2.1 DD2356 MooresLawDennardScaling

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DD2356 – Moore’s Law and Dennard Scaling

Stefano Markidis
What Do You Think Moore’s Law Says?

• Usually cast as X doubles every 18-24 months

• Is X:
– Computer performance
– CPU Clock speed
– The number of transistors per chip
– One of the above, at constant cost?

The Original Moore’s Law

• The number of transistors per chip at

constant cost
– This has not been true for years
– The improvement has been
remarkable, but it is getting
increasingly difficult to maintain this
exponential improvement Original paper by Moore

Road Maps

• The Semiconductor industry has produced a roadmap of future trends and

• Semiconductor Industry Association (~1977, roadmaps from early ’90s)
• International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (~1998)
• ITRS Home and Current Summary
– http://www.itrs.net/
– http://www.itrs2.net/itrs-reports.html

ITRS projections for gate lengths (nm) for
2005, 2008, 2011 and 2013 editions

Note the rapid 3- and then 5-year shifts in ITRS projections for physical gate lengths
Why is Moore’s Law Confused with Performance?

• Its not because of parallelism

• for most of its life, Moore’s Law and single processor performance correlated well
• The reason is the size and speed are related
– the smaller something is, the quicker it can be changed
– thus, smaller transistors can switch at higher speeds

Dennard Scaling

• Why haven’t clock speeds increased, even though

transistors have continued to shrink?
• Dennard (1974) observed that voltage and current should
be proportional to the linear dimensions of a transistor
• Thus, as transistors shrank, so did necessary voltage
and current; power is proportional to the area of the

Dennard Scaling II
• Power = alpha * CFV2
– alpha = percent time switched
– C = capacitance
– F = frequency
– V = voltage
• Capacitance is related to area
– So, as the size of the transistors shrunk, and the
voltage was reduced, circuits could operate at higher
frequencies at the same power

End of Dennard Scaling

• Dennard scaling ignored the “leakage current” and

“threshold voltage”, which establish a baseline of
power per transistor.
– As transistors get smaller, power density
increases because these don’t scale with size
– These created a “Power Wall” that has limited
practical processor frequency to around 4
GHz since 2006

Historical Clock Rates

End of Dennard Scaling

l i ng

Prediction Trends

True or False: Moore's law says that computer performance
doubles every 18-24 months


• If the number of transistors per unit area (i.e., on the same chip size) doubles every
24 months:
– By what factor does the length of the side of a transistor, assuming it is
square, decrease every year?
• Starting with a length of 18.4nm (2014), what would be the size of a transistor in
• How does this compare to the ITRS value of 6.75um?


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