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Practicing career professionalism and Excellence in performance

practicing occupational health and safety


Practice career professionalism Professional relationship requires emotional

• It involves maintaining a high standard
of conduct ethics and communication in
your professional life. Effective communication Conflict
• This includes being punctual displaying
a strong work ethic respecting
colleagues and adhering to industry Team collaboration
Here are some tips on developing a professional
manner appreciated by both employers and Leadership effectiveness
Client relationship
A professional appearance is key
Care about yourself, care about your job
A good character is a professional character
Personal well-being
Represent the organization
Professional growth
Professional relationship requires emotional
intelligence Work life balance

Care about yourself care about your job Commitment to excellence

A professional appearance is key Resilience and adaptability

 It refers to presenting oneself in a manner Alignment with values

that aligns with expectations in
standards of a specific industry or Occupational health and safety
• a plan or working to prevent illness and
Be well groomed clean and pressed, head to injury where you work by recognizing
toe, everyday and identifying hazard and risk
If you have moments doubt about whether Three things safe steps
something is appropriate to wear in the
workplace don't wear it Spot the hazard a hazard

Avoid clothes that are too tight or revealing • is an anything that could hurt you or
someone else
Use restraint with cologne and perfume

A good character is professional character Assess the risk

 It emphasizes the individuals with strong • it means working out how likely it is that
and moral ethical values integrity and a a hazard will harm someone and how
commitment to honesty and respect serious the harm could be
contribute to a positive and professional
Make the changes
work environment.

Be honest • for example, pick up a thing from the

floor and put them away to eliminate a
Be reliable trip hazard

Be positive Types of hazards

Be true to yourself Common hazard

See your job as an extension of who you are

• a hazard is a situation in the workplace
Represent the organization that has a potential to harm the health
and safety of people or to damage plant
Clear communication and equipment

Respectful behavior Physical hazard

Adherence to policies and standard • physical hazards are environmental

factors that can harm an employee
Professional appearance
without necessary touching them
including heights noise radiation and The following are environmental issues and
pressure and is the most common requirements and industries
Rewards and incentives
• Meat stuff needs and expectation
• exposure to electrical life parts can
Job conditions
result in serious injuries and fatalities

Fires • Goals or targets are clearly understood

and your grade upon with the
• workplaces are at an increased risk employees and management team and
either due to the work activities or types the staff identify the goals
or employee’s residence
Rapport between the employer and the
Confined spaces employees

• they can be especially dangerous • There is a mutual dress and respect

because of the reduce oxygen between the employer and his
levels and potential buildup of causes employees

Extreme temperature Healthy team climate

• exposure to freezing or extreme cold • There is an open and honest

conditions can result in serious health communication in the team no
impacts exposure to extreme heat can suppression of feelings Favorable
result in health impacts corporate values

Ergonomic hazards • There is a high value for equality

excellence time cost productivity
• are result of physical factors that can corporate image customer satisfaction
result in musculoskeletal injuries and etc.

Manual handling Favorable attitudes

• for manual handling techniques can • The members of the management team
have serious consequences and less do not project biases and the members
employees or appropriately trained in of the management team do not project
their duties biases and prejudices against her
employees and colleagues
Use of display screen equipment
High level of staff participation
• prologue use of pearly design
workstations can result in a range of ill • The stuffs are given opportunities to
health effects including musculoskeletal participate in democratic decision
injuries repetitive strain injury fatigue making
and eye strain
Challenging and interesting job
• To avoid monotony the job is made
• long term use of vibrating tools can have more challenging through
serious health impact including vibration
white finger sensory nerve damage Recognition of good work
tunnel syndrome and muscle and joint • To avoid monotony the job is made
injuries challenging through

Psychosocial hazard Employees are made to understand the

significance of the job
• Include those that can have an adverse
effect on an employee's mental health or
• Employees are made to understand the
importance of job orders and job
The trends and issues and bread and pastry
Misunderstanding apprehensions and
Common competency developing and updating biases of employees are confronted and
industry knowledge resolved

What are environmental issues and Updating information:

requirements on industries
Reference 8. When serving straw or napkin never hold
them with bare hands to protect them from
bacterial contamination either serves them
Libraries with their proper or in their respective
Unions 9. When serving additional utensils or napkin
place them in a small plate to avoid direct
contact with hand
Work ethics required to work in the industry 10. The thumb should be kept away from the plate
to avoid touching the sauce meat or dish
Cooperation and camaraderie
11. When setting a flat wires and glasses avoid
• a good citizen is always ready to help leaving finger marks on them by carrying them
and cooperate with other members of in trays or with a cloth napkin
the society 12. Never serve food and cluttered that have been
fallen on the floor
Avoidance of conflict
• A harmonious relationship is attainable if 13. To avoid contamination food must be covered
conflict is avoided when it is not served immediately
14. Avoid placing foods on top of counters or
Common competency observes workplace
hygiene procedure. Hygiene procedure 15. Never serve utensils cups glasses or plates
Safe and hygienic handling of equipment’s food that are oily wet or with finger marks pods or
and beverages lipsticks remove them from the station and
replace them with clean once use hot water to
Regular hand washing remove grease

