FP0112 - CICED 2012 - Innovative - SWG - Full - Paper - VF

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CICED 5th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Shanghai, 5-6 Sept 2012

Paper FP0112


Canpeng MA Gilles MOESCH

Schneider Electric – France Schneider Electric – France
[email protected] gilles.moesch @schneider-electric.com


Schneider Electric – France Schneider Electric – France
[email protected] [email protected]


Historically switchgear evolution happened every 20 or SWITCHGEAR TECHNOLOGY
30 years. Every element of switchgear, switching devices, The past decades have seen the trend of fixed devices
current and voltage transformers, protection relays and replacing slowly but surely the drawout ones for many
general architecture have evolved more or less in applications. Together with the technological evolution of
parallel. In recent years, the development of Smart Grids MV switchgear, single line diagrams have regularly been
has brought in new challenges and ultimately new needs challenged.
that have to be considered when designing the next Breaking technologies have moved from air and oil
generation of switchgear. Distribution network operators technologies to SF6 and vacuum technologies.
express strong interests in: reliability, cost-effectiveness, Protection relays have moved from electromechanical to
simplicity and ease of network evolution, while never electronic and then to digital technologies. Current and
compromising on safety. This paper reviews the MV voltage transformers have been adapted to the new relay
switchgear evolution and future trends, coming to the designs and to switchgear architecture evolution.
conclusion that an optimized solution for many
applications is a modular and compact MV switchgear Circuit breaker technological evolution
with three position scheme and Shielded Solid Insulation The first technology used for breaking in circuit breaker
System (2SIS). was air. These circuit breakers were big as the principle
Keywords: Solid insulation, shielded, MV switchgear, of breaking was a large expansion of the arc in the air.
three position scheme, smart grid. Heavy maintenance was required and for this reason they
were withdrawable. Trying to reduce the footprint came
INTRODUCTION the oil circuit breakers. But frequent maintenance was
still required, for example the oil needed to be changed
Transmission system operators and Distribution network after several operations due to carbonisation by arcing.
operators need stability. The fact that the expected life
duration of HV and MV switchgear is more than 30 years Additionally, oil circuit breaker failures can easily result
contributes to user’s conservatism. Operational life seems in fatal accident among operators and the public due to oil
easier to manage if there is no change in the habits of fires.
users. However, major evolutions in switchgear
technology do occur every 20 or 30 years.
In recent years, the development of Smart Grids has
brought in new requirements and ultimately new needs.
Operators ask for maintenance-free circuit breakers able
to be used in any environment with long life expectancy.
With network evolution, operators require more
flexibility and greater automation through remote control,
integrated intelligent devices and more metering points in
the network. From an economical point of view, the
acquisition cost is more and more balanced by the notion
of total cost of ownership, including construction, Figure 1. Drawout oil circuit breaker with arc control
installation, maintenance and end of life recovery costs.
All these trends have to be considered when designing the In the late sixties came SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers.
new generation of MV switchgear for today’s They are compact thanks to SF6 or vacuum insulation.
applications. They are much safer, reducing drastically fire risk.
Reliability was increased with the improvement in
electrical endurance in terms of fault breakings and load

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Paper FP0112

breakings. As a consequence, preventive and corrective cable compartment. And finally, the equipment shall be
maintenance is less and less required, thus state of the art installed in clean air rooms as it is sensitive to
circuit breakers can now be called “maintenance free”. environmental conditions because of AIS technology.
More recently from the 1990’s, fixed circuit breakers
have been more and more used. There are some recent
variants in metal enclosed cubicles with fixed circuit
breakers where the insulation components are made of
epoxy or other resin. These panels are generally called
Solid Insulated Switchgear (SIS). However, both AIS and
SIS panels could be sensitive to environmental conditions
Vacuum CB SF6 CB (dust, humidity, etc) if not properly installed in protected
Figure 2. Drawout vacuum and SF6 circuit breaker rooms. That was the reason of the arrival of metal
enclosed Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) in the nineties
MV Switchgear and single line diagram with sealed tanks filled with SF6.
From 1930 to 1950, most of the MV switchboards were
air insulated masonry cubicles. Only simple wire fencing
was used to prevent the access to the live parts.

