ICU Class 06 Pronoun

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- Siddique Mohsin Patwary

Founder & CEO, I Education

Lecture -06
Note: B UNIT) English Text Book MCQ
EFT Basic Hacks

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†h mKj ‘words’ Noun- Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq A_©vr noun- Gi substitute iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq Zv‡`i‡K pronoun
e‡j| ev‡K¨ noun †h f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i, Pronoun-I Noun Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ n‡q wVK †m
f‚wgKvB cvjb K‡i| A_©vr Pronoun- I †Kvb verb-Gi subject Ges object n‡Z cv‡i| subject ev object bv n‡j
Dnvi c~‡e©I Aek¨B preposition emv‡Z n‡e| Ab¨_vq Dnv wew”Qbœ word e‡j MY¨ n‡e |
myZivs noun I pronoun wfbœ †kªbxi n‡jI f‚wgKv cvj‡bi †cÖw¶‡Z Dnviv GKB- group- Gi e‡j we‡ewPZ | noun
I pronoun G‡K A‡b¨i equivalent evsjvq `y‡Uv‡K GK‡Î ‘bvgc`’ e‡j AwfwnZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| ÒA Pronoun is a
word used instead of a noun. mnRfv‡e ejv hvq, †h Word †Kvb Noun Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡K Pronoun
†hgb : Hamim is a good boy. (Noun) He goes to school everyday. (Pronoun)
He is an intelligent boy. (Pronoun)
Noun Gi gZB Pronoun I Subject I Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i|
†hgb, I teach him. (Avwg Zv‡K covB)
Pronoun Avevi A‡bK mgq Ab¨ Parts of Speech wn‡m‡eI e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb Who, What BZ¨vw` Giv
Avevi Conjunction.
Classification of Pronoun
Pronoun: Pro = cwieZ©b; Noun = we‡kl¨; ZvB Noun- Gi cwie‡Z© †h Word ‡m Zv‡K Pronoun e‡j|
Pronoun `k cÖKvit
Kinds of Pronoun How to recognize them? Examples
Personal Pronoun ‡Kv‡bv person ev e¨w³i cwie‡Z© e‡m| I, we, you, he, she, they
Impersonal Pronoun Roe¯‘ ev BZi cÖvYxi cwie‡Z© e‡m| It (for inanimate object and
lower animals)
Possessive Pronoun Gi Øviv possession ev AwaKvi †evSv‡bv Mine, ours, yours, his, hers,
nq| theirs, my, our, your, his, her,
their, its
Reflexive Pronoun & self ev selves ‡hv‡M nq Ges KZ©v I Kg© Myself,ourselves,yourself,
Emphatic Pronoun GKB e¨w³‡K †evSvq| yourselves,himself,herself,
Demonstrative ‡Kv‡bv Noun ‡K we‡klfv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i| This, that, these, those, it.
Indefinite Pronoun ‡Kv‡bv Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq| Any, anyone, some, someone,
no one, anybody, somebody,
nobody, many/ everyone, all.
Distributive Pronoun GKRvZxq GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡K Each, either, neither.
c„_Kfv‡e †evSvq|
Reciprocal Pronoun GKvwaK e¨w³/e¯‘i cvi¯úwiK m¤úK© eywS‡q Each, other, one another.
Interrogative cÖkœ Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq| G¸wj ev‡K¨i Who, whose, whom, which,
Pronoun cÖ_‡g e‡m| what. Whose
Relative Pronoun `ywU ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ relation eywS‡q †`q, Who, whose, whom, which,
ev‡K¨i gv‡S e‡m| that.

