Jurnal Teori Arsitektur

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Human civilization began when humans wanted a space to protect themselves from nature. Early humans initially lived in caves,
they then lived in groups for security purposes, then they began to want excess necessities.

Protection from the supernatural gave rise to the establishment of altars or places of worship as part of the environment next to
the residential units, simple hamlets emerged as the basis for the start of urban culture. The solid part of a city is the composition
of the city mass or buildings.

In (city) architecture the elements are not limited to solid parts, but also the spaces formed by these solid parts, whether in the
form of roads, parks or more broadly to all the spaces within them. The formal type, which is formed by building façades and city
courtyards, is called urban space, while the natural (informal) type which presents nature in or around the city is called open
space. In general, the problems faced The challenges faced in planning an open space are the same, the variations depend on
the scale of the function it serves. Open space in an environment is a manifestation of the character of that environment as a
whole, with a function as a center for joint activities.

Keywords: Open Space, City Planning

INTRODUCTION Because architecture is something that

History is something that is not develops and sometimes experiences
inseparable from life. Knowledge a cycle, hence the history of architecture
History is a medium of communication need to be studied. In this case,
with the past, where culture human civilization recorded in
started to develop. Through process history, especially in mainland Europe and
learning history, life and the surrounding area experienced outward progress

past cultures can be known, ordinary, where the art of building and science

both process and impact. structure develop in a way

In architecture, history too amazing. The art of this building

plays an important role in then referred to as architecture
determine the shape or style, classic, because of the principles, concepts

besides the culture of the people. and the romance of buildings of that era

*) Ir. (UNDIP), Teaching Staff, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang
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Vol. 1 No. 2 - December 2004 MODULE ISSN 0853 2877

will remain eternal. The western Roman Empire experienced

decline, otherwise the Empire
One of the interesting types of architecture
Roman Tiomur with capital
here is Byzantine architecture,
Constantinople continued to grow, and
because it is a symbiosis of
in the Middle Ages it became
diverse cultures, namely
Christian stronghold against
a combination of European (western) and Eastern art
invasion of Slavic Barbarians from
(Asia), and Mediterranean culture,
west, and attacks by Muslims from
as well as other influences, good
East. Emperor Honorius (395-423),
because of location and social conditions
first emperor of the western Roman empire
politics at that time.
moved his residence from Rome
to Ravenna, east coast of Italy on
year 404. as a result happen
Initially, it was Eastern Europe
massive development there,
the so-called Byzantium was a colony
which of his positions got
Greeks since 660 BC, which later
Byzantine influence.
part of the Roman Empire. During the reign of Justinian

Constantine the great invited many (527-565) Sicily and Italy become
belonged to the Eastern empire. This matter
artists to Byzantium for
build a city located in causing resurrection

junction between the Bosphorus straits in terms of building in Italy; Where

and the Mamora Sea. This city then Byzantine influence becomes more
dominant, and before 584
named in his name, viz
Constantinople, and in 330 until 752 Ravenna became

inaugurated as the Roman capital representative of the Byzantine empire.

East. The last ten years of power

Byzantium, boundary between Constantinople
After the death of Emperor Theodosius I
with areas of southern Greece already
in 395, the Roman empire
almost no more and art
split into two regions, viz
Constantinople then became the benchmark
eastern region and western region.
measure Byzantine art.

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Byzantine Architecture At “Dome Of The Rock”

History of the Byzantine empire from the 5th century after the empire collapsed,
until the XI century experienced high tide especially in Russia and countries
ebb of development, first of all Balkan. Constantinople continues to be
lost the western provinces Patriarchal center of the Orthodox Church
in the fifth century, which is at the end to date.
most of them include Sicily and
Italy was reunited in time
Justinian's reign in the 19th century
VI. In the following century its power
Byzantine architectural style
reduced greatly due to conflict
Starting in the sixth century, it grew from
with the Persians, who in the century
various cultural bases and roots.
the eight Byzantine empire recovered
1. classic style of Roman art
back to the ninth century
Where his strength capable An odorless hedonist

facing the Muslim nation. But on religious

eleventh century, its decline with 2. culture making

happens quickly, because apart from facing church style underground tomb
enemies from the west and east, the empire Christian-Roman from II – III centuries

also attacked by the Normans

3. lots of development
and Venice, to “occupation
ancient Christian church in Greece
Latin” in Constantinople reached in
The character of Byzantine architecture
1204 and lasted until
1261. This old empire continued starting from the fifth century to the present

