SQL Injection

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SQL Injection

The Voluntary Vulnerability

1. Injection
2. Broken Authentication and Session
3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
4. Insecure Direct Object References
5. Security Misconfiguration
6. Sensitive Data Exposure
OWASP Top 10 7. Missing Function-Level Access
8. Cross-Site Request Forgery
9. Using Components With Known
10.Unvalidated Redirects and

● A type of data execution flaw

● Occurs when input isn’t properly separated from instructions

● Potentially affects any subsystem that executes text commands

○ OS shell, Regular Expressions, XPath queries, SQL, etc..

● Crafted inputs change the meaning of instructions

SQL Injection

● Input into an improperly-constructed SQL statement can change

its meaning

● Allows data manipulation and theft

● Responsible for numerous password breaches

● Totally voluntary

● ..but as many as 1 in 5 applications are still vulnerable*

Seen code like this?
(It’s the most popular way to opt in)
Normal values (Bob) work about how you’d expect:
Imagine the SELECT * FROM User WHERE name = 'Bob'
However, crafted values (Bob'; DROP TABLE User;--) can add
destructive DDL statements:

SELECT * FROM User WHERE name = 'Bob'; DROP TABLE User;--'

Or union in entire queries to steal data (' UNION SELECT

PasswordHash, PasswordSalt, Name, Username FROM User
WHERE Username = 'administrator')


PasswordHash, PasswordSalt, Name, Username FROM User
WHERE Username = 'administrator'
..By using your data access frameworks as
So, how do intended.
you avoid ● Prepared statements/parameter binding are
it? recommended for performance and readability
○ ..And also maintain that separation

● Higher-level data access frameworks (like

ORMs) offer other options
Parameter binding in ADO.NET

It’s not that different.

Instead of doing this..

..you can simply do this:

Other data access technologies will vary, but all support some
variation on parameters.
If it’s so much better, why
doesn’t everyone do it?

● Not everyone knows about it

● There are some limitations:

○ Bound parameters can only be used for values.

■ Not object names or keywords

○ Extra steps required to pass collections of values

○ Conditional logic can be more complex

ORMs are also safe..when used properly..and
What about address some of these limitations
ORMs (ie: EF ● Data and instructions can be separated
or automatically

Hibernate)? ● Can be more flexible than prepared statements

because commands can be built incrementally
● They’re not magic - any APIs are subject to
misuse/abuse (ie: splicing values into abstract
query language statements)
● Things are getting better
So, where
does that
○ Merit-based forums like StackOverflow favor better
examples, which means better developer education

leave us? ○ ORMs allow developers to work with data in a more

abstract way (and deal less with the details)

● ..but SQLi is still prevalent in our industry

○ Some developers don’t seem to know that prepared
statements exist

○ ..And others don’t seem to understand how they work

○ ..Or even believe that they do

● ..and the only way to fight it is with knowledge.

So, don’t
wait to meet

..Spread the word, inspect your code, talk to your

developers, and make sure no one you know is
opting in for the #1 vulnerability in our Top 10.

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