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Multi-core: The Ultimate

Dose of Moore’s Law

Mainak Chaudhuri
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
IIT Kanpur

[A tale of five decades of glory and success]

Trends in Chip Industry
• Long history since 1971
– Introduction of Intel 4004
– http://www.intel4004.com/
• Today we talk about more than one billion
transistors on a die
– Intel’s 4-core Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge
have more than a billion transistors; 8-core
Sandy Bridge has more than two billion
– AMD’s Valencia and Interlagos families of
Opteron and IBM’s POWER7 have more than
a billion transistors
– Minimum feature size has shrunk from 10
micron in 1971 to 0.014 micron today 2
• Unpipelined microprocessors
• Pipelining: simplest form of ILP
• Out-of-order execution: more ILP
• Multiple issue: drink more ILP
• Scaling issues and Moore’s Law
• Why multi-core
– TLP and de-centralized design
• Tiled CMP and shared cache
• Implications on software
Unpipelined Microprocessors
• Typically an instruction enjoys five
phases in its life
– Instruction fetch from memory
– Instruction decode and operand register
– Execute
– Data memory access
– Register write
• Unpipelined execution would take a long
single cycle or multiple short cycles
– Only one instruction inside processor at any
point in time
• One simple observation
– Exactly one piece of hardware is active at
any point in time
• Why not fetch a new instruction every
– Five instructions in five different phases
– Throughput increases five times (ideally)
• Bottom-line is
– If consecutive instructions are independent,
they can be processed in parallel
– The first form of instruction-level
parallelism (ILP) 5
Pipelining Hazards
• Instruction dependence limits achievable
– Control and data dependence (aka hazards)
• Finite amount of hardware limits
achievable parallelism
– Structural hazards
• Control dependence
– On average, every fifth instruction is a
branch (coming from if-else, for, do-while,…)
– Branches execute in the third phase
• Introduces bubbles unless you are smart 6
Control Dependence
Instr. Y IF ID EX …
Target if (cond)IF
{…} ID …
else { … }
What do you fetch in X and y slots?
Options: nothing, fall-through, learn past
history and predict (today best
predictors achieve very high accuracy,
often more than 95%) 7
Data Dependence
Hardware bypass
add r1, r2, r3 IF ID EX MEM WB
xor r5, r1, r2 IF ID EX MEM WB

Reads wrong value

Take three bubbles?
Back-to-back dependence is too frequent
Solution: hardware bypass paths
Allow the ALU to bypass the produced
value in time: not always possible
Data dependence
load r1, addr IF ID EX MEM WB
add r3, r2, r1 IF ID EX MEM WB

Value available Value needed

Need a live bypass! (requires some negative
time travel: not yet feasible in real
No option but to take one bubble
Bigger problems: load latency is often
high; you may not find the data in cache
Structural Hazard
Instr. 1 IF ID EX MEM WB
Instr. 2 IF ID EX MEM WB
Instr. 3 IF ID EX MEM …
Instr. 4 IF ID EX

Usual solution is to put more resources

Out-of-order Execution
load r2, addr Cache miss

add r3, r2, r1

xor r10, r5, r3
sub r9, r10, r1
addi r29, r29, 0xffff
sll r29, r29, 2
mul r20, r20
Results must become visible in-order
Multiple Issue
load r2, addr Cache miss