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[Note: Pronoun-Gi Rb¨ form-¸wj my, our, your, his, her, their, one's Ges its, Noun Gi Av‡M
Adjective Gi g‡Zv e‡m| †mRb¨ G¸wj‡K Pronominal Adjective ev Possessive Adjective ejv nq| †hgb-
My book Your house, Our club BZ¨vw`]
MVbMZ w`K †_‡K Pronoun ‡gvU `k cÖKvi| g~jZ subject, object, possessive, relative Ges reflexive
pronoun m¤ú‡K© AwaK Rvb‡Z nq|
Basic Discussion on Pronoun
Personal Pronoun: I, you, she etc. wb‡¤œ Q‡Ki gva¨‡g Personal Pronoun Gi iƒ‡ci wewfbœ cwieZ©b †`Lv‡bv
n‡jv :
Subjective Objective Possessive Double Possessive/ Reflexive Pronoun
Pronoun Pronoun Adjective Possesive Pronoun
I me my mine myself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourself/ yourselves
It It Its Its Itself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
They them their theirs themselves
one one one's oneself
Who whom whose
Rahim Rahim Rahim’s

Previous Years’ Questions

01. “Among the students, the best one is a boy. “Here ‘one’ is used as – [CU (B) 02-03]
A. adverb B. pronoun C. adjective D.number Ans:B
02. Which one of the following words is an example of a distributive pronoun? [38th BCS]
A. such B. either C. that D.any Ans:B
03. Which one of the following is an example of an indefinite pronoun?
A. such B. this C. any D.either Ans:C
04. Which one is the indefinite pronoun? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK-18]
A. myself B. they C. who D.anybody Ans:D
05. Anybody can apply for the post. Here ‘anybody’ is – [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb-19]
A. Possessive pronoun B. Indefinite pronoun
C. Distributive pronoun D. Relative pronoun Ans:B
06. 'One another' is a?
A. Subject Pronoun B. Object Pronoun
C. Reciprocal Pronoun D. Reflexive Pronoun Ans: C
07. 'Who' is a?
A. Subject Pronoun B. Object Pronoun
C. Relative Pronoun D. Both a&c Ans:D

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Subjective Pronoun


• Verb-Gi Subject wn‡m‡e|

Mitu and I want to do this.
After Sandy talked them into buying bikes, she and they never drove to school.
Frank and we are going to join the same fraternity.
Examples When they have enough money, Zaved and she will probably go back to school.
: Everyone is curious to know the unknown.
He is a generous person.
I, you and he are guilty.
• Be verb (am, is, are, was, were, be) Gi c‡i|
It was she whom everyone wanted to win.
Is it they at the door again?
This is he speaking.
Examples : Didn't you know that it was we who played the joke?
I have to admit that it was I who wanted to go.
• Zyjbv eySv‡Z-Subjective Pronoun n‡e hw` subject-Gi mv‡_ Zyjbv Kiv nq| wKš‘ , hw` object-Gi
mv‡_ Zyjbv Kiv nq Z‡e objective pronoun n‡Z cv‡i|
Nayem is as honest as he.
Examples : My teacher loves me more than him. (GLv‡b me Gi mv‡_ him-Gi Zzjbv)
I like him better than her.
• Conjunction Gi c‡i Subject e‡m|
Examples: Nayem is as honest as he.
Neither he/him nor they/ them were present there.
Previous Years’ Questions
01. The Captain, ⎯⎯ had a score of 30. [DU 2006-07]
A. Joy and me B. Joy and myself C. Joy and ID. Joy and us
02. Shamim and ⎯ are going to the cinema. [RvZxq we. N-BDwbU 2009-10]
A. me B. myself C. my D. I
03. Rahim is the only one of us –––– passed the examination. [DU D-Unit (E); 2014-15]
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
04. It was she not me, who put forth the attractive preposition.[`y`K mnKvix cwiPvjK: 13]
A. she, not I B. her, not me C. her, not I D. she, but me

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05. It should be −−−−−.
A. her with whom you share your secrets, not me
B. her with whom you share your secrets, not I.
C. she with whom you share your secrets, not me.
D. she with whom you share your secrets, not I.
06. It's ––––––, not I, who wants more.
A. me B. he C. I D. him
07. It was ______ who first noticed the difference.
a. me b. I c. myself d. me self
08. Frank and _____are going to join the same conference.
(A) our (b) we (c) us
(d) we are (e) none of the above.
09. It is not _____ who are to blame. [wbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevjq (D”Pgvb mnKvix)-18]
A. me B. we C. us D. him Ans:B
10. It is ____ whom the committee has chosen. [JU (G) 12-13]
A. him B. he himself C. he D. himself Ans:C
Objective Pronoun

