Customer End Marketing Strategy Through Machines

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Plastic Pollution Significance

Plastics are nowadays essential across many aspects of modern life, for applications including, but not limited
to, healthcare, technology, construction and performance clothing.(Horton, 2022). Despite widespread
awareness that excessive use and mismanagement of plastics is leading to global contamination and
environmental damage, plastic production continues to soar. Cumulatively, more plastics were produced
between the years 2005 and 2017 than in the previous 50 years.(Geyer et al., 2017) Estimates of global
emissions of plastic waste to rivers, lakes, and the ocean range from 9 to 23 million metric tons per year, with
a similar amount emitted into the terrestrial environment, from 13 to 25 million metric tons per year as of
2016.(Borrelle et al., 2020) Following business-as-usual scenarios, these estimated 2016 emission rates will
be approximately doubled by 2025.(MacLeod et al., 2021)

Tenschul Portfolio

Tenschul is here with the expectation of zero waste.

Proposed Business strategy

The proposed business strategy for the elevation of tenchul growth is dependent on two skill sets i.e.,
technical and social. More importantly, the change in customers behaviour is the top priority. Managing the
right cost for each segment covers both company’s profit and customer’s attraction. The strategy has been
taken from the book marketing management.(Kotler, 2009)
Installation of
advanced refilling
vending machines

Launching multi-flavor
Technical Growth

Awareness regarding
plastic pollution

Fixed cost estimations

Tenschul Business
Managing Machinery

Cues with Marketing

Customer Satisfaction

Social Growth
Variable Cost Collaborations

Describe Behaviour change of customers with particular bullet points

Customer End Marketing Strategy through Machines:

 Develop the appealing dash boards with performing avatar at venting refilling machines

By making the dashboard more appealing to the customers can enhance the reutilization of the services.
The core idea behind this market strategy is that as the re-filling of the product happens in the bottles, the
avatar will appear with the facial expression from neutral to happy. This key activity can attract the children
more as compare to adults but this could be the motivating factor for the company to launch such schemes
and forced parents to use service or machine again and again.
FIGURE 1. Dashboard with smiling face

 Give service using greetings and credit points while using refilling service

Making the Graphical user interface (GUI) more human friendly and color charming can alter the behaviour
of the customers towards the services. The greetings will be delivered before and after the services of
refilling will be provided. With each changing facial expression, there will be credit points or credit star
system that can be business technique for giving discounts on using services of refilling the product and
encourage the reduction of plastic pollution.

 Allow customers to refill customized product in multiple flavors

This marketing technique can allow more ownership to the customers to use refilling venting machines to
extract similar products with different colors, flavors and scent such as shampoos, soaps, hand washes,
detergents, moisture oils, lotions, and liquified creams. For this technique, the company should invest
money on their R and D to make sure availability of product at each refilling station.

 Encourage the environment sustainability through carbon footprint and performed activity “Do you

This key activity can enhance the intellect level of the customer through pure education about the
environment and their own actions impact on the environment. The phrase “Do you know” could be fun fact
and altering the information in this phrase can appeal the customers and it could be the initiation source of
campaign about environment sustainability assurance with reduction of plastic pollution. This market
strategy informs the customers about their significance and actions necessary for clean environment.
(Homburg et al., 2009)

 Auto-imaging and avatars while performing activities

This marketing strategy features the customer itself in picture record. Customers can pay money for pre-
installed camera inside the machine for their picture and could get a chance to appear in major
advertisements such as TV commercials, postures and banners, local branding face and season hot diaries.

 Take simple feedback about services

This marketing strategy enhance the company portfolios towards the customers. Company policies, goals,
and objectives are clearly aligned with the questionaries of the feedback loop. There would be the
questions like:

1. How much you rate us about our contribution towards carbon reduction?
2. How do you find our services?
3. How effective we are in reducing plastic pollution?

Customer End Marketing Strategy through Collaborations:

 Webinars at social media with the collaboration of lead management on social media platforms
 Collaboration with product delivery companies
 Collaboration with appliances companies for promoting Tens Chul (include bottles with appliances cost)
 Advertisement with gas refilling stations and guest houses
 Refilling stations near residential societies, hotels, railway stations, road stays and apartment building

Market Size

As the difference between actual users and believers is more which also covers those who are taking steps in
reduction of plastic pollution so adding it up with those who don’t using the refilling services define the total
market size from that 100% who can actually be left from actual users.

Market Size
Trends s
UK shoppers say plastic waste is an important issue to them personally 67%
UK shoppers are actively taking steps to reduce their use of single-use plastic 80%
UK shoppers already use solid food or liquid refill stations 20%
UK shoppers who don't already use refill stations are receptive to the idea 49%

Difference between Actual users and believers of Plastic Reduction 47%

Difference between Actual users and those who took steps in Plastic Reduction 40%
Difference between Believers and those who took steps in Plastic Reduction 13%

Actual Market Size except those who are actual users 96%

Cost Analysis

No. of customers 20
Per month customer increased by percentage 1%
Customer repetition per month 2
Total refilling per month 40.4
Refill Life cycle of bottle 300
Refilling Station increase per month 1
Expenditures Analysis
Monthly Annual
Financial Aspects Expenditure Expenditure
Intial capital/intallation of £ £
machinery 10,000 120,000
£ £
Features updatation per month 5 60
Fixed Cost Analysis per bottle
£ £
Annual rent 700 8,400
£ £
Product process cost 0.25 3.00
£ £
Subtotal Cost
10,705.25 128,463.00
£ £
Refilling cost 0.50 0.50
£ £
Advertisement 0.12 1.44
£ £
Postures 0.05 0.60
£ £
TV commercial bonds 0.10 1.20
Variable Cost Analysis Per £ £
bottle Event participations 0.75 9.00
£ £
Customer feedback systems 0.01 0.12
£ £
Transportation cost 0.15 1.80
£ £
Utilities 0.17 2.04
£ £
Subtotal Cost
1.35 16.20
£ £
Total Costs 10,707 128,479

Revenue Analysis
Financial Aspects Monthly Revenue Annual Revenue
£ £
First bottle purchasing 10.00 120.00
£ £
Refilling Charges 1.75 21.00
General Revenue
£ £
Marketing Revenue 0.70 8.40
£ £
Services Charges 0.25 3.00

£ £
Sub Total Revenue 810 9,720
Fixed revenue per sell of new £ £
bottle 9,600.00 115,200
Revenue through pictures £ £
40.020 480.240
£ £
Revenue through subscriptions 28.00 336.000
£ £
Total Revenue 10,478.02 125,736.24


. Tenschul. Available: [Accessed].

. SHOP. Available: [Accessed].
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