add r3, r2, r1

xor r10, r5, r3
sub r9, r10, r1
addi r29, r29, 0xffff
sll r29, r29, 2
mul r20, r20
Results must become visible in-order
Out-of-order Multiple Issue
• Some hardware nightmares
– Complex issue logic to discover independent
– Increased pressure on cache
• Impact of a cache miss is much bigger now in
terms of lost opportunity
• Various speculative techniques are in place to
“ignore” the slow and stupid memory
– Increased impact of control dependence
• Must feed the processor with multiple correct
instructions every cycle
• One cycle of bubble means lost opportunity of
multiple instructions
– Complex logic to verify 13
Moore’s Law
• Number of transistors on-chip doubles
every 12 months (1965); revised in 1975
to every 24 months
– Phenomenal 58% performance growth every
year till late-nineties made possible by the
increasing number of on-chip transistors
• Doesn’t power consumption increase with
increasing number of transistors?
– Dynamic power consumption is proportional
to the number of switching transistors
– For a transistor, dynamic power is CV2f
• C=capacitance, V=voltage, f=frequency 14
Dennard scaling
• How power density scales with
technology generation (due to Robert
Dennard, 1974)
– In each generation, transistor length shrinks
by 30% i.e., new size is 0.7x of old size
• 180 nm  130 nm  90 nm  65 nm  45 nm 
32 nm  22 nm  14 nm  10 nm  7 nm  5 nm
– New area per transistor is 0.5x of old area
• Allows doubling of transistor count in same area
– New capacitance per transistor is 0.7x of old
• C is proportional to area/length
– To maintain same electric field, voltage must
be 0.7x because V = E.d
Dennard scaling
• How power density scales with
technology generation (due to Robert
Dennard, 1974)
– RC delay through transistor becomes 0.7x as
it is proportional to capacitance
• Clock cycle time can be reduced to 0.7x
• Frequency can be increased to (1/0.7)x i.e., 1.4x
– Power consumption per transistor becomes
(0.7*0.7*0.7*1.4)x or roughly 0.5x
– Since area per transistor becomes 0.5x,
power per unit area i.e., power density
remains unchanged (known as Dennard
Dennard scaling
• Since 2x transistors can be packed in the
same area Moore’s law does not pose any
problem with power consumption
– But Dennard scaling ignores static power
• Power consumed even when a transistor is not
switching i.e., off
• Arises because a transistor does not switch off
completely even if a low voltage is applied
• Static power increases exponentially with
decreasing transistor size
• Today with very small transistors, Dennard
scaling does not hold any more
• Moore’s law meets the power wall
Scaling Issues
• Wires connect transistors
• Wire delay does not scale like transistors
• Hardware for extracting ILP has reached
the point of diminishing return
– Need a large number of in-flight instructions
– Supporting such a large population inside the
chip requires power-hungry delay-sensitive
logic and storage
– Verification complexity is large
• How to exploit so many transistors?
– Must be a de-centralized design which avoids
long wires
• Put a few reasonably complex processors
or many simple processors on the chip
– Each processor has its own primary cache
and pipeline
– Often a processor is called a core
– Often called a chip-multiprocessor (CMP)
– What about power consumption?
• Trade-off between clock frequency, core count,
core complexity
• Did we use the transistors properly?
– Depends on if you can keep the cores busy
• Introduces the concept of thread-level
parallelism (TLP)
Thread-level Parallelism
• Look for concurrency at a granularity
coarser than instructions
– Put a chunk of consecutive instructions
together and call it a thread (largely wrong!)
– Each thread can be seen as a “dynamic”
subgraph of the sequential control-flow
graph with data dependence edges added:
take a loop and unroll its graph
for (i=0;i<10;i++) { a[0]++; a[0]++;
a[i]++; a[1]++; …
} a[2]++; a[4]++;
… a[5]++;
a[9]++; …
Thread-level Parallelism
• One more example
for (i=10;i<20;i++) { a[10] = a[8] + 1;
a[i] = a[i-2] + 1; a[11] = a[9] + 1;
} a[12] = a[10] + 1;

a[10] = a[8] + 1; a[19] = a[17] + 1;

a[14] = a[12] + 1;