Verb-Gi object wn‡m‡e

He called me.
He always helps my wife and me with our tax returns.
Examples :
The bus leaves Kaisar and her at the corner.
They asked us, Bakar and me.
Preposition-Gi ci
Without him, I will not go there.
Just between you and me, this isn’t a very good price.
Examples :
Among us men, it was he who always acted as the interpreter.
The cake is from Jan, and the flowers are from Larry and us.
Note : Among, between, behind, beneath, except, with BZ¨vw` preposition Gi ci object e‡m| (but
Ges like KL‡bv KL‡bv Preposition wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq|)
Between you and me he is honest.
Nobody will help you but me.
Let-Gi c‡i Objective Pronoun e‡m|
Let me do that.
Examples : Let me first introduce my beautiful country to you.
Let Anthony and them play in the stadium.

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Infinitive, Participle ev Gerund _vK‡j G‡`i ci
He asked me to help him.
Examples After dropping Robert and him from the company, I got relaxed.
He tried to follow me.
Previous Years’ Questions
01. Choose the correct sentence. [12th BCS]
A. Let he and you be witness. B. Let you and him be witness.
C. Let you and he be witness D. Let him and you be witness.
02. There is no difference between you and ____. [DU D : 10-11]
A. I B. We C. Them D. me
03. The first half of the game belonged to us and the second half to −−−−. [DU D 2016-17]
A. they B. their C. those D. them
04. Between --------, this is the greatest book I have ever read. [CU-08-09]
A. you and I B. I and you C. you and me D. they
05. Choose the correct sentence. [RU-05-06]
A. Let he and I go B. Let he and me go
C. Let him and I go D. Let him and me go
06. Although Margaret Mead had several assistants during her long investigations of Samoa,
the bulk of the research was done by –––alone.
A. herself B. she C. her D. hers
07. After dropping -------------from the company, I got relaxed.
A. Robert and him B. Robert and I C. Robert and sheD. to he
08. Between _____ this is the greatest book I’ve ever read. [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK: 15]
A. you and I B. I and you C. you and me D. me and you.
09. They called _____ on the telephone. [CU (D) 11-12]
A. we B. they C. hers
D. us E. she Ans:D
Possessive Adjective
gvwjKvbv †evSv‡Z Noun-Gi c~‡e©
This is my phone.
Examples We love our country.
His book is very informative.
How did you twist your ankle?
Gerund -Gi c~‡e©
I dislike her coming here.
Examples I like his/ him writing.
We can count on her/she helping us.
We don't understand why you object to his coming with us.
The doctor insisted on her taking a leave of absence.
My father approves of my studying in the United States.
Preposition+ possessive adjective + noun / gerund I am afraid of his going there.

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Basic Discussion
Its Ges It's Gi g‡a¨ wKQz cv_©K¨ Av‡Q|
It's = It is / It has Ges Its n‡”Q Possessive Adjective. Bnv †Kvb Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m|
▪ Every country has it’s/ its tradition.
▪ Its/It's raining again.
g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e It Ges one Gi Plural form n‡jv 'they'.
This-Gi Plural form 'these'. That-Gi Plural form 'those'.
Apostrophe ('s)-Gi e¨envi :
1. Singular noun Gi mv‡_ apostrophe 's' ('s) hy³ nq|
Ex- This is my father's house.
2. Plural noun Gi mv‡_ ïay apostrophe (`) hy³ nq|
Ex- This is my parents' house.
3.‡h mKj noun eûePb ev plural wKš‘ †k‡l ‘s’ ‡bB, †m‡ÿ‡Î-
Ex- Men's Club, Children's book.
4.‡h k‡ãi †k‡l 's' Av‡Q A_ev ‘s’ Gi gZ D”PviY Av‡Q, †m‡ÿ‡Î ïay apostrophe w`‡jB nq|
Ex- For goodness' sake, For justice' sake.
5.IRb, mgq, `~iZ¡ ev cwigvY ÁvcKZv eySv‡Z noun Gi †k‡l apostrophe 's' ('s)e‡m|
Ex- One month's notice, One Maund's weight.©v`v m¤úbœ noun Gi †k‡l apostrophe 's' e‡m|
Ex- Count's order, God's love, Country's glory.
.........................Avgv‡`i we‡kl fv‡e g‡b ivLyb...........................
He’s : He is / He has
cÖvqB weåvwšÍ m„wó K‡i
His : He Gi Possessive Form|
Ggb wKQz Form
Who’s : Who is / Who has
GLv‡b ‡`Iqv nj|
Whose : Who Gi Possessive Form|
mwVK DËi wbY©‡q
They’re : They are
Aek¨B mwVKwU wbe©vPb
Their : They Gi Possessive Form|
Ki‡Z n‡e|
It’s : It is / It has
Its : It Gi Possessive Form|

