Mil STD 202G - CHG 1
Mil STD 202G - CHG 1
Mil STD 202G - CHG 1
4. Holders of MIL-STD-202G will verify that the changes indicated above have been entered. This notice page will
be retained as a check sheet. This issuance, together with appended pages, is a separate publication. Each notice
is to be retained by stocking points until the standard is completely revised or canceled.
5. The margins of this notice are marked with asterisks to indicate where changes were made. This was done as a
convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations.
Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content
irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue.
Review activities:
Army - AR, AT, AV, CR4, MI, SM, TE
Navy - AS, OS, SH
Air Force - 19, 99
18 July 2003
101E 8 February 2002 Salt atmosphere (corrosion) (formerly called salt spray)
102A Cancelled Superseded by Method 107 (see note on Method 102)
103B 12 September 1963 Humidity (steady state)
104A 24 October 1956 Immersion
105C 12 September 1963 Barometric pressure (reduced)
106G 8 February 2002 Moisture resistance
107G 28 March 1984 Thermal shock
108A 12 September 1963 Life (at elevated ambient temperature)
109C 8 February 2002 Explosion
110A 16 April 1973 Sand and dust
111A 16 April 1973 Flammability (external flame)
112E 11 October 1988 Seal
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18 July 2003
1. PURPOSE. The moisture resistance test is performed for the purpose of evaluating, in an accelerated manner,
the resistance of component parts and constituent materials to the deteriorative effects of the high-humidity and heat
conditions typical of tropical environments. Most tropical degradation results directly or indirectly from absorption of
moisture vapor and films by vulnerable insulating materials, and from surface wetting of metals and insulation.
These phenomena produce many types of deterioration, including corrosion of metals, physical distortion and
decomposition of organic materials, leaching out and spending of constituents of materials; and detrimental changes
in electrical properties. This test differs from the steady-state humidity test (method 103 of this standard) and
derives its added effectiveness in its employment of temperature cycling, which provides alternate periods of
condensation and drying essential to the development of the corrosion processes and, in addition, produces a
"breathing" action of moisture into partially sealed containers. Increased effectiveness is also obtained by use of a
higher temperature, which intensifies the effects of humidity. The test includes low temperature and vibration
subcycles (when applicable, see 3.4.2) that act as accelerants to reveal otherwise indiscernible evidence of
deterioration since stresses caused by freezing moisture and accentuated by vibration tend to widen cracks and
fissures. As a result, the deterioration can be detected by the measurement of electrical characteristics (including
such tests as dielectric withstanding voltage and insulation resistance) or by performance of a test for sealing.
Provision is made for the application of a polarizing voltage across insulation to investigate the possibility of
electrolysis, which can promote eventual dielectric breakdown. This test also provides for electrical loading of
certain components, if desired, in order to determine the resistance of current-carrying components, especially fine
wires and contacts, to electro-chemical corrosion. Results obtained with this test are reproducible and have been
confirmed by investigations of field failures. This test has proven reliable for indicating those parts which are
unsuited for tropical field use.
2.1 Chamber. A test chamber shall be used which can meet the temperature and humidity cycling specified on
figure 106-1. The material used to fabricate the platforms and standoffs, which support the specimens, shall be non-
reactive in high humidity. Wood or plywood shall not be used because they are resiniferous. Materials shall not be
used if they contain formaldehyde or phenol in their composition. Provisions shall be made to prevent condensate
from the chamber ceiling dripping onto the test specimens.
2.1.1 Opening of the chamber door. During the periods when the humidity is ascending or descending, the
chamber door should not be opened. If the chamber door must be opened, it should be opened during the 16th hour
through the 24th hour of an individual cycle. While the chamber is at 25°C (77°F), and the relative humidity
tolerance must be maintained, the chamber door should be opened only for a short period of time.
2.1.2 Water. Steam, or distilled and demineralized, or deionized water, having a pH value between 6.0 and 7.2 at
23°C (73.4°F) shall be used to obtain the specified humidity. No rust or corrosive contaminants shall be imposed on
the test specimens by the test facility.
3.1 Mounting. Specimens shall be mounted by their normal mounting means, in their normal mounting position,
but shall be positioned so that they do not contact each other, and so that each specimen receives essentially the
same degree of humidity.
3.2 Initial measurements. Prior to step 1 of the first cycle, the specified initial measurements shall be made at
room ambient conditions, or as specified.
18 July 2003
1. Allowance of 100 percent RH is intended to avoid problems in reading values close to 100 percent RH, but
actual chamber operation shall be such so as to avoid condensation.