Figure 5. Typical primary GIS panel with fixed

technology and single line diagram

Among the points to be aware of is that the operation is

not so intuitive because of 5 position diagram mixing
Figure 3. Air insulated masonry cubicles upstream 3 position disconnector/earthing switch and
downstream 2 position circuit breaker. Particularly, cable
Then with more safety awareness, they were gradually earthing is made through circuit breaker closing that must
replaced by metal enclosed Air Insulated Switchgear remain closed to ensure operator safety when working.
(AIS) with integrated withdrawable circuit breakers from For secondary applications, due to repetitive arrangement,
air or oil to SF6 and vacuum technology. the simplicity, insensitivity to severe installation
The single line diagram with withdrawable circuit conditions and cost effectiveness became the criteria. The
breakers is the oldest one and is still in use in some Ring Main Unit (RMU) configuration appeared in the
primary distribitution applications [1]. Disconnection is fifties. The RMU evolved from oil type with switch fuse
made by racking out the CB truck, providing visible to SF6 RMU with more and more circuit breakers for
disconnection. Earthing for safe access to internal MV/LV transformer protection. Thanks to the “All in
components or cables is made by earthing trucks or one” arrangement, breaking and disconnection are
dedicated earthing switch acting directly on cable ends. performed in a single operation, leading to the 3 position
Maintenance of the circuit breaker is very easy and this scheme (Line, Open and Disconnected, Earthed). Local or
was necessary for old circuit breakers. remote operations become simple with intuitive mimic
diagram. Cable earthing is made directly, close to the
cable connectors. Interlocking reliability is inherent
between the different positions. It is very easy to
implement a cable testing device, allowing access to
cables without opening the cable box or interfering with
the cable terminations.

Figure 4. Typical AIS panel with withdrawable

technology and single line diagram

However, some points have to be carefully considered.

Remote control of the disconnector is not really practical Figure 5. SF6 Ring Main Unit with circuit breaker
because of the truck to be racked out. Earthing the busbar The advantages of compact and repetitive Ring Main
needs a dedicated earthing truck, heavy to handle. Testing Units solution reach their limit when flexibility is needed,
the cables needs a direct access to cables, opening the for larger switchboards over 4-5 functions or switchgear

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Evolution of Protection relays and Sensors THROUGH INNOVATIONS
Protection relays have moved from electromechanical to To satisfy all these needs, it appears that an optimized
electronic and then to digital technologies. For modern solution for many applications relies on a breakthrough in
digital relays, the need of signal power from the sensors switchgear design, getting benefits from compact “all-in-
becomes now very low. A new category of current one” three position scheme and Shielded Solid Insulation
sensors were developed, the Low Power Current System (2SIS).
Transformers (LPCT). They deliver a voltage signal
representing the primary current. They offer great New 3 position diagram
advantages in space and flexibility compared to
Nowadays, even if the technology is not much changing,
traditional 5 A or 1 A current transformers.
the trend is to use vacuum breakers in secondary
applications. Recent developments brought a new
CHALLENGES FOR FUTURE MV arrangement, keeping the same well-known benefits as
SWITCHGEAR the 3 position diagram of GIS RMUs, but using vacuum
Strong interests from network operators breaking.
A huge global market survey was undertaken to identify The new proposed arrangement includes an upstream
not only the current needs, but to anticipate the needs in vacuum disconnecting load-break switch or disconnecting
the future, particularly in countries with fast growth and circuit breaker and a downstream earthing switch
high development potential. Distribution network providing double gap isolation between cables and bus
operators expressed strong interests in safety, reliability, bars.
cost-effectiveness, simplicity and ease of network The 3 position scheme, closed, open and disconnected,
evolution. Maintenance-free circuit breakers, able to be earthed, with intuitive mimic diagram is the simplest and
used in any environment with long life expectancy are safest mode to operate the switchgear. The switching and
more and more required. The network operators pay more disconnection of the circuit are done in a single operation
and more attention to the total cost of ownership, within an innovative vacuum interrupter with larger
including the acquisition, construction, installation, isolation gap compared to traditional design and with
maintenance and end of life treatment costs. controlled surface for the arcing contacts. The
downstream cable earthing is done in controlled air with a
The Challenge of Smart Grids fast acting earthing switch having making capacity and
Smart grids have two main objectives. One is to optimize breaking capacity of capacitive cable currents.
the relation between the demand and the offer of energy.
The second one is to be able to integrate more and more
distributed and renewable energies. The change in
network management from one way flow due to
centralized energy production to two way flow because of
distributed generation is a big challenge. One question
comes out: Are MV switchgear ready for this challenge?
Looking at the existing grids and some experimentations,
it is possible to highlight some values of switchgear that Figure 6. New 3 position diagram and typical unit
will help to meet this challenge. including vacuum disconnecting circuit breaker
Smart grids will include more circuit breakers in the
network to increase electrical energy availability [2]. Intuitiveness of mimic diagram makes the operation very
Remote control will be mandatory for smart grids. One easy. Safety interlocks are built-in and positively driven.
effect is that switchgear will include integrated intelligent Operator safety is further enhanced with a dedicated cable
devices providing better optimisation. Low power current testing device with front face access complying with the
transformers (LPCT) and Low power voltage new specifications on MV switchgear for cable test
transformers (LPVT) will be essential for the huge features defined in the recently revised switchgear
development of power management. Metering equipment standard IEC 62271-200 edition 2 [3].
will need to be cost-effective, compact and reliable.
Modularity and flexibility are mandatory to meet the
infinite number of different applications.

