba S~b Goran road in
km 11111 to 20 under CRF.

rs / Description of work / items Unit Allotted Rate

S.NO. . Particula
50mm thick ( C 2937.00 @Rs.SS00/
14.00 Providing and laying
compacted ) premix bitumenous . macadam (Rupees five
base course with stone aggregate' of quality thbusand five
size and grading as specified in CPWD hundred er cum)
-Specifications and straight run bitumen of
grade 80-100 @496 by weight of' total mix
including Hot mixing of stone aggregate and
bitumen in Hot Mix Plant, Transporting mix
material & laying mixed with paver finisher
to the required level and grade rolling with
road roller 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achieve
the required compaction and density
tncludin cost of bitumen
15.00 Providing and laying of 25mm thick semi- Sqm 77000.00 @Rs.180/sqm
dense bituminous concrete on prepared (Rupees one hundred
surface with specified graded crushed eighty per sqm)
aggregate for wearing coarse as specified
straight run / cut back bitumen of grade
60/70 @ 596 by weight of total mix including
hot mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen in
hot mix plant, transporting mixed material
and laying mixed material with paver finisher
to the required level and grade rolling with
road roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to
achieve the required compaction and density
including applying tack coat with
mechanically operated spray unit fitted on
bitumen boiler cleaning an<j preparing the
existing road surface including cost of
bitumen (asper most specification 511)


I , II
'I • A.. • 11 I • 2~u
~n a

. n u I !ll"c miID!!
constructt vtde all type of assistance such as labour, materials
to Clll"'l-t~tu.s
Th contractor shall ,:r~e quired or reasonably demanded by the department -•,-out
11. e ents as maY e
prior written approval of comp ete.:-•
: ~ in proposa1s I specifications is allowed without • ,
_......,ge . .
12.No ~ othe r and in totality of the contr act and
authoritY• be read in tandem / coIJJun~tion of each in no cas~
3, The ra~es ar~ t
Thes e rates shall be op~ative for this particular work ozuy and sha1l on of the
1 work falling in the jurisdicti _
not in 1solandon~th other similar, identical nature of
be co-relate
r within stipulated tj,ule-period ~~ti oned ·'
I F.xecutiv~ ~~~~~e to be completed by the contracto to continq_e beyond schedule period of
14. :roe wow and in emergency case, if
work allowed
m f.
th then the prev alent stock rate of key construction ,material at that time, shall be
com~c:~~~ather than the advertised stock raJe in the part of the Allotment / Agreement.
applith r terms and conditions o_f the NIT shall also form
road surface during the defect liability period
i~· ~~ r:e firm will be responsible to maintain the
· any pot hol_es / patches / bl~eding develop~d or any
other type of failure on the road shall be
guarantee shall be operated upon and
repaired·oy the contractor/ firm, failin g which the bank r/ firm. _.
_ , -- repair ·shall be done at risk and cost of the contractoNo. 332 dated 20.07.2018 for Rs.3831260/-
17. Executive-Engine
er will ensure that Bank Guarantee
6625 2/- valid upto 19.07.2019 are re-
valid upto 19.08.2019 & 333 dated 20.07.2018 for Rs.7
ly upto such time as is mentioned in
validated beyond 19.08.2019 & 19,07.2019 respective
ent to the contractor.
Standard Bidding document before releasing further paym
shall be applicable to this work package only.
a. The rate structure appro ved for the insta nt work is technically sanctioned by the competentauthortty.
the work
b. The Executive Engineer shall ensur e that r/inevitable
ion of ortgtnal bidde rs is :not altered due to mino
c. It should be ensur ed that the inter-se posit
changes in the BOQ. ·
ted shall be ensur ed by the Executive Engineer.
d. Strict monitoring and quality control of work execu respe ct of time lines and quality parameters.
e. The Executive Engineer shall ensure stringency of all Codal
of all conditions, CRF guidelines and completion
f. The Executive Engineer shall ensure fulfillment
formalities. of preparatory work on groun d which inter-alia
g. The work shall be starte d only after completion y way of interm ittent concr ete bloclc/pegs /BUrj ee as well as
invariably mean securing of ROW(Right of Way)b _
g the execution of work.
precautionary and safety measures required durin of quality, specification / ~vai ling rates shall also be
eer shoul d ensur e that in terms
h. The Executive Engin d also be - -
ut any deviation _or digression compliance shoul
applied strictly while executing the wgrk witho ~ frequ ent checlc s durin g execu tion. necessaIV-
and ex
secured by conducting regular quality control test tain the laid down
s claim this is to ensure and main
scrutlny be conducted while setting the contractor
quality specification and to safeg uard the excha nger.
bearing no. 332 date d- 20.07 .2018 for
Performance security in shape of Bank Guarantee
ional Bank Guarantee bearing no. 333 dated
Rs.38,31,260/- valid UJ)tO 19.08.2019 and addit
towards \Ill-balanced bid, both pled ged.t o Chief
20.07.2018 for Rs.7,66,252/· valid upto 19.07.2019
Accounts Officer, PW(R&B) Department, Jammu of Capital Small ~c e Bank Ud Hosbiarpur are
retained in this office and shall be released as per
the c o ~ : of s ~~


Copy to the:-
ua Circle Jau .-
~ Superin!ending Engineer, PWD(R&B) Jammu - Kath r (Punjab) .
vl) M/s Sansh Aggarwal & Co. GT Road Mukerian District Hoshiarpu


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