Model Question Paper Templet 7 Sem (2021 Scheme)
Model Question Paper Templet 7 Sem (2021 Scheme)
Model Question Paper Templet 7 Sem (2021 Scheme)
Note: 01. 02. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each
Module -1 Taxonomy COs Marks
Q.01 a With a neat diagram, explain ASIC design flow L2 CO1 7
b Explain Booth multiplier encoding by considering unsigned L2 CO1 5
number as one of the example
c Explain the following with relevant diagram L2 CO1 8
a. Standard Cell based ASIC
b. Gate array based ASIC
Q.02 a Explain the working of a. Carry skip and b. Carry bypass adders L2 CO1 7
with necessary diagrams
b Define data path and explain any 8 data path elements with neat L2 CO1 8
c Explain I/O cells with neat diagram. L2 CO1 5
Q. 03 a Explain about the following: Goals and objectives of 1.Floor L2 CO2 8
planning 2. Placement and 3. Routing &
b Explain the global routing methods in an ASIC physical design L2 CO2 7
c Explain the following in ASIC floor plan 1. Clock planning 2. L2 CO2 5
Power planning in brief &
Q.04 a Explain the following placement algorithms: 1. Min-cut placement L2 CO2 8
2. Iterative placement improvement &
b Explain global routing between blocks with neat diagram L2 CO2 7
c Explain the concept of measurement of delay in floor planning L2 CO2 5
Q. 05 a Explain the verification process of system verilog L2 CO5 7
b Explain the different types of array methods used in unpacked L2 CO5 8
c Write a short note on built in data types of system verilog with L2 CO5 5
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Q. 06 a Explain the factors in randomizing the stimulus to design L2 CO5 8
b Explain the various test bench components L2 CO5 7
c Explain the constants and strings in system verilog with examples L2 CO5 5
Q. 07 a Explain tasks and void functions with examples L2 CO4 7
b Explain with examples the various system verilog assertions L2 CO4 8
c Explain the 1.Returning of array from a function 2. Passing an L2 CO4 5
array to a function in system verilog
Q. 08 a Explain the routine arguments with necessary examples L2 CO4 8
b Explain the concept of separating the test bench and design in L2 CO4 7
system verilog with an example
c Write a short note on procedural statements in system verilog L2 CO4 5
Q. 09 a Write about the common randomization problems in system L2 CO4 7
b List the various coverage types in system verilog and explain them L2 CO4 8
c Write a short note on measuring coverage statistics during L2 CO4 5
Q. 10 a Explain about the various random number generators in system L2 CO4 8
b Which are the various functional coverage strategies? Explain them L2 CO4 7
in detail
c List the various random number functions and explain them in L2 CO4 5
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.
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