Figure 7. Dedicated cable test device

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CICED 5th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Shanghai, 5-6 Sept 2012

Paper FP0112

Prior to the cable test, opening the disconnecting switch making the advanced management solutions much easier.
or disconnecting circuit breaker and closing the earthing The modularity of the switchgear is extended up to the
switch provide a double gap of isolation between cable architecture by linking together the various embedded
and busbar. Then a safe and fully interlocked earth link intelligent electronic devices, in order to achieve the
switch may be opened to give direct access to cable necessary functions of control and monitoring in the most
conductor. During testing, the cable box remains closed, flexible way.
the cable connections remain intact and the main contacts
of the earthing switch remain in the same position. This CONCLUSION
recommended test procedure ensures the highest safety
for test operators and also avoids any damage on the main The necessary evolution of the networks brings the
circuit or cable connections. opportunity to introduce new criteria for the choice of
MV switchgear, such as flexibility, insensitivity to harsh
environment, compactness, optimization of remote
Shielded Solid Insulation System (2SIS)
control, etc.
To meet the same advantages as GIS RMUs, the new
There is a great confidence that the 2SIS modular
arrangement shall be insensitive to harsh environment and
architecture using 3 position scheme and vacuum
“maintenance free”. This is ensured by an innovative
interrupters is well adapted for the coming deployment of
Shielded Solid Insulation System (2SIS) for the whole
smart grids. This architecture can address a large number
MV circuit, using well known technologies (epoxy,
of applications in MV secondary distribution and MV
EPDM) in an original way. Busbars, vacuum interrupter
private networks but thanks to its modularity and
encapsulation and earthing switch enclosure are made of
flexibility, it also challenges some low end applications
solid insulation that is covered by a conductive layer
where traditionally drawout equipment are used. With
connected to the earth. While maintaining a constant
this respect, this architecture blurs traditional MV
electrical field within the solid insulation, all surfaces are
primary and secondary boundaries.
at earth potential with protection grade PA according to
Combining compactness and modularity through
IEC 62271-201 (can be accidentally touched by persons)
technological innovations, the new generation of
[4]. The earth shield continuity is ensured by patented flat
switchgear creates a real breakthrough in MV switchgear
interface, which combines installation simplicity,
habits and specifications.
modularity and flexibility of traditional connectors with
the compact size and safety of the insulated and shielded
connectors. REFERENCES

[1] G.Moesch, JM.Biasse, Y.Li, M.Adams, 2010:

“Advent of fixed type Disconnecting Circuit Breakers in
Medium Voltage secondary switchgear: a new
arrangement of main circuit functions for simpler and
safer operation”, Proceedings CICED 2010 paper

Figure 8. Shielded Solid Insulation for the whole MV [2] P.Deschamps, P.Alibert, JM.Biasse, 2011:
circuit “Reduce the number of outage by introducing circuit
breakder in the distribution network, dream or reality?”,
The 2SIS system improves safety by internal arc risk Proceedings CIRED 2011 paper 0768
reduction, makes the switchgear totally insensitive to
severe environments and extends service life with [3] IEC 62271-200 Ed2.0 2011-10, AC metal-enclosed
minimum maintenance and lower total cost of ownership. switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV
The 2SIS system is applicable for any switching function and up to and including 52 kV
such as load break switches or circuit breakers, compact
metering functions or current and voltage transformers. [4] IEC 62271-201 First Edition 2006-06, AC metal-
enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages
above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
Smart Grid Ready
Compared to GIS RMUs, this new generation of
switchgear with 2SIS technology and new 3 position
scheme offers much better modularity as the general
architecture is based on single units.
Modern control & monitoring devices and digital
protection relays are integrated in the new switchgear
with the possibility of using compact LPCTs and LPVTs,

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