Correct food storage 16. Do not stuck dishes too high on the
chinaware’s can be stuck using the decoy
Appropriate in clean clothing system this means anywhere of the same kind
do not stuck dishes too high on the
Avoidance of cross contamination chinaware’s can be stuck using the decoy
Safe handling disposal of linen and laundry system this means anywhere of the same kind
and size should be stuck together
Appropriate handling and disposal of garbage 17. Avoid handling in bouquet hold footed glasses
on the stem and hypo glasses on the base
Cleaning and sanitizing procedures
Never put flatware silverwares in the glasses
Personal hygiene place them in them appreciate container
18. Follow the 3 S's (scrape stock and segregate)
Sanitation standards in handling service
when bussing
19. Trace must be handled with palm and not
1. Only clean and sanitize classes flatware’s fingers holding the plate regular
trainers and other equipment shall be set up
and to be used for service Basic competencies of bread and pastry
2. Equipment should not be exposed to production
contamination keep them in closed throwers
Basic competencies
Participate in workplace communication
cabinets not exposed to dust or dirt
• Work in team environment
3. Food delivered for room service must be
covered to avoid bacterial contamination • Practice career professionalism

4. All service equipment must be wiped dry and • Practice occupational health and safety
clean wiping close to protect them from procedures
watermarks the close to use for this purpose Bread and pastry production
must be segregated from other wiping clothes
they may be identified by color coding • is a technical vocational program that
5. Service equipment like balls glasses and develops the skills of students in
cutleries must be handled properly preparing and producing bakery pastry
6. Bowls should be underlined with appropriate products cakes and desserts students in
plate underline and never to be served with this program or train in using modern
baking techniques equipment tools and
7. Avoid touching the food and utensils with bare utensils and other baking appliances
hands use cooper for scooping eye serving
students are also thought about different
spoon and fork for dishing out foods
presentation method sanitation and
What is communication? dislike in a workplace the sandwich techniques
involve three steps
• Is a process in which a people
exchange information and ideas in order 1. Start with a positive comment
to understand each other 2. Stay constructive criticism while still
• Connects people by letting them create using an informative tone
and share meaning from the things they 3. End with another positive observation or
see here and feel comment

Types of communications Evidence guides critical aspect of

• Prepared written communication
• the use of language to transfer following standard format of the
information through speaking or sign organization
• Access information using
Nonverbal communication equipment
• Made use of relevant terms as an aid to
• is the use of body language gestures transfer information effectively
and facial expression to convey
information to others
• Conveyed information effective adopting
the formal or informal communication
Evidence guides underpinning
• the act of writing typing or printing knowledge and attitude Effective
symbols like letters and numbers to communication
convey information
• Different modes of communication Written
Visual communication
• Organization policies Communication
• the act of using photographs is drawing
procedures and systems
sketches charts and graphs to convey
information • Technology relevant to the enterprise and
the individuals
Effective communication and the workplace are were responsibilities
imperative and leadership role an age-old
aphorism it's not what you say but how you say
Evidence underpinning skills
it good communication is what separates a poor
leader from an exceptional one having effective
communication skills is the key to a good • Follow simple spoken Perform routine
leadership workplace duties following simple written
Suggestions when starting conversation
• Participate in workplace meetings and
Find common interest discussions

• Complete work-related documents
• Estimate calculate and record routine
Listen well workplace measures
Avoid gossip and controversies Be • Basic mathematical process of addition
subtraction division and multiplication
• Ability to relate to people of social range in
Suggestions when closing conversations the workplace

Be genuine
• Gather and provide information and
response to workplace
Please be sure to use appropriate closing marks requirements

Be clear and direct Evidence guides resource implications

Do not be ambiguous
• Fax machine
End on a good note
• Telephone
Avoid a necessary comment • Writing materials
• Internet
Giving and receiving constructive feedback

A method known as the sandwich technique or Guide methods of assessment

is also helpful in expressing your criticism or
• Direct observation History of baking
• Oral interview and written test
Prehistoric times
Evidence guides context of assessment
Early humans likely discovered that grinding
• Competency may be assessed
cranes and mixing them with water
individually in the actual produced a paste that could be cooked over
workplace or through accredited fire, leading to the creation of
institution rudimentary flatbreads

