Fucking Terminologies

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access areas areas open for public entry

active storage volume of water stored

dead storage volume below the intake structure

actual crop rate of evapotranspiration equal to or smaller

crop evapotranspiration rate of evapotranspiration of a disease-free

reference crop rate of evapotranspiration from a reference

evapotranspiration surface

afflux elevation rise in maximum flood level

algal bloom overgrowths of algae

application efficiency ratio of the average depth

crop coefficient ratio of the actual crop evapotranspiration

side slope ratio of the horizontal to vertical dimension

storage ratio ratio of the storage capacity

uniformity coefficient ratio of the particle size

conveyance efficiency ratio between water received at the inlet

pan coefficient ratio between reference evapotranspiration

hydraulic depth ratio of flow area to the wetted top width

conveyance loss loss of water from a channel

aquifer geologic formation

Karst topography geological formation

area cross-sectional area of the flow where the

energy content
hydraulic radius cross-sectional area of flow divided

basin field that is level in all directions

basin irrigation type of surface irrigation

bearing capacity maximum average contact pressure

design irrigable area maximum area which an irrigation project

normal storage elevation maximum elevation the water surface

border irrigation method of irrigation which makes use of parallel

border strips
furrow irrigation method of irrigation where water runs through
small parallel channels
sprinkler irrigation method of applying irrigation water similar to
natural rainfall
border strip area of land bounded by two border ridges or
channel bed slope inclination or elevation

confined aquifer groundwater

unconfined aquifer aquifer which has water table serving

contamination introduction of substances

critical depth depth of water flow

depth depth of water in the channel cross-section

effective rooting depth soil depth

normal depth constant flow depth

cropping pattern sequence of different crops

crop water requirements amount of water used in producing crops

farm water requirement amount of water to replenish the crop

land preparation water amount of water required in lowland rice

requirement production which includes water
land soaking water amount of water required in lowland rice
requirement production which is a function of the
initial soil moisture
effective rainfall amount of rainwater

dam height vertical distance from lowest point of the ground

line to the dam crest
structural height vertical distance measured from the top of the
designed height actual height of the embankment

finished height height of the embankment to be attained

distribution uniformity numerical value on the uniformity

diversion dam structure or weir

diversion water the total quantity of water

drip irrigation involves dripping water onto the soil
drop in-line canal structure

effective size particle diameter

effluent discharges from known sources

effluent standard any legal restriction or limitation

elevated flume water conveying conduit or trough

emitter spacing spacing between emitters

emitters applicator used in drip, subsurface, or bubbler

energy grade line grade line of the water surface

hydraulic grade line profile of the free water surface

slope of the energy grade slope of the water surface profile plus
slope of the hydraulic slope of the free water surface
grade line
equipment crossing provision for passing of equipment

evapotranspiration combination of water transpired

farm ditch channel which conveys irrigation water

dam any barrier constructed to store water

filter drain dam component which prevents migration

zoned embankment dam consisting a central impervious core

homogeneous dam composed of a single kind of embankment

freeboard additional height of the dam

furrows small parallel channels

head ditch small channel along one part of a field

hydraulic jump occurs when a thin sheet of incoming flow

hydrologic frequency estimation of the chance or likelihood

inside slope slope of the upstream face of the embankment

outside slope slope at the downstream face of the

upstream face side of the embankment wetted by the
impounded water
invert inside bottom or sill of the conduit

inverted siphon closed conduit

irrigation period time required to cover an area

lateral spacing spacing between irrigation laterals

leaching deep percolation of water

lined channel canals with impermeable material

unlined channels canals that are cut through the soil

loading limit allowable pollutant-loading limit

manifold portion of the pipe network

manufacturer’s measure of the variability of discharge

coefficient of variation
natural spillway spillway which is not excavated

open channel flow water flow that is conveyed in such a manner

optimal emitter spacing drip emitter spacing which is 80%

pan evaporation rate of water loss by evaporation

percolation vertical flow of water to below the root zone

permeability test method to determine the rate of flow under

pollutant any substance, whether solid, liquid, gaseous

pond sealed section formed between earth

potential irrigable area area capable of being irrigated

reservoir part of the system that impounds the runoff

residual moisture moisture left in the soil before the initial irrigation
re-use taking wastewater from one industry or process

road crossing conveys canal water under roads or railroads

shallow tube well tube or shaft vertically set

seismicity occurrence or frequency of earthquakes

seepage water escaping below or out

seepage line line with no filter arrangements

setback distance distance from the perimeter of the irrigation area

sprinkler spacing distance between two sprinkler heads

spillway channel which releases surplus or flood water

storage capacity total capacity at normal water surface elevation

storage ratio ratio of the storage capacity

surface irrigation system application of water by gravity flow to the

surface of the field
top width width of the channel cross-section at the free
wetted widths width of the strip that would be wetted

uniform flow occurs when flow has a constant water area

unimodal rainfall pattern rainfall pattern with five wet months

waste any material either solid, liquid, semi-solid

wastewater waste in liquid state containing pollutants

water balance accounting of water inflows

watershed area which contributes runoff or drains water

water right privilege granted by the government

well log record of formation stratification

well-protected reservoir reservoir where the upper reaches of the basin

wetted diameter diameter of the circular area wetted

wetted perimeter portion of the perimeter of the canal

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