MVCC Technical
MVCC Technical
MVCC Technical
Paper n° 2316
Paper n° 2316
Paper n° 2316
Paper n° 2316
Paper n° 2316
the reliability of lines is the ability to connect to it. built up areas there were surge protection devices
Many linemen around the world now are very fitted at all transformers.
familiar with the use of insulation piercing Where a distance between transformers was greater
connectors on insulated lines and this method of than 400m, then arcing horns were added to the line
connection was therefore chosen for these lines. at those points.
The connectors must be chosen to enable correct Once again, adopting a pragmatic approach, it was
operation with the various insulation thicknesses considered that these lines already received a
likely to be encountered on such lines. significant amount of natural shielding due to their
Simply choosing a connector based upon its ability to location in heavily built up areas and therefore the
connect various cable sizes together can be a protection afforded by the use of the surge protection
dangerous practice in these conditions as it is equally at transformer locations and the use of arcing horns
a connectors ability to pierce a specific insulation elsewhere would be adequate.
thickness which will determine its effectiveness and
ultimate reliability. 6. Summary.
The ability of a connector to prevent water ingress is
also vitally important in order to stop any long-term The requirement for the provision of reliable and safe
corrosion occurring. Most modern IPC’s will provide distribution electrical energy is now just as important
this feature. in emerging countries such as India and solutions
The availability of IPC’s which can connect bare need to be developed to provide this.
overhead lines to insulated MVCC lines is also a The above paper demonstrates that if the subject is
significant benefit when interfacing an MVCC line understood then successful implementation of
with a bare overhead circuit. MVCC can be provided at reasonable cost.
It is interesting to note that for higher system voltages Whilst the ultimate design of MVCC might be
(>20kV) it was noticed that the metallic bolts of developed which will work in all environments and
IPC’s are also “seen” as floating potentials and provide a solution to all possible drivers for its
tracking can occur due to this phenomenon and implementation, this solution will not fit within the
specific connectors which negate this tracking were budgetary constraints of developing countries
therefore developed. electricity distribution utilities.
Due to the lower phase voltage of the Indian lines, A solution has been demonstrated here which will
however, this feature was not required in these provide the reliability requested and be of relatively
circuits. simple construction.
Several such lines have already been built and are
5.4 Earthing. providing very successful service.
Any medium voltage line must be capable of being It is expected that over 1000 kM of such lines will be
maintained at some point in its life and MVCC built in 2019 and this basic line design can now be
circuits are no different. extended and modified for use in other environments
The above-mentioned use of IPC’s has also enabled to also provide solutions to the varying requirements
the development of simple earthing systems. of utilities.
These earthing bails, which are connected to the
cable via the use of specific IPC’s, have been fully Acknowledgments:
fault current tested.
SICAME S.a 1 Avenue Basile Lachaud 19230
5.5 Lightning Protection. Pompadour
A major concern with the use of MVCC is its ability France
to withstand over-voltages which are normally the
result of induced ground strokes in the close vicinity SICAME INDIA CONNECTORS
to the line. Survey No 473/1 (Part), #96, Sirukundram
Of course, any direct strokes to any overhead line can
result in significant damage and therefore only Village ([email protected]), Chengalpattu -
induced stroke protection is considered. Thiruporur Rd, Sirukundram, Tamil Nadu
Insulation coordination studies conducted on MVCC 603108, India
lines usually indicate that the induced over voltage
needs to be limited somehow in these circuits. BESCOM
There are many ways to do this of which the Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd
following are the most common
• Surge diverters fitted to the line at regular MSEDCL
intervals. Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution
• Arcing horns fitted to the line at regular Company Ltd.
As the lines being re-conductored were in heavily