Data dependence edge

a[15] = a[13] + 1;

a[19] = a[17] + 1; 21
Thread-level Parallelism
• One more example
for (i=10;i<20;i++) { a[10] = a[8] + 1;
a[i] = a[i-2] + 1; a[11] = a[9] + 1;
} a[12] = a[10] + 1;

a[10] = a[8] + 1; a[19] = a[17] + 1;
a[12] = a[10] + 1;

a[18] = a[16] + 1;
a[11] = a[9] + 1;
a[13] = a[11] + 1;

a[19] = a[17] + 1; 22
Thread-level Parallelism
• Look for concurrency at a granularity
coarser than instructions
– Put a chunk of consecutive instructions
together and call it a thread (largely wrong!)
– Each thread can be seen as a “dynamic”
subgraph of the sequential control-flow
graph with data dependence edges added:
take a loop and unroll its graph
– The edges spanning the subgraphs represent
data/control dependence across threads
• The goal of parallelization is to minimize such
• Threads should mostly compute independently on
different cores; but need to talk once in a while
to get things done! 23
Thread-level Parallelism
• Parallelizing sequential programs is fun,
but often tedious for non-experts
– So look for parallelism at even coarser grain
– Run multiple independent programs
• Known as multi-programming
• Can play games while running heavy-weight
simulations and downloading movies
• Can browse internet while listening to music and
running an anti-virus

Tiled CMP (Hypothetical Floor-plan)

Pipeline Mem. Pipeline

IL1 DL1 Coh. IL1 DL1
L2 slice L2 slice
L2 slice L2 slice
IL1 DL1 Coh. IL1 DL1
Pipeline Cntr. Pipeline
Shared Cache CMP
Pipeline Pipeline
IL1 DL1 Cntr. IL1 DL1

Non-uniform access L2

IL1 DL1 Mem. IL1 DL1

Pipeline Pipeline
Niagara Floor-plan

Quad-core Sandy Bridge

Communication in Multi-core
• Ideal for shared address space
– Fast on-chip hardwired communication
through cache (no OS intervention)
– Two types of architectures
• Tiled CMP: each core has its private cache
hierarchy (no cache sharing); Intel Pentium
D, Dual Core Opteron, Intel Montecito, Sun
UltraSPARC IV, IBM Cell (more specialized)
• Shared cache CMP: Outermost level of cache
hierarchy is shared among cores; Intel
Nehalem (4 and 8 cores), Intel Dunnington (6
cores), Intel Woodcrest (server-grade Core
duo), Intel Conroe (Core2 duo for desktop),
Sun Niagara, IBM Power4, IBM Power5
Shared vs. Private in CMPs
• Shared caches are often very large in
the CMPs
– They are banked to avoid worst-case wire
– The banks are usually distributed across the
floor of the chip on an interconnect


B 30
Shared vs. Private in CMPs
• In shared caches, getting a block from a
remote bank takes time proportional to
the physical distance between the
requester and the bank
– Non-uniform cache access (NUCA)
• This is same for private caches, if the
data resides in a remote cache
• Shared cache may have higher average
hit latency than the private cache
– Hopefully most hits in the latter will be local
• Shared caches are most likely to have
less misses than private caches
– Replication of data and partitioning of space
Implications on Software
• A tall memory hierarchy
– Each core could run multiple threads
• Each core in Niagara runs four threads
– Within core, threads communicate through
private cache (fastest)
– Across cores communication happens through
shared L2 or coherence controller (if tiled)
– Multiple such chips can be connected over a
scalable network
• Adds one more level of memory hierarchy
• A very non-uniform access stack
Research Directions
• Puzzles that keep my brain occupied
– Running single-threaded programs efficiently
on this sea of cores
– Managing energy envelope efficiently
– Allocating shared cache efficiently
– Allocating shared off-chip bandwidth
– Utilizing DRAM efficiently
– Making parallel programming easy
• Transactional memory
• Speculative parallelization
– Verification of hardware and parallel
software 33
Research Directions
• Puzzles that keep my brain occupied
– Tolerating faults
– Automatic and semi-automatic parallelization
– Programming model
• Message passing? (a la 48-core SCC or 80-core
• Shared memory? (current state of the art)
• Hybrid? Hardware-software trade-off?
– Architecting massively parallel accelerators
– Security


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