Radburn Layout
Radburn Layout
Radburn Layout
The Old Mill, now part of the Bergen County Park System,
was to be the entrance of this new city.
occupancy of houses
Arrange for the occupancy of houses on a fair basis of
cost and service,
Including the cost of what needs to be done in organizing,
building and maintaining the community.
innovations of Radburn
Separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic
This was accomplished by doing away with the traditional grid-iron street
pattern and replacing it with an innovation called the superblock.
What is a superblock?
• The superblock is a large block of land surrounded by main roads.
• The houses are grouped around small cul-de-sacs, each of which has
an access road coming from the main roads.
• The remaining land inside the superblock is park area, the backbone
of the neighborhood.
• The living and sleeping sections of the houses face toward the garden
and park areas, while the service rooms face the access road.
• The walks that surround the cul-de-sacs on the garden side of the
houses divide the cu-de-sacs from each other and from the central
park area.
• These paths cross the park when necessary.