Computer Science Paper 2

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General Certilicate of Education Advanced Level

PAPER 2 Practical


Additioml materials:
CD foreach candidate
kintrng facility

TIME 3 hours
This is a purely practical examination. All answers should be priated. Handwritten atrswersi
will not be marked.
This paper consists of three sections.
Sectioa A 20 marks
Section B 50 marks
Section C 30 marks
Answer one question from each section.
Each answer sheet should include the fdflowing information in &e header sectior:
. Candidate Name and CandidatelNumber
. Centre Name and Datei
. Subject Code
when answering prograaming questiops, indicate the ranguage used.
All work should be backed up by a sofl copy on a CD.
If you print on more t\an one sheeg fasten the sheets together.
All answers should be correctly and clearly numbered.


\ I

The number of marks is git'en in bracklts [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This question peper of l0 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

Copyright: Zimbabwe School Ex"minations Council, N2AZ2
[Turn over
Section A [20 marksl

Aaswer any one question from this section.

tx (a) Three digital setrsors A, B and C are used to monitor a process. The outputs from
the sensors are used as the inputs to a logic circuit.

A signal X, is output from the logic circuit.

Logic Circuit OutputX

(, Formulate a logic expression for &e conditions below,

Output X, has a value of I if ei&er of the following conditions ocnr:

sersor A outputs the value 1 or sensor B ouryuts the value O

sensor B outputs the value 1 and seasor C outputs the value
o. t3l
(ii) Draw a logic circuit to represent the logic expression in (i) tsl
(iir) Construct the truth table for the logic circuit above. t4l
(b) The table below shows the five stages that occur when instructions are
fetched and executed. Two instructions, D followed by E, are fetched
and executed. The "E" ifl the incomplete table shows &at instruction
E has been fetched in time interval 2.

Time interval
State 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 I
Fetch instruction L

Read registers and decode instructioa

Execute instruction

Access operating memory

Write result to register

Copy and complete of the table t8l

2 (a) Consider the logic statemert below.

X: 1 if (A AND B) OR (B OR C) AND (B AND C)

(t) Draw a logic circuit to represent the above expression.


(ii) Construct a truth table to explain how the logic expression works
(b) Illustrate with an aid of a diagram the steps of the fetch-execute cycle.


[Turn over

Section B [50 marksl

Answer an); one question from this section

J (a) Produce a program code that rolls a dice 20 times and counts the number
oftimes that 4 appears- The code should then print the number of times
that4 appears. t8l
(b) Produce a program that contains a calling statement to call a function
that calculates the sum of 2 numbers and store the answer in the
variable sum. Also defiae the function. tsl
(c) Bandile is working on developing an algorithm using a high level
language to implemeat a substitution cipher. His plan is to:

set up a random set ofletters and store them in an array of

26 characters
then in order to implement the cipher the program then substitutes
each letter with the correspondiag position in an array
he has decided the letter 'A' to be at position l, letter 'B' ....
UnalZ:position 26.

{D Produce program code that declares a global urcy of 26 characters.[2]

(ii) Produce code that implements a procedure which has a string

arguments of the relevant scope. The purpose of which is to
perform strhg substitution, for example

encryp{<plaia text>) t8I

(d) A school has a program for managing its prefect body. The program has
beea written in an object-oriented programming language.

A perfect class has been designed.

It has 2 subclasses.
- sports prefect
- clubsprefect

The followiag is an inheritance diagram for the classes


Prefect Name
Date Appointed

' ( Constructor
' Set Prefect Name
'. Set Male
Set DateAppointed
. Get Expiry Date

Sportsprefect Ciubs Prefect

sportsgroup Club Type

Set Sports Group Set Club Type

Get Sports Group Get Club Type

Produce a program code to implement the structure above-

N.B. Function/method header only required. The code detail inside

each functiorlmethod is not required. F0I
(e) A program is to be designed to collect data from learners:

each t'.ne it runs, it collects data from forcr 1 learners

the data are appeuded to a csv fi.le
the csv file has the following header


[Turn over

Student csv

Student table
Name, surname, D" O.B, Reg number, male

Samuel, Pasipanody a, 23 lA3 D003, 00259 l, yes

0t/08/2004 01 No

(l) Produce a program that appends data for each learner

file- onto the csv
, (ii) Produce a program that reads &e fire created in (i)
aad then
writes another file using all capital letters. t71
Jabatshaba Repairs offers repair services at atateof $20 per hour for labour. cost of supplies
are subject to 159/0 sales ta:r-

(a) Usiag the chosen HLL, design an interface which presents

the bill for the
situation, the customer's rame, labow hours and
tie cost of supplies.
output is customer's name, labour cost, supplier,s cost
*d todi"; t5]
(b) using &e situation given in {a} produce a code t}at wilr
carcurate the
total cosl labour-cost, supprier'i cost and display
labour cost, supplie.,, and ,*i
the customer name,
total. 'ssrw2
(c) Produce code wlich wil classiS any mark captured
according to the
grades below. Use the IF statement.