Work in team environment

Ancient civilization
Describe the team role and scope

• Mesopotamians and Egyptians are among

• Role and objective of a team is to the earliest known civilizations to cultivate
identified from available sources of grains and baked bread. They develop
information simple ovens and mastered techniques for
• Team parameters reporting relationship leavening bread using natural fermentation.
and responsibilities are identified from
team discussions and appropriate Roman era
external sources
• Roman further advance baking by
Identify own role and constructing large communal offense and
responsibility within team experimenting with different types of wheat
floor. They also introduced the use of an
• Individual role and responsibilities within enclosed baking chambers known as horns.
the team environment are identified
Middle Ages
• Rules and responsibility of other team
members are identified and recognized
• Reporting relationships within team and
• Baking became an essential skill in
monasteries and household across Europe
external to theme are
during the Middle Ages. The use of yeast as
a leavening agent became widespread,
leading to the production of lighter and
Work as a team member softer bread.

• Effective and appropriate forms of Renaissance

communication used and interactions
undertaken with team members who • The renaissance period saw the refinement
contribute to known theme activities and of baking techniques and the emergence of
objectives professional bakeries in Europe’s urban
centers. Bakers began specializing in
• Effective and appropriate contributions specific types of bread and pastry, catering
made to complement team activities and to diverse taste.
objectives based on individual skills and
competencies and workplace context
• Observe protocols and reporting using Industrial revolution
standard operating procedure
The invention of mechanical milling
• Contribute to the development of machines and steam powered ovens
teamwork plans based on an revolutionized speaking during the
understanding of themes role and industrial revolution. Mass production of
objectives and individual competencies bread became possible leading to its
of the members. widespread availability and affordability.
20th century
Prepare and produce bakery
• The 20th century so further advancements
in baking technology including the
development of electric ovens, commercial
 Preparing and producing bakery products yeast strains, and free package baking
involves the entire process of making mixes. This era also witnesses the rise of
various baked goods such as bread artisanal baking movements, emphasizing
pastries cakes cookies and more It traditional methods and high-quality
encompasses everything from gathering ingredients.
ingredients to
packaging the finish products Contemporary times
• Baking continuously evolve with innovations from this distillery barm. Many 19th century
in ingredients, techniques, and equipment. cookbooks include recipes for making
Modern trends include gluten free and plant- homemade yeast using hops, potatoes, or a
based baking, as well as renewed interest in flour water sugar mixture.
sourdough bread making an artisanal pastry. • Bread recipes usually have just five or so
ingredients: flour, water, yeast, salt, and
either some type of sweetener or maybe
History of baking in the Philippines
herbs or spices.
The history of baking in the Philippines is deeply • Gradually people use open flames for
intertwined with its colonial past and cultural cooking or stoves. Stoves were gaining
exchanges. Traditional Filipino baking popularity in the 1800s, but they were not
techniques where influence by Chinese, electric or gas. Instead, they had either a
Spanish and American culinary traditions. wood fire or a coal fire inside. The stove
allowed the heat to more uniformly cooked
Pre-colonial era
and bake food than an open flame.
• Before colonization, Filipinos utilize simple • Early humans made bread by mixing
baking methods such as cooking food over crushed grains with water and spreading the
an open flame or using earthenware pots. mixture on stones to bake in the sun. Later,
Breads made from rice flour or tubers were similar mixtures were baked in hot ashes.

Pre-colonial era Spanish colonial period How breads are made in the modern world
• Modern technology has had a huge
• Spanish colonization introduced wheat- impact on the way we make bread
based brad to the Philippines. Spanish today. Automated machines can now
bread, pandesal (salt bread), ensaymada mix though, knead them, shape them,
and panda coco became popular. This and bake them in a fraction of the time it
bread was often made in monasteries or by would take to do it by hand. This has a
local bakers under Spanish supervision loud bakery to produce more bread in
less than and with less labor, resulting in
Chinese influence greater efficiency and cost savings.
• The use of technology in bread making
• Chinese immigrants brought their baking
has allowed for greater consistency in
techniques and ingredients such as mung the quality of the finished product.
bean paste, sesame seeds, and ube. Automated machines can be
Filipino Chinese bakeries began producing programmed to produce bread with the
delicacies like hopia and tikoy. same texture, flavor, an appearance
every time. This has allowed bakeries to
Post independence era 1946 to present produce a consistent product that
customers can rely on.
• Filipino bakers continue to innovate,
• Modern breads use different variety of
blending traditional recipes with modern
techniques and ingredients. Regional
specialties like bibingka and puto remain • Modern brads use different yeast
popular, alongside western style cakes and • Modern brad has a shorter rise time
• Modern bread has additives
The art of bread making from Asian Basic baking terminologies
traditions to modern techniques.
 Basic baking terminologies refer to the
Bread vocabulary and language used in the
 is a staple food prepared from dough to flour world of baking. Understanding this
usually wheat and water, usually by baking. terms essential for successful baking
Throughout recorded history and around the some key terms include shifting
world, it has been the oldest human made (passing dry ingredients through a
foods, having been of significance since the sieve), cream (mixing butter and sugar
dawn of agriculture, and place an essential until smooth and fold gentle mixing
role in both religious rituals and secular technique.) Familiarity with these terms
culture enhances your ability to follow recipes
and achieve delicious bake goods.
How Bread traditionally made

