Basic Plumbing Principles

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Basic Plumbing Principles

All premises intended for human habitation, occupancy

or use shall he provided with a supply of pure and
wholesome water, neither connected with unsafe water
supplies nor subject to the hazards of backflow or
Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be
supplied with water in sufficient volume and at pressures
adequate to enable them to function satisfactorily and
without undue noise under all normal conditions of use.
Plumbing fixtures shall be designed and adjusted to
use the minimum quantity of water consistent with proper
performance and cleaning.
Devices for heating and storing water shall be so
designed and stored as to prevent dangers from
explosion through overheating.

Basic Plumbing Principles

Every building having plumbing fixtures installed and
intended for human habitation, occupancy or use on
premises abutting a street, alley or easement in which
there is a public sewer shall have a connection with the
Each family dwelling unit on premises on a sewer or
with a private sewage disposal system shall have, at
least, one water closet and one kitchen-type sink. It is
further recommended that a lavatory and a bathtub or
shower shall be installed to meet the basic requirements
of sanitation and personal hygiene.
Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth, non
absorbent material, shall be free from concealed fouling
surfaces and shall be located in ventilated enclosures.

Basic Plumbing Principles

The drainage shall be designed, constructed and
maintained so as to guard against fouling deposits of
solids and clogging, and with adequate: cleanouts so
arranged that the pipes may be readily cleaned.
The piping of the Plumbing system shall be of durable
material, free from defective workmanship, and so
designed and constructed as to give satisfactory service
for its reasonable expected life.
Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system
shall be equipped with a water seal trap.
The drainage system shall be designed to provide an
adequate circulation of air in all pipes with no danger of
siphonage, aspiration, or forcing of trap seals under
conditions of ordinary use.

Basic Plumbing Principles

Each vent terminal shall extend to the outer air and be
so installed as to minimize the possibilities of clogging
and the return of foul air to the building.
The plumbing system shall be subjected to such tests
as will effectively disclose all leaks and defects in the
No substance which will clog the pipes, produce
explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes or their joints, or
interfere unduly with the sewage disposal process shall
he allowed to enter the building drainage system.
Proper protection shall be provided to prevent
contamination of food, water, sterile goods, and similar
materials by backflow of sewage. When necessary, the
fixture, device or appliance shall be connected indirectly
with the building drainage system.

Basic Plumbing Principles

No water closet shall be located in a room or
compartment that is not properly lighted and ventilated.
If water closets or other plumbing fixtures are installed
in buildings where there is no sewer within a reasonable
distance, suitable provision shall be made for disposing
of the building sewage by some accepted method of
sewage treatment and disposal.
Where a plumbing drainage system may be subjected
to backflow of sewage, suitable provision shall be made
to prevent its overflow in the building.
Plumbing system shall be maintained in a sanitary and
serviceable condition.

Basic Plumbing Principles

All plumbing fixtures shall be so installed with
regards to spacing as to reasonably accessible
for their intended use.
Plumbing shall be installed with due regard to
the preservation of strength of the structural
members and prevention of damage to walls and
other surfaces through fixture usage.
Sewage or other waste from a plumbing
system which may be deleterious to surface or
subsurface waters shall not be discharged into
the ground or any waterway unless it has been
rendered innocuous through subjection to some
acceptable form of treatment.

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