A 70 to 100
B 60 to 69
C 50 to 59
D 44l'o49
E 30 t0 39
A to29

The grades should be displayed.

(d) [11]
x". n I 1
I L J 4
y:0 0 * * 0 0
I C 0 0 0 0
2 G 0 L 0 0
CI t 1
I 0
4 1 I I 1 I


The grid represents tables in a restaurant. The zeros (0)

represent kble
not yet occupied, the ones (1) tables occupied.
using th. ,oo."pt of 2 D
anays, produce code to represefi the diagram


Tower Torver Tower Tower Tower

n Tower
A i> C *

The concept is referred to as the tower of Hanoi.

The disks are of
different size and are stacked in ascending order of
siz*,t*!.rt at &e
bottom aad smallest at the top. stack the dista from
toweiX ,o*", c u,
t!o*l in diagram- only one disk may be moved at a time. Norodisk may be
placed on top of a smaller disk at any time (even
in the p.o""r. of stacking.)

Design an algorithm to solve the problem.

(0 Produce code that read all the cortents of a
text file and outputs the
aumber of lines in the text file.


Section C [30 marksl

Answer aily one questior from this section.

Study the Lupane University Athletics table below and auswer the questions that follow

Reg. No. Last name Age Course Sport

MC1804 Sean Gutsa 18 IT Soccer

MCO808 Bongiwe Shumba 18 Maths Cricket

MC0708 Sisa Bako 2A Maths Chess

MC0309 Vimbai Dube l9 Electronics Soccer

MC0909 Dumisani Nkomo t7 Economics Cricket

(a) Produce the SQL code that defines a primary key of this table. L21

(b) Produce the SQL code that can be used to produce the Athletics table
above. t8l

(c) Produce the SQL command w'hich can be used to add the record below.

MC 9414, Kuda, MoYo, 19, ICT, Cricket 171

(d) The sports director for Lupane State University wants to see thb Reg.
Number and the sport fields only for the students.

Produce the SQL code to display Reg. Number and sport- L2l

(e) Athlete MC 0708 has moved to another university. Her details need to
be removed &om the table.

Produce the appropriate SQL command to rernove her from &e

Athletics table. t2l

(f) Study the standardnotation for a library system below

Borrower Gonower-lD Name, Address)

Book (&cessionNumUgl Title, Author, Date Published)
Loan (&ggssionNumbgf, BorrowerlD, DateDue)

Using a drawing tool of your choice, draw and clearly label the ERD for
&e standard notation given above. teI


{ A hospital is divided into two areas, Area A and Area B. Each area has
several wards. All the ward aames are different. A number of nurses
based in Area A. These nurses always work io the same ward. Each
nurse has a
unique Nurse ID of STRING data type.


{a) Describe the relationship shown on the diagram above.

(b) A relational database is created to store the ward aad nurse data. The two
table designs for Area A are:

A - Ward (WardName, NumberofBeds)

A - Nurse (Surname, FirstName, . _ ..., . ...)

(, Complete the design for the table A-Nurse.

(i, Explain how the relationship in part (a) is impremented.
(c) In Area B of the hospital, there are a number of wards and a number

- Each Area B ward has a specialism

- Each Area B nurse has a specialism

A nurse can be asked to work in any of the Area B wards where

theii specialism matches with the ward specialism.

The relationship for Area B of the hospital is as shown below.


(, state the degree of relationship between the eatities B-Nurse

and B-ward.


(ii) The design for Area B data is as follows:

B-Nurse (NurseID, Firstname, FamilyName, Specialism)

B-Nurse (V/ardName, NumberofBeds, Specialism)

B-Ward-Nurse(........... .)

Complete the attributes of B-ward-Nurse table. t3I

(iii) Draw tle relationships of the three tables above usiag an ERD. t3l

(d) Usiag the design for tables in part (cXiii).

(4 Produce a SQL l1uery to display the NurseID and family name

for all Area B nurses with a specialism of "Theatre". t3I

(ii) Tendero, who is an Area B nurse with the nurselD 076 has recently
manied andher new family trame is Makwanzini. Produce an SQL
command to update her record. t5]

(e) A student intends to create a database with tables whose records can be
accessed using a form based iaterface created using a high level
programming language. The standard normal form of the member table in
the database is as follows:

member(memberlD, FirstName, Sumame, DateJoined,

JoiningFee, CellNumber)

Usrng the inforrnation provided above,

(i) design a data structure (file design) of the member file in tabular
form (using aword processor) with the following column headings

FieldName, Size, Format/Validation, Data type 13l

(ii) design a form-based interface for the member table using a

high level programming language of your choice. Command
buttons are not necessary.

Produce a screenshot of the form and print it. 17|


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