• Traditional bread uses homemade yeast as Basic terminologies

the rising agent. This yeast was usually
either as our dough starter, or a yeast made
Sift: to pass dry ingredients through a sieve or • Pastry flour is a medium protein flour
fine mesh to remove lumps and aerate. that's ideal for tender pie crust
Cream: to beat sugar and fat (usually butter) • Self-rising flour has baking powder and
together until smooth and fluffy. salt already mixed in

Fold: gently combine ingredients using a • Alternative non wet floors are milled
spatula, typically to incorporate delicate items from other grains, nuts and seeds.
like whipped egg whites. • Cornmeal is for corn bread, crunchy
waffles, pancakes and etc.
Knead: to work and press though with the hands
to develop gluten. • Cornstarch is finely ground corn flour
used for thickening sauces and pie
Proof: allowing yeast though to rise before fillings.
baking Whip: to beat rapidly to incorporate air,
creating a light and fluffy texture. Leaveners cause chemical
Grease: to quote upon with a thin layer of fat to reactions that fill batters ando with the
prevent sticking. tiny gas bubbles that make bake goods
Preheat: to hit the oven to desire temperature
before placing the food inside. Sugar is a sweet crystalline substance
Bake Blind: pre-baking a pie crust without the commonly used as a sweetener in food
feeling. and beverages. It can be derived from
various sources including
Glaze: applying a thin, glossy coating to sugarcane and sugar beets
enhance appearance and add flavor.
Deglaze: adding liquid to a hot pan to loosen Salt is a crystalline substance primarily
flavorful beat stock to the bottom. composed of sodium chloride. It is
commonly used as a seasoning in food
Score: to make shallow cuts on the surface of for flavor enhancement preservation
bread or pastry before baking. and other culinary purposes.
Proofing: allowing though to rise before shaping
Dairy in baking refers to ingredients like
or baking.
milk, butter, cream or yogurt. This adds
Leavening Agent: ingredient that causes dough moisture, richness, and flavor to bake
to rise, like yeast, baking powder or baking soda goods, contributing to texture and taste.

Docking: poking holes in pastry dough to

Fats: Oil and Shortening
prevent it from puffing up during baking. Basic
baking ingredients Vegetable oil and natural flavor both for recipes
and for oiling baking pans. Shortening is a solid
Flour - all-purpose flour is actually named vegetable fat used by some cooks either to
because it's your baking jack of all trades that replace potter or in combination with butter to
can create everything from cookies to pancakes make tender baked goods like pie crust.
to muffins. Made from a blonde of high gluten
hard wheat, it's light and fluffy texture comes Shortening has a higher melting point than
from being milled to remove all the wheat germ butter so cookies made with shortening tend to
and bran. keep their shape better.