Previous Years’ Questions

01. Choose the correct option: Take ____ time. [JnU (B) 06-07]
A. you B. your C. you’re D. yourself Ans:B
02. I really like the way that car looks, but ____ price is more than I can afford. [BU
(D) 13-14]
A. its B. it’s C. it has D. it Ans:A
03. “Youth, I do adore thee.” What is the meaning of the word ‘thee’ in this line.
[COU (B) 05-06]
A. you B. them C. your D. yours Ans:A
04. My father never approved of ____ a foreigner. [mgvR‡mev Awdmvi (mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvjq)-10]
A. her to marry B. her marrying C. she marrying D. she not marry Ans:B

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05. We insist on ____ you must pay my money. [CU (E) 08-09]
A. you B. to you C. yours D. you’re Ans:D
06. When friends insist on ____ expensive gifts, it makes most people uncomfortable.
[CU (C) 02-03, (D) 12-13]
A. them to accept B. their acceptingC. they accepting D. they accept Ans:B
07. If you insist ____ you must pay my money. [COU (B) 07-08]
A. on my coming B. me to come C. on me to comeD. so that I come Ans:A
08. My dog is smarter than ____. [DU (C) 15-16]
A. their B. theirs C. your D. her Ans:B
09. Is that my key, or is it ____. [CU (D) 06-07, NU (weÁvb) 14-15]
A. the yours? B. they your’s? C. your? D. yours Ans:D
10. Our labratory is much more spacious than ____. [CU (A)09-10]
A. you B. him C. their D. hers Ans:D
11. You should not say nasty things about Jessica. She is a friend of ____. [CU (E) 02-03]
A. her B. you C. ours D. me Ans:C
Possessive Pronoun / Double Possessive
Possessive Pronoun / Double Possessive Gi e¨envi:
Possessive Adj. + Noun = Possessive Pronoun
My + Car = Mine
Your + Car = Yours
Noun Gi cybive„wË `~i Kivi Rb¨ Double possessive e‡m|
Don’t judge a book by its cover.
This watch is mine. (my watch)
His plan is better than my plan. or, His plan is better than mine.
Examples Our buildings are much more taller than their building. or,
Our buildings are much more taller than theirs.
Her eyes are finer than the eyes of Ayshawrya. or,
Her eyes are finer than Ayshawrya's
Note : e¨w³evPK Noun + of' Gici Double Possessive e‡m|
Number +Noun+of+ Poss. Pronoun
[A friend of mine (my friends)]
Example: A friend of mine is present here.
He is a friend of mine.
How is that brother of yours?
Previous Years’ Questions
01. A laptop of ____ has been lost. [MBSTU (B) 16-17]
A. my B. mine C. me D. I Ans: B
02. I'm going to a wedding on Saturday. —— is getting married.
A. A friend of me B. A friend of I
C. One my friend D. A friend of mine

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03. "Harry and I have a lot in common." "Yes, Your ideas, _______somewhat unusual to
A. like him, is B. like his, is C. like he, are D. like his, are
04. Her grandparents went there with two old friends of ––––––.
A. theirs B. themselves C. them D. they
05. The readers like better than mine.
A. him and her B. him and she C. his and hers D. him and she
06. "Do you know Kevin? He's a friend of ⎯⎯"
A. mine B. my C. myself D. I
07. "Is this Mim's computer?""No, -- is over there next to the window.
A. hers B. she's C. her D. she