2. Unless otherwise specified, the steady state temperature tolerance is ±2°C at all points within the immediate
vicinity of the specimens and the chamber surfaces.
3. Rate of change of temperature is unspecified; however, specimens shall not be subjected to radiant heat from
chamber-conditioning processes.
4. Circulation of air in the chamber shall be at a minimum cubic rate per minute equivalent to 5 times the volume
of the chamber.
8 February 2002
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18 July 2003
1 ounce (28 grams and below) 1/4 (or as specified)
Above 1 ounce (28 grams) to .3 pound (136 grams), inclusive ½
Above .3 pounds (136 grams) to 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms), inclusive 1
Above 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms) to 30 pounds (13.6 kilograms), inclusive 2
Above 30 pounds (13.6 kilograms) to 300 pounds (136 kilograms), inclusive 4
Above 300 pounds (136 kilograms) 8
°C °C °C °C
1 -0 +2, -10 See table -65 +0, -10 See table -65 +0, -10 See table -65 +0, -10 See table
107-V 107-V 107-V 107-V
2 100 +10, -2 See table 125 +10, -0 See table 150 +10, -0 See table 200 +10, -0 See table
107-V 107-V 107-V 107-V
18 July 2003
Test AA, AA-1, AA-2 BB, BB-1, BB-2 CC, CC-1, CC-2 DD, DD-1, DD-2
condition fluids Fluids fluids fluids
1/ See 2.2.
3/ Tap water is indicated as an acceptable fluid for this temperature range. Its suitability chemically shall be
established prior to use. A mixture of water and alcohol may be used to prevent freezing at the low
temperature extreme. The water shall not be allowed to boil at the upper temperature extreme.
6/ D02, D02-TS, D03, D05, D/80, LS/215 and LS/230 are the registered trademark of Ausimont (Division of
28 March 1984
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18 July 2003 Procedure IIIa. The device(s) shall be tested using the appropriate conditions specified in table I for the
internal cavity volume of the package under test. The time (t) is the time under pressure and time (tz) is the
maximum time allowed after release of pressure before the device(s) shall be read. This method shall not be used if
the maximum equivalent standard leak rate limit given in the procurement document is less than the limits specified
herein for procedure IIIc. Upon completion of this procedure, the specimen shall be checked for gross leaks by
subjecting the specimen either to test condition A, B, or D. Water, at room ambient temperature and a pressure of
2.5 inches (63.5 mm) of mercury, may be used in place of silicone oil, if test condition B is used to verify gross leaks. Activation parameters. The activation pressure and soak time shall be determined in accordance with
the following equation:
Q =
s skT Pt
R = Counts per minute above the ambient background after activation if the device leak rate were exactly
equal to QS. This is the reject count above the background of both the counting equipment and the
component, if it has been through prior radioactive leak tests.
s = The specific activity, in microcuries per atmospheric cubic centimeter, of the krypton 85 tracer gas in
the activation system.
k = The overall counting efficiency of the scintillation crystal in counts per minute per microcurie of krypton
85 in the internal void of the specific component being evaluated. This factor depends upon
component configuration and dimensions of the scintillation crystal. The counting efficiency shall be
determined in accordance with
18 July 2003 Determination of counting efficiency (k). The counting efficiency (k) of equation in shall be
determined as follows:
a. Five representative units of the device type being tested shall be tubulated and the internal void of the
device shall be backfilled through the tubulation with a known volume and known specific activity of krypton
85 tracer gas and the tubulation shall be sealed off.