9 types pf flour Extract and flavorings Flavorings are used to

enhance, add to or change the taste of the base
• Whole wheat flour retains the wheat
product, be it cake, cookies, causes, yeast
germ, and is used to replace a portion of
doughs, pastries, candies, etc. Flavorings can
all-purpose flour in a recipe to boast the
come from extracts, emulsions, oils, compounds
nutritional profile.
powder, spices and herbs.
• Whole grain flour also retains the inter
kernel of grains such as wheat, oats, Spices play an important role in baking and
rye, mallet, quinoa ,barley or a pastry adding depth a flavor warm and
combination of other grains. complexity to sweet and savory dishes alike.
• Bread flour contains more protein and From classic spices like cinnamon and not meg
therefore more gluten and is ideal for to more exotic flavors like cardamom and
baking chewy yeast bread saffron, spices can transform simple baked
goods into decadent treats.
• Cake flour is lower in protein and routine
than all-purpose flour and is chemically
Add in This is where your basic baker's pantry
treated and finally ground to produce
gets really personal. Chocolate and its many
cakes with a lighter texture
forms. Bar chocolate, chocolate chips and
sweetened cocoa powder, and Dutch process Tablets and Smartphones are the types of
cocoa powder. computers that are pocket friendly and easy to
carry is these are handy. This is one of the best
PERFORMING COMPUTER OPERATIONS use of modern technology. These devices have
better hardware capabilities, extensive
operating systems, and better multimedia
WHAT IS COMPUTER? A computer is an functionality. smartphones and tablets contain a
electronic device that processes data number of sensors and are also able to provide
to perform tasks, like calculations, storing wireless communication protocols.
and running programs. The different components of a computer
1. Supercomputer 1. Hardware- Computer hardware is the
When we talk about speed, then the first name collection of physical elements that constitutes
that comes to mind when thinking of computers a computer system. It refers to the physical
is supercomputers. They are the biggest and parts or components of a computer.
fastest computers (in terms of speed of
processing data). Supercomputers are In hardware there are:
designed such that they can process a huge
amount of data, like processing trillions of System Unit - the main part of microcomputer,
instructions or data just in a second. This is sometimes called the chassis. It is the brain
because of the thousands of interconnected computer and responsible for all functions and
processors in supercomputers. It is basically processes. It includes the following parts:
used in scientific and engineering applications
such as weather forecasting, scientific
• Motherboard
simulations, and nuclear energy research. It
was first developed by Roger Cray in 1976.
• Memory
2. Personal Computer (PC)
Personal Computers is also known as a • Ports
microcomputer. It is basically a general-
purpose computer designed for individual use.
• Cards
It consists of a microprocessor as a central
processing unit (CPU), memory, input unit, and
output unit. This kind of computer is suitable for • Expansions
personal work such as making an assignment,
watching a movie, or at the office for office • Slots
work, etc. For example, Laptops and desktop
computers. • Microprocessor
3. Digital Computer
Input Devices - is any peripheral (piece of
Digital computers are designed in such a way
computer hardware equipment) to provide data
that they can easily perform calculations and
and control signals to an information
logical operations at high speed. It takes raw
processing system such as a computer or other
data as input and processes it with programs
information appliance. These are:
stored in its memory to produce the final
output. It only understands the binary input 0
and 1, so the raw input data is converted to 0 • Keyboard
and 1 by the computer and then it is processed
by the computer to produce the result or final • Mouse
output. All modern computers, like laptops,
desktops including smartphones are digital • Touch Screen
4. Hybrid Computer • Light Pen
As the name suggests hybrid, which means
made by combining two different things.
Output Device - used to communicate the result
Similarly, the hybrid computer is a combination
of data processing carried out by an information
of both analog and digital computers. Hybrid
processing system which converts the
computers are fast like analog computers and
electronically generated information into human
have memory and accuracy like digital
readable form. These are:
computers. So, it has the ability to process both
continuous and discrete data. For working
when it accepts analog signals as input then it • Monitor
converts them into digital form before
processing the input data. So, it is widely used • LCD Projector
in specialized applications where both analog
and digital data are required to be processed. A • Printer
processor which is used in petrol pumps that
converts the measurements of fuel flow into • Speaker
quantity and price is an example of a hybrid
• Digital Tablet
5. Tablet and Smartphones

• Microphone 1. T or tsp- teaspoon

• Web Camera 2. T or TB or tbsp or tbl or tbs- tablespoon

2. Software- The set of instructions (also 3. c-cup

called a program) that guides the hardware
to operate effectively. 4. oz- ounces(s)

Two Main Types of Software: 5. pt- pint(s)

1. System Software - it is responsible for 6. lb- pounds

controlling, integrating, and managing the
individual hardware components of a computer 7. qt- quarts
system. Users do not interact with system
software as it works in the background and
system software can run independently of the 8. min- minute(s)
application software.
9. hr- hour(s)
Examples are
10. doz- Dozen
• Microsoft Windows
11. sq- square
• Linux
12. mod- moderate- 350-375 degree F
• Unix

• Mac Os


Two Main Types of Software:

2. Application Software - used to accomplish

specific tasks other than just

running the computer system.Users ways

interact with application software

while doing different activities and cannot run

without the presence of system


Examples are:

• Microsoft Office

• Google Chrome

• Adobe Photoshop

• My SQL

• Sony Vegas

3. Peopleware- It refers to the people involved

in the data processing operations such as the
system administrator, office workers, students
and others.

Who’s in charge of keeping the workplace

safe? The Human Resources department that
is in charge of making sure safe workplace
standards are being met. Other companies may
not have a HR representative, and in that case,
management and supervisors would ensure the
workplace is kept safe.

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