Assignment in Logic: Definition of Idea
Assignment in Logic: Definition of Idea
Assignment in Logic: Definition of Idea
A thought or collection of thoughts that generate in the mind. An idea is usually
generated with intent, but can also be created unintentionally. Ideas often form
during brainstorming sessions or through discussions. – Business Dictionary
This image of the imagination is the first step in the formation of an idea. All
knowledge starts with the senses. Generally speaking, nothing is in the mind
unless it passes thru the senses.
Ideas are the building blocks of knowledge. They are the elements that constitute
judgments and judgments express either truth or error. Ideas must be thoroughly
understood because no building can be solid unless its foundation is solid.
The idea must be carefully distinguish from the phantasm. The idea is the
meaning of the phantasm. In our present condition a phantasm usually
accompanies the idea. It helps fixate our thoughts.
Includes all notes applicable to a term. The term “man”, for instance, implies
several defining notes, namely: “being”, “living”, “sentient”, “rational”.
Thus, when someone asks for the meaning of a term, he expects an answer from
its comprehension. E.g., What is philosophy? – a science of all things by their
ultimate causes and principles as known by natural reason alone
2) Extension / Denotation
Is the range or scope of individuals and classes to which idea may be applied. It
is also referred to as denotation, application.
Extension, instead, applies to the set of individuals that may be referred to by the
same term, as when I use “man” to refer to all the Earth’s humanoid inhabitants.
The extension concerns the universality (of individuals).
It is manifested by division. Also known as application or denotation. The sum-
total of the individuals and classes or groups to which an idea can be applied.
The extension of an idea expresses the application of the thought-content to the
individuals and groups in which it is found.
Focus on development, organization, and language use in relation to the
speaker’s purpose.
Verbal expression of ideas involves putting ideas into words. In most cases, you
need to verbally communicate your train of thoughts for you to be understood by
your listeners. In the articulation of your thoughts, many factors are considered to
convey the message effectively.
A word or group of words (phrases) is called term. A term is the oral or written
representation of an idea or group of ideas (concept). It is also the basic
component of a statement.
A. According to Comprehension
1. Univocal
When a term is being applied to their inferiors in the same exact
A terms that has only one meaning. That is, it signifies only one
concept, and thus corresponds to only one definition. Such a term
always has the same intension wherever it is used. E.g. the term
"entomology" signifies the study of insects.
2. Analogical
When is may be applied to several subjects having something in
common and something different from each other. Such a term fails
to designate a subject clearly but not necessarily incorrectly. Its
function is apparent in figurative language, such as metaphors.
Terms become analogous when their inferiors are partly the same
but also partly different in their use or essence. The emphasis on the
analogy of inferiors, in this case called analogues, depends on the
degree of their relation with each other and to the general term.
3. Equivocal
A term that has more than one meaning. That is, it signifies more
than one concept, and thus corresponds to more than one
definition. An equivocal term has different intensions when it is
used. E.g. the term "chihuahua" can signify (a) a breed of dog; (b) a
state of Mexico.
When instances are under the same term but of entirely different
meaning, the term is equivocal. The term is referred by instances of
different meanings.
The various functions of a term in the proposition is called the supposition of
is the property by which a term stands for a definite one of the various things it
can stand for
The exact meaning it has in relation to the other words in a given sentence
A. Material Supposition
This refers to the use of the term in a manner by which it signifies simply
the spoken sound or the written symbol. It refers only to the given term
and not to the meaning of the term.
is when an utterance supposits for itself.
It is the use of a term for the spoken or written sign itself, but not for what
it signifies (Bacchuber, 1957, p.231). In the following examples, the
supposition of “chair” is material: “Chair rhymes with hair,” and “Chair has
R as its last letter”. In all these usages, chair is really a furniture, but the
fact that chair’s being a furniture has nothing to do with the
fact chair rhymes with hair, or that its last letter is R. Hence, in these
examples we only consider the material make up of the word “chair”.
B. Formal Supposition
This is the use of a term for what it really means or signifies.
Formal supposition is the use of a term not for the sign itself, but for what
it signifies. In the example “Chair is furniture”, chair has a formal
supposition because it is not the word chair that is furniture but what
the chair signifies that is furniture.
Are the different kinds of logical universals, that is, universal concepts that may
applied to many subjects. Taken as classifications, they are universal concepts
bearing different kinds of logical relationship to the subject.
“Genus” comes from the Greek word for “race” or “family” and is related to
words such as genesis and generation. By extension “genus” has come to
mean “kind of thing.” In logic we use the word “genus” to refer to a kind of
thing which has other kinds underneath it.
A universal term that expresses the essential feature which a things has in
common with other species; e.g., man is an animal. The predicate animal is
the genus or generic feature which man shares with the brutes.
Living things are divided into two basic kinds, plants and animals. Animals
themselves, however, are divided into kinds, e.g., dogs, men, horses, etc.
Therefore, “animal” is a term which signifies a kind of thing that has other kinds
under it. Animal, therefore, is a genus. It is the genus of dogs, men, horses,
etc. In the same way, since there are different kinds of living things, but living
thing is a kind of thing, then living thing is also a genus–the genus of plants
and animals.
B. Species
“Species” comes from the Latin for “outward appearance.” Since things
with the same outward appearance are often the same kind of thing, by
extension “species” has come to mean “kind of thing.”
“Animal” is a genus for the species “man,” since man is arranged below
animal. In the same way, “living thing” is a genus for the species “animal”,
since animal is arranged below living thing. We call a species that which is
arranged below a genus.
C. Specific Difference
A universal tern that expresses the essential feature which distinguishes
the essence of the subject from the essence of other things with which the
subject shares the same genus; e.g., man is a rational being. Rationality is
the essential feature which distinguishes the essence or nature of man
from that of brutes.
Men and brute animals are both animals, but they are different
species of animals. What makes man different from the brutes? It is
primarily man’s rational powers; and so we call man the “rational animal.”
D. Logical Property
A universal term that expresses a feature that does not form part of the
essence of the subject, but necessarily derives from its essence in an
exclusive and distinctive manner; e.g., man is a being capable of
education, of wonderment, of religious sentiment, etc.
Is what happens to one species only, to all those in that species, and at all
An example of a property is risibility, i.e., the ability to laugh. All
men are risible, only men are risible, and we all possess the power to
laugh at all times. Furthermore, although none of the brute animals laugh,
the ability to laugh is not the root difference between man and the brutes.
It is, however, closely connected with that root difference–rationality. Thus,
“risible” is a property of man.
E. Logical Accident
“Accident” comes from the Latin for “happening.” Whatever just happens
to be the case is an accident. Any term that denotes neither genus nor
species nor difference nor property is an accident
For example, if Plato happens to have a tan, “tan” is an accident of Plato.
A predicament in logic may be defined as a logical string of concepts
having universal extension, starting from a superior genus and
progressing down to an individual subject.
Refer to the set of fundamental ideas in terms of which all other ideas can
be expressed.
Is a being that exists by or for itself and does not need any other subject
in order to exist. Ex. Man; house. It answers the question “who or what is
this thing?”
Is anything that cannot exist by itself and must be attached to a
substance. The following as the accidents:
8. Posture -– is an accident which tells the position of part of the body. Ex.
Standing; to sit down.
9. Habit – is an accident signifying the coverings of the things that are placed
around the body. Ex. Clothed; armed. It answers the question “how
surrounded, equipped or conditions?”