Kanyogoga-Senge Road
Kanyogoga-Senge Road
Kanyogoga-Senge Road
CRM 554/1
DATE: 12TH JUNE, 2023
Senior Assistant Town Clerk
Nabweru Municipal Council
2.0 Objective
The major objective was to plant trees along the road to restore vegetation cleared during light
i. Pitting
At a spacing of 20 metres, medium sized pits of (1.5x1.5) Feet were dug using hoes and / or pick
axes to accommodate the trees’ rooting system. The pit spacing was always adjusted for areas with
hindrances due to refusal from the community, rocks, existing trees, termite mounds and electric
poles and wires.
ii. Planting
Soil pots were initially removed to expose the rooting system of seedling. Without tampering with
the soil on the roots, the seedling could then be inserted into the pit and using hands, the soil was
put back into the pit. A total of 45 seedlings was planted along the road stretch which was
approximately 1.5 Kilometers.
iii. Guarding
Planted seedlings were guarded using short wooden pegs and sisal ropes to reduce the possibility of
damage to the trees that could be caused by humans and animals.
5.0 Challenges
i. We faced hinderances from some community members to have trees planted near their
ii. Some areas had pests like termites and animals especially goats that were likely to destroy the
seedling stem and leaves respectively causing us not to plant in these areas.
iii. Some places had electric poles and wires installed and thus hindered planting near and under
them respectively.
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6.0 Solutions
i. Community members were sensitized about the importance of roadside tree planting and
some were able to accept the activity.
ii. Areas with hindrances were skipped to plant in free spots.
7.0 Discussion
Availability of land and fertile soils along the road enabled implementation of the tree planting
project. Survival of the trees will be attributed to subsequent monitoring and maintenance activities
like watering, spot weeding among others.
8.0 Conclusion
Roadside tree planting will lead to restoration of vegetation lost during light grading of this murram
road. If substantial survival of trees is attained at maturity, the trees will be able to yield associated
impacts and benefits such as fruit production, firewood and the environmental non-tangible benefits
such as fresh air, shade, aesthetic beauty, carbon sequestration, reduced runoff, enhanced roads, and
reduced dust to farms and homesteads.
9.0 Recommendation
i. Monitoring should be done to assess performance of the planted trees. This will establish
which post-planting activities like replacement, weeding, pruning, disease and pest
management need to be carried out.
ii. Roadside tree planting should be done along all Municipal roads to increase green spaces
and associated benefits in the Municipality.
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Figure 1. S
Figure 2. Google image showing the road stretch along which trees were planted.
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Nalumansi Stella
Senior Environment Officer
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