Code of Conduct-Apprentices & Trainees

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1. Group training organization

HSTEA group is a committed to meeting the following national compliance standard/s: Standard
1 – Recruitment, Employment and Induction
1.1: A documented and publicly available Code of Practice

2. Code of conduct- Apprentice / trainee policy

HSTEA institutions expects its apprentices and trainees to perform with a high standard of
integrity and professionalism at all times. HSTEA group is committed to good corporate values,
forming the foundation of this policy.
Ethics – The process by which people make value based decisions, ultimately guiding their
actions and behaviors. HSTEA group is committed to good corporate values by which employees
should base their decisions. These values form the foundation of this policy.
 Respect similarities and differences in individual characteristics such as gender, race,
age, ethnic cultural background, sexual orientation, disability, religion, education, life
experience and marital status.
 Accept each other as unique individuals and treat each other with respect and dignity.
 Act in a manner which will create and maintain a workplace environment that supports
diversity and is free from discrimination, hostility and harassment.
3. Purpose
To ensure HSTEA group provide apprentices and trainees to industry who uphold a quality
service and ethical behavior, fostering the opportunity to grow and prosper.

This policy applies to all apprentices and trainees employed by HSTEA group, Group Training
Organization (GTO). Apprentices and trainees are required to abide by both HSTEA group and
the Employer Partner requirements/standards/guidelines. This policy covers appropriate
behaviour, presentation, confidentiality, misconduct and serious or gross misconduct.
Related legislation is:
• Equal Opportunity Act
• Occupational Health & Safety Act
• The Child Safety and Wellbeing Act
• Crimes and Amendment (Bullying)
• Namibian Human Rights Commission Act
• Fair Work Act
HSTEA Group General Manager
• To be an exemplar of good behaviour and conduct at all times.
• To ensure all employees who manage apprentices and trainees adhere to this policy.
Industry Consultants
• Lead and manage the apprentice and trainee Code of Conduct Policy and consult the
HSTEA Group General Manager where necessary. Apprentices and Trainees
• Understand and adhere to this policy at all times.
Below are guidelines for acceptable behaviour by HSTEA Group apprentices and trainees:

Core behaviour Description Culture

Culture • Adhere to the core values and mission
• Treat colleagues, customers and other
stakeholders with courtesy and respect for
their rights and duties.
• Respect for business operational
confidentiality at all times
• Apply good judgment at all times Team
Team work • Proactively participate in meetings
• Work cooperatively with all co-workers at
all levels
• Take responsibility for outcomes and
• Undertake training as required
• Undertake work as required
Health and Safety • Adhere to relevant OH&S policies
• Provide feedback on matters relating to
OH&S in the workplace
Continuous Improvement

• Adhere to and support quality assurance systems • Adhere to all policies and procedures
Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! Please ensure that you are using the latest version by
checking the intranet. Document No.: ATO_PO2 Version 17/10/2018 Page 3 of 4 Presentation
Apprentice and trainee presentation reflects on WPC Group’s image and reputation. As a
minimum standard, personal hygiene and attire should be clean, neat and professionally
appropriate. Apprentices and trainees should take into account requirements for protective
clothing, customer/supplier interaction and the Employer Partner environment. Some examples
of non-acceptable presentation are: • Ripped or torn clothes • Offensive slogans • Midriff tops •
Thongs • Soiled clothe

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