DBMS Interview Q & A 10
DBMS Interview Q & A 10
DBMS Interview Q & A 10
1. A site visitor writes: Here are some SQL Server DBA/Developer interview
questions I faced myself personally and/or heard from people. I will try to
answer these questions briefly here, but be advised that these answers may
not be complete and it will be better for you to go through text books, books
online and other resources on the net.
Before you go for the interview, be prepared to explain the database design
of one of your latest projects. Don’t be surprised if the interviewer asks you to
draw ER diagrams.
Well, here are some questions for you. Hope this helps you prepare for your
interview. Wish you all the best in your job hunt! Feel free to email me
‘interview questions’ that you’ve faced.
Questions are categorized under the following sections, for your convenience: