Total Dynamic Head

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Reynolds Number – is a dimensionless parameter used
to determine the type of flow of fluid.
1. Laminar Flow – type of flow of fluid in which the fluid particles
move along straight, parallel paths in layers or laminae, in which Re
< 2000 (low velocity).

2. Turbulent Flow – type of flow of fluid in which the fluid particles

move in a haphazard fashion in all directions. It is impossible to trace
the motion of an individual particle because of its high velocity and
variable direction. Re > 4000 (High Velocity)

3. Critical Flow (Transitional Flow) – is the combination of laminar

flow and turbulent flow. Re = 2000 to 4000
• Head of Fluid – is the height to which a column of fluid
must rise to certain the same amount of energy as
contained in one unit weight or mass of fluid under the
conditions being considered.
Forms of Head
1. Potential or Actual Head – based on the elevation of the fluid
above some arbitrarily chosen datum plane. Static Lift - difference in
elevation between the suction point and the discharge point.
2. kinetic or Velocity Head – is a measure of the kinetic energy
contained in a unit mass of the fluid due to its velocity and is given by
the familiar expression for kinetic energy.
3. Pressure Head – it is the energy contained in the fluid as a result of
its pressure.
Total Dynamic Head of a Steady Flow, Open Machine using
Bernoulli’s Equation
Whenever problems involving fluids (liquid, vapour and gas) are
encountered, always remember the first law of thermodynamics
defined by the general energy equation. This general energy
equation is the most important equation in thermodynamics.

Total Dynamic Head (TDH) is head corresponding to

the energy input to the system.
Total Dynamic Head of a Steady Flow, Open Machine using
Bernoulli’s Equation
Whenever problems involving fluids (liquid, vapour and gas) are
encountered, always remember the first law of thermodynamics
defined by the general energy equation. This general energy
equation is the most important equation in thermodynamics.

- total dynamic head (TDH) is the work to be

done by a pump per unit weight, per unit
Total Dynamic Head volume of fluid.
(TDH) - is head corresponding to the energy input to
the system.
Typical Installation of a Pumping System
Considering the typical installation of a pumping system
Using Bernoulli’s Equation, consider point A to point B and the datum
line as at the pump centerline.


Where: 𝐇𝑨 = + ± 𝐳𝑨 = total head at point A, m
𝝆𝒈 𝟐𝒈
Note: A negative (-) sign is used if point A is below the datum line
A positive (+) sign is used if point A is above the datum line

𝐇𝑩 = + + 𝐳𝑩 = total head at point B, m
𝝆𝒈 𝟐𝒈
𝑷𝑨 = atmospheric pressure if the source is open to the atmosphere
𝑷𝑩 = atmospheric pressure if the discharge reservoir is open to the
𝑽𝑨 = 𝑽𝑩 = velocities of fluid = 0
𝑯𝑳𝑨𝑩 = head loss from point A to point B (Head loss due to friction and
due to turbulence), m
𝑯𝑳𝑨𝟏 = head loss from point A to point 1, m
𝑯𝑳𝟐𝑩 = head loss from point 2 to point B, m

For Total Dynamic Head,

TDH = (𝐳𝑩 ± 𝐳𝑨 ) + 𝑯𝑳𝑨𝑩
Note for pumping system/installation shown in figure:

1. The datum line is the centreline of the pump. Vertical distance below the datum line has a
negative (-) sign.

2. The reference pressure is the atmospheric pressure. At sea level, it is zero psig or 14.7 psia or
101.325 kPaa. Pressure above the atmospheric pressure has a positive (+) sign and negative (-
) sign for vacuum.

3. All losses of head due to friction, turbulence, etc. in the suction line have negative (-) signs;
and all losses due to friction, turbulence, etc. in the discharge line have positive (+) signs.

4. In the equation of TDH = (ZB ± ZA ) + HLAB , a positive (+) sign is used if point A is below the
pump centreline and a negative (-) sign is used if point A is above the pump centreline.
𝜌𝐴 𝑉𝐴 2
5. In the equation of 𝐻𝐴 = + ± 𝑍𝐵 , a positive (+) sign is used if point A is above the pump
𝜌𝑔 2𝑔
centerline and a negative (-) sign is used if point A is below the pump centerline.

6. Z𝐴 is called static suction head when point A is above the pump centerline; and ZA is called
static suction lift if point A is below the pump centerline.
Theoretical Power of a Pump
The Theoretical power input of the pump is obtained by using the

Brake Power of the Pump

Brake power of the pump is the theoretical power divided by the
pump efficiency and obtained by the equation:
Example No.1
What power is required to
pump 40 lps of water through
a 100 mm pipe from suction
(point A) to a point 10 m
above. The figure is shown
below. Assume an overall
efficiency of 65%. Determine
the pressure intensities at
point P1 and P2. Neglect
Example No.2
A pump draws water from reservoir A and lifts it to reservoir B as shown in the figure. The
loss of head from A to 1 is three times the velocity head in the 15.24 cm pipe and loss of
head from 2 to B is 20 times the velocity head in the 101.6 mm pipe. The pump
discharge rate is 40 lps. Determine the following:
a. Pump Head
b. Pump theoretical power
c. Pump brake power if the
pump efficiency is 78%
d. Pressure head at point 1
e. Pressure head at point 2
Example No.3
A pump discharges 126 lps of brine (SG = 1.2). The pump inlet, 304.8 mm in diameter, is
at the same level as the outlet, 203.2 mm in diameter. At the inlet, the vacuum is 152.4
mm of mercury. The center of the pressure gage connected to the pump discharge
flange is 122 cm. This gauge reads 138 kPag. For a pump efficiency of 83%, what is the
power output of the motor?
• Hydrometer is a device used to determine the specific gravity of liquids.
• Pitot Tube is a device used to measure fluid velocity. It is also used to measure the
velocity of fluid inside a pipe.
• Continuity Equation is an equation used in the conservation of mass.
• The Continuity Equation for an ideal fluid flow states that energy is constant
anywhere in the fluid or in the flow path.
• An Ideal Fluid is a fluid that is frictionless and incompressible.
• The upper critical Reynolds number for pipe flow has no practical importance to
• Steady flow is the flow in which the quantity of fluid per unit time is constant.
• Unsteady flow is the flow in which the quantity of fluid per unit
time is not constant.
• A Fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the
application of shear force. It cannot sustain a shear force at
• Discharge is the volume of fluid that flows through a section of
a channel or pipe per unit of time, expressed in 𝑚3 /sec.
• Pascal’s Law states that “pressure set up in a confined liquid
acts equally in all directions, and is always at right angles to
the containing surfaces.”
• Path Line is a line followed by the fluid particles in motion.
• Streamline is the imaginary line tangents which at any point
indicates the direction of motion at that point.
• Streak Line is the instantaneous position of all fluid particles that pass
through a given point.
• Uniform flow is the type of flow in which the velocities of liquid
particles at all sections of the pipe or channel are equal. It is
generally referred to as flow in channel.
• Non-uniform flow is the flow in which velocities of liquid particles at
all sections of the pipe or channel are not equal.
• Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the continuity equation, and the
principle of conservation of energy always apply to any fluid.
• The Energy Equation for Fluid Low is based on the first law of
thermodynamics which states that the heat input into the system
added to the work done on the system is equal to the change in
energy of the system.

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