Reflexive Pronoun
Self/Selves hy³ kã‡K Reflexive Pronoun e‡j| †hgb- himself, ourselves.
‡Kvb Subject Ges Object GKB e¨w³ n‡j Object wn‡m‡e Reflexive pronoun e‡m| Subject Ges Object
hLb GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq ZLb Reflexive pronoun-answer Ki‡Z nq|
Example: I am annoyed with myself.
Verb Gi Dci †Rvi /emphasis Ki‡Z - Control yourself , Sifat ! Everything is fine.
wb‡R wb‡R / wb‡RB †evSv‡Z- I myself can solve the puzzle.
KZK¸‡jv Verb reflexive pronoun mn e¨eüZ nq, †hgb : avail, enjoy, absent, present, pride BZ¨vw`|
He availed himeslf of the opportunity.
He killed himself.
Incorrect : Be careful or you will hurt to you.
Correct : Be careful or you will hurt yourself.
Incorrect : A child can usually feed self by the age of six months.
Correct : A child can usually feed himself by the age of six months.
Incorrect : I had teach me to swim.
Correct : I had to teach myself to swim.
Incorrect : Help you to whatever you like.
Correct : Help yourself to whatever you like.
Incorrect : An oven that cleans its is very handy.
Correct : An oven that cleans itself is very handy.
Previous Years’ Questions
01. †KvbwU reflexive pronoun? [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (wµ‡mbw_gvg)-12, Rywbqi cwimsL¨vb mnKvix-20]
A. Each B. Who C. Myself D. He Ans:C
02. Which one is a reflexive pronoun? [IU (G) 14-15, BRUR (F) 15-16, RU (E2) 17-18]
A. they B. himself C. who D. me Ans:B
03. Which one is a reflexive pronoun? [SUST (A)09-10]
A. yourself B. that C. you D. both Ans:A
04. ‘I cut myself.’ Here ‘myself’ is a/an- [kÖg cwi`߇ii cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v-09]
A. pronoun B. adjective
C. adverb D. reflexive pronoun Ans:D
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05. Do it yourself. What kind of pronoun ‘yourself’ is – [RU 08-09, 09-10]
A. demonstrative B. relative C. distributive D. reflexive Ans:D
06. ‘He looked at himself in the mirror.’ What kind of pronoun is ‘himself’ in this
sentence? [JnU 06-07]
A. Reflexive B. Emphatic C. Distributive D. Relative Ans:A
07. ‘He killed himself’ ____ Here ‘himself’ is ____ [IU 04-05, (G) 12-13]
A. Personal pronoun B. Relative pronoun
C. Reflexive pronoun D. An emphatic pronoun Ans:C
08. Pincchio is hungry and looks for an egg to cook ____ an omelet; but, to his surprise,
the omelet flies out of the window. [DU (B) 15-16]
A. his own self B. itself C. oneself D. himself Ans:D
09. Nobody likes her: she talks about ____ all the time. [JnU (B) 14-15]
A. her B. hers C. herself D. self Ans:C
10. Control ____, Sabah! Everything is fine, so don’t start crying. [DU (B) 14-15]
A. yourself B. you C. me D. herself Ans:A
11. Control ____ Farhana! Don’t get hysterical. [JnU (B) 09-10]
A. you B. oneself C. self D. yourself Ans:D
12. He wanted nobody ____ to know____ the treasure was hidden. [DU (B) 14-15]
A. except him, what B. but himself, where
C. else, which D. and him, when Ans:B
13. A snake can eat and digest animals much larger than ____.
[DU (B) 13-14, JKKNIU D 18-19]
A. it B. itself C. its D. it has Ans:B
14. I certainly esteem ____ as a steady, reasonable kind of person. [DU (A)08-09]
A. me B. mine c. my D. myself Ans:D
15. Complete the sentence: Masud introduced ____ to the other guests. [SUST (A)11-12]
A. his self B. him C. himself
D. itself E. yourself Ans:C
16. Choose the correct sentence. [BSMRUST (F)-12-13]
A. I shall avail this opportunity. B. I shall avail myself of this opportunity.
C. I will avail this opportunity. D. I would avail this opportunity. Ans:B
17. Choose the correct sentence.
A. He absented from the meeting
B. He absented himself from the meeting.
C. He was absented from the meeting.
D. He had absented from the meeting. Ans:B

10 | P a g e
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