Sanitary Design Report
Sanitary Design Report
Sanitary Design Report
G+4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Sanitary Design Report
The water supply and drainage services design of this project is based on Ethiopian building code
standard for plumbing services of buildings [EBCS-9] and ERA drainage manual.
The type of equipment and material proposed for the plumbing services shall take the following into
• Fit for intended use
• Ease of maintenance
• Efficiency
• Cost
For the domestic water supply of the president office a water tank at the top of the building and a
ground reservoir along with a pump house is to be provided.
G+4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Sanitary Design Report
This report is intended for the detail sanitary design of G+4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. The
overall design is sub divided into internal sanitary design and sanitary site design. The former is the
detail design of water supply to all fixtures, waste water disposal from toilets and kitchen, and the
design of the roof water of the rain (i.e. design of gutter and down pipes). The latter is the design of
water supply system to the building, design of waste water lines (sewers) to the treatment area design
of waste water treatment facilities and the design and disposal of the storm water for the building
and areas around the building.
G+4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Sanitary Design Report
Flow velocity
Water temperature
°C Pipes readily accessible Pipes not readily accessible
m/s m/s
10 3.0 2.0
50 3.0 1.5
70 2.5 1.3
90 2.0 1.0
Accordingly, the flow of each sanitary fixture has been determined and the velocity of flow in a
pipe is set in the range of 1m/s to 3m/s.
G+4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Sanitary Design Report
For riser: -
Riser 1 & 2, for water supply riser no I & II
Q = 0.25√∑Z
Z = Loading unit of each fixture
No of hand wash 8 with loading unit of 0.15
No of shower 6 with loading unit of 0.2
No of water closet 8 with loading unit of 0.13
∑Z=8*0.15+6*0.2+8*0.13 Q = 0.25√∑Z =0.25√3.44 = 0.46 l/s
After getting flow rate which is 0.46 we refer the EBCS 9 fig 4-10 for determine head loss and flow velocity
and again from that we can get the pipe diameter.
Head loss=0.03mm
Flow velocity=0.76m/s
Pipe size=32mm
Riser 3, for water supply riser no III
Q = 0.25√∑Z
Z = Loading unit of each fixture
No of hand wash 5 with loading unit of 0.15
No of shower 5 with loading unit of 0.2
No of water closet 5 with loading unit of 0.13
No of kitchen sink 1 with loading unit of 0.15
∑Z=5*0.15+5*0.2+5*0.13+1*0.15 Q = 0.25√∑Z =0.25√2.55 = 0.4 l/s
After getting flow rate which is 0.4 we refer the EBCS 9 fig 4-10 for determine head loss and flow velocity and
again from that we can get the pipe diameter.
Head loss=0.027mm
Flow velocity=0.73m/s
Pipe size=32mm
Riser 4, for water supply riser no IV
Q = 0.25√∑Z
Z = Loading unit of each fixture
No of hand wash 6 with loading unit of 0.15
No of shower 6 with loading unit of 0.2
No of water closet 6 with loading unit of 0.13
∑Z=6*0.15+6*0.2+6*0.13 Q = 0.25√∑Z =0.25√2.88 = 0.42 l/s
After getting flow rate which is 0.42 we refer the EBCS 9 fig 4-10 for determine head loss and flow velocity
and again from that we can get the pipe diameter.
Head loss=0.028mm
G+4 Residential Building Sanitary Design Report
Flow velocity=0.74m/s
Pipe size=32mm
more information, refer the riser diagram
Roof water tank size is calculated based on demand of the residence building. The detail calculation is
presented in the table below.
TABLE: - Residential water requirements
Type of building occupancy Consumption per head per day(q) in liters
a) Dwellings with house connections*
i) Low consumption 80-120
ii) Medium Consumption 120-200
iii) High consumption 200-300
b) Dwellings with yard connections* 40-60
c) Public fountain (standard pipes) 15-20
Water supply daily requirements/EBCS-9 (2013) table 4.4/
i. Low consumption is dwelling unit with only one wet corner, fitted with shower, Hand wash basin,
WC, traditional kitchen without kitchen sink, but with manual Laundry trough.
ii. Medium consumption is dwelling unit with two wet corners, fitted with shower, Bath tub, Hand wash
basin, WC, kitchen sink and laundry sink or machine.
iii. High consumption is dwelling unit with more than two wet corners, fitted with all mentioned in (ii)
above and sauna facilities and others.
