Chapter 3 Preposition

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 Mental phenomenon. It denotes or explains an
1. Real Definition
 An object is represented mentally by way of this Explain the essential nature of a thing, providing
meaning. its actual function.
 They direct us to the existence of objects. It
answers the question of "what a thing really is." Example:

o Spectrum
 The range of different colors produced when
TERM light possess through something.
 it designates meanings. It is a label for
something, it carries the meaning of the entity
it represents. 2. Stimulative Definition

Assign meaning deliberately due to some

TYPES OF MEANING intended purpose.
1. Intuitive
From direct observation, a type of perception
that is immediate. “The Manhattant Project”

2. Abstract
Meanings that are borne out of concepts that 3. Precising Definition
the mind gives birth to.
Eliminate ambiguity for scientific clarity and
3. Contradictory dispute resolution.
Are meanings that exclude each other. Example:

4. Contrary o Autism spectrum disorder or ASD

Meanings that express or represent the two o AHIN1
extremes among objects of the same type, not o Lou Gehrig’s disease
necessarily the exact opposite.

4. Persuasive Definition

Aim to influence behavior or attitudes toward

02 DEFINITION certain claims.

Definition as Explanation
 Concepts capture reality and are established “Murder of an innocent unborn child”
by empirical observation or cultural
5. Theoretical Definition
Express generations about physical reality and
2 Parts of Definition unify principles or laws of phenomena.

 Definiendum Example:
o word being defined o Theory of multiple intelligences
o String theory
o Chaos Theory
 Definiens o Big bang Theory
o words explaining the meaning

"p is q" means "p" possesses the attribute "q,"

explaining what "p" is. 03 THE NATURE OF TERM
 Term
 is a word that denotes of a particular object.
 And when we denote, a term brings us an object 3. Universal
or an idea. are clearly applied to all subjects to which
they can be applied.

 In the proposition, “Jesus is the greatest person to Examples and rules are provided to distinguish
have walked the planet” between
 When multiple words are used, we call it as singular, particular, and universal terms.
Complex term.
Rule 1
 Simple terms - Jesus, person, walk, planet  A term is Singular if it definitively refers to one
individual or group.
 Complex term - “greatest person to have walked  Demonstrative pronouns like "this" or "that" imply
the planet” definite designation.

DISTRIBUTIVE "This government does not have a preferential option
 when it shows the essence of entities for the poor”.
Rule 2
COLLECTIVE  A term is Particular if it refers to more than one,
 when it shows the essence of entities as a but not clearly to all individuals or groups it can be
group or a unit. applied to.

o Some ideas
1. UNIVOCAL o A few good men
When term has the same meaning when o Some men
applied in different instances o Several days
o Many children.
When a term is used in an entirely different Rule 3
sense/meaning  A term is Universal if it applies to each subject it
can be applied to, without exception.
When a term is used in distinct but related Examples:
senses. o Each person
o Every Filipino
o All parents
o Nobody
o Everybody.

Absolute Extension
 Universal terms have absolute extension and are
 encompasses all subjects a term signifies,
distributed to all subjects falling under the
including everything possessing its

 Articles such as "a," "an," and "the" signal either

Functional Extension
particularity or universality in a sentence.
 deals with subjects actually present in one's
thinking when using a term. Example:

1. Singular o Universal: "A dog"

designate or apply only to one definite o Particular: "A dog is running"
individual or group o Universal: "The golden shower"
o Particular: "The golden shower was cut by Mr.
2. Particular Rubia"
apply to more than one individual withoutund
clearly designating them

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