This, characterized by the development of style

turbulent for nearly 200 years
new from the dome to cover the field
then, until it finally collapses
polygon or square for church,
due to internal conflicts of war
tomb, and place of baptism.
constantly fighting the Persians
Use of dome systems for
and Türkiye, and finally conquered
the roof construction is different
by the Ottomans from Türkiye in
with an ancient Christian style in the form of
1453. But influence and enthusiasm
wooden supports and also style
Byzantium still felt even distant

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Vol. 1 No. 2 - December 2004 MODULE ISSN 0853 2877

Roman stone arch . Ambition Then the orange is cut into pieces
architecture Byzantium is each side vertically with
constructing a church roof with a roof the same size. What's left of
dome, because the dome is considered a symbol the orange then is
from the power of the Almighty. hemisphere is called the dome
Building a dome on a longitude plan
the cage creates difficulties. On
Roman architecture also found domes,
but all with a circular plan.
An example imitated by the Byzantines
is the dome of the Sassanids from
Timur, who built the domes
on a rectilinear plan, though
very small in size. Nation
Byzantium then developed
such dome construction is possible
covers very large spaces
spacious, like the Aya Sophia church.
Each vertical cut has a shape
The dome, which became half circle, sometimes
traditional Eastern people, becomes a motif the semicircle is built
general Byzantine architecture, which as structural curves
is a combination of constructions which supports the surface of the parabola
dome in classic columnar style. the top of the dome. If the top
Domes of various kinds The orange was cut horizontally,
variations are used to cover the floor plan then the circle happens, still
square with the 'Pendetives' technique. penditive form, can be used
To understand the penditive form, you can as a basis for making a new dome, or
by putting half an orange cylindrical shape can be placed on top
on a plate with the cut part the basis is for support
(the flat one) facing the plate. another higher dome.

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Byzantine Architecture At “Dome Of The Rock”

Byzantine domes and arches interior surfaces and marble floors

thought to be made without using installed, building component parts
temporary supports / scaffolding or which stands alone becomes
'centering' with the use of stones characteristic of Byzantine construction.
a large flat brick, this is The exterior brick walls are free
quite a real system that variously decorated
possibly obtained from the method patterns and ties, while parts
East. The windows are arranged on the interior is usually lined or
the bottom of the dome, which is in period covered with marble, mosaic, and
Next, raise it to position on wall paintings.
high 'drum', a performance
Use of stone the same brick
which was later developed in
with Roman brick, about one
western Renaissance architecture with
half an inch thick, and placed
addition of outer peristyle.
on a thick layer of mortar. Mortar
A group of small or semi-domes as an adhesive between bricks
The dome surrounds the central dome a mixture of lime and sand,
big very effective and become with clay, ceramic or shards
appearance characteristics church brick, which is just as hard
Byzantium is the embodiment of with the finest buildings in Rome.
curved And dome Which
Decorative character of the outer surface
Replace wooden roof frame.
It really depends on the arrangement
bricks, which are not always installed

Brick laying construction system, horizontally, but also sometimes

installed at an angle, sometimes also deep
introduced by the nation
sinuous shape, winding,
Romans developed into a kind of
brick wall construction in general, chevron-shaped or fishbone pattern

and this was adopted to form Herring and many kinds of designs

Byzantine architecture. Wall frame other similar things, providing variety

the bricks are finished first on the facade. Other methods have also been tried

and allowed to set before coating to decorate rough brick walls

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Vol. 1 No. 2 - December 2004 MODULE ISSN 0853 2877

is by attaching stones and to date. Architectural character

decorative arches. Wall It is also influenced by culture
– outer walls covered with marble, local, as in the example seen in
decorated arches and domes Türkiye, Italy, Greece, Macedonia,

with colored mosaic glass with Armenia, Syria, Russia, Serbia, and
golden background. Church France. Greek Church on the road

