Executive Summary TRMP

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T U M AU I N I R I V E R M U L T I P U R P O S E P R O J E C T ( T R M P )


Geographically, the proposed Tumauini River Multipurpose Project (TRMP) is located in Sitio
Maguli, Brgy. Antagan I, Tumauini, Isabela within coordinates 121º 55’ 52” East longitude and 17º
17’ 32” North latitude. The project
is designed to irrigate about 8,200
hectares within 32 barangays – 26
barangays of Tumauini, 3
barangays of Cabagan and 3
barangays of the City of Ilagan.
The watershed area covers
approximately 16,320 hectares
within the proclaimed Tumauini
Watershed Forest Reserved
(TWFR), of which about 11,420
hectares overlaps with the
Northern Sierra Madre Natural
Park (NSMNP). Location map of proposed TRMP

The project has three major phases:

 Pre-construction phase
 Construction phase
 Operation
Product and Capacity
The Dam:
Height above Stream Bed 81.60 m Eco-tourism area 1.0 ha
Crest Elevation 192.60 m asl Reservoir 155.56 ha
Crest Length 340.00 m The Irrigation System
Crest Width 10.00 m Length of Old (Right) Main canal 23.5 km
Base Width 490.00 m Length of Old Lateral Canal 87.90 km
River Bed Elevation 111.00 m asl Length of New Lateral Canal 5.00 km
Storage Capacity 43.43 M m3 Confirmed Irrigation Service Area: 8,200 ha
Watershed/catchment Area 16,320.0 ha Hydropower Potential (Secondary): 7,000 KW


Activities/ Potential Impact Options for Prevention or Mitigation or

Environmental Enhancement
Pre-Construction Phase
 Preparation of People  Conduct of intensive awareness campaign
plans and detailed  Apprehension of affected  Appropriate compensation and remuneration for
engineering communities on the the affected families
 Geologic reevaluation of the dam site
 Securing of environmental and social
permits and impacts of the project
clearances  Fear of displacement of
 Identification and affected residents
compensation  Fear on the occurrence of
negotiation flash floods in case the dam
will collapse
Construction Phase
 Earthworks, Land  Planting of trees or re-vegetation of critical areas
construction  Change in surface landform to soil erosion
activities such as  Accelerated soil erosion and  Provision of drainage system to accommodate
dam, irrigation siltation surface runoff
canals and  Contamination of surface  Proper maintenance and regular inspection of
access/service water vehicle and construction equipment to avoid oil
roads and spills
movements of  Maintenance of supply of spill control materials
heavy equipment  Proper training of workers for spill prevention and
to the construction containment
sites  Proper scheduling of works related to soil
Air and noise  Covering haulage trucks during transport
 Change on air quality  Control dust by regularly water spraying of roads
 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) especially those passing through residential
and particulate emissions areas
 Increased noise levels  Improve efficiency of heavy equipment engines
and other vehicles through regular check to avoid
excessive noise
 Restoration of degraded areas to serve as carbon
sink areas
 Proper maintenance of other equipment and
vehicles being used during construction works
People and their socio-  Provide livelihood options to affected families
economic activities  Prioritize hiring qualified workers within the
 Loss of Livelihood barangay and municipality
 Creation of employment that  Improve tax collection for better delivery of basic
will result to influx of services to the affected communities
migrants.  Regular orientation and training of workers on
 Increase social services and proper safety measures
business opportunities  Availability of First Aid kit at all times
 Occupational health and  Proper management of solid waste materials
safety hazards of workers following the provisions of RA 9003
 Land Clearing, Land  Planting of trees and re-vegetation of landslide
Grading and  Loss of vegetative cover prone areas i.e., cut and fill, roadside, etc.
Earthmoving  Degradation of habitat of  Identify habitat of flora and fauna to be avoided
operations flora and fauna during construction works
 Excessive soil erosion  Proper scheduling of earth movement works
 Siltation of the downstream (during summer period) in critical areas to lessen
river channel the gravity of soil erosion
Water  Maintain appropriate easement for all
 Effect on water quality construction activities
 Water contamination  Proper storage of waste materials, oil grease, etc.
 Siltation of the river systems to avoid spillage
 Proper maintenance of equipment and good
storage facilities
 Proper scheduling of earthmoving works
Operation Phase
Operation of the Land  Continuous planting and re-vegetation of critical
irrigation system  Degradation of critical areas areas
(landslide and soil erosion  Implementation of soil erosion control measures
prone areas) both structural measures and vegetative
 Accelerated soil erosion engineering
 Siltation of river channel in  Proper management of solid waste materials
downstream areas  Proper storage liquid waste (used oil, etc.)
 Soil contamination
 Loss of vegetative cover
Water  Establishment of sediment control measures
 Soil erosion and siltation  Provide suitable equipment, facilities and
 Destruction of habitat of precautions to eliminate to discharge of any
fresh water organism contaminants
 Water contamination due  Proper maintenance of the irrigation systems
spillage of waste materials structures (embankments, canals, etc.)
Air Quality  Provisions of dust respirators
 Dust  Proper maintenance of equipment and vehicles
 Greenhouse gas  Plant trees
People (Development Impact)  Prioritize hiring of local workers
 Influx of migrant due to  Conduct livelihood trainings for the local
availability of employment communities
opportunities  Pay taxes to local government to flow back for
 Increased in business social services
opportunities.  Create the local communities as social buffer of
 Increased local government the watershed
Occupational health and  Safety measures in place to prevent diseases
safety hazards  Provide safety trainings
 Medical aid
 Equip health stations with the needed medical
 Train local health workers

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