The recommended water demand for the residential building is a multiple of number of users in the building
and the per capita demand of occupancy.
Thus V= P×q
Where: - V is daily required amount of water (in liters)
q = Water consumption per capita (recommended minimum storage of water for this specific
building is 120-200liters / ii) Medium consumption /.
P = user population = 44+36
V= P×q =(44 × 200) + (20*35) = 8800 + 700 =9500 liters.
Therefore, provide two 10m fiber glass water tank on the roof slab of the stair case.
G+4 Residential Building Sanitary Design Report
Pipe sizing has been made by fixture unit loading method; in this method numerical value (fixture units) is
assigned to appliances to express their load producing potential. By assuming partial flow conditions for
branch discharge pipes, the maximum number of fixture units permissible for a given pipe diameter can be
Therefore; the minimum grade of the drain pipe has been taken 2% along the flow direction. When the
pipe slope is selected the following criteria has been considered.
1. self-cleansing velocity shall not be less than o.6m/sec;
2. non-scouring velocity shall not be higher than 3m/sec;
3. Eliminate excessive excavation of earth;
G+4 Residential Building Sanitary Design Report
DN65 DN40
DN80 DN50
DN100 DN50
DN160 DN80
Branch vents/EBCS-9 article
➢ A single vent pipe is used to ventilate the traps of several appliances in a toilet which are
connected in common, i.e. to a single waste stalk.
➢ The vent pipe has been installed in order to vent along the hill side of the wall and it shall be
installed 300mm above the highest level of their horizontal outlet roof and positioned with the
prevalence wind direction.
➢ Floor waste gullies has been installed with an accessible, removable grate and a riser not less than
Dn80 at floor surface level, except that, if the sole function of the floor waste gully is to dispose of
waste spillage and wash down water Dn50 outlet and riser may be used.
G+4 Residential Building Sanitary Design Report
3.1 Introduction
This part of the design report consists of
Domestic water supply
Waste water disposal system and
Storm water drainage system of the building.
The water supply design always looks for the availability of water at all times to all consumers in required
quantity and pressure. The total water requirement is calculated in the coming sub topics and the municipal
water supply line is taken as source of.
The domestic water supply to the buildings is taken from the municipal water supply line.
The roof water and the storm water around the buildings is collected by the ditches around the building and
directly connected to the road side storm water sewer line of the municipality.
This design is executed mainly as per Ethiopian Building Code Standard (EBCS9) /2013/, Era drainage manual
2002, and additional references are also used for the completeness of this report.
G+4 Residential Building Sanitary Design Report
In the design of any drainage system, the performance criteria which shall be followed are: -
a) requirements for discharge rates from fixtures;
b) exclusion of foul air;
c) limitation of noise;
d) contaminant of leakage of discharge; prevention of risk of blockage;
e) durability of materials;
f) ease of replacement of materials; and
g) Access for testing and maintenance.
Pipe sizing has been made by fixture unit loading method; but in this method numerical value (fixture
units) is assigned to appliances to express their load producing properties. By assuming partial flow
conditions for branch discharge pipes, the maximum number of fixture units permissible for a given pipe
diameter can be stated. Therefore; the minimum grade of the drain pipe has been taken 2% along the flow
direction. When the pipe slope is selected the following criteria has been considered.
1. Eliminate excessive excavation of earth;
2. self-cleansing velocity shall not be less than o.6m/sec;
3. non-scouring velocity shall not be higher than 3m/sec;
G+4 Residential Building Sanitary Design Report
G+4 Residential Building Sanitary Design Report
As per EBCS-9 /2013/-article 6.8.2, the capacity of the septic tank (V, m3) implies that;