Constantinople, Nicaea, and Salonica Moscow, London, designed by

is a perfect example of Oldrid Scott, and the Catholic cathedral
use of this kind of decoration. Rome, designed Westminster
by John F. Bentley, is an example
But the love of decoration
modern from Byzantine Influence on
the surface doesn't stop with
Measure the size and form the ribbon, for
Byzantine, like Rome, love
on color is almost the same as REVIEW OF THE DOME OF
form, so accordingly, method THE ROCK
The old Romans were about interior sheathing

buildings with boards of color

mamer has brought it to the top
complexity and richness; and mosaic
glass, which has also been used by
Rome, becoming, development of form Dome of the Rock or Dome of the

high level, great method of Rock or Qubbat asy Skhra was built

interior decoration on the top in 687-705, located in

walls and bottom side all Haram ash Sharif, Jerusalem, Palestine.
dome. This stone dome was designed by Abd Al
Character architecture Byzantium Malik through mainstream architects

shows the development of three Byzantine under supervision

major periods : (1) 330-850, incl field of Syrian building experts

the reign of Justinian; (2) 850- and mosaic decoration experts from

1200, belongs to the dynasty Constantinople, Türkiye. Built in

Macedonia and Comnenia; (3) 1200 during the reign of Abd Al-Malik,

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Byzantine Architecture At “Dome Of The Rock”

fifth ruler of the Umayyads which persists in form

(source: Mosque Architecture). This mosque the original. The dome of the rock was built in 71

use a style or style H/691 AD by the Caliph Dynasty

Byzantine architecture. Umayyad, Abdul Malik.

The place is trusted by

Muslims as point

the departure of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

in the mi'raj (micral) event,

night journey to the sky. Specifically
the building was built on (mountain)
stone or coral (sakhrah); And
the name, Dome of the Rock, was adapted

with that place. That place too

called Mount Moriah, which is believed
Jews, Christians, and some
Muslims as the place of Ibrahim AS
prepare himself for
sacrificed his son Isaac AS.
Another name for the same place
Dome of the Rock or Qubbat
is the Temple Mount ,
as Sakra or Dome of the Rock
which is recognized as the place of the temple of Solomon AS.

is an architectural masterpiece
There once stood a Jewish temple
Islam. This building is wrong
until its collapse in 70 AD.
one of the largest and oldest Islamic monuments
In the al Haram complex asy
and is the third holy place of Syarif, apart from the Dome of the Rock, there are two
Islam, after Mecca and Medina.
smaller building next door
Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
east of the Dome of the Rock, namely the Silsilah Dome
is a unique building.
(Qubbah as Silsilah) and Masjidilaksa
This building is a monument
(al Masjid al Aqsa). Genealogy vault
the earliest Islamic architecture
is the smaller dome to the east

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Vol. 1 No. 2 - December 2004 MODULE ISSN 0853 2877

Dome of the Rock. Like the Dome of the Rock,

The Lineage Dome is a building

octagonal covered dome.

Dome of the Rock Which

It was built during Bani's reign

The Umayyads to this day have
the function that does not change is as
Islamic architectural monument Which

However, unlike the Dome of the Rock, is a symbol of dynastic power

the sides of the building were open. Objective

Umayyad at that time. Another motive

Dome of Unknown Lineage that drives place development

for sure, even though that building that holy, which explains the measure,

may have had a ritual function. degree, and the richness of its decoration,

One conjecture is that is to match the monument-

Dome of the Lineage Rock erected Christian monuments in Syria, and

as a companion building for Palestine, especially the Holy Sepulcher or

adding to the splendor of the Dome of the Rock

The dominating Holy Jirat Church

and the Mosque of Laksa which is located inside

view of the city of Jerusalem. Can

one complex. it is said that the new building is

very good it is, in general
Masjidilaksa itself was built in
convey A message
710 by al-Walid, ruler
religiopolitical to adherents of three
VI of the successor Umayyad Dynasty
Semitic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.
Abdul Malik (r. 705-715)


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Byzantine Architecture At “Dome Of The Rock”

The plan is centered on stone

hilltop rocks, sacred places and

history of two prophets, Prophet Ibrahim

As And Prophet Muhammad SAW.. On

This rock contains the footprints of the prophet.

On this rock there is

the dome that gave it its name

Dome of the Rock or Dome of the

Rock or Qubbat as Sakhra.

Circle most middle

rectangular shape with columns

columns, while the others are polygons

octagonal. This circle is called

partico. Partico is currently being formed

by four pilasters and nine columns

Cylindrical marble with Corinthians pattern.

Column shaped The same

as many as sixteen with pilasters in

every corner, on the outside perimeter

octagonal in plan, supporting the roof


Design of the Dome of the Rock

very based on calculations

geometric, especially in determining

shapes and points on the plan.

There are six columns of the same shape

twelve with pilasters on each

the corners, on the outer perimeter are faceted in plan

eight, supporting the surrounding roof.


