Case2 Attitude Discussion
Case2 Attitude Discussion
Case2 Attitude Discussion
nsight:Employees’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment are shaped not only
by the job itself and the work environment but also by individual traits, and
together they influence employees both on individual level and organizational
Attitude in OB
(antecedent/consequen Reasoning-Hard Environment
Reason of Ranking How they influence Attitudes
Benefit, • Compensation and benefits significantly impact • Compensation and benefits significantly impact
Compensatio employees' financial well-being, influencing their overall employees' financial well-being, influencing their
happiness and satisfaction with their jobs. When overall happiness and satisfaction with their
n, employees receive competitive salaries and benefits, jobs.They also play a crucial role in shaping both
Insurance... they feel valued and appreciated, which enhances job individual and organizational outcomes.
• Considering that reputation is a hard
Reputation of
environmental indicator that objectively
the job and • Reputation here not only refers to the reputation of the measures the company and the job, we believe
Hard company job, but also the reputation of the company. that it is not involved in the impact on
Environme organizational commitment, but rather in the
nt Factors impact on attitudes through job satisfaction.
Reason of Ranking How they influence Attitudes
Values: • The macro factors should be considered more • For values and cultures, these two are relatively
important in terms of their impacts on the attitudes, macro factors, and the relationship between
fairness, since a more macro one would influence a more wider these of the firm and these of employees can
humanity scope of the organization, and would exert a deeper influence their core and overall attitudes
impact on individuals’ attitudes toward the firm, which in turn impact their
Culture: • Value would be the most macro one, and is supposed to organizational commitment.
within the influence the whole companies and the relationship
between employees’ and firms’ values would have the
firm utmost impact on their attitudes and decision
Group making • As for group behaviors and relationships, two
Behavior: - • Culture would be second one, and it would influence all relatively micro factors concerning a group of
Environme the employees through the atmosphere within the firm. individuals, these would significantly make a
tendency to
nt Factors • The following factor is the group behavior, which has a difference on employees’ job satisfaction,
do overtime
Relaionship relatively smaller scope of influence. But it has great since these two factors affects their daily life, and
with: influence on individuals’ behavior through the peer consequently have great impact on their daily
pressure, and in turn influence their attitudes. emotional status.
• Individuals’ relationships with other colleagues, such as
supervisors, coworkers, supervisors and subordinates can play an
subordinates inevitable role in their attitudes with their daily
interactions • ESG shows the company’s attitudes towards the
ESG • ESG can impact employees’ attitudes through the continuous development and its social image,
companies’ social image, giving them a sense of which can present employees confidence
achievement and persuading them that their work that they are actually making a difference
does make a difference. However, given that the and make the world a better place. Hence, it
world’s economy is suffering from a downturn,
Attitude in OB
(antecedent/consequen Reasoning-Individual
Reason of Ranking How they influence Attitudes
• Personality is a core variable influencing job satisfaction • It plays a foundational role in shaping employees'
and organizational commitment.It not only affects how perceptions and emotional responses to work.
Personality employees approach their tasks and interpersonal
relationships but also determines their ability to cope
with stress and setbacks.