Entrepreneurship Quarter 3 Full Reviewer
Entrepreneurship Quarter 3 Full Reviewer
Entrepreneurship Quarter 3 Full Reviewer
1) Protection:
3) Information:
One of the major functions of packaging is to
The packaging conveys necessary
provide for the effects of time and
information to the consumers. The common
environment for the natural and
information that packaging provides include
manufactured products. The protection
general features of the product, ingredients,
function can be divided into some classes.
net weight of the contents, name and address
of the manufacturers, maximum retail price
A. Natural deterioration:
It is caused by the interaction of products with
water, gases and fumes, microbiologic Packaging of medicine and some food
organisms like bacteria, yeasts and molds, products is required to provide information on
heat, cold, dryness, contaminants and insects methods of preparations, recipes and serving
and rodents. ideas, nutritional benefits, and date of
manufacturing, date of expiry, warning
B. Physical protection:
messages and cautionary information.
The packaging is also used for physical Sometimes, the color of the packaging itself
protection, which include improving shock provides some information.
protection, internal product protection and
reducing shock damage caused from 4) Utility of use:
vibration, snagging, friction and impact. The convenience packaging has been
devised for foods, household chemicals,
C. Safety:
drugs, adhesives, paints, cosmetics, paper
A special kind of protective packaging is goods and a host of other products. This type
required for products that are deemed of packaging includes dispensing devices,
harmful to those who transport them or use prepackaged hot metals, and disposable
them. These products include extremely medical packaging.
inflammable gas and liquid, radioactive
5) Promotion: a. Functional. This way focuses on the
Companies use attractive colors, logos, assessments of success in terms of
symbols and captions to promote the product fast and profitable reasons. For
that can influence customer purchase example, the purpose of the business
decision. is to make money.
b. Intentional. This way focuses on
7. POSITIONING fulfillment as it relates to the capability
When a company presents a product or to generate money and do well in the
service in a way that is different from the world.
competitors, they are said to be “positioning”
it. Positioning refers to a process used by 2) Consistency
marketers to create an image in the minds of
a target market. The significance of consistency is to avoid
things that don’t relate to or improve your
Solid positioning will allow a single product to brand. Consistency aids to brand recognition,
attract different customers for not the same which fuels customer loyalty.
3) Emotion
BRANDING There should be an emotional voice,
whispering "Buy me". This means you allow
Brand Name is a name, symbol, or other the customers to have the chance to feel that
feature that distinguishes a seller's goods or they are part of your brand.
services in the marketplace. Your brand is You should find ways to connect more
one of your greatest assets because your deeply and emotionally with your customers.
brand is your customers' over-all experience Make them feel part of the family and use
of your business. emotion to build relationships and promote
Brand strategy is a long-term design for the brand loyalty.
development of a popular brand in order to
achieve the goals and objectives. A well- 4) Flexibility
defined brand strategy shakes all parts of a
business and is directly linked to customer Marketers should remain flexible too in this
needs, wants, emotions, and competitive rapidly changing world. Consistency targets
surroundings. at setting the standard for your brand,
Branding is a powerful and sustainable flexibility allows you to adjust and differentiate
high-level marketing strategy used to create your approach from your competition.
or influence a brand. Branding as a strategy
to distinguish products and companies and to According to Kevin Budelmann, "Effective
build economic value to both customers and identity programs require sufficient
to brand owners, is described by Pickton and consistency to be identifiable, but sufficient
Broderick in 2001. variation to keep things fresh and human," so
if your old tactics don't work anymore, don't
Commonly Used Branding Strategies be afraid to change. It doesn’t mean it worked
in the past it may still work now.
1) Purpose
"Every brand makes a promise. But in a
market in which customer confidence is little
and budgetary observance is great, it’s not 5) Employee Involvement
just making a promise that separates one It is equally important for your employees to
brand from another, but having a significant be well versed in how they communicate with
purpose," (Allen Adamson). How can you customers and represent the brand of your
define your business purpose? According to product.
Business Strategy Insider, purpose can be
viewed in two ways:
6) Loyalty
Loyalty is an important part of brand
strategy. At the end of the day, the emphasis
on a positive relationship between you and
your existing customers sets the tone for
what potential customers can expect from
doing business with you.
7) Competitive Awareness
Do not be frightened of competition. Take it
as a challenge to improve your branding
strategy and craft a better value in your