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Vol. 1 No. 2 - December 2004 MODULE ISSN 0853 2877

Dome of The Rock is similar to a martyr's grave (martyrium)

one of the buildings that uses it Christian. This can be seen in
Byzatium style. Byzantine architecture various architectural aspects.
itself developed in Eastern Europe More form and function
since 660 BC. At the time characterized as a monument.
Byzantine architecture is widely applied The plan shape is octagonal
in designing churches for the people (octagonal) is different from the principle

Christian. The following is an analysis Mosque, this causes direction

application of Byzantine architecture to the Qibla becomes blurred.

Dome of the Rock.

Plan form of the Dome of The

Dome of The Rock has Rock is octagonal (faceted
part octagonal shape eight)
the top is a dome This octagonal building with
Typical characteristics of Byzantine architecture real is intended as a symbol
is the existence of form power.. In this case, a
a square whose top is shaped like The roundabout is surrounded by a
dome. This is implemented octagon within another octagon. This
in the Dome of The Rock design is pattern geometric
(Dome of the Rock of Jerusalem) simple thing that can be made from
placement of a square
This building is on another square with

monumental building for the people rotate it 45 degrees. Things like

Islamic designs with patterns this is commonly found in works

the architecture is not very distinctive Byzantine architecture.

Muslim worship building.

Dome of the Rock or Qubbah ash Plan and structure analysis

Sakhra or Dome of the Rock is Plan and structure of the Dome Of

a patterned mosque The Rock is very well designed
the architecture is not very distinctive symmetrical in geometric pattern. Matter

Muslim worship building. It's more this is a characteristic of the form

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Byzantine Architecture At “Dome Of The Rock”

buildings in Europe, that too which is plated with gold. Inner space

is an element many have distinctive characteristics

found in architecture Byzantine style, namely decorated

Byzantium. The core of the building luxuriously with variety

broad and is the peak variety of colors and materials
hierarchy is left on the ornament.
empty, no columns or 3. Window made in

buffer building above, around the boundary of the main circle

And that space on the dome is the same as
surrounded by rows of columns at the Hagia Sophia Church
arranged symmetrically. Similar is one of the works
with temples in Greece or the greatest architecture of the era
Pantheon in Rome Byzantium.
4. Application form

Interior design of the Dome of The semicircular curve

Rock that describes the characteristics around the wall is made

Byzantine architecture to give a soft impression

on brick materials
Dome of The Rock interior design has a stiff impression
many adopt from style hard. Shape application
Byzantium, among others: this curve at first
1. Inside decoration is one of the characteristics
monumental building church buildings at that time
there are many mosaics Byzantium.
which shows unity
motifs Sasanid And CONCLUSION

Byzantine which is
characteristics of early Islamic art. From the results of the analysis above, you can

2. The materials the following conclusions are drawn:

used in Dome ornaments The Dome of The Rock was built

of The Rocks a lot in 687-705 got

using marble, mosaic,

ceramics are not even small
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Vol. 1 No. 2 - December 2004 MODULE ISSN 0853 2877

direct influence of architecture Boedijono, MA Endang. 1997.

Byzantium, where at that time History of Architecture I. Publisher

its influence was also felt in in Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Jerusalem. The architects who Fletcher, Banister. 1967. A History of

designed the Dome of The Rock Architecture On The Comparative

following trends in Eastern Europe and Method, Seventeenth Edition. Athlone

West Asia in those days, that is Press,

Byzantine architecture Noer, Kautzar Azhari, 1998,

Applied Byzantine architecture ENCYCLO

especially as church architecture and THEMATIC PEDI OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD

Christian breath architecture at the time (THOUGHTS AND CIVILIZATION),

it turns out it can be applied as Jakarta : PT. Van Hoeve's New Overview.

mosque architecture, which is

Islamic breath with the same function -, 1999, MOSQUE ARCHITECTURE.

namely worship, and not eliminating Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University

architectural values. This matter Press

shows Byzantine architecture -, -, Harvard University THE HISTORY

can be flexible and universal. OF ISLAM, -, -.

Its uses are unlimited -, -, THE GREAT ARCHITECTURE

church formation, monastery, place OF ISLAM, -, -.

baptistery, or palace. Internet Source

In terms of structure, architecture Archnet.org

Byzantium had stepped forward BiblePlaces.com

than the architectural flow of his time, www.greatbuildings.com

that is, covering a large space

polygon or square shape with

using the dome without it

support column.

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