b. The counts per minute shall be directly read in the shielded scintillation crystal of the counting station in
which the devices are read. From this value, the counting efficiency, in counts per minute per microcurie,
shall be calculated. Evaluation of surface sorption. All device encapsulations consisting of glass, metal, and ceramic or
combinations thereof, including coatings and external sealants, shall be evaluated for surface sorption of krypton 85
before establishing the leak test parameters. Representative samples of the questionable material shall be
subjected to the predetermined pressure and time conditions established for the device configuration as specified by The samples shall then be counted every 10 minutes, with count rate noted, until the count rate
becomes asymptotic with time. (This is the point in time at which surface sorption is no longer a problem.) This time
lapse shall be noted and shall determine the "wait time" specified in Specific procedure IIIb. The devices shall be placed in radioactive tracer gas activation tank. The
activation chamber may be partially filled with inert material to reduce pumpdown time. The tank shall be evacuated
to 0.5 torr. The devices shall be subjected to a minimum of 2 atmospheres absolute pressure of krypton 85/dry
nitrogen mixture for the time necessary to satisfy the equation. Actual pressure and soak time shall be determined
in accordance with The R value in counts per minute shall be not less than 600 above ambient
background. The krypton 85/dry nitrogen gas mixture shall be evacuated to storage until 0.5 torr vacuum exists in
the activation tank. This evacuation shall be completed within 3 minutes maximum. The activation tank shall then
be backfilled with air (air wash). The devices shall then be removed from the activation tank and leak tested within 1
hour after gas exposure with a scintillation-crystal-equipped counting station. Device encapsulations that come
under the requirements of shall be exposed to ambient air for a time not less than the "wait time"
determined by In no case will the time between removal from the activation chamber and test exceed 1
hour. This exposure shall be performed after gas exposure but before determining leak rate with the counting
station. Device encapsulations that do not come under the requirements of may be tested without a "wait
time". (The number of devices removed from pressurization for leak testing shall be limited such that the test of the
last device can be completed within 1 hour.) The actual leak rate of the component shall be calculated with the
following equation:
Where Q = Actual leak rate in atm cm /s, and QS and R are defined in
Unless otherwise specified, devices that exhibit a leak rate equal to or greater than 1 x 10 atmospheric cubic
centimeters of krypton 85 per second shall be considered a failure.
Upon completion of this procedure, the specimen shall be checked for gross leaks by subjecting the specimen either
to test condition A, B, or D. Water, at room ambient temperature and a pressure of 2.5 inches (63.5 mm) of mercury,
may be used in place of silicone oil, if test condition B is used to verify gross leaks. Personnel precautions. A Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license is necessary for possession
and use of the krypton 85 leak-test equipment. In the use of gas, code of Federal regulations Nuclear Regulatory
Commission Rules and Regulations, Title 10, Chapters 1, 20, 30, 31, and 32 should be followed and the maximum
permissible tolerance levels prescribed by the National Committee on Radiological Protection should be observed.
11 October 1988
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18 July 2003
1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this test is to measure the direct-current (dc) resistance of resistors,
electromagnetic windings of components, and conductors. It is not intended that this test apply to the measurement
of contact resistance.
1.1. Precautions. The temperature at which the dc resistance measurement is made will affect the final value of
resistance. In addition, resistance values may vary with the measuring voltage.
2. PROCEDURE. DC resistance shall be measured with a resistance bridge or other suitable test equipment.
The limit of error in the bridge or other test equipment shall not exceed one-tenth of the specified tolerance on the
measured resistance (for example, the limit of error in the bridge or other test equipment shall not exceed ± 0.5
percent if the specified tolerance on the measured resistance is ± 5 percent), unless otherwise specified. For inplant
quality conformance testing, the accuracy of the measurement shall be such to insure that the resistance value is
within the required tolerance. If a plus or minus tolerance is not specified, the limit of error in the bridge or other test
equipment shall not exceed ± 2 percent. The test current through the specimen shall be as small as practical
considering the sensitivity of the indicating instruments, unless the test current or voltage is specified. When it is
important that the temperature of the specimen shall not rise appreciably during the measurement, the test voltage
shall be applied uninterruptedly for as short a time as practicable, but in no case for more than 5 seconds, unless
* otherwise specified. Unless otherwise specified, the measurement shall be made at a temperature of 25°C ± 5°C.
In the case of measurement dispute, dc resistance measurements shall be made at or corrected to 25°C.
a. Limit of error of measuring apparatus, if other than one-tenth of specified tolerance (see 2).
c. Maximum period of uninterrupted test-voltage application, if other than 5 seconds (see 2).
18 July 2003
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18 July 2003
1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this test is to measure the capacitance of component parts. Preferred test
* frequencies for this measurement are 60 Hz, 100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz, 100 kHz, and 1 MHz.
2. PROCEDURE. The capacitance of the specimen shall be measured with a capacitance bridge or other suitable
method at the frequency specified. Unless otherwise specified, the measurement shall be made at a temperature of
* 25°C ± 5°C. In the case of measurement dispute, capacitance measurements shall be made at or corrected to 25°C.
The inherent accuracy of the measurement shall be ±(0.5 percent +0.2 picofarad) unless otherwise specified. Suitable
measurement technique shall be used to minimize errors due to the connections between the measuring apparatus
and the specimen. The alternating-current (ac) voltage actually impressed across the specimen shall be as low as
practicable. When a direct-current (dc) polarizing voltage is required, it shall be as specified and shall exceed the
peak ac voltage impressed across the specimen; however, the sum of the peak ac and the dc voltages shall not
exceed the voltage rating of the specimen.
18 July 2003